Member Reviews

Deep in drama and magic. Loved that it was a romance but had so many elements involved. The story was so good and unique compared to what I've read in the past. I'd totally read it again, it's that good!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Maria A. Eden for the opportunity to read this ARC.

The book blurb instantly drew me in and I enjoyed this quick journey with Cori. ❤️

This book gives witchy vibes, cozy fantasy vibes perfect for spooky season. It is a quick read that has fated mates and found family tropes. This is an urban fantasy mixed with astrology. I think fans of A discovery of Witches would love this book. Enjoyable for the fall season

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This book is a fantastical cozy story with witches.. A perfect autumn read.. the story flowed well and it was captivating and intriguing throughout..

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Such an intriguing and witchy story! I really loved how charming and cozy The Gray Prophecy was even with such high stakes, and I absolutely adored all of the characters.

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I really enjoyed this book & couldn't put it down! Fated lovers, modern day witches, found family, prophecies, MMC who smells like pine - lots of good elements!

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Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a cute, semi-cozy fantasy with some interesting ideas. I really liked the world of the different types of witches that the book established and the ending was exciting.

However I felt that a lot of the story was rushed and could have used some more space to fill out the world and the love story.

Overall a good book if you are looking for an easy witchy read.

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The Gray Prophecy is a witchy romance with a cozy feel, plenty of spice, and a pretty engaging mystery. This is just the book I needed right now. The characters are interesting, the dynamic between the main characters is believable, there's a pretty interesting magic system and good story.

I thoroughly enjoyed Eden's writing style. From page one I was locked in, cuddles up and ready to go. There was just the right balance of romance, spice, action, family, adventure, and the fantastic. I really enjoyed the book and will definitely seek out future books in the series.

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This was such a suspenseful book! Every time I thought I had it figured out it would slip into a plot twist. I love books that keep you guessing. If you love a witchy read, you won't be able to put this gem down.

Cori, formerly known as Cordelia, is a celestial witch. Her mother is a charms witch as well as her brother. Her father was a celestial witch as well as his mother. Her father passed when Cori was young so she didn't have a ton of guidance. The coven she belonged to was mostly charmed witches. Charmed witches rely on the coven and the other for their powers. Cori was naturally connected to the sun, moon, and stars as well as the spirit realm.

Cori had a Prophecy come to her that on a winter solstice eclipse, all dark magic and those who practiced would be banished of their magic. People did not want that to come true, so in order for her to remain alive and safe, she left home as a teen to Yale and was never able to return home to see her mother or brother.

After college Cori moves to Farley, Maine where she can keep her powers a secret. Something strange is in the air though because she can feel the magic of another witch. It's different though because this is a magic she is drawn to and feels in her soul. When she finds the source, Adrian, he life is forever changed. She has seen him in her dreams her whole life. She recognizes his eyes immediately. Adrian and his family are elemental witches, meaning they do not require to be part of a coven.

Adrian and Cori are immediately drawn to one another and it's becoming more and more challenging for her to keep her secret. She ends up confessing to Adrian and his family welcomes Cori with open arms. When she has no choice, she tells Adrian about her prophesy and her fight to keep it from happening. That's when things get really wild!

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3.5 stars rounded up!

This was a fun, small-town, paranormal witchy romance with prophecies and high stakes. I enjoyed Cori as a character and following her growth, and I'm a sucker for found family and quirky small-town secondary characters, both of which were well done in this story. I enjoyed Maria A. Eden's writing style as well. The things that didn't fully work for me were: 1) the plot twists were pretty predictable, which took a lot of steam out of the pacing of the story for me, and 2) while the romance was nice to read, I'm not a fan of insta-lust at all, and I feel that it always undermines the natural growth of a romance, which unfortunately was the case here as well. he insta-lust aspect of it Even so, this was a fun time!

Thank you to NetGalley, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, and Maria A. Eden for providing an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars rounded up!

This was another intriguing and witchy story that serves as an enjoyable transitional read between summer and autumn. The story centres around Cori, a Celestial witch who gave a dangerous prophecy when she was younger and is now on the run because of it.

Set in an endearing small town, this book blends everyday life with a captivating magical world, featuring a complex yet intriguing magic system that becomes clearer as the story progresses, drawing the reader further into its enchanting universe.

Although Cori and Adrian’s instant connection had its charm, the focus on physical attraction overshadowed the emotional growth I was hoping to see between them. Their high-stakes journey kept me interested, though some of the plot twists were a bit easy to foresee.

The side characters were a fun and lively addition, adding more depth to the story. The author did a good job in making them complement the main storyline, adding layers to the narrative without detracting from Cori and Adrian’s journey.

Overall, this was an enjoyable, light-hearted read. Its predictable plot twists were balanced by the charm of the setting and the likeability of the characters. This is the ideal book to pick up if you are in search for a summer to autumn romantasy book.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and the author for providing me with an eArc of this book in exchange for an honest review. <3

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I knew I was going to love this book right from the dedication. It's one of those little details that sets the tone, so definitely take a moment to appreciate it when you read!

Maybe it's just the small-town, coastal life that resonated with me, but this story found a way into my heart. So many fantasy novels throw you into complex magic systems that make your head spin, but The Gray Prophecy keeps it simple and natural. It makes magic and witches feel so real, I almost started questioning my own neighbor!

Cori, the main character, is easy to connect with. The looming prophecies she faces aren’t something you can just ignore, and the author does a fantastic job of keeping you on edge. I especially love how Cori’s past and childhood are revealed bit by bit, creating a slow burn that makes you want to learn more about her.

And then there’s Adrian. He's the perfect match for Cori, and getting to see things from his perspective always feels well-timed. Just when you're curious about what's going on in his head, the book shifts to his point of view in the most natural way.

The plot flows so effortlessly, and I found myself constantly highlighting vivid descriptions and clever lines. Oh, and the pop culture nods? Spot-on! Though, I have to say, being Team Dean is definitely a warning sign.

The themes are right up my alley too, especially how astrology is blended into the story—it’s there without feeling complicated or forced. And don’t even get me started on the found family element; it’s done so well. There’s a heartbreaking twist that hit me hard, but it was written with such care that you can’t help but feel deeply for Cori.

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The Gray Prophecy felt like a unique blend of a cozy fantasy with an urban fantasy with high stakes (interestingly, it gave me similar feelings to when I watched The Originals and parts of the Vampire Diaries). For those that love witches and romantasy but seek out the fantasy plot I think this a great, fast read. I really enjoyed the pace of the writing and how well developed the dialogue and side characters were as this is what kept me engaged throughout. I would not recommend this for someone who loves a super intricate romantic plot and a fantasy/world-building sub-plot. There are some plot lines, particularly with Enzo, that I would’ve loved to have read more of but as a standalone from Cordelia’s perspective this was a wonderful introduction to the world and story.

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What a great book!! I LOVED the main character and the story line! I literally could not put this book down!

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This book was an interesting take on witches. It did take me a bit longer to read as I’ve never read warm and cozy before but I did enjoy it. The storyline was the main drive through the book but sprinkled with romance and found family. I really loved the dynamic and banter between the MCs and the dual POV so you were constantly wondering what the MMC was thinking.

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Definitely pumpkin spice and sweaters vibe! I like the small town feeling. I usually read more romantasy than contemporary paranormal romance but this book did it well. The modern day things were there, cell phones, cars, laptops, but they didn’t take away from the witchy elements. This book has a cool mix of magic- celestial, elemental, charms, gray. Different witches perform different types of magic. Cori, the FMC, gets flashes of the past, present, and future which helps us understand her family’s history. I love that the MCs are late 20s/early 30s. Love getting that rep! Mild spice, but the right amount for this story. Also, interesting perspective on how modern day covens could be. I’ll be looking for the next book in this series!

Fav tropes:
Fated mates ❤️
Insta-lovey 🔥
Touch her and ☠️
Astrology ✨
Magic 🔮
Chosen One 📯
Prophecy 📜
Found family 💕
Witches 🧙‍♀️
Covens 🕯️
Sacrifice 🌕
Small town 🖼️
Seaside 🌊
Fall vibes 🍁

Fav quote:
“But you can’t run from the natural orbit of the Earth, or the convergence of the stars.”

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Cori is an extremely rare celestial witch who foretold a prophecy as a child that would have major impact on the magical world. It is believed that if you kill the witch who delivered the prophecy, the prophecy will not come to pass. This leads to Cori living a very alienated life of hiding while waiting for the day the prophecy spoke of.

With just over 100 days until the prophecy will come to pass, she arrives in a small coastal town tow work for a former college professor. While there, she meets Adrian and his family.

There is a lot of world building and information dump in part one of the book. This made it difficult to get into at first. Once you get to part two, there is more character development and relationship building.

Cori slowly learns that not everything she thought she knew about the prophecy and the world she lives in true.

Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

World building: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Character development: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Writing: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice: 🌶️🌶️

I received an ARC for free from NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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While there was a few plot points that could of been more deeply developed, I super enjoyed this book. It has tropes that I absolutely adore, witches, found family, small town, and they're done really well. The romance really added to the story instead of either taking over or not being very present at all, which I really appreciated. I'll be reading the next book for sure.

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I was immediately attracted by the STUNNING cover art and the genre! I love urban fantasy, and The Gray Prophecy tickled that particular fancy of mine!

I enjoyed reading about the differences in magic in different witches, the setting was quite cozy - give me the sea, give me elemental magic, and I'm happy :D I wasn't a huge fan of Cori at first - especially in the very beginning where we were made aware of her social awkwardness, but the conversations she was having were... normal and appropriate for the situation? - but I warmed up to her as the story went on.

I think I will have to read the book again, though, because I found the excessive use of participle clauses exhausting, I was so distracted by the repetitive sentence structure that I kept re-reading the same parts over and over just to focus on the plot.

Nevertheless, a very cozy magical read, and thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the eARC!

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My goodness, I couldn't put this book down. The world you're thrown into is just incredible. I love witchy books, especially those with a great love story. I also love the fated mates trope with dual perspectives. There is something about seeing both sides of the match makes my heart happy.

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The tension builds as past and present collide, with twists that make Cori question everything she thought she knew about her family and their role in her exile. Eden has a knack for creating suspense, keeping readers on edge as the Winter Solstice, and the prophecy’s fulfillment, draws near.

The novel's atmosphere is cozy yet charged with the undercurrent of danger, and fans of A Discovery of Witches and Spells for Forgetting will feel right at home in this mystical world. The themes of loyalty, betrayal, and self-discovery are woven seamlessly into the plot, adding emotional depth.

The Gray Prophecy is a beautifully written, enchanting tale that balances magic with personal stakes, leaving readers eagerly turning pages to see how Cori’s prophecy will unfold.

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