Member Reviews

This has an interesting concept for a second chance romance trope, with how an encounter between the characters years back is said to have ended in a Gamergate-like situation for the female main character and how the couple kinda works at forgiveness through a shared space trope.
It's also the first romance story I've read that is situated fully during the initial stages of the pandemic, so that was interesting too.

However I just wasn't gripped by the plot or the characters. The two leads felt underdeveloped to me - and the writing sometimes jumps confusingly from first person perspective of one character to like omniscient thoughts of what the other is thinking, which I think doesn't help in that regard. The dialogue at several moments felt heavy handed or stilted, such as paragraph-long discussions about people not masking or essential workers needing more support written a bit like diatribes with the benefit of hindsight. Which will work for some readers, but just took me out of the story.

In the end I didn't finish, but I think this can deservedly appeal to other romance readers!

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Great book. Great plot. Realistic characters that resonated with me. I would read another book by this author.

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