Member Reviews


Another Masterpiece from CherAnn Wright!

The Truth is A Lie is yet another captivating novel by CherAnn Wright that had me hooked from the very first page. After her incredible debut, I was eager to dive into this second book, and it did not disappoint. Wright's writing continues to amaze me with its depth and intricacy.

The story of Abby, haunted by the memories of her sister's death and the dark family secrets that follow her, is both chilling and compelling. The concept of the "good" twin and "bad" twin born into each generation adds a unique twist to this psychological thriller, making it impossible to put down. The plot is layered with suspense, and just when you think you've figured it out, Wright throws in another twist that leaves you questioning everything.

CherAnn Wright is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors, and The Truth is A Lie only solidifies her place on my must-read list. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a well-crafted, mind-bending thriller!

Thank you NetGalley and CherAnn Wright for the ARC!
***All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone***

#TheTruthIsALie #CherAnnWright #BookReview #PsychologicalThriller #MustRead #TwistyThriller #BookLovers #SuspenseReads #ThrillerBooks #BookRecommendations

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So this is probably closer to a 3.5, but I just couldn't round it up to a 4. I loved the last 25% of the book! The pacing picked up, the twists and turns were everywhere, and it had good closure! It took me awhile to get invested though. While I enjoyed the entire book, it wasn't one that I was constantly trying to find time to read and finish. Overall, a solid read!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my thoughts!

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I read this 300+ page book within the span of the day. It was a very easy and addictive read.

For a novel with so many characters and povs, I was surprised at how well I was able to follow the plot— this was probably one of the most well-done ways it has been done in a book I’ve read.

There was suspense and drama, though it wasn’t super intense. Still done well enough that I kept reading even after bedtime.

I wanted to give this 3.5 because I didn’t feel super surprised with the twists and turns, and the ending was fine but didn’t really inspire any deep feelings. However, I gave it 4 instead of 3 stars because there were a couple unexpected twists, and I do like a pretty bow wrapping up the end of the story.

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Thank you NetGalley and Sleuthing Sloth Press for the copy of The Truth Is A Lie by CherAnn Wright. This started out great and I was enthralled by the story and I loved the interesting characters. The relationships between the characters were complex and got so convoluted I lost track of some of them. The story bogged down near the end, and I think it was too long and some of the complexity or the wrapup at the end could have been edited out. But, I really enjoyed most of the book and I look forward to reading more books by this author! 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sleuthing Sloth Press for the ARC

WOW. What was this book? A really interesting twist on the evil twin trope. It was a fascinating family oriented thriller that explored relationships and mysteries in a great way. Unique and powerful.

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This book was great. The characters were very likeable and thought provoking but what I liked the most about this story was the plot. Not only was it nothing like I could have ever imagined but it sunk it's claws into me quickly and I was desperate to figure out the end. The story will have any reader hooked however the flawless way that this author creates her world's and characters is what will have any reader coming back for more. This story is all about twin girls Ally and Abby. The girls come from a long line of twins each pair always a fair and a dark version of the other, but where things get different is the dark haired twin always kills the fair child, and Abby and Ally are no different. The only difference is Abby claimed that she didn't hurt Ally and that it was her friend Tina. Where the problem lies is that according to everything ne Tina is imaginary and she can't do any harm? But is this really the case? Years later when all of her memories come back Abby is determined to find out what really happened to her sister and to protect her family at any cost. And when her daughter is suddenly talking to her imaginary friend Ally, Abby starts to get worried. This book pulled me in very quickly however the time jumps and the multiple view points made it a little hard to get through at times. While this was very different and not as light a read as I was expecting originally, I was still very invested in the characters and I found myself digging for answers after every chapter. With so many secrets to discover I couldn't get enough but what was really great was even though there were so many other secrets they all came back to the original, what happens to Ally. The determination that Abby felt was so strong and I loved trying to figure out what was really going on with Ally along with our main character. Great read and I'm so glad I got to check it out. I loved the mystery behind this story and it was one that really grabbed you and left you haunted afterwords by the story but also the power behind the author's words. Great job I couldn't read this book fast enough. This is one book that all mystery fans should check out, and I can't wait to see it on shelves. The ending will leave you speechless but dying to talk about it at the same time.

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Thanks to Victory and NetGalley for the ARC. My first book by this author and I will read more. The writing was well done and although it took me a bit to get into the story line, I am glad I did. Recommend

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When Abby was seven years old, her imaginary friend killed her twin sister., Ally. It wasn't Abby, right?

Fast forward to the present. Abby starts thinking about her sister's death again when she hears her daughter talking to Ally. With the memories flooding back, Abby is determined to figure out the real killer, once at for all.

Loved this chilling and suspenseful read! This haunting story traces back through Abby and Ally's relatives. Loved all the creepy elements. I found the plot line unique and unpredictable. So many wild twists and turns, especially at the end! I read this book really quickly as I had to find out what was happening! This was my first read by CherAnn Wright, but definitely not my last!

Thank you Sleuthing Sloth Press and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars

This book was absolutely amazing! It felt like a thrilling rollercoaster ride filled with flashbacks, different points of view, and chilling moments. I was constantly on the edge of my seat, trying to piece together the complex and intriguing plot. The characters were so well-developed and their emotions felt incredibly real - from agony to jealousy to love.

One of my favorite aspects was Abby's bond with her daughter and sister. And Jared, he was definitely a standout character for me. I just wish there were more moments between Abby and Jared.

The setting of the plot was incredibly intriguing and left me with a lot to ponder about. While there were no dull moments, at times the multiple points of view felt a bit overwhelming, though they did add depth to the story.

The writing style was exceptional! This was my first time reading this author's work, but I'll definitely be diving into more of their books in the future.

I loved how the concept of the good twin versus bad twin played out throughout the story. The ending where Mia and Mason break the curse left me pondering whether it truly was the curse's fault or simply human nature at play.

The book captured feelings of jealousy so accurately - how we often perceive others as lucky when in reality things are quite different for them. This thriller hit all the right notes for me, although I did feel that some elements were not fully explained - such as what exactly the curse entailed or how Tina ended up with Ruby.

Overall, I would rate this book 3.5 stars and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a fast-paced thriller with plenty of twists and turns.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This review will be posted on Goodreads
Date - 16/07/2024

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I felt on edge the whole way through, what a different read. This book had me gripped right away and I couldn't put it down.

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What an amazing read! I picked up this book by chance, drawn in by the captivating cover and an intriguing storyline. I needed a thriller that could keep me glued to the pages during the early days of summer, and I certainly couldn’t have made a better choice.

The story is quite simple, involving a family with a long history of twin births in their family tree. However, in the time of this story, one of the two twin sisters in the protagonist family has killed the other. It’s a terrible secret kept by the mother and aunt of the young girl, though the “culprit” is supposedly an imaginary friend that the two sisters shared.

I love family secrets, stories with great mysteries woven into the narrative, and especially well-developed characters who could step off the pages and come to life in the real world. I loved everything about this book. From the protagonists to the secrets, to the author’s style that builds suspense and keeps the reader hooked, eager to find out what happens as their eyes scan the pages. The original plot also has significant importance, as you never get the feeling that you can predict the story’s outcome or that it’s heading towards a predictable or, worse, incomprehensible conclusion. Lastly, a special mention goes to the ending. The final parts of the story are a succession of twists that surprise and shock the reader, making me love the book even more.

At this point, I can only thank NetGalley for allowing me to read this novel, and even more, I can’t help but recommend it to anyone looking for a story so well written that it’s impossible to put down until the very end.
(A detailed review of this novel will be online on my blog and Instagram profile ( and @inabookhole) starting next week.)

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When her twin died, seven-year-old Abby claimed her friend—the one no one else could see—was responsible. Years later, haunting memories resurface. Suspecting that the real killer is still at large, Abby sets out to find the truth and protect her family from a looming threat.

This is a clever, multi-viewpoint domestic thriller. The pacing kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next. I really enjoyed this book!

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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This book was phenomenal! I read it in one sitting. That seems to be the trend with this author and myself. The first book I read was the same way! She is a fantastic storyteller and she has what it takes to grab you and keep your attention until the end! I will be following her and will read anything that she puts out! I will highly recommend her books!

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Oooohhhhhh what a read!!! Eerie, chilling, atmospheric and addictive. The style of writing was right up my street with chapters told from multiple pov giving us lots of different angles to the story. The perspectives of each of the main players really helps us feel engrossed in what is playing out in front of us as secrets are uncovered and past traumas are brought to execution.

In a nutshell twins Abby and Ally are born into a family from a long line of twin girls, one always dark haired and dark eyes, one blonde haired and blue eyes. One of the girls always claims to have “the gift” the ability to predict when something bad will happen, Only Abby killed her sister when she was 7 but the only people who know this are herself, her mum Rosemary and aunty Ruby. But Abby claims the real culprit was their imaginary friend Tina.

This is a haunting read, detailing back decades of the history of this tainted family, I loved it from beginning to end. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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