Member Reviews

The Invisible Dead is the fourth book featuring Dr. Jo McCready but is my first read from this author, this can definitely be read as a standalone with the author doing a great job of reintroducing the characters. I'll absolutely be reading more from this author.

I really enjoyed this book and loved the plot line, I always enjoy a police procedural and the unique spin of focusing on Forensic Psychologist Jo and with no 'official' murders made this even better. I instantly like the character of Jo, she was so real and relatable, passionate about her job but also has flaws like us all, the dynamic and interactions between the characters are great with the author developing them really well.

I loved the fast pace of this book and quickly found myself engrossed in the story, the twists & turns and dark themes made it a perfect thriller yet there was also a little banter & humour thrown in make it a real all rounder.

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I read The Invisible Dead not knowing it was the fourth book in the Jo McCready series. I thought The Invisible Dead read well as a standalone and there was no background knowledge from previous books I didn't know.

I enjoyed approaching a crime novel with a different point of view from a police officer, victim, or accused.

The police procedural elements felt accurate and proportionate.

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I did not realise that this was book 4 in a series, and I'm not sure it mattered. The characters were so well written and felt completely real. Having said that i am going to go back and read the previous 3.

This was a fast paced Crime/Thriller story which gripped me from the very beginning. Elle wasn't afraid to go against the rest of the police force and investigate the deaths as suspicious. I loved her and Jo together. Jo in particular is so brave, almost reckless at times.

I loved trying to solve the crimes alongside the characters in the book. I feel like I should have been a detective in another lifetime!

If you're a fan of fast paced Crime novels then this one is for you.

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The firstI have read by this author, which although it is number 4 in a series, is fine as a stand alone . The book is told from the point of view of Jo, a forensic psychologist which is an unusual but interesting angle on crime . It is set in West Yorkshire and begins as a girl is threatening to jump off a tall building.. Looking at her life, Jo discovers there are links to the underworld of weapon crimes and drugs, an ongoing theme throughout the book. Elle, the pathologist is convinced that a spate of recent deaths are not what they seem, accidental or death by misadventure. With the mounting bodycount of murders in the area, the police do not have time to investigate these closed cases, but Jo's ex (Callum) suggests that she can look further. She does this, putting both her own life and that of friends close to her in danger.
What a great read, twisty, interesting and believable. There are triggers for child abuse and drug problems . I liked the unusual take on the investigation and was suprised by the ending , I don't say that very often! I will definately look out for more from this author.
Thanks to Net Galley for the ARC

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‘The Invisible Dead’ is a cracking read that is packed full of realistic details, well-formed characters and there are enough twists and turns to make you dizzy! This is the fourth book in the Jo McCready series but is easily read as a standalone, I was new to this series and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I will be going back to pick up the previous books as I want to know more about her relationship with her ex etc.

When Jo’s close friend Elle, a local pathologist, mentions that she thinks there are some anomalies in a few of her cases, she asks Jo to take a look at them. Two are overdoses and the third is a case of auto-erotica. Jo soon realises that Elle is right and there is someone out there getting away with murder. But is it one person who is involved or are they looking for numerous murderers?

This was one well-researched piece of fiction and it comes as across as really authentic and realistic. It is a combination of a police procedural and a more psychological slant on the crimes. It proves to be a winning combination. This was devoured in a couple of sittings and towards the end, I just could not put it down. Jo is a well-balanced and developed character so is also battling personal problems with her ex and new boyfriend. Let’s just say I'm rooting for the ex!

The narrative does touch on some dark topics but does so with a great deal of empathy. Hidden away in the narrative are actually some good pointers if you ever find yourself in one of these situations. Remember it is never too late to ask for help.

Let me know if you pick this one up!

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Intriguing Instalment..
The fourth outing in this series of Yorkshire crime and an apparent series of accidents gives Forensic Psychologist, Dr Jo McCready more than a little cause for concern. Is there a link? With the bodycount rising, concern is at an all time high. Another well written and intriguing instalment to this intelligent series with a propulsive plot populated by a nicely crafted and credible cast of characters and an often dark narrative lifted by snippets of dry humour. A worthy addition to the series to date.

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Review for 'The Invisible Dead' by Lesley McEvoy.

An absolutely gripping, addictive and action packed crime thriller by the extremely talented Lesley McEvoy!! Where on Earth have you been all my life?!? I cannot believe this is the first book I have read by you, well it certainly wont be my last!! If you are ever looking for a fast paced crime thriller then Lesley is definitely the author for you!!! I absolutely LOVED the storyline!!! I found it to be extremely fast paced and I just could not put it down and ended up reading it in one sitting. I cannot remember the last time I flew through a book so quickly. Each and every time I went to put it down to do something my fingers were itching to pick it back up as I just HAD to know what happened next!! This may be the fourth book in the series but I had no problems reading it as a standalone. Any relationships, friendships and past cases mentioned are explained in just the right amount of detail so new readers of this gripping series understand what's happened previously but not too much that previous readers get bored by repetition. This is an absolutely unputdownable page turner and I cannot wait to read the previous and future books in what is promising to be an addictive series. I absolutely cannot wait to get stuck in to the previous three books in this epic series while waiting for the next book which is guaranteed to be a best seller even if it is just a quarter as fantastic as this book is!!! I genuinely have no idea when I was last as hooked and as invested in the characters as I was with this book. I must admit I didn't actually realise it was part of a series when I read it which just goes to show how well it works as a standalone but the whole time I was reading it I was devastated thinking that it was not a series so you can just imagine my delight when I realised it was!!! Lesley is an absolutely fantastic crime writer who knows exactly how to completely captivate her audience's attention from the very moment they read the first sentence throughout!! I absolutely LOVED the uniqueness of the storyline which after reading hundreds of crime book s is getting extremely difficult to come by but Lesley absolutely blows it out of the water with this one of a kind storyline!!! The storyline itself is ram packed with mystery, suspense, drama, secrets, crime, friendship, lies, romance, tension, humour, twists and everything you could want in an unputdownable psychological thriller! Claire includes sensitive topics in her storyline which includes mental health and abuse but does so in a sensitive manner whilst still highlighting the issues in an appropriate manner. This is something to take into consideration before reading this book as some of these themes may not be suitable or may upset some readers. Lesley weaves the storyline and chapters together perfectly to make a seamless, page turning and intriguing storyline that flows perfectly taking you on twists and turns throughout! I absolutely devoured this book in one sitting and was walking around with it glued to my hands. I attempted to lie to myself a couple of times and told myself one more chapter before I got in with some work but that was exactly what I was doing, lying to myself, as there was no way I could put it down so make sure you clear your schedules before reading a single word in this absolutely epic page turner!! Lesley's evocative writing skills ensures you are dragged deep into the storyline seeing everything that is happening and feeling the tension and suspense throughout. I had no idea who was behind what so yet another huge well done to Lesley as again it is getting harder and harder to shock me but you managed that hook, line and sinker too!!. I was on the edge of my seat and biting my nails wondering what was going to happen next. My heart was in my throat throughout reading this fast paced, gripping and gritty psychological thriller! If you want to know you'll have to grab yourself a copy!! You won't regret it!! I cannot wait to grab the first three books and get stuck in to the absolutely amazing 'Yorkshire Murders' series!!! This would make an absolutely epic TV series and that's just going by this one incredible book so that says a lot and I will definitely be first in line to watch it!!!

Clear your schedules before picking up this book as once it has you hooked there will be no getting away until you get to the very last word!

The characters all come to life with Lesley's fantastic evocative and emotive writing skills and absolutely epic character development. They are well rounded, complex, realistic and strong making them all the more believable. I absolutely LOVED Forensic Psychologist Dr Jo McCready Forensic and Pathologist Elle Richardson who are such likeable, larger than life and strong women!!! I love seeing strong female protagonists in books, especially being female myself, and these two women are definitely on my favourite list immediately. Dr Jo is our main protagonist but Elle also plays a large part of the book and they both worked perfectly together as a team and as individuals!! I really cannot wait to meet them both again and again in the previous books. However, being a MASSIVE animal lover I have to say that my FAVOURITE character just HAD to be Jo's boxer dog Harvey who doesn't just share the same name as my friends dog but is an absolutely huge, unforgettable and funny character in this brilliant book. Harvey works perfectly into the storyline and helps to lighten the book up on several occasions during the dark moments. I run my own little rescue called Golden Oldies Cat rescue And Hospice (you can find me on social media) so love seeing animals in books and although Harvey is a dog I absolutely adored him!! Lesley did an absolutely fantastic job bringing them to life ensuring the reader goes through everything with each of the characters while feeling you are standing close enough to touch them. They each had their own unique personalities and I was intrigued by their interactions and developing friendships/relationships. I don't want to say too much and risk giving anything away but Lesley really does do an absolutely brilliant job of making the reader feel and see everything they are feeling and seeing, especially our main protagonist Jo. I was completely invested in Jo as well as several of the other main characters and just had to know what was going to happen! Lesley really has done an absolutely amazing job constructing an addictive and explosive crime thriller with varied characters that you just won't be able to put down!!

Congratulations Lesley on an absolutely fantastic and gripping read!!! This is exactly why I would like to welcome you to my favourite author club!! Here's to many more successes 🥂!!!

Clear your schedules before picking this up as you will not be able to put it down!!!

Overall an absolutely page turning, addictive, action packed, unique and gripping must read that will keep you addicted from the very start to the fantastic ending!!!

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Who doesn't love a good " Is there a serial killer on the loose?" Thriller! This is Book 4 in the Dr Jo McCready Mystery series, you can absolutely read this as a standalone like I have, but this was such a great read that I will be adding the others from this series to my TBR to read as soon as I can!

What I loved about this was that it was face paced, a storyline that kept me wanting to read more. I did find that because I hadn't read the others in this series, it took me a little bit to get into it. However, this did not take away from the fact of how good it was.

I enjoyed the detail throughout this of the procedures, the investigation, even the dialect between the characters and even the character development throughout is a testament to the research and the time that Leslie McEvoy has spent writing this series.

There were twists and turns that keep you on your toes, and although from reading a lot of thrillers I did guess who the bad guy was, it was a gripping and thrilling read where I wanted to know what was happening next

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What an absolutely on the edge of your seat ride. It took me a little while to get into it but once I had I couldn’t put it down.
The forensic pathologist, Elle thinks she’s seen some patterns in some of the recent deaths but she calls on the advice of Jo, a forensic psychologist to see if she can analyse the behaviours and personality to see if Elle is right. This course of events takes a dark turn and Jo is embroiled in a mystery that she just has to solve.
I thought the characters were really good and I really liked Jo. I found the behavioural narrative really interesting and thought it was a different angle on the deaths.

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A great read.

Having read the first three books in this series, (Book one the Murder Mile is one of my favourite books of all time)So I was delighted to see the fourth was due, and especially so to be allowed an ARC.

Although this is the fourth novel around the main characters it can be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend reading the first three as quickly as you can as they are a great read.

The narrative is offset with humorous elements such as the description of Harvey the Boxer Dog ( I love Harvey) sulking

The characters are continuing to develop nicely and the romance element developing nicely

I can't wait for book 5 in the lives of these characters.

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When a friend and forensic pathologist confides in Jo that she has concerns over autopsy results that have been accidents and suicides, Jo offers to help investigate these mysterious ‘invisible dead’ cases. Jo uses her proven techniques, and pulls on her resources, to discover the connections between the cases to uncover the truth.

I was excited to read this having recently read ‘The Murder Mile’. ‘The Invisible Dead’ did not disappoint. I find Lesley McEvoy’s writing and the structure of the book really easy to get into. I like the combination of the analytical and gruesome nature of the story mixed with the more wholesome element of Jo’s personal relationships. I would definitely recommend for those after a dark, analytical page-turner.

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For a small town Fordley is having a high proportion of "accidental deaths". But the local pathologist sees a pattern in the random deaths and flags the anomalies to her friend and Forensic Psychologist, Jo. Jo already has a bit of a reputation for getting herself involved in murder investigations so she decides to give the data a look over.

Jo realises that Elle may be right, there are some major red flags over the psychology of these suspicious deaths and as delves into the individual cases, a common factor appears to link them all!

I loved meeting Jo, she is such a deliciously complicated character. She has flaws, blind spots and biases just like everyone else. Her relationship with Cal was over before it began really and now Ed wants to move them on to the next stage and she finds herself distancing herself. I really did want to give her a hug at times.

She is quite a good judge of character overall and I loved the scenes in the police station incident room. I actually work with the same kind of team in another area and the banter, dark humour, casual threats of bodily harm are all so true to life! Whilst of course there are some artistic twists on the investigation, most of the techniques and procedures are ones that I'm very familiar with.

There were plenty of twists and turns and my very cynical brain did make a jump to the right "baddie", I didn't quite get the motivation right.

I really enjoyed meeting Jo and the crew and I'm going to go find the previous books in this series and add them to the TBR!

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Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for a review.

I loved this book, couldn't put it down and when I had to all I could think about was picking it back up again.

This appears to be book 4 in a series, but can easily be read as a standalone. I'm going now to check out the other books in the series!

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Set in the West Yorkshire town of Fordley (a mixture of Bradford and Keighley??), this is about a forensic pathologist who is looking for a serial killer.

This is a really good read with twists until the end 👏

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An excellent read.

I've read the first three books in this series and was delighted to see the fourth was due for release soon. I was then even more delighted to be able to review in advance - thank you to all concerned.

The synopsis is readily available so I've not included one in this review.

Firstly, although this is the fourth novel centered around the main characters it can be read as a standalone. I often get into a series by accidentally reading a midway novel then going back to start the series from the beginning. That said I'd reccomend reading the first three as quickly as you can as they are a great read.

The tension is offset with humorous elements, the description of Harvey the Boxer Dog ( I love Harvey) sulking to the degree he refused a treat on having his walk cut short will make dog owners everywhere roll their eyes knowingly.

The characters continue to develop and it is interesting to see this happen within their relationships and how a part of all of us tends to remain hidden.

Often around the fourth or fifth novel for me is the time I realise that they are such I will continue to look forward to the next release, or that I can take or leave them.

I'm already impatient for the next chapter in the lives of these characters.

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People die from accidents every day. But pathologist Elle Richardson thinks some are murders clevery dressed up as accidents. The trouble is, she has no substantial proof.

She enlists the help of her friend, psychologist Jo McCready. Normally working in tandem with the police, this time there are no official resources to help her.

Jo needs to find the connection between these deaths before anyone else dies


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This is the first book I’ve read by this author and it won’t be the last. This was a clever books that had you looking at the smallest details trying to work out what’s happening and who did it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and ‎Zaffre for my copy of The Invisible Dead by Lesley McEvoy.

Profiler, Forensic Psychologist Doctor Jo McCready works with the police in Fordley a small town in West Yorkshire.
Her friend and Forensic pathologist Elle Richardson tells her she thinks something is seriously wrong in the town.
People are dying of accidents and suicides but are they? Could there be a murderer going undetected.
This is a great premise for a book and the story line doesn't disappoint,
Trying to find a link is like looking for a needle in a haystack but Jo doesn't give up.
This is the first book I have read by this author but it won't be the last.
Very clever story that kept me engaged throughout.

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