Member Reviews

Really fast paced thriller, I enjoyed the storyline and how the book kept you on the edge of your seat!
3.5 stars rounded up to 4

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Lots of twists and turns in this book so many characters to get to grips with and the relationships between them. Once I’ve got used to all these I found this story intriguing and was intrigued to see where it went to. I really enjoyed the narration and the story as a whole although very far-fetched was good..

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

This book was not a conventional thriller in some ways, but it was still great and kept me guessing. I did not see that twist coming in the end. This was fast paced and enjoyable reading experience.

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I loved this audiobook I listened to it in a day I couldn’t stop! Id highly recommend this to anyone. Nice narration amazing plot.

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I listened to this as an audio book and was absolutely hooked, I listened to most of it in one day and could wait to finish listening the next day. The narrator was great at building the suspense and keeping to the pacing and excitement of the book.

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The beginning started off with a bang and as the story line went on it started to feel boring. I could not focus on it but once you got to the end that’s when it started to get interesting. Things happened that I was not expecting.

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✨ Slow paced
✨ dr. Murder drama
✨ whodunnit??!

✨ Anna is the main character in this book who she found out that her neighbour dr has been killed. She was devastated as the dr. was close to her dad/family.
But on that evening, Anna saw someone leaving the house, she wasn’t sure.
As the police was involved to the case it’s gotten deeper and unmasked a true secret lies.

✨ the story was slow and yes a lot of things a happening but it was draggy. The end of the chapter was quickly change my mind about this book. It’s okay but I think it has been dragged far ahead that the book makes it ‘meh’.

✨ Thankyou bookouture for the opportunity to read this book for a honest review.


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This book had me every which way, I had no idea who did it until right up to the end. I loved this book, although there were a few triggering topics that I was surprised came up. Definitely a good suspense, lots of secrets, and then an ending that tied it all together nicely. Thank you netgalley for the arc!

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Rating: 3.5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ / Rounded Up

My thanks to NetGalley And Bookouture Audio for a #gifted #audiobook.

Anna is devastated when she discovers the doctor who lives across the street has been killed. Not only was he a well-known doctor, neighbor, and friend, but he was Anna’s childhood friend’s dad.

On the evening of the death, Anna saw someone leaving the home across the street, but she wasn’t able to shed much light on the identity.

. But who could have wanted the beloved doctor dead?

As police dig deeper into the case, secrets begin surfacing.

My Concerns
While this started quickly with murder and mystery, the rest of the story slowly unwound.

The last part of the book picked back up, and there were twists and turns, but the ending felt like too little too late.

Final Thoughts
Like the last book I reviewed, you’re apt to love this story or think it’s just okay. I enjoyed it, especially the excellent narration by Kristin Atherton, but I didn’t love it.

I suggest adding this to your #tbr books since many reviewers loved The House Across The Street. According to the reviews, you are more apt to like this book than be disappointed.

I say Go For It! The audiobook narration brings it to life and helps distract from the slow places.

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This book was so good - the twists kept coming and as soon as I thought I’d have it figured out something else came out of nowhere. Its story had a strong female protagonist who clearly had a hard life with some secrets. But so does everyone else. I was gripped from the beginning and loved how everything tied together in the end.

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Despite a seemingly never-ending series of twists and turns, this was a very predictable plot. Personally, I think the final one took the believability one step too far, and I lost all interest in the characters and what happened next.

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Oooooh! This was a great thriller! When life long friends have each other’s back they can keep each other safe. But what happens if they start to lie??

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This is why I can't trust people all the lies and deceit that happen even when you think you know someone. That is basically what this book is about really, that and murder of the town Doctor that everyone loves except for one person at least. This story was a shocker how it played out and how many lives were damaged. Great read, I highly recommend it!

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One night Anna finds Dr Taylor dead in his own home, he is not only her neighbor but also the father of her life long best friend/ chosen sister, Lily.
After Anna begins to get threatening letters to keep her mouth shut. Scary thing is, the notes also include mention or Anna’s 11 year old daughter, Cassie.

As the truth of Dr Taylor’s death unravels even more secrets come to light.

I was hooked to this book and the twists Jill Childs gave her readers. This was my first novel by the author and I will be on the look out for more.

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Anna and Lily have been lifelong friends. They live across the street from each other, Anna with her daughter, Cassie and brother Tim and Lily with her brother, George and father, Dr. Taylor. The book opens with Lily's father murdered in his own bed. Anna sees the killer, but he runs off. Shortly after the murder, she begins getting threats, and tells the police she will not help find the killer as she won't put her daughter in danger. We learn about the past and their friendship, but when tragedy strikes, George and Tim are no longer friends, but with them both home, things will eventually come to a head. There are secrets, such as who is the father of Anna's daughter, who killed Lily's father and some other undercurrents that keep the tension up throughout.

As I read this story, I wasn't sure who to believe and if these were reliable narrators or not. The build up was a bit slow and at times, I was anxious to move quicker, but suddenly, things began to happen and their were several twists I wasn't expecting. There were a few things I figured out, but that ending threw me for a loop. This is a story of secrets and lies, friendship, family and more. I did a read/listen and enjoyed both formats. I loved the narration by Kristin Atherton. I think one of the reasons I wondered about the reliability of the narrators was due to the voices given to Lily and Anna by the narrator. As the story ramped up, I was pulled in even more by the audiobook, but I read the book at the beginning when it was slower, so I could read it quicker. Overall, this was a suspenseful mystery with family drama and events that I enjoyed.

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The House Across The Street by Jill Childs

The House Across The Street is a thriller with twists that will keep you engaged until the very end. Anna and Lily have lived across the street for many years, and their lives have been so intertwined that they are closer than best friends, but feel like sisters. Sometimes it’s the family we choose and not who we are born with, that give us the most support. But when Anna finds her best friend Lilys dad murdered, she becomes embroiled in a situation mixed with danger, and old secrets coming back to haunt her. When the killer threatens her daughter Cassie, and her ex boyfriend, possibly Cassie’s father returns to town, she is at a loss on where to turn. But secrets come out, and the path of destruction is wider than she could have anticipated. Who is the killer? And why target a well loved doctor?

This book was fast paced. I enjoyed Kristin Atherton, the narrator. She was engaging and kept your interest until the end. I liked the twists but was irritated at some parts, not wanting to spoil anything I won’t reveal them, but it will become obvious when you read it. While I liked the story the end really irritated me, again can’t say why because it would spoil plot points.

For me this was a three and a half rounded up to 4. It definitely kept my interest and while I suspected some of the plot twist, I was surprised at other parts. This was an enjoyable read and I will definitely look for more books by Jill Childs. Fans of Nicole Trope and Daniel Hurst would love the twisted journey in this fast pace ride through secrets and murder.

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Thank you, Bookouture Audio for this advance copy of The House Across the Street.

The House Across the Street was a lovely little thriller that I quite enjoyed.

It was very fast paced, and while there was the one big mystery at hand I also really liked how there was the mini mystery in the middle of Cassie’s disappearance and paternity.
These little bits really held my attention and I didn’t want to stop reading.

There were so many twists along the way regarding Mr. Taylor’s death as well as what actually happened to Mrs. Taylor.

I did at one point want to throw my phone across the room because ✨✨spoiler alert below✨✨✨

What mother would allow her child to be around and so close to the man who assaulted her as a child of the same age?! I was so mad at Anna.

This was my first book that I’ve read by Jill, and it will certainly not be my last.

🎧📖 note: Kristin Atherton did a FANTASTIC job with all of the characters.

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I started listening to this on audiobook but had issues about halfway through so I download on to my Kindle and finished it up. It has lots of twists and turns and for the most part I really enjoyed it. I was not to thrilled with the ending as it leaves you hanging. But, maybe there's a reason for that.

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This story is very slow to get started. It wasn’t until about chapter 23 when things started to pick up; by chapter 43, things really heat up.
*There is subject matter/part of the storyline that might be triggering for some people.
The narration of the audiobook is clear and well paced. I enjoyed listening.
Thank You to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the opportunity to listen to this ARC.

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This clever clever book! Psychological thrillers are my jam so they have to be top notch to keep me entertained...

When her best friend's father is murdered in the house across the street, Anna sees the person as they flee. Trouble is the person whow she saw, saw her too and now she is in danger and so is her daughter....

The book sucks you right in and the more info Anna gets, the harder it is to work out what is true and what isn't. Family secrets run amok in this book and you can see how these people are all connected in ways that don't make sense at first but become so clear and obvious as everything comes to light!

The writing is EXCELLENT! The characters are well developed and the plot is genius!

Loved the ending too but I hate ambigous endings when I need answers but I enjoyed this book so much!

4 stars! excellent excellent audiobook

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