Member Reviews

This was so cute, so lovely, so adorable!
I’d say, this is perfect for middle-graders who love spooky ghost stories, cats, and books with awesome art!

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A scruffy, matted orange tabby named Whiskers holds a centuries-old secret. Whiskers descends from an ancient lineage of mythical felines known as Guardian Cats. They are sworn to protect humans from ghosts and evil spirits. When Catherine and Robert Thompson inherit a creaky old house from Robert's great-aunt, they know that the house needs to be renovated. They find out that it is a considered a haunted hou by he community. Timmy is a spirited boy but dreads going to a (new) school. He ends up becoming friends with Jasper, a thirteen year boy who is very popular. Timmy's dismay, his parents view the aging cat as unsuitable for their family. Timmy accidentally discovers the cat's real powers and stumbles upon chilling presences lurking in the old house. When Jasper has disappeared exploring the attic for ghosts. Timmyhe must enlist the help of Whiskers and face a dangerous journey, risking everything to save his friend.

The author’s paranormal elements give this tale an intriguing look at cats. The story shows the loyalty and true friendship and not judging someone by their appearance. I enjoyed the novel because it shows cats in a different light. I also like that the author encourages adopting senior cats. It’s a novel that is mysterious and adventurous.

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The Cat Who Chased Ghosts was a quick, short and suspenseful read.

The Thompsons have inherited an old and decaying house, and an equally old cat. When Timmy, the young Thompson kid, hears the rumors that his new house is haunted he decides to investigate.

Nic Minnella build up a spooky adventure with a good pace that hooked me up from the first to the last chapter.
I liked to see Timmy become more confident and daring throughout the story. I appreciated his loyalty to his new friends, and how he tries to not leave anyone behind.
I would have liked to see a little more on page growth of the characters and their relationships, but I'm looking forward to meet these characters again.

I recommend this novel to pre-teens or to the most courageous kids because ghosts could be scary.

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I just finished The Cat Who Chased Ghosts and found it interesting. The paranormal aspect of it is one I’ve not read before and liked it very much. The level of spookiness was just right, and I loved that it stayed away from horror. The only thing I did not care for was the swear word, even though it only occurred once. Outside of that, it is a nice read on a chilly, autumn night, especially close to Halloween.

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I love this story!
The history of Guardian Cats is reason enough to read this book. I still need to look up the story of Winstill Churchill and the ghost of Abe Lincoln.
I love the idea that "wherever there are demons, ghosts, and other presences in cahoots with the forces of darkness, a Guardian Cat will appear."

The rest is sheer fun. Timmy has to start a new school in a new town, in an old house said to be haunted, but his dad inherited it from his great-aunt.
If that wasn't enough to reel me in, the cat is.

The ancient furball appears to be a useless old lump on the sofa, and Timmy's parents plan to rehome the creature. "Everybody thinks we are useless, Whiskers," Timmy tells the old cat. "But they're wrong." He turns off the light. "In the corner, Whiskers' purring intensified."

I confess I have not made it to the end yet, having downloaded an ARC via NetGalley a short time ago, but I already know I love this, and if that should change, I will come back with a revision. For now I am on a mission to get my RAVE REVIEW out there before the archive date.

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This is a cute and fast paced read! I enjoyed the cat symbolism and inclusion of mythology throughout the book

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I received a complimentary copy of this book "The Cat Who Chased Ghosts" and all opinions expressed are my own. This was a quick read, geared towards middle school kids. I liked the background about the guardian cats. The story was fast paced and every though geared toward middle school kids I did like the adventure.

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In reading this book, I found it difficulty to gauge exactly who the audience is, since the book seems to be a bit frightening for younger readers. It's definitely more child-like than expected in a YA novel. The book starts out with a history of guardian cats that is interesting. The story itself is about a family that inherits a "haunted house" and their young son, Timmy, loses a friend to the spirit realm during a particularly violent haunting.

Timmy and his trusty guardian cat Whiskers must race to save his friend before he becomes a ghost himself.

The story was a quick read, although I can't say I found it in depth enough to be particularly gripping or to make me root for the characters. I think this either needed to be a short story or the plot needed to be flushed out with more background to make it really stand out.

Thanks to Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was okay, it was a cute read but not really for me. I liked the coziness of it though and the mythology and cat symbolism was a nice addition

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This is a fun read. Such a cute story. It is fast-paced. I can’t wait to see how the story progresses.

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This novel is a fast-paced, enjoyable read. It's packed with action, the writing style is nice and flowy which makes for a pleasant reading experience overall. The characters are interesting, and it'll be nice to see how they develop overtime in the upcoming installments. The author included many references to mythology and cat-related symbolism. It makes for a compelling tale, even though I didn't manage to find the "wow" factor. It's still a solid debut in the series, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's up next.

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