Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author for this eARC.

I've read several of this authors books and I thoroughly enjoyed My Mother's Lies.

Diane Saxon in my opinion connects well with her readers through her writing and has come up with yet another good read that had me hooked from the beginning. I like Siobhan, Grace and James and feel I could relate to them, and picture them in my mind when reading. Siobhan searches for the truth when her mother says something unexpected. I think the story is written well, easy to follow and flows seamlessly. I like that it is told through Siobhan and Grace and their perspectives. The dual time line complements the story and had me wanting to know more. As always there are some characters I hated and I wanted them to show their true colours and be found out. Overall an entertaining read which I really enjoyed and would recommend. I'm never disappointed with any books by this author, she is one of my go to authors whose books always hit the mark with me.

5 stars

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A throughly enjoyable read with a few plot twists, some I guessed but that didn’t take away from the storyline ,which kept my attention from the first page and it’s one of those times that I wished I could just keep reading. Next time I read one of the author’s books, I’m going to wait for the weekend when I can read without any interruption.

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Another fantastic read by Diane Saxon! This might just be her best one yet. Packed with secrets, lies and family ties. This was dark and creepy from beginning to end. Great characters that kept me flipping pages long past my bedtime.
Thank you NetGalley, Diane Saxon and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I really enjoyed this complicated and twisty thriller. The relationship between mother and daughter was very interesting and I really enjoyed it.

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What a brilliant book this is Family Drama/Psychological Thriller packed full of surprises and shocks all the way

All the characters were interesting and it was storytelling at its best, well done Diane

Thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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Diane Saxon has done it again with this utterly brilliant thriller. This had me totally hooked from the very first page. I found this gripping page turner had twists and turns but was still easy to follow. I liked how it was written from the two viewpoints of the main characters, Grace and Siobhan, along with a dual timeline in parts. Grace falls and breaks her hip and whilst in a delirious state she tells her daughter Siobhan that she isn’t her mother. This then sends Siobhan on a journey to discover if there is any truth in this………
Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for the ARC

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I absolutely loved this book, told in 2 narrativies, it swept me along at a pace. I loved the characterisation and the way the storyline developed. I was sure I'd work it out but I was wrong! A really great read.

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yet another amazing read from this Author that leaves you wanting so much more. Siobhan and her mother Grace are so close. but her mother has an accident at the farm and is taken into hospital. when her mum is settled, she goes in to see her her mum is rambling and quite nasty out of character and then she says you not my daughter. Siobhan is thrown. and then she gets shocking news of the doctor. this book will take you on a journey to the past and present a very addictive psychological read .

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Thank you Netgalley, Diane Saxon and Boldwood Books for the eArc for My Mother's Lies.

Having read a fair few of Diane's books after coming across her DS Jenna Morgan series on Audible ( also highly recommended!) I was overjoyed to receive this arc. I really enjoy Diane's writing style, her character building with her plots makes for a great page turner..

My Mother's Lies is no different. Set on two timelines, the plot takes on 2 POV's, Grace in the past and in the present day of Siobhan. Both are well marked and distinctive in the characters voices. Even though there are two main voices, the rest of the characters, especially James are very well fleshed out and feel like you could know these people in the real world..

The plot itself is medium paced, taking you on a rollercoaster of emotions while both these women stories unfold, bringing both past and present together. There are some great plot twists as the pieces of the puzzle fall into place with a great pay off at the end. As with all the books Ive read of Diane's, I pretty much read this one in 2 sittings !

4.5 stars rounded to 5

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I have loved every book I have read by the author and this has to be her best yet.

I was instantly became engrossed in both timelines from the start, there were so many interesting characters, whilst I loved the leading ladies, James was my favourite, such a strong character, despite his demons, his loyalty to Grace was heartwarming 🥰

There are so many twists, a couple I did realise, but not in there entirety. This book gives such a punch, it needs to be on your TBR.

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She’s been lying my whole life... As if my mum breaking her hip and being rushed to hospital isn’t shocking enough for one day, now in her post operative delirium, she’s just told me I’m not her daughter. That she has never been able to have children. Good book! This book had suspense, intrigue, kidnapping, murder, mystery, a sort of who done it and a few crazy twists and turns! The story was very interesting and kept me glued to my kindle! I definitely recommend reading this one! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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An engaging novel that had me immersed throughout. I found this to be quite different than the “usual” thriller. It is also a heartfelt story of one woman’s life struggles and the love between a mother and daughter. The dual timeline incorporates Grace’s backstory with present day bringing this intriguing plot together perfectly. It’s well-written and has excellent character development.
Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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If I'm not her daughter then who am I?
My mothers lies is certainly a gripping harrowing book.
Siobhan Martin and her mum have always been so close, she's always been fit as a fiddle looking after the rescue animals in their small holdings.
Siobhan is an estate agent and after her mum has a fall and a broken hip she is looking after things while she is in hospital, when after visiting the doctor who breaks some startling news about her mum's health, her mum is acting very strange as well telling her things but are they true? Siobhan needs to find out that sends this mother and daughter on a roller coaster ride.
I LOVED IT, so many twists and turns throughout the book, a book that unfolds to finding true identity that will rock the family unit to pieces.
Brilliant once again from the author.

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Wow what a fantastic book. First book I've read by this author and it had me hooked from the very first page. Hard to put down once I started and the book was full of twists and turns.
The story is told from 2 points of view and 2 timelines Grace and Siobhan's.

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Wow best book I have read for a while! Complete page turner from beginning to end read it in two days my heart was pounding at times would definitely recommend if you want to read a gripping tale with numerous twists and turns and an ending that was completely unexpected!! Loved it

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This latest psychological thriller from Diane Saxon is a real page turner. A web of secrets and lies are slowly being unravelled as Siobhan tries to digest the words her mother Grace spoke in hospital....."you're not my daughter".
A dual timeline telling Grace's story and present day this is really fast paced, True dilemmas are faced head on with possibly drastic consequences. A great read

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The thriller vibes this book gives off! Oh my gosh! You’ll really be sorry if you don’t read this one. Thriller readers will love it.

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