Member Reviews

I would like to thank netgalley and Boldwood Books for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

I loved the idea of the spicy bucket list! I would have liked a copy of the list at the back off the book.

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I'm reviewing this via NetGalley, as part of a tour with Rachel's Random Resources.

This is a Regency romance, and on first impressions, I found the writing elegant and sophisticated. The two main characters, Isabella and Leo, were characters who came to life easily for me, and I wanted to know more about them.

Reading on, I found that this was a surprisingly spicy read, and in part, it was the chemistry that kept me turning the pages. At the same time, it was romantic and moving, and I did find myself emotionally invested in the characters.

If you enjoy historical romance, and prefer it with some spice, you may enjoy this book.

Thank you to NetGalley, Rachel's Random Resources, Boldwood Books, and to the author, for the opportunity to read and review this.

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A relevant story that you can enjoy. Isabella, Lady Ashby Mauleverer, newly widowed following her husband Ash's premature death in her arms after Waterloo suffers a breakdown that takes her a long time to overcome. Once she has come out of the grief bubble that has enveloped her for two or three years, she returns to her cousin's house in London to witness Gabriel’s (the Duke of Mauleverer, her brother-in-law, and Ash's older brother) marriage to the love of his life, Georgiana.

While there, she meets Captain Leo Winterton who has carried a torch for her, following his initial encounter with her while she was a newlywed at a ball in Brussels. Now upon bumping into Isabella, he is still carrying the torch for her and is more than happy to see her again.

Isabella on her part, is planning to have a final hurrah in the form of sex with a person other than her beloved husband before sequestering herself in the country for the rest of her life. It is this that draws them together and they explore various facets of their sexuality.

Isabella needs to heal and recognise that she has fallen in love with Leo for the person he is and let go of her initial plans and embrace life once more. Enjoyed the story and was happy with how the author managed the topic of Isabella's grief and the hurt Leo experienced when he realised that his love was unrequited.

I received an ARC from Boldwood Books and NetGalley and submit my honest review voluntarily.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for this ARC. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
What a wonderful, fast-paced book! At first, I didn't understand the prologue, but it was remedied in the first chapter. The FMC, Isabella, is on a project to make her let go of her husband, and the MMC roped in to help her. I didn't even know The List was going to be what it was. It was a nice surprise. I also liked the author's description of depression, something the FMC suffered from after the death of her husband.
The MMC fell first years before, and the FMC was unaware. Leo actually agreed to help because he thought it would bring a positive change to their relationship. I liked the progress of their relationship and how Isabella felt juggling her emotions, falling in love and feelings of betrayal. It all turned out nicely in the end. I liked the meddling of the characters in the book too.
I liked that Isabella's feelings and her relationship with her dead husband were not tainted. Lord Ashby was a good person and husband to her, I liked that it was stressed, something not really seen in genres like this. There was no unnecessary comparison.
This book was amazing and I finished it in record time. But, I would have loved an epilogue. Still worth it either way

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Lady Isabella Ashby is grieving the loss of her husband and whilst determined to remain a widow she can't help but want just one more taste of the spicier things of life and the man she chooses to help her achieve her desire is the handsome Captain Leo Winterton. There is no doubt that Isabella would be totally ostracised from polite society if her connection to Leo Winterton were ever discovered as what is deemed acceptable for a gentle young lady in Regency England is certainly not included in the contents of Isabella's rather risqué list of experiences.

What the Lady Wants doesn't stop at the bedroom door but pushes us firmly inside to witness every intimate detail between Isabella and Leo and there's no denying the sexual chemistry between them however, that's not all the story gives us. It's also a gently unfolding love story between two characters who steal their way into your heart. As we have come to expect from this author the Regency setting is done well, all the constraints placed on women during this time in history is well known, so it was good to have a woman who set about getting what she wanted albeit in a way which ultimately would see her have make some difficult choices.

I have enjoyed travelling back to this world which the author recreates with a fine eye for detail and a fun sense of style. What the Lady Wants is now the third book in this series and whilst it is perfectly possible to read as a standalone story there are characters from previous books making an appearance which adds a nice sense of continuity. Perfect escapism from start to finish.

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What the Lady Wants: The Runaway Heiress Book #3

By Emma Orchard: I read A Duke of One's Own-gave it 4 ⭐

Format: E-book, 306 pgs.

Publication date: 8-14-24, Read 8-14-24

🙏🏽Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC💙! I voluntarily give my honest review, and all opinions are my own.

Genre: Historical Romance, Adult/Women's Fic

Tropes: unrequited love, H falls first, surprise pregnancy

TW: erotica, infertility, grief, depression

Summary: Lady Ashby/Isabella (20) is still mourning the death of her husband Ash two years ago but wants to have a last "hooray." Before retiring from society with her parents in widowhood, she writes a list of things she wants to experience sexually and asks her friend to help her. Captain Leo Winterton is an honorable naval captain whom she met in Brussel two years ago. He's been in love with her since they met and now is his chance to convince her to be with him.

🤔My Thoughts: I enjoyed this Regency romance about a woman discovering her own pleasure. In many historical romances I've read the women were either clueless about sex, or they were professionals. It was refreshing to see a woman ask for what she wanted, no matter how scandalous. Leo was as gracious and caring as they come. He was a true gentleman smitten with Isabella. He got his chance to make her his only after dealing with some misunderstandings and interfering relatives.

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Isabella has rejoined society two years after her husband's tragic death at Waterloo. Her grief cost her dearly, and now, although she never wants to be a wife again, she does want to experience the intimate side of life on her terms before she returns to widowhood in Yorkshire. Leo, a naval Captain, has had feelings for Isabella since a chance meeting just before Waterloo. When he meets her again years later and finds she is a widow, he wants to share his feelings with her, but her intimate proposition stops him. They embark on a journey of sensual delight but emotional heartache full of misunderstandings and passion. The couple are well-matched and easy to like despite their lack of insight. I like the characters, romance, witty, and often humorous dialogue.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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3.5 stars
I could understand Isabella, Lady Ashby, wanting to be able to choose what she wants for herself but she was very naive to think that she would be able to return to her parents and let her mother decide things for her. She hadn’t taken into account her feelings or the other person’s. Captain Leo Winterton had always been attracted to Isabella and even though he realised how it would affect him, he went ahead with the proposal. I was glad when he decided to make a stand for himself. There was a lot of what they thought about their situation and I must admit I didn’t take to Isabella as a character. It was good to read about the characters from the previous book. I didn’t enjoy this book as much as the previous one but I will read more by this author. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own. However, I did preorder my own copy.

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Lady Isabella Ashby is only twenty years old, but she’s already a widow and, two years later, she is still grieving the death of her husband, whom she loved deeply. She knows she will never love somebody as she loved him and she is resigned to a life alone with her parents in Yorkshire, but, before retiring from society once and for all, she is determined to have one last fun adventure and she makes a list of things she wants to experience. The activities on her list all require the “help” of a man and for that she has chosen the kind, handsome, and noble Captain Leo Winterton. What Isabella doesn’t know is that Captain Winteron has been in love with her for the last two years, so he is very happy to help her with her list, even if he knows that, at the end, he will have to give her up.

I really enjoyed What the Lady Wants. It is swoony, spicy, entertaining, and so romantic. There are a series of misunderstandings, interfering relatives intent on match-making, sexy and steamy scenes, lots of fun and witty banter, and two fantastic protagonists. Isabella is a strong female protagonist who, throughout the novel, goes through a journey of rediscovery and development: her grief for her husband and her conflicted feelings for Leo are relatable and authentic. And Leo is a good man who would do anything for the woman he loves, even if that love is unrequited. Their love story is beautiful, exciting, and very-well written and I loved it from starting to finish!

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I enjoyed reading it. Though the story is a bit unconventional, it is something new and fresh.
Meet Isabella, aka Lady Ashby, a young widow who's recently lost her loving husband and, thus, lives a life in mourning. It takes her a few months to get hold of her life until she decides that she will create moments herself rather than some divine intervention having all power. She wants to know when her last kiss or her last intimate relationship will be. She has grieved for endless months for her husband, knowing how he was taken away from her and died in her arms after the war.
Meet Captain Winterton, a young soldier recently arriving in London. He had once met Isabella in Brussels and fell deeply in love with her but kept his emotions to himself when he found out that Isabella was already married and in love with her husband.
Fate brings them together again, and Isabella offers to spend intimate moments with Leo so she can write her own list and check off the items on her list. She likes to take control of her sex life.
What Leo is supposed to do? He's already in love with her.
And the worst part is...Isabella may try another man should Leo refuse her offer. How can he?
**** for the ARC copy!

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Isabella is a young widow who wants to move on from her grief and take charge of her future. To fulfill her list of desires, she proposes to naval captain Leo, who has always been in love with her. However, she is unaware of this and refuses to love anyone other than her late husband. Leo, unwilling to let anyone take advantage of her, agrees to her daring proposal... There's a lot of steam and snatched moments, but the book is about more than that. It discusses sadness, infertility, and the ability of love to heal. Thank you to Boldwood, Netgalley, and the author!

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Young widow Isabella, Lady Ashby, is mourning the loss of her husband and plans to retreat from society to live a quiet life in Yorkshire. But before she disappears from London's social scene, she wants one last taste of adventure. With a scandalous list in hand—one that could ruin her and her family if discovered—Isabella turns to her honourable friend, Captain Leo Winterton, to help fulfil her final desires. Unbeknownst to Isabella, Leo harbours deep feelings for her, and when she proposes her daring plan, he's unable to refuse. As they embark on this risky venture, Leo hopes to convince Isabella that they belong together, but with society's watchful eyes, the stakes couldn't be higher. Will they find happiness, or will their impropriety lead to their downfall?

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*I’d like to thank NetGalley, Bollywood Books and Emma Orchard for providing me with a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.
“What the Lady Wants” is the third book in Emma Orchard’s “The Runaway Heiress”-series, and tells the story of the young widow Lady Isabella Ashby and Captain Leo Winterton.

18 months ago Isabella lost her beloved husband at the battlegrounds of Waterloo. Grief struck, she had received Regency style mental health interventions, and hid from the world for almost two years. Now she has decided that the only way to regain control over her life is to follow a list. A list that contains all the things she wants to do for one last time before resigning herself to never be with anyone ever again. Her chosen and very accomplice Leo had fallen for Isabella 18 months ago when they met perchance in Brussels. He hides his feelings in order to enter the arrangement, willing to have his heart broken just to hold Isabella in his arms for a short time. When both of them get invited to a house party, the tension between them heightens. And soon they find themselves on a crossway to either have their hearts broken or forge a way for the future. Unfortunately, the choice is quickly taken from then…

First of all I thought that Isabella and Leo were very well crafted characters with strengths and flaws. Isabella’s journey out of grief and into a fulfilling future was well portrayed from her clinging to her list to soon adding experiences before dropping the entire thing altogether. It was a joy to read her gain control by abandoning control. There are many great lessons in her story. Leo had been an absolute cutiepie. I loved how much he cared for Isabella even though he was sure she might never return the sentiment. His impatience paired with his hurt when Isabella did reject his declaration added great tension to their relationship, but also showed that he did have some boundaries and wouldn’t just get trembled on by a hot and cold love interest. I especially liked the dynamic of their intimate relationship. Isabella finding out that she prefers taking on a more dominant role in the bedroom, and Leo discovering his instincts to comply was very lovely and very steamy to read. Also, the way Isabella turned an insult Leo had endured as a child into an endearing nickname in the bedchamber, because what others ridiculed was something she adored very much, was a sweet moment indicating the growth in their emotional intimacy. However, I felt the last third of their story and the development of their relationship sort of fell flat. The back and forth simply lasted for too long, and it got really tiring to have them fail to communicate over and over again.

Additionally, the writing did not help with this flaw in the storytelling. Though Emma is a very talented writer with great wit, she had the tendency to tell instead of show. Many chapters are constructed completely on the inner life or more the thoughts or recollection of the main characters instead of showing the actual scenes happening. A lot of the relationship development is told instead of shown, failing to create an emotional bond between the main characters and the reader. This also creates a great lack of action. When everything is recollected and told instead of shown as an action, scenes can feel incredibly long, and the intensity of feelings get lost in between descriptions of feelings and thoughts.

I am not quite sure how I feel about the Jane Austen references. For one Isabella does read Austen, and enjoys her novels. Secondly, the group of house party attendees meets the Bingleys and Bennetts on a country dance, creating ties to the world of “Pride and Prejudice”. Though it was a cute homage to Austen, I found it to be unnecessary, creating a weird plot hole in the world building.

Overall, “What the Lady Wants” is a good novel with its highs and lows. I think the writing style might not suit everybody, however some might enjoy it very much. The characters are the gold piece of this novel, and show great talent of the author.

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Devastated by the loss of her husband two years prior, the young and alluring Lady Isabella Ashby has vowed to renounce society and retreat to the seclusion of her family’s Yorkshire estate. Before bidding farewell to her London life, however, she craves one final taste of freedom.

Driven by a secret desire list that could shatter her reputation, Isabella turns to the honorable Captain Leo Winterton for help in fulfilling her unconventional wishes. Unbeknownst to her, Winterton harbors a deep affection for her, making him an unlikely yet willing accomplice. As their dangerous liaison deepens, they must navigate the treacherous waters of desire and deception, all while risking their social standing and hearts.

This was the second of Emma Orchard’s books that I’ve read. They’ve both been enjoyable enough, fairly light reads that I’ve finished in a couple of sitting. It is a spicy Regency tale of desire and defiance as Lady Isabella Ashby embarks on a scandalous quest. This novel is perfect for fans of Bridgerton-esque romance. While the plot is somewhat predictable, the characters are engaging and the chemistry between Isabella and Leo is good. It’s a pleasant escape into the world of Regency England.

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Loss and love!

What a topsy turvy world. Isabella, Lady Ashby Mauleverer, newly widowed, her husband Ash having died in her arms after Waterloo, had suffered a world of pain.
Seeking to take control of her life again Isabella has decided to take a lover. She has a list to work through and taking control of her life might help her come to terms with the death of her dearly beloved husband, a cavalry officer and the Duke of Northriding’s younger brother.
At a grand ball at Mauleverer House she meets Captain Leo Winterton, who’d actually met Isabella at a ball in Brussels just before Waterloo.
So we have two people coming together, shading truths. When they have to engage with the real world, what will their relationship be? Part of Orchard’s series, Runaway Heiress, this is a slightly different take on love, regret, and finding oneself.
An enjoyable read!

A Boldwood Books ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.
(Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)

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I liked this book. What the Lady Wants is the third book in The Runaway Heiress series, but it can be read as a stand-alone. This is a more light and fun read. I enjoyed this story's "bucket list" element because it forced Isabella to step out of her comfort zone and do things she would not normally do. It also allowed Isabella and Leo to spend more time together. The dialogue was enjoyable. It's witty, sharp, and flows perfectly. If you like that more "classic" style of writing, then you will love the detail that Emma puts into her stories. She does a great job at including lush and vivid descriptions that bring the story to life.

If you are a fan of a hero who falls harder and first and a hero that has been pinning for the heroine for years that you will like the romance between Leo and Isabella. This is one of Boldwood Books' more spicer romances. Usually, Boldwood Books are closed-door or partially closed-door romances, but that is not the case for this book. I enjoyed all those secret moments that Isabella and Leo found. That element of trying not to get caught just heightens those emotions between the two characters and me as a reader.

What the Lady Wants is a swoony and easy story to fall in love with.

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This book was super cute. It was easy to get into and the writing was very easy to follow. This isn’t the genre I typically love reading but this book did something to me! I would definitely recommend

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This was a fun combination of a classic regency read, complete with the prose we have come to expect from Austin or Bronte, and a spicy modern-feeling romance.

Fans of "true" regency novels may not love this as the sex is definitely the main plot point. However, the very modern "friends with benefits to HEA" pipeline fits nicely in the descriptive writing. You feel the tone of classic historical novels (so much information about outfits, gardens and hats!) while seeing a contemporary trope play out. The "tragic backstories" trope is well handled here and for a sex-focused narrative really delves into the mental health impacts of Isabella's widowhood and the implications it has for future romantic ventures. Add in a dash of "he falls first"/"unrequited love" and we have a delightful romp to an HEA.

I am excited that this is in a series and can't wait to read the back catalog of Orchard's work.

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What the Lady Wants is the third book in the Runaway Heiress series. This was a new to me author. The side characters had been MC in the previous book but I had no problem reading this as a standalone.

I really enjoyed this book and felt the emotion in the story. It was a neat twist on the idea of a spinster having memories for themselves before going off to live in a cottage by the sea. Instead with a widow having these experiences before embracing widowhood. An empowering way for the heroine to take control of her life. I loved the changes in thought that the heroine had throughout her journey. I was able to emphasize with her and thought it was a realistic procession.

It was easy to see from the beginning that Leo and Isabella’s plan would eventually implode but it didn’t make reading how it would happen any less enjoyable.

The hero is also lovingly called Bear due to his body hair.

It’s a bit heavier as grief and other topics are explored in the book.

The last third did seem to drag a bit as it started to get repetitive.

The side characters were endearing though (despite all their meddling) although one thing was forgiven too easily.

Overall, I enjoyed the writing and look forward to more from this author.

Content warnings (and possible spoilers are below).

There are three encounters plus other intimate and off the page scenes.

I received an advance copy from Boldwood via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
CW: Infertility (and being wrongly diagnosed), surprise baby, depression-I really wish the author would’ve put a note on this at the end as it’s referred to multiple times that the heroine was sick or unwell for a while after her husband’s death. It was appeared to be written in a more historical way but would’ve liked to have a note making the connection between historical and modern wording.

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I absolutely loved the book 2 in this companion series and gushed all over my Instagram feed and monthly wrap up about it. So when I saw book 3 listed I immediately requested it hoping to be swept away again.

That was unfortunately not the case. I just didn't click with Isabella and Winterton at all.

I will definitely still grab what Orchard writes next but this one just didn't work for me.

Thank you for the opportunity to read earlY!

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