Member Reviews

Outstanding once again! When does the next book come out?! This is an exceptional series which has a perfect mix of happiness and drama in each book. They are easy to read, well written and keep the audience engaged throughout. Like the previous book in the series this one has lots of little twists and turns that make it hard to stop reading on a night before bed as you want to know what's going to happen! I was delighted that it ended with some happiness and long await to find out what will happen next for these lovely characters. They all deserve happiness so much!

Thank you to NetGalley, the publishers and of course Johanna Bell for writing such excellent books.

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Johanna has done it again another book you just won’t want to put down. This is book two of the blitz girls series. We catch up with Peggy, Dot and Viv and things are still hard for them all as the War keeps raging. You could read this without reading the first book but it’s much better to read both and find out exactly how the girls became friends in the first place. I loved this book and I hope there will be more to come from these girls.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

We meet up with Viv. Dot and Peggy following their lives, the ups and downs during the war.

The story is about the work the women undertook during
the London Blitz, and everything there witnessed as well as how the community helped those in need.

The story was very well written and researched.

I highly recommend this book.

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We are back with Dot,Peggy and Vivian the Blitz girls. It's 1940 in London and the bombing continues. Dot is trying to stand up for herself and gets a full time job as ARP warden.Peggy takes 2 children to safety too her home but finds that thing are not good at home and that her family needs her there.Vivian is visiting her boyfriend in hospital where he is recovering from burns.This story tells of what happens too the three girls.This book is a great read. Thank you to Netgalley and Border and Stoughton.

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Thank you for the chance to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion

This was not my first time meeting Viv. Dot and Peggy and it was great to catch up with them again and read about their exploits.
It would be possible to read as a standalone book but one would have far more context if you had read the previous outings.
It follows the brave women that worked during the London Blitz and the horrors they encountered and the true British 'Grit' and community spirit that seemed to exist during those hard times.

Once again Johanna Bell has really well researched the book and it's well written and enjoyable to read.
This was a book that I didn't want to put down and kept on reading 'a little bit more' often when I should've been going to sleep.

I can't wait for further instalments please

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The Blitz Girls are amazing! They are strong, capable, courageous young woman who I strive to be like. The hardships, heartbreak and life haven't knocked them down. In this book there are so many bombs falling due to the war that you are expecting them at every turn. A very well written historical tale that keeps you turning the pages over to discover what will happen next.

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I enjoyed this latest in this series. I love the characters andt he way they all pull together in times of war. The girls are so. bra e going out into the Bliz helping everyone and not worrying about their own safety. This really gives you an insight into how life was in those days. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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The Blitz Girls #2

London, October 1940. As the German bombers increase their nightly raids on the Capital, the Blitz Girls must be braver than ever to protect the innocent lives and keep the fight against Hitler alive.

Dot, encouraged by her friends, is finding her independence and takes a full-time role as an APR Warden. As she finds new courage in the blackouts, her past might still be lurking in the shadows.

Peggy, makes it her mission to help the children caught up in the bombing find safety in the country at her parents' large house. When she returns home, she realises her family need her more than ever. But can she leave her friends in the line of fire?

Vivian, spends every moment not behind the wheel of her ambulance, at the bedside of the man she loves, helping him recover from a terrible crash while defending the British skies. When she is torn between his hospital ward and the site of a]the latest blast, she faces a heart-breaking choice.

As each night becomes more dangerous for the Blitz Girls, will they have the strength to help each other through and keep the light alive in the darkness?

I love these books. They're so well-written. I love all the main characters in this book. Johanna Bell has done her research into the era. I also liked when we were back at the farm with Peggy. But Peggy was torn my her mother needing help and her job as an APR Warden. Vivian is helping the man she loves recover from his horrific injuries - but will he lose the sight in one eye? Dot is getting over the break-up of her marriage, and is now working full-time as an APR Warden. We meet some new characters, and some old bad characters make a return. I hope we don't have to wait too long for the next installment.

Published 29th August 2024

I would like to thank #NetGalley #Hodder&Stoughton and the author #JohannaBell for my ARC of #HopeFotTehBlitzGirls in exchange for an honest review.

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Another of my favourite authors, and was really pleased to get an advanced copy to review.

Fantastic story and I am really invested in the girls and there stories. Can’t wait for the next instalment

Johanna bell is a fab writer as are all her other books

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Oooh what a book! Couldn’t put it down, amazing characters and the storyline was great felt as if I was there among them, brilliant

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Hope for the Blitz girls, the follow up to The Blitz girls and what a great follow up. Catching up with Peggy, Dot and Viv as they continue their war work and the problems in their lives. A wonderful book of friendship and love through the turmoil of WW2. Eagerly awaiting the 3rd book ⭐️

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a gripping narrative of courage and camaraderie as three young women navigate the treacherous landscape of wartime London. A great book about independence, family, and the power of human connection. A fantastic 2nd book in the series, looking forward to more.

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What a great follow up to The Blitz Girls. Full of camaraderie and friendship, though there is still danger lurking in the background.
Peggy and dot are wardens working to make sure people are safely in shelters during the raids while making sure that those not in the shelters are accounted for. Peggy Milker is shocked that people are still risking staying in their family homes, under staircases and even kitchen tables, it is this overwhelming desire to see everyone to safety that encourages her to take some of them to her family home, however there is an even bigger issue waiting for her! This may lead to to a change in Peggy’s lifestyle, but then it may lead somewhere of more interest to her.
Viv is worried about Williams recovery from his war wounds and is overcome when Dr McIndoe explains exactly what is at risk, will Viv get her chance to explain that she may have hasty in turning down an opportunity? While spending a lot of time at William’s bedside, most of it is catching up on sleep between shifts driving Hudsy.
Dot Simmonds is trying to make a new life for herself now that she has broke away from the bully Tommy, could danger be lurking in the background!
Dot may be small in stature but she is mighty in spirit and this comes to the fore through the story.
Loved the character descriptions, the Millers sounded like fun while mother could be just as much hard work as the children. The wardens happy to pitch in and help each other. The rogues who were only to happy to make good out of someone else’s misfortune. The thing that stands out I’d the indomitable spirit of people during those time was amazing. Already looking forward to the next one.

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I’m so taken with the Blitz girls and constantly in awe of their strength and their ability to deal with their lot during the war. It’s such a greatly written story and has been amazing so far and I just love these girls!

There’s romance, drama, hardship, heartbreak and friendship and it has all the elements of a fab tale. I love this authors writings as she captures the feeling of the times so well and really does this genre justice.

The pacing was perfect and I was on the edge of my seat with the unravelling of plot lines and story development - I was super invested. The ending was perfection also and I can’t wait to follow these girls again in the next instalment!

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Great to catch up with Dot Viv and Peggy again . The blitz girls are in the thick of things again .
Dot is trying to cope alone with her life now Tommy has gone back to the army or has he she’s keeps thinking she’s seeing him but surely he hasn’t gone AWOL.
Peggy is forced to return home when her ailing mother takes a turn for the worse. She’s finding it all very stressful with all the children and the house to contend with. But handsome pilot Johnny is coming round but is he interested or just keeping an eye on her for her friend Viv?
Viv is running herself ragged to running up and down to her boyfriend William who has been injured and ongoing a lot of surgery.
Join the girls for the latest adventure great reading and looking forward to more in this series

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Firstly thank you Netgalley for this Arc

Oh my goodness what another brilliant book by this brilliant author

Family saga wartime what more can you ask for

I always feel that I know the characters in Johanna’s books as they are so life like

If you haven’t read any of this authors books you are missing out so much

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Another inspirational story.
Dot, Peggy and Vivian, the Blitz Girls. And true courage burns brighter in the darkest night.
London 1940 book two and the girls that everyone have grown to love are back, will they have the strength to keep the light alive in the darkness of the dreaded war, the girls can only hope.
This unique storyteller has once again giving readers another enjoyment as we read all about the three girls and their day to day lives, with a lot of ups and down but they shine through with their courage. Her work shines through with lots of research been added in every chapter.
I loved all of it and so will readers, step back in time, chill out in a quiet space, this takes you into another decade, leaving you content and eager for the next chapter.
Absolutely mind blowing good. It's has to be five stars from a contented Booklover.

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