Member Reviews

I found The Gray Prophecy to be a charming and cozy read, perfect for fans of witchy romances. I really enjoyed the dual perspectives and the small-town vibe.
That said, I did have a few issues with the book. The pacing sometimes felt a bit rushed, and some plot points seemed to come out of nowhere, leaving me wanting more background and detail. While I liked the romance between Cori and Adrian, I felt it could have used a bit more depth(or 100 more pages) to make it truly memorable. Also, the modern-day references and pop culture nods occasionally pulled me out of the magical atmosphere, though they weren’t overwhelming.
I think it would have benefited from more world-building and character development. However it does get brownie points for being a quick read, If you’re looking for a fun, light-hearted read, The Gray Prophecy fits the bill. It’s perfect for a cozy afternoon with a cup of tea, especially if you enjoy a good witchy romance with a touch of prophecy.

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This was a quick but super enjoyable read. It's the perfect mix of fantasy and romance. I loved the characters and would definitely recommend this book to my friends! Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review!

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"We can choose to be illuminated by the light, or we can choose to be swallowed by the darkness."

Rating: 4.5/5

This book is about a young witch named Cori. As a child she proclaimed a prophecy that will change the world of magic as everyone knows it. Due to this prophecy, her life is now in danger because other witches want her dead. To protect herself and her family, she changes her identity and moves somewhere no one will know her. When she goes to a small port town in Maine, she meets Adrian, a local witch in the area. Adrian and his family are a known family in the town of Farley. She finds family in the most unexpected people, but fears that they are all now in danger. Will she be able to change the prophecy or will she die trying?

I recommend this book to anyone who loves a fun, witchy story. The author breaks down the different types of witches which include Celestial, Elemental, Charms, and Gray witches. There are also witches who use dark magic. The tropes are fated mates, found family, touch her and die, and witchy vibes. There are a few spicy scenes. They are not super graphic but still fun to read.
This book kept me on edge and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to be able to be an ARC reader.

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I feel like there is definitely an audience for this book, I just was not one of its members. This is a story about a witch harboring a dark and dangerous secret. It has fated mates, interesting magic systems, and a fair amount of lore to get into. It's a very fast read, id venture to say could be a one sit read it you have the time. The plot moves fairly quickly. I did enjoy the spirit element and the whole aura reading was fun. I enjoyed the Maine/coastal setting. I would recommend this book to someone who wants a very easy, cozy, fast romance book with a little bit of magic.

I wanted so badly to love this book. The premise was right up my alley. Something about this (several things) just didn't work well for me. The female main character, for starters, was painfully weak. I don't mean weak as in powers, I mean she had next to no personality whatsoever. She fidgets and shifts and is constantly thinking of running away from anyone who looks her direction. Her constant denying of help/love drove me up the wall. While I can understand (given her situation) by the end of the book I was so tired of this trope. I feel like Adrian's sister had more personality than any of the main characters combined. I feel like an anxious FMC CAN be done well (think Effie from Study in Drowning), she wasn't overly powerful or outgoing but she was still a great character. I had to keep reminding myself that Cori was supposed to be a PhD/scientist because she very much acted like a small child.

I think the author was going for a found family vibe, but it just doesn't connect. Prudence and Alfie appear out of nowhere and are generally accepted right away. And even then, Cori still doesn't come out of her shell (or attain any semblance of a personality). Even once the romance is in full swing, Cori remains the same as she did at the beginning of the book.

I never really felt like the stakes were very high, despite impending prophecy/the countdown. Everything came together almost too conveniently at the end, so the build up felt for nothing. It just kind of.....ended. I have no interest in following up with Enzo's story because I feel no connection to him or any other character in this book. I felt like Adrian was a decent character, until the instalove, where his entire personality became the very stereotypical protective male character. It felt very textbook.

The final gripe I have with this book and something that I think brought it down several stars for me was the modern setting. We are talking about witches, prophecies, covens and dark magic. the characters call their parents "mama" and "papa" which felt very dated. I would have enjoyed this a lot more if it had been more consistent. Every modern day reference majorly pulled me out of the story. For instance, Yoda, Elsa, modern day musicians, laptops - it all felt very random and out of place. I think if this had been not set in our world I would have felt a lot more immersed and would have enjoyed it quite a bit more. It just didn't work for me.

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This was a fun, cozy, witchy book, a perfect chill romantasy that I had a hard time putting down. I just needed a nice storm outside so I could curl up in a massive blanket. The characters are compelling and the magic is fun. The story is creative and interesting. It was a really nice end-of-summer beach read.

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Can you imagine having to go into hiding, and leave your family and all that you know, because as a child you predicted the demise of a group of people?

This was a cozy witchy read with plenty of action, witches, fated love, found family, and detailed world-building! I enjoyed this book... I don't want to give away the story..there is so much to say! This was well written, the storyline was well thought out, and the supporting characters did what needed to be done and assisted in carrying the plot.

Thank you NetGalley and Maria A.Eden!!

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Cori is a rare type of witch who sees visions, auras and spirits. As a child, she spoke a prophecy that foretold witches who practiced dark magic would lose their power on a specific winter solstice. This made her a target, and forced her into hiding. For most of her life she has been hiding the type of witch she is, and moved to the opposite side of the country as soon as she turned 18.

Now, Cori finds herself in a small lobster town in Maine. She runs into a family of elemental witches, and discovers a lot of the beliefs she learned growing up may not be true. As the solstice comes closer, more things come to light. People might now be who she thought they were. Even her prophecy might not be what she thought.

I adored the characters and the fierce protection Adrian felt for Cori from the start. The imagery was so vivid I actually felt like I was in the story with everyone. Cori had some really good character development. From a scared girl running from a prophecy, to confident she’s doing the right thing. The use of powers was creative and fun. I loooooved the found family trope. The banter between all of our side characters was chefs kiss. I’m really excited for the second book and I can’t wait to see where we are taken next!

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Who doesn’t love a witchy book full of magic and secrets? Also, the beloved PNR trope of fated mates. Whoo boy!

Cori has been in hiding for a decade due to a prophecy she made when she was twelve years old. Now, she’s just taken a research job in the middle-of-nowhere Maine when she immediately senses another witch, Adrian. She does her best to avoid him, but fated mates aren’t allowed to avoid. 😉 Adrian is from a family of elemental witches who, as you may have guessed, pull their powers from the elements.

There is a witchy mystery and some high stakes since people want to murder Cori, but there’s also cozy vibes and magical sex. Talk about steamy! You’ll get it when you read it.

All in all, good story. Love the characters and atmosphere. This world being built is intriguing. Excited to see what comes next for this @maria_a.eden_author!

Thanks to #netgalley and #victoryediting for the ARC. All thoughts are mine alone.

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Story had a great premise that intrigued me right away. I started reading, intending on a couple of chapters and found myself drawn in. I don't think I was familiar with the author before but I enjoyed the story.

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The Grey Prophecy is marketed as a romance and fantasy/sci-fi novel, but it reads more like a young adult fantasy—and even in that category, it feels underwhelming.

Character introductions were often confusing and lacked clarity. For instance, Adrian’s dad is introduced by his first name with little context, while Cori's dad's name is randomly mentioned much later, leaving the reader to piece together who they are. Even descriptions of characters were delayed—you might interact with a character several times before finally learning what they look like. Cori’s PhD felt like a random plot device, used solely to place her at the coast for the story. It didn’t seem to serve any real purpose in the narrative and was only briefly acknowledged.

The characters lack depth, making it difficult to connect with them. The dialogue felt unnatural, with pop culture references that seemed out of place and forced. The explicit scenes also felt jarring and disconnected from the rest of the story. After all the buildup for the solstice, the "twist" was disappointing and underwhelming.

On the positive side, the description of the town was vivid and immersive, making it easy to picture the setting. I also appreciated the idea of the different kinds of witches and how they each viewed magic differently—it was an intriguing concept. However, I wish there had been more detail and exploration into the magic itself. Overall, the book needs additional TLC to truly bring the story the author is trying to tell to life.

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This book was honestly a struggle to get through. It read more like a fanfiction or a YA wattpad story and less like the adult novel it was supposed to be, and it just wasn't for me. The only thing that is bumbing it up to two stars for me, is that the concept seemed pretty unique and I was very interested in it - it just unfortunately didn't seem to be written to it's potential.
The characters couldn't keep me engaged for more than two pages - the all felt very flat and lacked a lot of depth. And the relationships in this novel (especially the main one) were so forced and rushed. I understand that the main characters were "fated", but this was used as an excuse to throw the characters together after 1-2 meetings with very little effort. The dialogue also read very (again) flat - I felt they any emotions that were trying to be conveyed, didn't land at all.
I know there will be other books in this series, however, I unfortunately don't think I will be reading anyone them. And that shower scene? *cringe*

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“The Gray Prophecy” is a captivating witchy paranormal romance book by Maria A. Eden and the first in her The Elemental Realm series.

Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Plot: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Characters: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Suspense: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Romance/spice: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

What you’ll find in this book:
⭐️Paranormal Romance
⭐️Family bonds
⭐️Strong Female main character
⭐️Amazing scenery & world-building

My Review:
One of the best witchy books of this year! Couldn’t put it down! I loved the magic, the romance the bond between the main characters but also the family bonds and loyalty that unfolds with the story. Initially, it reminded me of “A Discovery of Witches” but it obviously goes down a different path. I recommend it to anyone who loves witches and romance.

As a child, Cori delivered a prophecy that foretold all witches practising dark magic would lose their power on a future winter solstice. When she spoke the words aloud, it put a target on her back—and tied her fate to a ticking clock.
After a decade of hiding and pushing away her magic, Cori moves to the idyllic town of Farley, Maine. She has one goal—keep her head down while counting down the days until the prophecy comes to pass. But the town—and the people that live there—are not what she expected.
When Cori meets Adrian Huxley, a local Water Elemental witch, her secret is no longer safe. The closer she gets to him, the harder it is to suppress her magic. When a visitor from the past makes her question the real reason she was sent into hiding—and the loyalty of the family she swore to protect—she realises her life is not the only one in danger.

Writing style:
To the point! So flawless! Very good scenery and world-building! Nicely divided chapters that won’t let you stop!

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for my early copy. All opinions are mine and sincere.

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I read this in one sitting, the book wasnt too fast but it just felt like it was 150 pages long the way I breezed through it.

I’ve fallen in love with the magic system and the unique differences in this community/world the author has built. Cori and Adrian were sweet to read about and I liked their family dynamics despite all the trouble family may have caused in this book.

I look forward to the next one following a new POV.

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Review of The Gray Prophecy by Maria A. Eden

The Gray Prophecy by Maria A. Eden is a captivating journey into a world where fate, magic, and destiny intertwine in the most unexpected ways. Eden’s storytelling shines with its innovation, offering readers a unique experience by weaving together glimpses of the past, present, and future through the eyes of Cori, the novel’s smart and determined main character. Cori’s special abilities create a narrative that is both puzzling and engaging, keeping you constantly on your toes as you piece together the bigger picture. Each revelation deepens the mystery, making the story all the more compelling.

If you enjoy stories that explore the intricate threads of fate, the allure of witches, and the irresistible pull of instant attraction, The Gray Prophecy is the perfect read. The novel doesn’t just stop at magical intrigue; it also delves deeply into themes of found family, loyalty, and the lengths one will go to protect those they love. Cori’s character shines brightly as a fiercely intelligent woman who embodies the strength and resilience that makes for a truly memorable heroine.

Maria A. Eden has crafted a tale that is not only thrilling and full of twists but also deeply emotional, with characters who resonate long after the story ends. The Gray Prophecy is a must-read for fans of fantasy, rich storytelling, and strong female leads who defy the odds to forge their own destiny.

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The Gray Prophecy is a fantasy book with witchcraft elements set in modern times. It follows the story of main lead Cordelia, a witch who's made a prophecy threatening to many of her fellow witches, rendering her an enemy to the magical realm, which consequently leads her to go into hiding and tethers her to a decade-long isolation. When she comes across a family of witches who open their household and their heart to her though, she is inclined to lean towards the warmth she had been yearning for. However, the more time she spends with them, the more complicated her life turns, as secrets from the past come across the surface and unfold dark truths and betrayals she could have never predicted.

The Gray Prophecy is a book I dearly enjoyed and very easily got into. The plot, novel as it is, is intriguing enough on its own, and the characters are mostly all very well developed and written. The author also did a good job portraying Cordelia's inner turmoil and her struggles with opening up to the new people in her life. I also enjoyed a lot reading about the relationships between the characters, not only the main couple, but the rest of the Huxley's family too. In addition to that, the witty comments and references to all-time-favourite modern shows and series made it even more fun and lightened the otherwise semi-dark plot. To conclude, it was a nice and easy read.

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I loved the small town, witchy and mysterious atmosphere. I liked the slow introduction to the magical elements of the series, it didn’t feel overly complex, and fit seamlessly into the story.

I immediately liked Cori, she had spent so much of her life isolated, so I enjoyed seeing as she became closer to those around her. I loved seeing her and Adrien as their romance builds, but I would have loved them to have more on page time to fall for each other. The steamy scenes were perfect, that that shower scene 💦🔥

The main characters and the side characters were all great, specially Adrian’s family. Cori finds friends and family and discovers all that she’s missed out on, I’m still low key mad at her mom for not prioritizing her more.

Read if you’re interested in:
- Cozy small town fantasy
- Supernatural / witchy themes
- Fated mates
- Found Family
- Elemental Magic
- Spice
- Dual POV

Overall, the book had a great combination of magical elements, steamy romance, cozy small town with fun characters, perfect for the fall season.
I honestly really want to see what comes next with Enzo’s book!

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This book is a perfect fit for someone who wants a nice, cozy, witchy read with high stakes and romance right away. I really enjoyed the dual POVs and the instant connection between the main characters. We have some spicy scenes present that really drove home the connection between the characters and how magic plays a part in both their lives.

As far as the main plot, there were some parts that I felt came out of nowhere and I found myself looking back for a little more information. I was able to figure some things out more towards the second half of the book where things really got to be more action based and I found myself not wanting to put the book down.

Overall I really enjoyed this book. I am looking forward to the next book in the series to see where the author takes the story!

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This was a good read. At first I was a little worried about the long countdown to the prophecy’s arrival, but the pacing of current, flashbacks, and skips was really well done.

The descriptions of different witches and their magics were interesting and plausible. No category of witches seemed too powerful or like they were superior. That was also balanced really well with the history and science presented.

I was glad to see actual character development from not only the protagonist, but all characters. Even the antagonist had progressed from the flashbacks presented, even though not all progress is for the better.

The connection between the two main characters was believable, however, it didn’t seem beyond normal romantic connections despite the added magical entanglement element. I didn’t feel like their connection was any deeper than the other characters except for the fact I was being told they were.

The spice on their intimacy is 3/5. There were realistic descriptions that furthered the plot without being earth-(or water-)shatteringly presented.

The story was an original, well-written, and planned out modern witchy tale and the chapters were short enough that even when the pacing lulled a bit, I found myself able to push through because I was like “what’s six more pages?” I really enjoyed the bonds that everyone created and the couple plot twists were worth the read.

I do look forward to continuing the story with the next book in the series.

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This book was a true pleasure to read, with a magic system and worldbuilding that were both meticulously crafted and utterly enchanting. The characters, too, were skillfully shaped, making them relatable and endearing, and I found myself genuinely invested in their journeys and outcomes. I was utterly spellbound by this paranormal romance, which seamlessly blended genres to create a truly unforgettable reading experience. The pacing was perfectly balanced, maintaining a suspenseful tension that kept me enthralled without ever feeling hurried. If you're a fan of the paranormal with a mix of romance, do yourself a favor and add this to your reading list. I promise you won't regret it! I'm already counting down the days until the next book.

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Title: The Gray Witch
Genre: paranormal romance
Author: Maria A Eden
This ebook is given by @netgalley

This one is a cozy paranormal romance story about Cordelia or best known as Cori. She is a witch who has been living her entire life in hiding because she delivered a dangerous prophecy when she was 6 years old that could change magic forever. The prophecy made her a target to almost all witches, causing her to hide her power and identity, even from her own family, for safety. That is, until she met Adrian Huxley after she moved to a small town called Farley. Enemies become allies, allies become enemies. Nothing is at it seems as she tried to uncover the riddles behind her own prophecy.

This book is very easy to read with short chapters and great pacing. Paranormal can often times feel a bit cringey as it uses real world setting, but it wasn't the case for this story. I loved how the author detailed on the witchy history and celestial elements, which made the story immersive. There are many characters in this story which are endearing and relatable. The story itself was told from two POVs: the FMC and the MMC, which showed the romantic dynamic and introduced the many characters seamlessly.

The worldbuilding and magic system were multilayered with complexities yet they weren't hard to follow.

What disappointed me was the abrupt ending. It felt like a deux ex machina where the FMC suddenly knew how to wield powerful magic and trampled the bad guys. It wasn't a bad ending, but had there been a build up to her power the ending conclusion would have been more touching.

This book is perfect if you're looking for a cozy witchy read with spice, riddles, and a dash of romance.

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