Member Reviews

For her is just a project to right all the wrong when she lost the love of her life in a cruel way. For him is the opportunity to be with the woman he always wanted.

When, the sister in law of the Duke of Northriding, Isabella, recuperates from years of mentally incapacity following the death of her husband, she decides to take back the control of her life and possibly how she wants to remember passion at the hands of a man. She choses for that endeavor a man she felt attracted to.
Captain Winterton fell in love at first sight. He saw Isabella and that was it for him, unfortunately she was married. Years later he found her again, but now a widow, only this time she is resolved to never love or marry again. When she asked him to participate in an intimate project with her, he can’t refuse her. As they embark in illicit rendezvous, things will complicate, changing how they view their future and themselves.

A very steamy book you cannot miss in the series of The Runaway Heiress. I personally enjoy reading this book., it was well written full of endearing characters.

Thanks NetGalley and Balwood books for allowing to read an ARC for a voluntary and honest review.

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In "What The Lady Wants," Lady Isabella Ashby is a young and beautiful widow who plans to retreat from society and live a secluded life at her parents' Yorkshire home. Before doing so, she creates a list of scandalous sexual activities that she wants to experience with a willing partner before starting her life of seclusion. She enlists the help of Captain Leo Winterton, an honorable man who is secretly in love with her. As Isabella makes her bold proposal to Leo, he finds himself unable to refuse her, despite her resolution never to remarry.

This book was really interesting, because it wasn't just one particular thing. I was expecting the spice because of the nature of the list itself, but those scenes were interspersed with more emotional ones around grief, control and infertility, and so my heart was sort of flip flopping all over the place. The sex scenes did further the character development as well though, as Isabella in particular learned a lot about what she wanted through these scenes. There is a lot of angst in this novel too, which counteracts the matchmaking and meddling from some of the side characters, often which backfires. This isn't the straight-forward but spicy regency novel that I expected, as there was definitely more emotional turbulence there.

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from NetGalley, but this is my voluntary and honest review.

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This story takes place in Regency era England with a naval captain and young widow. Isabella is a strong character who has endured a lot of hardship in her life and now she wants to move on and take control of herself and her future. The story takes us along her journey of healing and sensual self discovery with her chosen companion, Leo. Leo is a man who listens, he is eager to please, and he’s been pining and yearning for Isabella since he met her. The proposition Isabella makes to Leo was not what I expected but it was fresh and different. enjoyed this book, I liked the overall plot and I enjoyed all the stolen and secret moments with our two main characters as well. This book is a fun and steamy historical romance with the perfect amount of tension. I think the author captures the era well and it captures the modern audience.
Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This was a refreshing historical! Our main character Isabella, recently widowed and recovering has decided to take her "enjoyment" into her own hands. Not quite literally, but she had developed a plan, a list, and a bedroom assistant, if you will, Leo.
Leo turns out to have a little history with Isabella, although she is unaware, and becomes the perfect partner for her. There is plenty of spice without awkwardness. It's so matter of fact, it's refreshing.
I had a little trouble getting into the novel simple due to the formatting on my Kindle. I don't know if this was due to being an advanced read or not, but inadequate spacing around internal dialog and real dialog pulled me out of the story several times.
Beyond those issues, it was an enjoyable read. Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and publisher for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.
Beyond those issues, I really enjoyed Isabella's modern approach to her life.

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Very fun read. I liked the list. The characters were fun and had great chemistry. The ending felt rushed and I wanted to know more.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Emma Orchard's previous Regency romance and was delighted to pick up another, this time telling the story of Lady Isabella Ashby and the dashing Captain Leo Winterton. Isabella is in mourning after the death of her husband, who was killed during the Napoleonic Wars, and she vows to spend the rest of her days alone. However, before she completely withdraws from society, she wants to experience a little more of life and makes a list of all the scandalous things she wants to try. This is where Leo, who has been secretly in love with her for some time, comes in.

The book reads very well. As always, the author takes great care to preserve the essence of Regency England. Although the book is aimed at a modern reader, great attention is paid to the language in which it is written. As a result, it reads smoothly.

As for the story itself, the author interestingly combines themes of grief and trauma with emancipation and the place of women in Regency society. It is important to note that there is spice in the book, but it makes sense in the context of the plot and the motives of the characters. The main character decides to take control of her life in a patriarchal society where women are effectively the property of men. Taking control of her body and making decisions about her sexuality thus seems like a form of emancipation. I liked how Isabella's motives were outlined in this regard. When you have such a strong main character, pairing her with a shy and somewhat reclusive protagonist is a perfect plot device. Leo is a very sweet character who also suffers, though in a very different way than Isabella. I really liked how the relationship between the characters changed throughout the book.

My only comment would be about the ending, which I felt was a bit rushed and thus not entirely rewarding. From my perspective, it's a shame that we didn't get 2-3 more chapters towards the end, which would have allowed the characters to slow down a bit and reflect on their situation. The circumstances in which Isabella realized her feelings for Leo were a bit rushed; I wish there had been more pining and a slower development.

However, regardless of my personal reservations, I think this is a very well-written Regency romance. I like Emma Orchard's writing and will certainly be following her future works. I recommend this book to all fans of the genre (you don't need to know the other books in the series to enjoy this one).

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What the Lady Wants is a fun and spicy book about Lady Isabella recovering from loss and moving towards the independence she wants. I enjoyed the camaraderie between her and Leo, and how he responds to her emotionally(grief) driven list. I enjoyed this book, and while it is not for my students, it is definitely for my friends.

Thank you netgalley for an arc of What the Lady Wants by Emma Orchard

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An amazing story , a diamond maybe the best book I read so far in 2024 . Isabella has suffer so much in so young age . Her husband of one year was wounded at war and died at her hands few hours later . After a year of been depression she takes her life in her own hands and wants a taste of what is to be in control . She has made a list of thing she wants to achieve and only needs a man to help her . Captain Leo Winterton has been in love with Isabella since she was married and now that she asks him to help with her list he accepts . She only gives them few weeks but he wants horever . She believes that she will betray her first husband memory if she fell in love with another man . Will Leo convince her that she deserves a second chance to love ?
I received this book from netgalley and the publicer as an ARC . Thank you . All thoughts and opinions are my own .

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Title: What the Lady Wants

Author: Emma Orchard
Genre: Historical, Regency, Romance

Rating: ★★★★☆

Autumn, 1816...
Lady Isabella Ashby is mourning the death of her beloved husband, two years past. Despite being young and beautiful, she plans to leave London, return to her parents' Yorkshire house, and retire from society before the year ends. But before she resigns herself to widowhood, she wants one last taste of life...

What the Lady Wants is a delightful Regency romance filled with forbidden love, daring escapades, and the heartwarming journey of a woman rediscovering her joy and passion for life.

What I Loved:

A Heartfelt Journey: Emma Orchard's What the Lady Wants is a delightful journey into the world of Regency romance, filled with longing, scandal, and undeniable chemistry. Lady Isabella Ashby, grieving the loss of her husband, is a character whose pain and resilience resonated deeply with me. Her determination to experience life one last time before retreating into widowhood is both heart-wrenching and inspiring.

The Scandalous List: One of the most intriguing aspects of the story is Isabella's secret list. The idea of a widow with a list of daring experiences she wants to fulfil before leaving society is both thrilling and touching. It adds a layer of excitement and tension, as the potential for scandal looms over every item she checks off. This list is not just a plot device but a window into Isabella's soul, revealing her desire to reclaim her life and joy, even if only briefly.

Captain Leo Winterton: Captain Leo Winterton is the perfect match for Isabella. His honourable nature and secret love for her create a compelling dynamic. When Isabella proposes her scandalous plan to him, his internal struggle between desire and duty is beautifully portrayed. Leo's genuine love and the way he supports Isabella, even in her most audacious moments, made me root for their romance wholeheartedly.

The Dance of Impropriety: The tension between propriety and passion is masterfully handled. Orchard captures the essence of Regency society's strict norms while allowing her characters to push against these boundaries. The result is a series of exhilarating and tender moments that kept me eagerly turning the pages. The way Isabella and Leo navigate their growing feelings amidst the threat of societal ruin adds depth to their relationship.

A Story of Love and Redemption: Ultimately, What the Lady Wants is a story about love's power to heal and redeem. Isabella's journey from grief to joy, aided by Leo's unwavering support, is a testament to the resilience of the human heart. The slow-burning romance, filled with witty banter and heartfelt confessions, makes their eventual union all the more satisfying.

What the Lady Wants is a beautifully written, emotionally charged romance that explores the courage it takes to seek happiness in the face of loss and societal expectations. Emma Orchard's tale of Isabella and Leo is one that will stay with you long after the final page.

Thank you to The Publisher Boldwood Books ,The Author Emma Orchard & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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5 stars

We met Isabella in the previous book. She had lost her husband and met the Duke (who looked very similar to Ash) as he came out from his wedding. Isabella had probably suffered a nervous breakdown and was recuperating with her parents. The Duke's sister Blanche invites Isabella to London as part of her rehabilitation and it's here that Isabella decides to take control of her life. She misses the physical part of her marriage and thinks she'd like to have one last passionate affair before she resigns herself to widowhood. She'd met Leo and liked him so she propioses they work through her list of amorous encounters. Isabella checks whether he is in love with her as she doesn't want to lead him on. Leo lies and says he is in love with the heroine of book 1. This leads to problems later down the line.

Good descriptions and realistic romance, even though there's quite a bit of angst for both of them. We see the hero/heroine from book 1 and Lady Jane etc from book 2. I recommend !

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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