Member Reviews

Oh Maria you put a spell on me! The Gray Prophecy was absolutely captivating, I loved every single moment of it! From the moment Cori came to life on the pages I was enthralled in her story, I had to know exactly what the Prophecy was and how it came to be. I loved how detailed and well thought out the plot was and how it all entwined together. Cori and Adrian's whirl wind romance was beautiful - and the scene with that one written word - gave me absolute goosebumps all along my skin when he read it and his reaction. There were times I was scared to read what was next and times I was trying to figure out the next step aswell as times I was absolutely cheering for joy! This book was such a breath of fresh air and I enjoyed so many individual aspects of it. Maria really does a fantastic job of describing bits and pieces of the story in such a unique way, it was incredibly easy to fall inlove with her style of writing. The way she pieces together scenarios and describes the little details made this such a visual delight to read! It was so easy to fully immerse yourself in the world of The Gray Prophecy.

Definitely a story that will stick with me ♡ a story filled with love, found family, coming of age, betrayal, sacrifice and friendship. Thankyou so much Netgalley for allowing me to opportunity to read this Advanced Readers Copy and a special thankyou to Maria for blessing the world with this beautiful story ❤️

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I was drawn to this book because I like to read romantic fantasy mixed with a bit of mystery, and I definitely got what I was looking for!

What I liked about the book:
- FASCINATING MAGIC SYSTEM: The different sects of magic, their interpretations of the magic system and the abilities that came with each type of magic. I could sit and read a whole textbook about magical theories, spells, and magical objects from this world.
- THE MYSTERY: The plot twists were unexpected and emotionally meaningful. It kept me hanging onto the story and wanting to know how the prophecy would ultimately unfold. Every time I made a prediction it did not go how I thought it would.
- THE ROMANCE: The main couple had such strong chemistry and devotion to each other, and there were many swoon-worthy and cute moments between them. Some have become my favorite romance moments of all time.
- COMPELLING CHARACTERS: Cori is a well-written protagonist with a relatable struggle, and her growth from living in fear and isolation to who she becomes in the story is an inspiring and heartwarming transformation to read.
- THE LESSONS: I loved this book because it is a beautiful reminder that we are never truly alone, and that there is always someone who will help us. All of us have the power to choose who and what we are. You have more power than you realize, you are strong when you are yourself, and you are even stronger when you let people in and help you.

If you enjoy cozy, witchy, romantic, somewhat high-stakes fantasy with a dash of suspenseful mystery, this book is for you.

A special thank you to NetGalley, Victory Editing, and Maria A. Eden for the opportunity to read this story ahead of publication. Looking forward to Book Two in the Elemental Realms Series and seeing more of this universe!

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This was a fun, cozy, witchy read. A fair amount of spice but not an overwhelming amount. The romance felt a little forced, there was no build up and was missing some of the intensity of an instalove story. Overall I enjoyed the book and would definitely be interested to read further books in the series.

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing this ARC copy.

The premise of this cozy atmospheric read quickly drew me in with its promise of modern-day witches. I am most certainly a fan of magic systems and elemental powers, and having the main character read auras and receive visions was a refreshing experience. The writing is fast paced and engaging with plot twists up through the midway point. Despite the looming prophecy, the very thing that interested me in this novel to begin with, these high stakes never fully delivered on their promised impact. The ending felt bland; the dramatic build up falling flat.
While the cast of characters were all relatively engaging and enjoyable, the main character's weak personality began to drag down the experience over time. I am quite tired of the main character rejecting love trope. The fated lovers trope is equally exhausting.
The Gray Prophecy is a light and quick read perfect for those looking for a cozy fantasy. It does, however, leave much to be desired in terms of plot and characters.

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I’m going to have a hard time rating this one as I made an error with one of my first NetGalley selections and wasn’t sure how to return it unread. So I made do. I received an e-book selection of Maria Eden’s The Gray Prophecy, mistakenly thinking it was an audio version. Luckily, the NetGalley e-reader offers a “Read Aloud” option. Unluckily, it’s still a computer-generated reader with only a few different voice options, that doesn’t do a great job with pauses and transitions. So I won’t comment on the pace of the novel or the writing style as those were too hard to distinguish while listening, and will only focus on the storyline. Overall, I felt the premise was intriguing. I was initially drawn to the title by the comparisons to Spells for Forgetting, and especially to A Discovery of Witches. Both of those titles are right up my alley, and Eden’s plot and world-building fit right in line. I loved the inclusion of different types of witches, and the quick glances back into the characters’ pasts, but the depth of the characters was lacking here. I didn’t really get emotionally invested with any of them. The romance angle held a lot of potential, but it was hard to accept the immediate connection even if you slap a “fated” label on it. Steamy scenes weren’t as steamy as other authors, and they felt quickly tossed in as an aside - checking a box to put them on par with other books in this genre. If an author doesn’t feel committed to them, I’d much prefer they just left them out. I waffled between a 3 and a 4-star rating for this one. It was a pleasant read, but I’m not sure I’m bought in enough to keep reading if this becomes a series. And honestly, I’m getting tired of series and wish books could stand on their own. I am curious to follow along with this author, as I do see lots of potential.

This book was provided free of charge by NetGalley in exchange for my review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This book gripped me in the beginning, but I was struggling to stay as interested as the book continued. It follows the FMC Cori who has been in hiding for a decade. She told a prophecy that would potentially weaken all witches' magic, so there are some unsavory people coming after her.

The book starts 3 months until the prophecy will come to pass. She's starting a new job in a tiny town in Maine, just trying to lay low and get through it.

This book has:
- Fated love
- Found family
-Forced proximity
- Cool magic system

I did overall like the book, but I felt like certain plot points were rushed, whereas others took forever.

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An exciting and adventurous story about a young witch that gives forth a prophecy that could forever change the lives of all who use magic. In order to protect herself and her family, she leads a solitary life away from them and not having any contact that would give away their whereabouts. She ends up in a small Maine coastal town working with a former professor; about 100 days prior to the date of the coming prophecy. She has tried not to get close to people for fear of putting them in danger. All her carefully laid plans end up being petals on the wind the closer the time comes.
This is a beautifully written story with amazing characters.

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The Gray Prophecy was a delightful read!

The story follows Cori who gave a prophecy about the downfall of dark magic when she was a child. Since coming of age she has been in hiding from dark witches trying to kill her because it is told that if you kill a witch, her prophecy will never come to be.

There were so many things I liked about the book:
First and foremost, I thought that the story was really interesting and that the magic system was very well thought-through. I also loved the small-town-by-the-sea vibes that reminded me a lot of Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. It was really easy to visualize all the scenes.
Then, the characters: There are so many loveable characters from Cori herself to Prudence to Ariel. But none of them is one-dimensional. They all have their quirks.
I also really liked the pop culture references, especially the one to Gilmore Girls because the book gave me Stars Hollow x Vampire Diaries vibes. There are not vampires in The Gray Prophey but the pacing and the twists and turns really reminded me of Vampire Diaries.
A special shoutout goes to the shower scene. You'll know what I'm talking about when you read it.

I only have minor critique:
Sometimes, the scenes could have been a little longer. Now and then, a chapter would start and I wouldn't know where our characters where at that point. A few sentences about the scenery wouldn't have hurt. Also the spicy scenes where plentiful but short. If the author intended for them to only have quickies, then she did an amazing job. Otherwise, it would have been fine to just flesh out those scenes a little more. I also felt that something was missing from the scene where we get introduced to Fintan. But like I said, this is only minor critique.

I can recommend The Gray Prophecy to everyone who wants to read a cozy witchy book with high stakes and loveable characters. Especially if you were born in the 90s and grew up on TV shows like Charmed, Full House, Gilmore Girls and Vampire Diaries. The perfect time to read this book is in autumn!

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I am a sucker for a cozy witch story and this one delivers! All of the tropes - small town, insta-love, fated mates and spice!
The storytelling method was unique and pulls you in. Falling in love with characters a page at a time is my favorite...
Thank you Net Galley, Maria A Eden and Barnes and Noble for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for a review.

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Thank you, NetGalley for this ARC. I will definitely start out by saying this was one of my favorite reads so far of 2024. I absolutely love this book right from the beginning because of the quote.~ “ For all those who have felt alone and found a friend in magic” I love this quote so much because I can totally relate to it. As a young girl, I was obsessed with books and sometimes felt alone and books always was a constant friend of mine. This book had an amazing setting. It was in a lobster village in Maine, and I felt like I was thrown right into the book along with amazing characters that I could relate to. The cover of the book was fabulous, and I loved the magic system because it was easy to follow and understand. I really enjoyed the dual POV’s in this book the romance the ending, and I love the characters, Cori and Adrian. I would highly recommend this book to everyone who loves witchy/fall aesthetic vibes!!!

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This is a great book for those who like an urban fantasy romance that is well-rounded and set in a well-thought-out world. The characters are flawed in the way that all humans are, which makes them perfectly realistic. The main character is great, I fell in love with her straight away, and I found myself rooting for her the whole way through (which is rare for me.) This was simply a fab read and one that I would happily recommend.

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Finally a book about magic.. I loved this book Cori and Adrian, Cori and Enzo.. Fated love.. It was very good and very well written, without wanted to spoiler much, Cori is a witch with a magical power called Celestial which means she can use her inter eye to have visions and feel things, she's been running from her family since graduation because she received a prophecy and with that well the domino pieces start to fall.. After she's settle on a small town she gets closer to Adrian who is also a witch and belongs to a family of witches, also he's her soulmate and they are drown together

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This book was such a delight to read! Cori was such a likable main character, and Adrian is what dreams are made of! I loved how all the magical elements were introduced, and the world building was so well done. I was kept on my toes and felt like I NEEDED to keep reading throughout the book! This is such a great read, and it should definitely be added to your list for this fall!

Thank you to @netgalley for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review!

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*The Gray Prophecy* by Maria A. Eden is an enchanting and atmospheric tale that seamlessly blends the mystical with the everyday, creating a world where magic feels almost tangible. The novel follows Cori, a witch burdened with a prophecy that has haunted her since childhood. This prophecy, which predicts the downfall of witches practicing dark magic, has forced her into hiding and set her on a path filled with danger and uncertainty.

Eden’s writing is captivating, and she masterfully crafts a story that is both cozy and thrilling. The small town of Farley, Maine, where Cori seeks refuge, is depicted with such vivid detail that it becomes a character in its own right. The author’s ability to make magic feel like a natural part of this quaint town is a testament to her skill in world-building. As the story unfolds, the reader is drawn into the town's secrets and the lives of its residents, making it easy to get lost in the narrative.

Cori is a well-rounded and relatable protagonist, whose struggles with her past and her magic are portrayed with depth and sensitivity. Her interactions with Adrian Huxley, a Water Elemental witch, are a highlight of the book. Their relationship is both tender and complex, and the dual perspectives offered by the narrative allow readers to fully immerse themselves in their growing connection. Adrian’s presence in Cori’s life brings both comfort and complications, and their dynamic adds an emotional layer to the story that is both engaging and heartwarming.

The plot is well-paced, with the tension of the impending prophecy hanging over the story like a dark cloud. Eden excels at slowly unraveling Cori’s past, revealing just enough to keep readers intrigued while maintaining an air of mystery. The inclusion of astrology and the subtle nods to pop culture add a modern touch to the narrative, making it feel fresh and relevant.

One of the most poignant aspects of *The Gray Prophecy* is its exploration of found family. Cori’s journey is not just about confronting her past and the prophecy, but also about discovering where she truly belongs. The relationships she forms in Farley are beautifully written, and the emotional stakes are high as she navigates her loyalties and her fears.

Overall, *The Gray Prophecy* is a spellbinding read that will resonate with fans of witchy tales and magical realism. Maria A. Eden has crafted a story that is both haunting and heartwarming, with characters that linger in the mind long after the last page is turned. If you’re looking for a book that weaves together magic, mystery, and emotion, this one should definitely be on your list.
#NetGalley #TheGrayProphecy

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Maria Eden creates a warm and exciting magical world in this first installment of her Elemental Realm series, one in which I will happily be returning to. This novel was equal parts cozy, romantic, and nostalgic. Think: Practical Magic, Charmed, the CW when they actually had scripted shows. Sure, it didn’t blow my mind, nor did it shock me with intense plot twists, but that didn’t seem to be the intention. Instead, Eden developed interesting characters that were charming and kept the pacing consistent which ultimately resulted in a fun read!

Without giving spoilers, I will say that some of the motivation for the climax of this story was hard to follow. The logic wasn’t quite logicing. However, the love story held up well and just as I thought the book was going to nose-dive into clichéd miscommunication/secret keeping, Eden pulled up. I absolutely recommend The Gray Prophecy.

Favorite Characters: Pru & Seth – both characters ground the MCs so that things don’t get too cheesy or overly dramatic which I so very much appreciate.
Favorite Dynamic: Huxley Family – I’m a sucker for family banter.
Favorite Scene: The cabin on the cliff – just enough spice and romance to make it a little dreamy.

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This title, the first of a series had likeable characters and an interesting premise. Cori was a witch in hiding. After prophesying the end of power for witches on a certain date in the future, if she lives Cori has a target on her back. Because of this she has changed her name and moved away from everyone she knows and loves. Now the prophecy will be fulfilled in 100 days and she ends up in a town in Maine working with a friend and professor and an ecology project. Little did she realize she would find other witches in town and discover the man she is fated to love forever. As they work together to keep her safe they learn important facts about the community of witches throughout the world and the truths she never knew.

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4.25 stars

The Gray Prophecy has a really cool magic system!
It was a lot going on, but that kept things interesting and quick. This book has it all, witches, prophecies, magical realism, ghosts, astrology, fated mates, spice, and more! I loved this cozy feel but complicated story line. I’m excited for book 2!

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an advanced release copy in exchange for an honest review

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Thanks to NetGalley and Maria A. Eden for this arc! I really enjoyed it, and definitely recommend checking it out when it releases on 8/29.

3.5 stars (rounded up to 4!)
1.5 spice level (there is quite a bit of spice, but the scenes are not particularly long or graphic)
I would consider this a New Adult Romantasy. From my understanding this is the first book in a series of standalones, with the second book focusing on one of the side characters we meet in this book.
If you are a contemporary romance girlie looking to dip your toes into romantasy, I think this would be a great book for you!

Cori's life changed forever when she was just 12 years old. She foretold a prophecy declaring that any witch practicing and abusing dark magic would lose their powers forever on a future winter solstice. She quickly realizes how much danger she is in when she learns that it is believed if you kill a witch who has delivered a prophecy, then it won't come true. With a giant target on her back, Cori goes into hiding; counting down the days until the winter solstice passes, and she can return to her family. Everything is going to plan until she finds herself in the picturesque small town of Farley, Maine, and she meets Adrian Huxley - a water elemental witch who changes everything. All of a sudden she is having a hard time controlling her magic, and the more she gets to know him, the more she wants to open up. When Cori is visited by a spirit from the past, she begins to question why she was pressured to go into hiding in the first place. As she grapples with opening up to Adrian and his family which would risk putting them in danger, she realizes there is only one way to handle the situation she has found herself in: head on.

I thought this was such a cozy, enjoyable read! Cori is an excellent protagonist. We LOVE a woman in STEM, and her backstory is heart wrenching. I will say, I did struggle with her a little bit at the beginning (she had some ~not like other girls~ energy), but I really enjoyed her character development and seeing her come into her own. Adrian is a dreamboat. Golden retriever boy who is fiercely loyal and would do anything to protect his friends and family. I really thought they brought out the best in each other, and their romance was so sweet (and a little spicy (; ) and added a lot of depth to both the character development and the plot.

I thought the plot was really interesting! It was easy to stay engaged as the nature of the prophecy countdown kept things feeling high stakes. There were a bunch of twists along the way, but there was one big one about halfway through that really got me invested. I always love when we as readers get to discover things in time with the characters, it keeps me engaged and makes everything feel more suspenseful. The magic system was pretty cool, and the differences between the four different types of witches was a unique take.

I love a found family trope, and the side characters were wonderful. Each character had a fun and distinct personality, that all came together and complemented each other perfectly. I do wish we got to see a bit more of some of the side characters, but overall watching Cori become part of a family after being on her own for so long was so sweet. Also have your tissues ready for the epilogue. It destroyed me in the best way.

A couple things that kept this from being 4/5 stars for me:
-I wish there was more in depth discovery of the types of witches and magic system. Maybe this will happen as the books progress, but I wanted more world building.
-A couple things just felt a little too convenient. It's a short book, and I appreciate that the plot kept moving, but I wouldn't have minded a bit more conflict.
-I'm going to be 100% honest, there was a line at the beginning that was like "she was black coffee in a world of caramel macchiatos," and I almost stopped reading then and there lol. (I'm very glad I didn't stop, but that still irks me days later)
-I am definitely interested in reading the second book, but I probably wouldn't reread this one. I could absolutely see this being someone's comfort read, but just not mine.

Overall, I really enjoyed this and would recommend! It is a great cozy/easy read that is perfect for the fall. It has some Gilmore Girls vibes (small town, so much coffee), and was a beautiful testament to how much trusting others (and yourself) can really change your life.

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The Gray Prophecy was absolutely a five star read. It starts out as a cozy witch read that develops in to some high stakes events that keep you glued to the book.

I appreciate how the romance in the book didn’t take over the main female character, Cori’s, life. The romance was important to her but she was still independent and able to stand on her own. Too often a main female character is suddenly helpless and is totally reliant on her partner once she becomes romantically involved and this was thankfully not the case.

There was also excellent character development and world building in the book. The author did an excellent job explaining the rules of the magical world without being overbearing in detail. You were also truly invested in the characters at the end thanks to how the author wrote them. Even with the visions when we would travel back in time, everything was very clear and easy to follow. Honestly it was like I could almost hear Nonna’s voice!

I also have to say I appreciate the inclusion of LGBTQ+ characters in the book as well as representation of my community in literature truly does matter.

I want more in this series!

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3.5 Stars

This book had all the elements I typically love in a fantasy: found family, fated mates, rescues, magic, witches, and elemental powers. Cori's journey, alongside Adrian, a Water Elemental witch, unfolds in a way that explores these themes beautifully.

The connection between the FMC, Cori and Adrian (fated mates) was a highlight and added depth to the story. However, the explanations about the magic system felt a bit too complicated. While I'm usually game for suspending disbelief, I found myself nitpicking at minor details here and there, which disrupted the flow of the story for me.

Despite this, I was drawn to the found family that was built around Cori.
Overall, I think The Gray Prophecy would be a good read for those who enjoy a fantasy tale with magic, witches and a little adventure.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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