Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for the ebook in exchange for an honest review.

This book surprised me! Strong start, then it dwindled a bit. But then things took a turn I didnt expect. The pace was really good and it was a romance book that wasnt too cheesy. It was something different, with the aspect of hospitality weaved into it. It was original and I enjoyed the story as well as all the side characters.

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The premise is good but it's not a book for me, I don't know if I really liked the protagonist, Beatrice, and her relationship with Jock. Even though I liked him individually, I couldn't root for them to be together.

However, the beginning of the book is very good and in general it was very fast paced so it’s worth reading.

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For Beatrice, working at one of London’s boutique hotels is a dream come true. She doesn’t need a social life. She just needs an ordered diary, crisply folded sheets and happy guests. But Beatrice’s routine comes to an abrupt halt when her hotel is raided by the police. Suddenly she finds herself released on bail, and trapped in London, with only the hotel chef Jock for company.

The flow of this book is so different to what I would have expected and I am here for it. This book delivered on all fronts. It is a funny rom com with the ending we always want. There is so much going on, but not too much that it gets confusing.

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing this eARC of "Too Busy for Love".
Oh, this book was fun to read. I really loved the chemistry of the two main characters. And I loved the cameos and the link to the previous stories. But in my opinion, the ending felt a bit too rushed. But overall still an amazing read.

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The book was really interesting and fun to start with the whole arrest was quite a shock but done well, the week Jock and Beatrice spend together under house arrest was quite fun but afterwards so many things were added into the mix which didn't really work for me personally. I do love that Beatrice get her wish to run the hotel and the 'Love Island' part was quite fun as well but the whole thing with the celebrity chef wasn't for me, especially because Beatrice did not put up more of a fight, we all know she's capable of it so it just didn't feel right. I did absolutely love her interactions with Reginald.
Overall this was an okay read, a good quick read for the beach or by the pool.

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This was a jam packed book filled with lots of drama and excitement. With nods to Love Island and at times, the Hotel Inspector, it was relatable and enjoyable.

Phoebe, the main character was super likeable and it was great to follow her on her adventures.

I did feel that at times, the book could have been condensed a little but was still a feel good read, perfect for summer.

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I want to thank NetGalley and Boldwood Books for letting me read this ARC.

I have a lot of thoughts about this one. The beginning was perfect. So cute. The forced proximity was giving. The banter was serving. I couldn't wait for more. And then the trial ended, and they went their separate ways, and we didn't really see Jock at all for most of the book. I honestly think this book is being marketed wrong. It's not really a romance novel, in my opinion. It's more of a women's fiction that has some romance in it.

I also had a hard time keeping up with the storyline. We were jumping all over the place to different things, and it made it hard to follow along with the events. One minute, we're on house arrest, and then we're on a daring show, and then we're opening a hotel. I couldn't keep up.

Overall, not my favorite book. There were several parts that were hilarious, but I just couldn't keep up with everything that was going on.

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Title: Too Busy for Love
Author: Phoebe MacLeod

Talk about too busy, this book was packed with stuff happening.

Beatrice works as a hotel manager at the Hotel DuFour, which she finds out on her birthday, is low key being run as a brothel. The police put her and the cook, Jock, essentially on hotel arrest as they conduct their investigation, leading to some budding forced-proximity feelings. But after they're cleared from any wrongdoing, they have to go their own ways. Will they find their way back together?

This would have been an amazing book even if it had finished there. But that was just the first segment. Then there's a reality tv show, car damages, social media scandal, a rundown construction site, big dreams, lots of wine. I was probably at the edge of my seat the whole time wondering where the heck this author was taking me next--in a good way. Really enjoyed this book, would highly recommend!

Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A fun and entertaining read with a great set-up to start it all off. The main protagonists fall for each other easily but the obstacles are driven by their respective work choices. The jump in settings, whilst believable, make the narrative a bit disjointed. After a few hurdles, a satisfactory ending for the couple is achieved.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

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This is a fun book, Beatrice, the manager and Jock the chef, work together in a hotel, but all is not what it seems, and they get arrested. They are bailed and have to stay in the empty hotel together, and get to know each other better, and share their dreams for the future.
They go their separate ways, and we find out what happens to Beatrice, who has exciting jobs and ideas, and meets some interesting and influential people. She still misses Jock but isn't sure about his feelings for her, and is torn between following her career and her heart. Beatrice is a lovely character, sensible, kind, hard-working and thoughtful. I particularly liked her friendship with Reginald.
A good beach read.

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This book starts off with a bang - the FMC Beatrice finds herself in jail as an accomplice for her boss running a secret brothel, and ends up on a kind of house arrest with a curfew while it is investigated further. Of course, this curfew is shared with the chef Jock 😏 but what happens when they get back to their “normal” lives?

This was a cute read (not spicy, only fade-to-black). However the romance is split in the middle with other plots and side characters, including a reality TV show, and I missed Jock during that time. Beatrice was a little bit frustrating at times and I didn’t really understand why she did some things later in the book. Some of the characters were also a bit shallow and their entire personalities were based around their jobs, which felt a bit one dimensional, but it might just be that I didn’t really vibe with the writing style.

Thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for this eARC.

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I love a good Rom com and this one was no different! I zoomed through this book as it was the perfect comfort read.

I am only giving it 4 stars as I thought the plot could have been shortened down as it felt like there was too many plot arcs but apart from that I would recommend.

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This book is perfect for a quick escape and an easy read. Nothing triggering, nothing dramatic or life altering just a nice little rom com about a girl trying to find romance and herself set in the world of hotels and a little in the world of reality tv. The author tries to mix in a few too many stories and ideas and unfortunately the love interest is lost for most of the second half of the book but ultimately it’s a breezy little romp that can be read by a body of water and enjoyed. Thank you for the early access.

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ARC Book Review: *Too Busy for Love* by Phoebe MacLeod

Rating: 5/5🌟

Phoebe MacLeod's *Too Busy for Love* is a delightful and laugh-out-loud romantic comedy that effortlessly combines humor, heart, and a touch of chaos. Fans of Sophie Ranald and Sophie Kinsella will find themselves thoroughly entertained by this charming story.

Beatrice is a meticulous and dedicated employee at one of London’s boutique hotels. Her life is perfectly organized, from her crisply folded sheets to her meticulously ordered diary. However, her orderly world is turned upside down when the hotel is unexpectedly raided by the police, and she finds herself released on bail with the hotel chef, Jock, as her only companion.

MacLeod’s portrayal of Beatrice is both endearing and relatable. Watching her transition from a tightly-wound workaholic to someone who embraces the unpredictable joys of life is a joy. Her interactions with Jock are filled with wit and warmth, and their chemistry is undeniable. Jock's easygoing nature and zest for life are the perfect counterbalance to Beatrice's structured existence, making their dynamic both entertaining and heartwarming.

The backdrop of London adds an extra layer of charm to the story. As Beatrice and Jock explore the city together, their adventures are both hilarious and heartwarming. MacLeod captures the essence of London beautifully, making the city feel like a character in its own right. The various escapades they embark upon are filled with humor and provide the perfect setting for Beatrice's transformation.

The narrative takes readers on a rollercoaster of emotions, with moments of laugh-out-loud hilarity interspersed with touching and poignant scenes. MacLeod's writing is sharp and engaging, keeping readers hooked from start to finish. The dialogue is snappy and realistic, adding to the overall charm of the story.

One of the strengths of *Too Busy for Love* is its exploration of the theme of finding balance in life. Beatrice’s journey towards realizing that there’s more to life than work and routine is both inspiring and relatable. The book underscores the importance of letting go, taking risks, and being open to new experiences—especially when it comes to love.

The resolution of the story is satisfying and leaves readers with a warm and fuzzy feeling. Beatrice's growth as a character is evident, and her decision to embrace love and spontaneity feels well-earned and authentic. The ending is both heartwarming and hopeful, wrapping up the story beautifully.

Overall, *Too Busy for Love* is a fantastic read that will leave you smiling long after you’ve turned the last page. Phoebe MacLeod has crafted a delightful romantic comedy that is perfect for anyone looking for a fun, feel-good read. Highly recommended for fans of rom-coms and anyone who believes that life is best enjoyed with a little bit of chaos and a lot of love.

#TooBusyforLove #PhoebeMacLeod #NetGalley #BookReview #RomanticComedy #MustRead

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Totally fun and charming. I've yet to read a book by Phoebe I didn't love. She has a real gift for lighthearted, uplifting rom-coms.

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This is a fun, entertaining read. The main characters are interesting, relatable, complex, intriguing, entertaining, and wounded. I enjoyed being along for the ride of Beatrice’s journey for both love and career success. I enjoyed Beatrice and Jock’s exchanges and time together on page and wanted more of it. The secondary characters – especially Flo and Reginald – added to the fabric of the story and my enjoyment. The story is easy to read and get into.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Beatrice works at a boutique hotel in London and she loves it. Until the hotel is raided by the police and she’s arrested. At first, she assumes it’s all a mistake but during the interrogation you understand that the hotel indeed functioned as a brothel. She and hotel chef Jock are both released on bail, and together they decide to make the best of the situation and go sightseeing in London to distract themselves from the possible threat of getting send to prison. But luckily they are released without charge, and they part ways. Jock is off to Scotland Beatrice tries to get her life, and her career, back on track. For a big party of the book Jock is out of the picture and the focus is on Beatrice and a few secondary characters. But will Jock find his way back in her life, or is he too busy for love?
It was a bit strange to have such a big pay off the book solely about Beatrice and not Beatrice and Jock as a couple; I kept waiting for him to reappear. But the focus is shifted to Abbey and James, who have been too busy for love themselves before appearing on the reality tv show with the same name. Beatrice lands a job on that show and it’s through Abbey that Beatrice sees an opportunity to pursue her dream, career-wise. The question again is: Is she too busy for love?
The flow of the book was a bit different than I expected but in the end it works out well. You just need a bit of patience for it all to come together. But it is all wrapped up in a satisfying way. I liked Abbey and James, and I enjoyed that the author didn’t gloss over the business plans (read the book to know what I mean). Overall a nice read!
Thank you Netgalley and Boldwood books Publishing for providing an advanced copy of this book. I voluntarily read and reviewed it; all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Perfect beach read! A cute and heartfelt book about bouncing back, chasing your dreams, and following your heart. I really enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading more from this author. Thank you for the ARC.

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My god, the way this started was insane. It follows Beatrice, a career focused woman who has the rugged pulled out from under her when police storm her workplace for being a brothel. Cue her being interrogated and having to be put under house arrest with the chef she has barely spoken to, and then having to find a new job. I had forgotten that this wasn't set in the US so it being set in London was a very funny surprise.

It’s more of a 2.5 star read than a 2 star one.
The setup is new to me because wow, right from the very beginning this girl is about to go to prison for something she didn't even know about. I did not know what to expect or could even think about what was going to happen next. I was too concentrated on what was happening at the moment. But damn what a way for Beatrice and Jock to bond, but I loved the concept.
There were some bits that didn't quite hit the mark. Abby, one of the characters, casually saying 'illegals' rubbed me the wrong way. It took me out of the story. There was also the way Beatrice treated Jock after finding out Abby was going another route with the chef.
He was right about the way he reacted, Beatrice seems to just come to him when she needs something. The story is more Beatrice and follows her in the aftermath more than a romance, we don't see a lot of her and Jock in the middle. I wish we would have seen more of her and Jock's relationship develop instead of it just being they're together now towards the end.
That being said, Jock was great, he seemed like such a good guy. I wished we got more of him, but when he was there it was great.
Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and the author for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed the main characters: Beatrice and Jock. They have a cute adventure in the beginning of the book and then the end gave the reader the happily ever after we were waiting for.

The middle didn’t have much romance between the two lead characters. Beatrice is forced to find out where she fits and where she wants to be. She meets different people along the way that help in this journey.

I enjoyed the book overall and the storyline. Thank you to the publisher Boldwood Books and NetGallery for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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