Member Reviews

A great read
A story told over two timelines
Plenty of emotions in this book
But it will keep you turning the pages
Thanks NetGalley

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I found this very interesting and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I really enjoyed the duel perspective of the past and the present and how they intertwined

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I love all Diane Saxon’s books and this did not disappoint

Another brilliant gripping thriller that was fast paced and kept me turning the pages

Couldn’t put it down

Loved it

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What a great story told in two timelines. Siobhon and her mother are very close. They've moved around quite a lot but always together. When mom has a fall and breaks a hip, she's given pain med which makes her loopy and she blurts out that she can't ever have children. That gets Siobhon curious about her father. And the possibility of other family. Twists are plentiful and the story is engrossing. It's really a thrilling family drama and very enjoyable.

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What an intriguing read! Mixed thriller elements with a family drama, My Mother's Lies is a captivating story. This story is narrated by Grace, who was abandoned by her mother and has to fend for herself in the world, and Siobhan, whose mother lets it slip that she isn't her real mother while loopy from her meds.

This was my first story by Saxton, and I really enjoyed her writing style. It was enticing, and I was reading trying to figure out how these two POVs would come together. The characters were well developed, so much so that I was truly invested in what was happening. When everything came together, I was thoroughly impressed. This was SO GOOD!

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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What an intriguing read! Mixed thriller elements with a family drama, My Mother's Lies is a captivating story. This story is narrated by Grace, who was abandoned by her mother and has to fend for herself in the world, and Siobhan, whose mother lets it slip that she isn't her real mother while loopy from her meds.

This was my first story by Saxton, and I really enjoyed her writing style. It was enticing, and I was reading trying to figure out how these two POVs would come together. The characters were well developed, so much so that I was truly invested in what was happening. When everything came together, I was thoroughly impressed. This was SO GOOD!

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The book was so good I liked it and I really like the Dual timelines I was a little more invested in the mothers story The twists but a little predictable but over all good

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What would you do if you found out your mother fell and got seriously injured? Siobhan becomes quickly worried when she is informed that her mother did just that. For a woman who has always been healthy and fit for her age. However, things start to escalate after mum starts to wake up. Siobhan’s mum begins making comments that don’t make any sense to Siobhan. Things such as her mum never had a daughter, and then her mum begins acting bizarre and nothing like the mum she’s always known. When questioned the healthcare professionals blamed it on the drugs. Siobhan can’t stop wondering though is any of it true, or the crazed talkings of an old woman on pain medication.

As Siobhan begins to investigate and look into her childhood and the things her mom was stating, she begins to unravel an intricate web of lies and find out who she really is. If you’re looking for a fast paced, action packed book with many elements of suspense and new things at every twist and turn then this is the book for you.

This is my first book by this author and the cover and the title is what drew me in. But the way the author writes kept me engaged from the first page till the very last. I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s looking for a good psych thriller, family drama.

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This had so many twists it made me eat head spin - in a good way. When Siobhan’s mother Grace has a a fall and breaks her hip she discovers a web of lies from one little moment in her mother painful delirium - ‘Your not my daughter’. From here Siobhan discovers her mother’s secret past and the tale of deceit all comes to a crushing end and Siobhan’s true identity is revealed. I love this book and the lengths that Grace went to, to project Siobhan over the years.

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I initially struggled to read this book because, during my first attempt, I was overwhelmed with emotion after spending many hours at my mother's hospital bedside in her final weeks. It felt too heavy at the time, so I put it aside and read a few other books before returning to it.

Once I picked it up again, I found it to be an excellent page-turner with plenty of twists and turns that were still easy to follow. The dual timeline, narrated by Grace and her daughter Siobhan, was well-executed and kept the story engaging.

The many twists kept me on my toes in the best way, and I was particularly moved by the lengths Grace went to in order to protect Siobhan.

I highly recommend this book.

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This book is told with a past and present timeline. It moves at a very fast pace . With a strong theme of secrets and lies , it was addictive. Could not put it down. I really enjoyed Grace and James relationship.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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Siobhan lives with her mother Grace. Grace has a fall and breaks a hip which turns out to be a complicated case. When she comes out of the anaesthetic she doesn’t recognise Siobhan and says she can’t be her daughter she cannot have children.

Obviously this worries her and cannot let the thought go that it wasn’t just the result of the anaesthetic and might be true, so she starts investigating her Mum and all sorts of secrets come out.

The book also tells Grace’s story from her viewpoint and how she gets to where she is.

I really enjoyed this book.

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This book is an entertaining, fast reading thriller. Told between “years earlier” and “ present day”, the story revolves around Grace, a young woman, abandoned by her mother as a child, and pulling herself up as an adult. Grace is a hard worker , and gets a dream job working for a wealthy businessman. Her life is a lonely one, with only a homeless veteran as a friend.
“Present time” is the story of Grace, who now lives on a farm tending her animals, with her daughter Siobhan. When Grace falls and breaks her hip, requiring hospitalization, Siobhan hears her mother mumbling words in her unconscious state. She hears her mother mumble about being unable to have a child, which leads Siobhan to a DNA search of her parentage.

There are many twists to learn, as secrets begin to unfold!

I enjoyed this book, and give it a solid 4 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood books for the opportunity to read and review this book. The opinions are honest and truthful!

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I really enjoyed how this was told in dual timelines one present day and one from the past. It had great reveals and twists to the plot and really kept me engrossed throughout.
I absolutely loved the character of James it was so nice to see how much he wanted to help Grace even tho he really struggled within himself.
This is my first book by Diane Saxon and I’m really intrigued to read more by her now.

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Diane Saxon is the queen of the quick read psychological thrillers. What would you do if your mother told you she could never have children? Said while drowsy in the hospital, but it can’t be true surely? After taking a dna test, off we go into a great story with lots of twists and turns.

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What a standout thriller! I loved the premise of this book and the author really delivered.bI knew someone was lying and I really enjoyed the journey this book took me on to find out who and why. This was a fast paced thriller that I read in one sitting because I really couldn't put it down. This was my favorite kind of page turner!

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Review for 'My Mother's Lies' by Diane Saxon.

Absolutely loved this fast paced, gritty and unputdownable psychological thriller filled with emotions and secrets!!!

This book is fantastically written with vivid descriptions that absolutely grip the readers attention and puts them right in the middle of it all making your heart pound and you constantly second guessing.

This book had me hook, line and sinker from the first page and I could not put it down!!! Every time I said one more chapter it ended on a cliffhanger and I just had to know what was going on!!! This kept on happened over and over until before I knew it I had devoured the whole book in one sitting!! If you are going to read this then clear your day because it is truly unputdownable. I started this this morning and finished it at approx 2pm, reading it in one sitting. This is one of those fascinating books that will have you questioning the characters and yourself throughout!!! You have no idea who to believe and if any other of them can be trusted!!! It will keep you guessing throughout but If you want the answers to find out more then you'll just have to grab your copy of this superb page turner today!! I can guarantee you will not regret it!! The storyline is ram packed with twists, turns and surprises you'll never see coming. I definitely didn't and I have read hundreds of crime and psychological books so a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS Diane!!! It is getting harder and harder to surprise me but you managed it in this successful, chilling and page turning psychological thriller!!! Grab your copy and jump on the rollercoaster ride of secrets, family, suspense, chills, twists, thrills, mystery and everything you could ask for in an epic page turner!!! Diane's fantastic and evocative writing skills ensures you are sucked into the lives of the characters feeling your heart pounding and the hair on your arms raise. This book is rammed with suspense and tension and will keep you biting your nails, on the edge of your seat with your heart pounding while your flipping the pages because you just cant stop. I loved the fantastic ending that left me wanting to pick up more of Diane's books and get stuck straight in. Diane does an absolutely fantastic job of weaving the multiple protagonists chapters together perfectly to drip the reader just the right amount of information to keep them hooked and to see the bugger picture while not giving too much away.

It is also set over multiple time lines. When books show what has happened in the past and what is happening in the present I find it really helps the reader (if it is well done) understand why things are happening and what has lead to the present activities and decisions. It also shows the bigger picture

Diane Saxon's brilliantly emotive and evocative writing skills brings each of the characters to life and leaves you feeling that you are standing next to them as their story unfolds and lives start to tumble around them. Each of the characters were realistic, well rounded and strong characters which makes it a realistic read. All the characters were strong and realistic as well as hiding their own secrets. I was completely invested in each and every one of them. Although many were flawed as well as unlikeable this made them all the more realistic!!! It is rare for me to become so invested in unlikeable characters but the storyline was so addictive i just could not put it down!!!! There were flaws, secrets and so much more you have no idea who to trust and what the truth really is!!! Diane makes you question each and every one of the characters throughout!!! I don't want to risk saying more about how I felt about the characters as I don't want to give anything away to future readers but I will say that I was annoyed, angry, upset, disappointed at the different ones for many different reasons!! Regardless of whether you love them or hate them they each played their parts perfectly!!!

Overall an addictive and gripping emotional rollercoaster of secrets, family, suspense, tension and everything you could want in a gripping thriller!!

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This was an incredible thriller that I needed !! I never knew what was around the corner... My Mothers Lies is the sneaky attack of drama and thriller needed for a reader looking for a book to keep you on edge!.

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Siobhan was worried after her mother fell and broke her hip and was taken to hospital ,she has always been fit and looked great for her age. When her mum started to come round she was saying disturbing things like she never had a daughter and was acting nothing like her mother. The nurses blamed it on the drugs but was any of it true. When Siobhan starts to try and find out by sending away a spit sample from her mum without her knowledge she will soon find out that she should have left well alone. She gets to know what her mum did and the lies she told but at what cost.
Yet another great book from this author.

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