Member Reviews

This solid historical novel describes life in England as well as on the front during World War I. Characters are well developed and there is some additional intrigue involving a corrupt businessman.

Apparently, this book is the third installment in a series. I have not read the preceding books, but was still able to enjoy this one. However, there were references to quite a bit of drama that occurred earlier which was my first clue there might be other books. I think I might have enjoyed this book a little bit more having read the other two, but it is not necessary to do so.

I enjoyed the descriptions of the art of stained glass and the quest of the main character’s brother to find proof of traitorous activities of his former boss.

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What a read! In keeping with the first two in the series, I could not put it down. I love how each chapter is dedicated to a character and how well it blends overall! If you're looking for a historical romance, read the series!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGallery for the advanced copy in return for an honest review.

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