Member Reviews

+ Petals for Vicious Secrets +
- The Panom Saga #1 -
🖋️ Martha Monteval
🎭 fantasy, romance
💡 power/oppression, found family, friendship, strong females, rebels, secrets
📝 421
🔸 ARC - 7/18/2024
▶️ 7/8/2024
⏹️ 7/14/2024
📚 ebook

••• one sentence •••
As past secrets are revealed, Hope and Lenna must fight separate battles to ensure the safety of their friends and find their own power within themselves.

••• review •••
✨ This series has so much potential! It has true friendships forming, multiple love interests, and so many loose ends that make me incredibly eager to continue reading this series as they are published!

✨ I was nervous after reading the first chapter because it was full of dependent clauses and felt so choppy to read. However, after reading the next few chapters, I believe that the style of writing was intentional, and it did make sense for the situation. The rest of the book was well written (minus a handful of grammatical errors - assuming those will be corrected in the final publication) and flowed, making it an engaging read.

✨ “Petals for Vicious Secrets” is told from the POV of two MFCs. Both women are extremely independent, confident, and do not back down when faced with oppression. While similar, their differences are concrete enough that their stories do not blur together. I was equally engaged throughout both POVs and couldn't decide which one I was more eager to read!

✨ The story centers around the two MFCs who unknowingly have the same goal. They meet (or already know) numerous characters who have secrets and questionable actions. My opinions of characters changed by the chapter as their personalities and true motives were uncovered.

✨ The magic in this book is unique and I loved the balance of good vs bad. My favorite part of the magic was the ink…a magic I wish I had!

✨ I am sure my questions and the loose ends in this book will be cleared in the following books - I am so curious how the author will explain and tie in these pieces to create a truly stunning romantasy saga.

✨ I would recommend this book to any romantasy lover, or those interested in dipping their toes in the genre!

••• quotes •••
💬 “I chose you, …, because you have the fearless heart of those who change worlds. I chose you, because I can see who you are behind the walls you insist on putting for everyone to see. I chose you, because even if you have accepted that everyone who should love you has given up on you, I know you are worth fighting for. I chose you, because I know you can be as powerful as I am, if not even more. And I chose you, sweet fire, because you are absolutely insufferable and I can't get you out of my mind.”

💬 “Not all of us have magic. But all of us can make a difference, in one way or another.”

💬 “Magic or no magic, it's people like you, who don't accept no as an answer, who don't accept the rules without challenging them. The ones who change the world.”

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Thank you @netgalley for the ARC!

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"Petals for Vicious Secrets," the first book in Martha Monteval's Panom Saga, captivates readers with its intricate blend of suspense, romance, and mystery. Set against a backdrop of an enigmatic and lush landscape, Monteval crafts a tale that draws you in with its vivid descriptions and complex characters.

The novel excels in character development, presenting protagonists with rich backstories and compelling arcs that evoke empathy and engagement. The narrative seamlessly intertwines personal struggles with overarching secrets, creating a tapestry of intrigue that keeps you turning pages.

Monteval’s adept use of atmospheric elements enhances the story's immersive quality. The setting, reminiscent of a historic lakeside town, parallels your fondness for such environments, further enriching your reading experience. The tension and chemistry between the characters, reminiscent of the "two people with a lot of history" trope, add depth and relatability to the plot.

Overall, "Petals for Vicious Secrets" is a masterfully written novel that promises to enthrall readers with its blend of emotional depth and suspenseful storytelling.

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Petals for Vicious Secrets
By Martha Monteval
First, thank you to Crystal Unclear Publishing and Martha Monteval for allowing me to ready the ARC of Petals for Vicious Secrets.
Petals for Vicious Secrets is a multiple POV, enemies to lovers, romantasy book with two strong FMC’s.
There is a lot of character building in the first half of the book, but it is worth getting through, because the second half of the book is where it takes off and I couldn’t put it down. Hope and Lenna’s stories truly come together, and you learn how strong they both are. The morally grey MMC is keeps the tension tight and gives the book the spice that many romantasy readers enjoy so much.
I really enjoyed the different type of magic in this book as well, it is different from anything I have read before.
I cannot wait for the second book in the trilogy to be released!

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while this book definitely delivered its promise of a unique and captivating magic system, it fell a bit flat due to an unclear plot line and shallow characters.

— world building & plot
most the world building takes place in the first few chapters of the book and these are some very heavy handed details being given right off the bat. the intricacies of the history & politics were a bit complicated to follow and every chapter seemed to introduce a new plot to follow without much development for why these plot points were important to the main goal.

— characters
the story is narrated in 3rd person from a dual pov and follows a social outcast with an unbeknownst past and a hot headed heiress with no interest in her political holding. the latter was very one dimensional with her smart mouth & need for physical intimacy being the only driving forces to her character which got repetitive and at times felt unnecessary/borderline juvenile (the character is in her mid-20s). there is an ensemble of supporting characters but only one makes any significant impact to the storyline (nina, you’re the real star of this show and you deserved an f/f romance bb 🫶🏻)

— romance
i can get behind morally grey mmcs as love interests but misogyny can never be at the root. their “slow burn” tension felt forced with some awkward dialogues to accompany while the plot would have qualified this for a high stakes romance, i felt no investment in their relationship. i honestly picked up on more chemistry between other characters than the intended couple.

i do think this book has a lot of potential and feel this is one of the more unique magic systems i’ve encountered in fantasy! if i had to compare this world to anything, i’d say you’ll definitely get some hunger games vibes with some reminiscent sprinklings of acotar.

thanks so much to crystal unclear publishing & netgalley for the digital advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest thoughts!

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High fantasy worldbuilding and two storylines waiting to collide.
Badass female maincharcters, unique magic system, action and romance... I mean, what's not to like!

Post on IG the 18 of July - one_fairy_tale_at_the_time

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Contains spoilers.

Themes and tropes: Found family, enemies to lovers, bad ass/murderous female leads, unique magic system.

This story had some unique and interesting aspects that I enjoyed. The magical system was unique and I really enjoyed the thought behind it. I enjoyed have the POV of two bad ass female leads. However, I did find myself being more interested when the story was from Lenna more than from Hope’s perspective but given than Hope is ultimately supposed to be “savior” of the magic and land I wish it was the other way around. Lenna was more focused on opposing and standing up against the patriarchal and mysogynisitc society / ruler. Whereas Hope story focused on avengening based on personal experiences rather than wanting to fight for the betterment of the society.

I was disappointed that Hope’s love story ended up being with a male heir because for most of the chapters I truly thought her love story would develop with her female friendship.

I really enjoyed Ciaran’s character and the development we get on his background. I have very conflicting feelings about Jake. I typically love a “enemies to lovers” story line but with Jake it didn’t fully accomplish the usual feel based on his first few interactions with our FMC. Despite his clear want and attraction to the FMC he wasn’t just “a villain for you and those I love” he truly was hurting innocents by following the orders of his father and not breaking away from his dads approach.

Overall, the story was interesting and I would be interested in a reading the second book.

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3rd person / 2 FMCs / short chapters / TW below

🌿 two FMCs – 2 POVs
🌿 deadly women with daggers
🌿 female friendships
🌿 magic system
🌿 fuck the powerful patriarchal motherfuckers 🖕🏻

I don't remember the last time I *HATED* MMC. I love lil murderous men but a rapist is where I draw the line. Those two stars are for him because he absolutely disgusts me. And three for the FMCs.

With two FMCs, I usually prefer one POV but I must say I liked them the same amount. I'm weak for murderous women and Hope (let's pretend her surname isn't Nevada) delivered ten-fold. And I am sure she's gonna be ten times more badass in book 2.
I love hoes but Lenna's sluttiness was too forced. She was horny all the time for no reason and in the worst moments. Love a stubborn bitch that's not annoying tho. ❤️

I like the world it's set in but I think the world-building served as an introduction and wasn't visited too closely. If it's done to support the sequels it makes sense and was well-done. A lot of names and terms but it was easy to keep-up... Most of the time. 😅

What I missed was motivation to keep reading. I felt like there wasn't any goal to run towards to. Just random things they wanted to do. And maybe that's why there wasn't really any ending.
As with many books, I think I'd love it more if it made me feel anything. It has the elements and potential but the writing didn't dwell on the moments that could make it shine. I liked the writing overall, though.

Overall, I have mixed feelings. I liked the book but wanted to DNF after 40% at the same time. Make it make sense. It's not a bad book, but I won't read it again or continue in the series

Trigger warnings: violence, suicidal ideation/depression (past), mentions/threats of sexual assault, illness, death, unloving parents, alcohol, sexual content, misogyny

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Negative feedback isn't meant as an insult to the author!

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4.25 stars!!

I loved this story about two tough as nails and empathetic women each going through their own adventures (until their adventures converge!) and tapping into their true powers!

At first, the chapters alternating between the two parallel stories was was frustrating because I’d get invested in following Hope and then get pulled to Lenna, or vice versa- but in the end it really worked! The author did a great job of sprinkling clues throughout as to how their stories would connect- and I was absolutely not disappointed at all when they finally did (in a very fun and very Lenna way)!!

Hope’s story was one of struggle, one of having to be the bravest, toughest one in the room, one of needing to uncover truths about her own family. Lenna’s story was one of power imbalance and the fight to regain it, one of a girl refusing to take the easy route, one of a girl willing to fight for those that her own family would step on. Together, this was a gorgeous story of strong women getting stronger- and you love to see it!

Obviously it’s the romantasy vibe, so we’ve gotta get some love interests in there- and I’m very intrigued by the two different main men for our gals. They each have some of the typical romantasy man vibes, but not much the same between them- highlighting Jake’s ruthlessness and morally grey empathy, following Ciaran’s protective and resilient drive and mix of some special powers.

I’m super excited to continue with this story for the pure need to learn more about a character I was sus of for most of the book (I am proud I called it) and what exactly is going on with Hope’s plot line and how Lenna is going to be key in advancing it. This was so fun and so unique- with a very very cool magic system!!!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Martha Montreal for the chance to read this in exchange for an honest review!

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The feeling of reading a fantasy book where the FMC is +20y is inexplicable (and we have two FMC's!!!), I really REALLY love it. The world building definitely didn't slow down the story, the book catch you from the beginning and it's almost impossible to put it down.

The romance didn't disappoint either, enemies to lovers is almost always guaranteed to be successful and this time it wasn't different. The banter and the spice was soooo good. I'm very excited to book 2!

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Martha Monteval's debut novel, Petals for Vicious Secrets, marks a promising beginning to The Panom Saga, though it has its strengths and weaknesses.

While the novel introduces an intriguing world and magical system that are easy to grasp, some aspects fell short for me. The dialogue often felt stiff and unnatural, lacking the dynamic banter and tension I really crave in an enemies to lovers. The characters never felt like real enemies to; instead, they were more adversaries or frienemies. The pacing was initially slow, and I struggled to stay focused. I definitely found myself more drawn to Lenna's storyline than Hope's in the beginning. This could have a lot to do with Jake. He was just something else! 😄

Despite these drawbacks, there were elements that stood out positively. Jake being one of them 🤭. But also, the humor injected into the story was enjoyable, providing lighter moments amidst the unfolding drama. I also really appreciated the magical system within the fantastical world of Thyria.

Obviously the story is not over, so I can’t wait to see how these characters grow and evolve. I think right now they feel very one dimensional, but moving through future novels I feel like that can easily shift. I’m excited to see where this story goes!

Thank you NetGalley for the E-ARC, this is my honest review.

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Title: Petals for Vicious Secrets

Author: Martha Monteval
Genre: Fantasy, Romance

Rating: ★★★★☆

A Secret That Will Change the World. A Revenge That Will Change Her Life.

Hope Nevada, discarded at birth, grows up on the brutal island of Verdania, where survival means killing or being killed.

During a Trading Day, a rare device arrives from an anonymous sender, revealing the first truth among the many lies she's been told her entire life. This revelation sets her on a path of no return.

What I Loved:

Hope Nevada’s Fierce Determination: Hope Nevada is a character you’ll instantly fall in love with. Discarded at birth and raised on the brutal island of Verdania, Hope has learned to survive in a world where only the strongest prevail. Her tenacity and resourcefulness are both admirable and inspiring. The arrival of a mysterious device during a Trading Day sets her on a path of discovery and vengeance, revealing the first of many truths about her life.

The Mysterious Device and Shocking Revelation: The device that Hope receives is a brilliant plot device that propels the story forward. It uncovers a truth that changes everything she has known, pushing her towards an epic quest for revenge in Thyria. This revelation adds layers of complexity to the plot and makes you eager to uncover the next secret.

Thyria: A Land of Magic and Danger: Thyria, with its four-petal guarded island and five powerful political Houses, is a richly detailed world brimming with magic and danger. Monteval’s world-building is exceptional, creating a vivid backdrop for Hope’s journey. The beings in Thyria possess powerful magical skills, and navigating this perilous landscape keeps the tension high.

Enemies-to-Lovers Romance: The enemies-to-lovers dynamic in Petals for Vicious Secrets is beautifully executed. Hope’s mistrust of others, forged by her harsh upbringing, creates a compelling tension with the characters she encounters in Thyria. The slow burn of romance, combined with witty banter and complex relationships, adds depth and richness to the story.

Themes of Trust and Found Family: One of the most touching aspects of the book is its exploration of trust and found family. Hope’s journey teaches her that trusting others, while risky, is not only necessary for survival but also for finding true belonging. The characters she meets along the way become a found family, adding emotional resonance to her quest.

Petals for Vicious Secrets by Martha Monteval is a mesmerising start to The Panom Saga. With a fierce heroine, intricate world-building, and a gripping enemies-to-lovers romance, this book delivers on all fronts. Prepare to be enchanted by Hope Nevada’s journey and the secrets that unfold in this epic fantasy adventure.

Thank you to The Publisher Crystal Unclear Publishing ,The Author Martha Monteval & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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*Contains Spoilers*
Petals for Vicious Secrets is a uniquely written fantasy with plenty of twists, OH! moments and parallel storylines that converge. The book unfolds from the POV of two FMCs; it's worth noting the FMCs are 25. I personally prefer stories where the MCs age doesn't end in teen. 😉

Your FMCs are no damsels in distress. They quite literally embodied "Girl Boss". In fact, I appreciate the world being rooted in women as Rulers, Queens, etc. with jabs at the bruised male ego.

This is a great debut novel, looking forward to finishing the series. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

🌍Worldbuilding: 5/5 - Map included <spoiler>Different continents and realms. </spoiler>
⚔️Plot: 4/5
🪄Magic System: 4/5
•<spoiler> Loved the mark/petal concept and the balance of powers with each house. I also liked that the system kept unveiling more secrets with time. </spoiler>
🔥Spice: 🌶️
•The banter just wasn't quite swoony enough for me. <spoiler>Although the Slow Burn and E2Ls is present, for me, there wasn't enough angst to really sell it or make you speed up to the spicy bits only to slow down and enjoy the show, ya know?</spoiler>
•Spicy Chapters: <spoiler> 27,39,48,62</spoiler>
📚Continue with Series: Yes!
🤐TW: <spoiler>Violence & Death, Torture, Emotional Abuse, Reference to Abandonment & Slavery, Profanity & Sexually Explicit Scenes</spoiler>
⏳Time to Complete: 2 (mostly dedicated) days - estimate around 10-11 hours
📰Expected Publication: July 18, 2024

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