Member Reviews

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

Emilia, Wren, and Aiden were inseparable as children, and knew the depth of their feelings for each other would know no bounds. But from very different social classes, they were doomed to be parted, especially when Emilia's father marries her off to an older Viscount for the title. She knew her marriage would not be a happy one, but she never expected it to be as dangerous as it's turning out to be. Believing her husband is plotting to kill her, Amelia finds a way to contact Aiden, and asks for his help in escaping. But then her vicious husband hires Wren, now a respected private investigator, to find her, and bring her home. Knowing he'd do anything to find her, but never to return her to her prison, he takes the job, and soon finds both Aiden and Emilia exactly where he thought he would. After years apart, how will they cope when their passionate and love comes back with a vengeance?

I've enjoyed all the books in this series, and actually thought it was finished when this book popped up on my NetGalley account. I definitely liked this one, and the fact that the throuple had a history, which made their romance this time around better, but I can't say I was blown away by the story. It definitely had fire, and drama, and spice, but the plot was a little too convenient in places to really enjoy. Maybe it was too short, and some more development could've helped to improve my reading experience? I don't know, but I still liked it, and I'll definitely read more of Jess' books when she releases them.

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Their Viscountess is a steamy, character-driven novella with more focus on sensuality than plot. The relationship between the three main characters is well-written, and you can feel the deep connection and love between them. However, I was hoping for more plot development, as the story feels more like an exploration of desire than a fully fleshed-out narrative. Despite that, it's an enjoyable read for those who appreciate a steamy, polyamorous historical romance with a happy, if somewhat unrealistic, ending.

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I had a really hard time reading this one. I couldn't get into it. I felt lost at times. I think I may be one of the few people who really struggled with it. I didn't connect with any of the characters. I feel like a lot of the back story had been missed.

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I enjoyed Emilia, Wren and Aiden's story. They were childhood friends that blossomed into much more. It was fun watching them get their HEA!

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Emilia was married off by her father to an abusive man and now seven years later she runs away with the help of Aiden. Her husband hires Wren to find them, which he does quickly, and together they protect Emilia as they were all in love together before her marriage.

Another steamy romance with mentions of characters from previous books, but the plot does not go beyond them hiding out. The ending is pretty anticlimactic, but the romance is good.

Thanks to the publisher for a review copy via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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"Their Viscountess" by Jess Michaels held a lot of promise with its captivating love, danger, and reunion premise. The idea of a rekindled love triangle after years apart was particularly intriguing. However, my initial excitement faded as I delved deeper into the story. The execution of this promising premise left much to be desired.

The characters, Emilia, Wren, and Aiden, felt one-dimensional and lacked the depth needed to invest in their journey truly. Emilia's challenging situation with her husband added suspense, but the plot's predictability was a letdown. Instead of being on the edge of my seat, I quickly anticipated the next twist.

Moreover, the romantic elements, which should have been the story's heart, felt forced and rushed. The chemistry between the characters was lacking, making their rekindled passions seem more obligatory than genuine. The emotional connection I longed for was absent, leaving the romance hollow.

On a more positive note, Michaels' writing style is smooth, and her descriptions are vivid. The setting and period details were well-crafted, transporting me to the era. However, these strengths couldn't compensate for my lack of engagement with the story and characters.

Ultimately, "Their Viscountess" didn't quite deliver the captivating and passionate tale I sought. While it might appeal to some fans of the genre, it ultimately fell flat for me.

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The polyamorous MMF historical, Their Viscountess by Jess Michaels is a sensual novella that explores what it means to claim happiness. Three childhood friends Emilia, Wren, and Aiden have loved each other for as long as they remember, but they know their future is grim. Their belief is confirmed when Emilia is married off to an old lord and the three are separated for years. That is until Emilia’s husband threatens her life, and she reaches out to Aiden to steal her away. Wren is hired by Emilia’s husband to bring her back. He doesn’t realize Wren is not Aiden’s adversary in love. Now the three will have to devise a plan as from a countryside cottage to claim the life they never thought they would have.
Although I haven’t read the other books in the series, this queer historical novella was a ball of fun. It is more character-driven than plot-driven, with the threatening situation mealy starting a proximity senecio. Nevertheless, if it sounds up your alley, I would recommend picking it up.

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An angsty why choose erotic historical romance novel. Loads of sex, running from and beating the bad guy, and an HEA in a progressive (fictional) island nation where they can live freely, happily, and safely. Not my fave of hers but still a good time.

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This series of novellas has been pretty hit or miss for me and this fifth installment wasn't amazing, but also was a fun read.

These are basically exactly as advertised. Why-choose-MMF-short stories that shortcut to "the good stuff" while a whisper of plot occurs in the background. This had potential for some fun plot featuring our heroine's escape from a terrible marriage, but that was brushed aside pretty quickly. The childhood connection did allow the characters to skip to the spice, though I feel like the sex scenes are somewhat repetitive from book to book. I didn't really feel the connection or chemistry that previous reads from Michaels have had, so it was hard to feel invested in this trio.

Overall though, if you want a fun, moderately spicy read for a quick escape to regency times- this is a perfect little pick-me-up. As a stand-alone it is a great romp assuming, just not as amazing a tale as readers may expect from Jess Michaels.

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3.5 stars. Another spicy menage in Jess Michaels's "Their" series. This one features three childhood friends who were separated by the forced marriage of one of them, and brought back together to save her. Plenty of steam. The plot wrapped up in the least plausible way possible, but I'm glad everyone got their HEA.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC to review. All opinions are my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this novella and this is my freely given opinion...

Next in the menage series by Jess Michaels, this one involves childhood friends from differing social strata, who developed a strong and abiding desire and love for each other, but before they could explore it further, were wrenched apart. Emilia was forced by her father to wed a Viscount, and Wren and Aiden took separate paths in life, because if they could not have all of each other, they chose to have none.

Years pass, and Wren, now a noted investigator, is called upon for his skills and his past with Emilia, by the Viscount to look for her, as she was apparently kidnapped by Aiden, presumed by the Viscount to be a former rival with Wren for his wife's affections.

Wren finds Aiden and Emilia and discovers that the Viscount is plotting to murder her, to open the way for a new bride who can give him the heirs she has not. Wren, Aiden, and Emilia renew their love and devotion to each other, and now act on their desires together, while plotting on how to help Emilia escape the Viscount.

This was a short, steamy MMF menage story, with some drama with the murder plot/domestic abuse scenario. I enjoyed the references to the Kingdom and characters of Athawick (from Jess Michael's Regency Royals series). But definitely the focus was on the MMF relationship and the resolution of the storyline with the murderous Viscount was given short shrift - I would have liked to have seen more justice on that end. But on saying that, this is not meant to be a long, in depth story.

3.25 stars out of 5

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A fun romp, but I wish there'd been a little more substance to their love story before it jumped into spicy scenes. I know we got it later, but if more of their backstory had been revealed in the beginning I would've felt for the characters more during the spice and I would've been more into it. There wasn't enough longing in the beginning for the tension in the spicy scenes to make enough sense for me.

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Their Viscountess brings a little of everything packed into a mere 123 pages. I find novella length stories difficult to connect with. It’s hard to create characters that have meaningful relationships without feeling like walking in the middle of a story. This finds the perfect medium of making you care about each character, believing their devotion, without finding the story lacking. Overall, I had a good time. It was surprisingly touching, my favorite of the series!

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Childhood friends who help each out out when in tough situations. The lives of Emilia, Wren and Aiden are broken for 8 years when Emilia is forced into a tough marriage. She escapes with the help of Wren. And rest is how the trio manage to escape the clutches of the vicious Viscount and forge a life together. A slightly different take on this short but enjoyable book. The story has the indelible Author’s stamp. She keeps it neatly wrapped up. Definitely worth the read.

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Spicy MMF second chance romance novella with three childhood friends reunited. Some storyline but mostly as a structure for the romance. Decent writing, as I found the characters worth cheering for and not flat stereotypes. Lots of emotions but mature communication ensured that things felt balanced. Few side characters beyond the villain (ex-husband) and another "family" from one of the prior books, and no petty internal miscommunications to get in the way of their escape and HEA. Can definitely be read as a standalone. VERY spicy and graphic.

I received an ARC from the author/publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own.

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Great addition to the series. There was a real connection between the characters and heartbreak then hope as they reunite years later. I love a second chance romance and this one was absolutely lovely. The ending was a bit quick and I was hoping for something else but it was nice to see characters from the other books.

I always look forward to Jess Michaels next book and I’m ready for the next one.

*Received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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Their Viscountess
I think this one is my favourite so far. The friendship the three of them share comes though in every interaction. A story about friendship that turns into love. Superb read.

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Their Viscountess by Jess Michaels
Theirs #5

Marriages were brokered and fathers, hopefully, chose well for their daughters…but sometimes it went very wrong and a bolt for freedom is the only option.

What I liked:
* The strong friendship that grew into love
* Emilia: daughter of a baron, best friends with Wren & Adrien and in love with them both, told to marry a viscount by her father, miserable-kept away from family and friends-and threatened by her husband, flees to stay safe
* Aiden: son of Emilia’s father’s man of affairs, intelligent, apprenticed to a solicitor, becomes a well-known solicitor, never stops loving Emilia & Wren, protective, kind, caring, genuinely nice person
* Wren: son of Emilia’s family butler, apprenticed to an investigator, is known for closing cases, seems a bit lonely, still loves Wren & Adrien
* That I could see Emilia, Wren, and Adrien in a loving relationship and was hoping they would manage to have their happily ever after
* Getting to see Fitzroy, Zara, and Hux from book three of the series
* The open mature dialogue between the three main characters
* The solution that was found and the Regency Royals Series and the fictitious country of Athawick played a part in their happily ever after
* That the evil viscount was dealt with in the end

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant to
* Having to say goodbye to the characters

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars

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4.5/5 rounded up to 5 stars. Their Viscountess is the fifth book in the Theirs series. This can be read as a standalone and was also a new to me author.

It’s an entertaining and well-written ménage erotic romance. I enjoyed this reconnecting story and their emotional reunion. A quick read that’s packed with spice and a HEA.

I’ll be adding this author to my shortlist for when I’m looking for a book with a lot of steam.

There were four encounters and each scene was MFM.

I received an advance ecopy from NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Their Viscountess by Jess Michaels

This is the fifth book in Theirs series. This is a MMF.
So I did some research, and apparently the positioning of the letters matters. And now you know. Male on male, male on woman, all three together, party time.

This is a story of surviving and coming out on the other side, pun intended. Classic story of the wife being "property". But a twist, she escapes from the awful husband and falls into her dream scenario back with the men she loves from her childhood. They were separated due to class, but now they can stand together and find the happiness denied to them.

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