Member Reviews

Want to know when I gave up on this one? When the female main character (an FBI agent) watched a priest blow up in front of her and her response? “And my poor hair!” With an exclamation point. DNF at 52%

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Wow, this is a great story! Susan's most devastating and difficult case so far. An underground bunker being used as a safe house for bringing illegal immigrants into the US is expertly demolished killing everyone inside including someone close to one of Susan's team members. Because it involves illegal immigrants, not one of the offical agencies will touch investigating it as it's too much of a political hot potato. Susan doesn't take no for an answer and eventually her FBI boss gives her a few days to investigate 'off the books'. The culprit starts targeting Susan and even tries to throw the team off by presenting a decoy. But Susan doesn't quit. Not to mention that she has to deal with her insurance not paying out for her house burning down in the last case, some unpleasant information about her husband's death and a pesky lawyer, she has lots on her plate! With lots of action, a well-written narrative and a fast pace, this is a superb read.
Thanks to Netgalley, Storm Publishing and Sam Baron for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a very intense 3rd book in the series. It was so hard to put down. I absolutely love this series and the characters in it. I can’t wait for the next one, and to finally find out how Susan’s husband was killed!!

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Book number three in the Special Agent in Charge Susan Parker series. This time the team is investigating “off the books”. A mass killing in an underground bunker used as a safe house for illegals crossing the border, is an issue no official department wants to deal with. More than happy for the tragedy to be swept under the carpet, the powers that be will not be investigating. As Special Agent Ramon Diaz is amongst the bereaved, ignoring the event was never on Susan and her team’s radar.

The first book in this series was not good, the second a little better. This one started off good, though it did lose its way, with errors unchecked.

Although a good agent Susan is very annoying, and her extended family scenario is boring, and I think that is why the books lack something for me. Unless I can get behind the main protagonist, be they good or bad, I do lose interest. Also the dreaded copacetic reared its head again.

Again, an ok read but think this will be the last Agent Parker book for me.


Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing

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I just couldn't get into this book. I thought the story was a little silly, especially the villain

Thanks NetGally for advance copy

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What a rollercoaster ride. There is so much action and suspense in this book. It’s full of twists and turns and red herrings. I frantically swiped the pages while eagerly awaiting what happens next. There are two storylines in this book. The main one that is figuring out who the killer is. The second one is an ongoing one that we get little clues in each book in the series. I really love this series. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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This is an intense but very satisfying novel about FBI agent Susan Parker and her attempts to find the bomber who targeted a safe house and killed thousands of immigrants. Her daughter Natalie is deaf and uses ASL so she is particularly worried about her safety as there are no real leads and some evidence points to a priest?? But Susan is a take-no-prisoners gal and will do anything to find this guy so she calls on local law enforcement as well as friends she can trust. SO many suspects are turned up but it takes her cunning and skill to find the real madman!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing Storm Publishing for my copy of The Safe House by Sam Baron.
I found this book hard to get into and it was a while before it got going, but by the last third I was glued to the pages.
FBI Agent Susan Parker is called to investigate an a house collapse in the desert that killed nearly 30 immigrants, Susan is discovers this was deliberate. Fighting against local sheriff who wants the case called an accident and closed with no investigation, Susan and her team are working without back up. As the body count raises can Susan find the answers.
When I started to read this, I didn't realise there had already been two books in the series. The book does work as a standalone but I think I would have got into it quicker if I had read the other books first.

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Thank you to Storm Publishing and Net Galley for allowing me to review this book. I'll admit I haven't read the other two books in the series but I will now. From the explosive opening of the book I was hooked on this wonderful story. I think the topic of undocumented individuals is becoming more prominent than ever right now.

Susan's flaws are real and numerous and doesn't suffer from fates of other thrillers with perfect special agents. I will recommend this book to my readers as it grabbed ahold of me and refused to let me go until the very end!

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I am thankful to have gotten the eARC for free from Netgalley and Storm Publishing so I can leave my voluntary and honest review.

Full disclosure I accidentally requested this book, sort of. Long story but I was reading the description which looked promising but I realized I had read the first book in this series and didn’t like it at all. So I went to move on realizing I had got the request button and being auto approved by this publisher I was locked in.

However, I’m glad it happened as this book was much better than the first!n. The author had gotten better with his writing as he has written now the third book in the series.

This book will be engaging for many. It’s a current topic of undocumented individuals being brought into the US so it feels like the plot could actually happen. So for those that like detective mysteries, give this one a go. You don’t have to read the other books in the series to enjoy it.

I will say though that the dialogue while better, is still not coming across as authentic and some of the themes are pandering. Meaning that they seem to be thrown in just to be current and “woke”. It comes off as anything but. That being said you can push past it and enjoy the story.

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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Special Agent Susan Parker and her team are involved in another serious case. This time the team are on their own, with very little other Agency support and even their own denying official involvement.
Loved this book from start to finish. Really enjoying Susan's story. It is as interesting as the case she is working. Again you do not have to have read the other books to read and enjoy this one.

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Susan Parker and her team are tasked to solve the bombing of an underground safe house filled with illegal immigrants - off the books though.
The team work hard to find The Saint who is a veteran, who is intent on getting rid of immigrants, no matter what.

This is an absorbing book, gripping story, lots of red herrings and twists.
Susan is unstoppable in her investigations, she is dogged in her pursuit of justice. She has a lot of empathy, and much love for her remaining family.
The investigation into her husband's death has not moved forward at all.

Thanks to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read this book.

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I stare down at the sunken patch of earth with awful dread. Caring hands take hold of the little girl, lifting her out of the dirt and debris, cradling her gently. A woman old enough to be her abuelita, one fist clutching a rosary, closes the child’s eyes. Her tears wash runnels through the caked mud on her granddaughter’s face as she gives her one final kiss. Good book! This book was a bit different I’d say it was into the cultures of different people? Sort of which was fine it was definitely worth reading! It had suspense, murder, mystery, smuggling people, serial killers, a crazy who done it and a few twists and turns! The story was very interesting! I would recommend reading this book as it was worth reading! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

When a cave full of illegal immigrants making their way into the USA is blown up, FBI agent Susan Parker investigates. However she can’t get any other crime agencies to help and is told by her boss that it is off the books. When there are more bombs Susan suspects an ex military person may be the link.

This was my first book in this series and I loved it. Susan is such a flawed character but a strong and powerful woman. A good role model for h to daughter. I liked the fast pace of the story, the suspense and the red herrings. Susan and her team had great relationships and I enjoyed how easy they were with each other.

Looking forward to catching up with Susan again. Highly recommend.

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FBI special agent in charge, Susan Parker, has a lot on her plate. Still reeling from her husband, Amit's, death... and the destruction of her family home, her teammate, Ramon, stealthily takes her to a crime scene where an underground safehouse in the California desert has been bombed - with two dozen people inside. None of the law enforcement agencies want to help - so Susan and her team are on their own... shifting from their headquarters to the pizza place across the street. This is a solid mystery with a lot of Susan and her in-law's backstory and relationship mixed in for depth. And the cliffhanger on this book is so good! Thank you to Storm Publishing for an advanced reader of this book - the opinions expressed are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for the arc of this book.
Brilliant crime thriller, Sam Baron is an amazing author bringing you straight in with an exciting start and keeps you reading zealously.
Agent Parker the top in her field is still reeling from the death of her husband and her house being burnt to the ground, when a mass explosion happens killing numerous illegal immigrants coming into the US.
Can she find The Saint, the mass murderer before more people are killed?
Not only was this book gripping from the start, it was full of interesting factual information, the research into this story is extensive, the writing was brilliant and his characters flawless. Agent Parker is a character you'll love. She's fearless, strong and intelligent.
This is the third in the series and I'm going to definitely check out the other books in this agent's series.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of The Safe House by Sam Baron due to be published August 19, 2024.
FBI Agent Susan Parker is not only searching for “The Saint” – a mysterious man killing immigrants, but she is still dealing with the loss of her husband, Amit. Can she find the Saint before he finds her? Will she find Amit’s killer, also?
I read the first book in this series, “The Therapy Room” – it was excellent and so was this one (I need to go back and read book two, though). It kept me on the edge of my seat from page one as I couldn’t wait to see if Agent Parker could figure out who the Saint was and his motive! This one was a page turner that I read in one day – a great thriller. Can’t wait for a fourth book!

#NetGalley #SamBaron #StormPublishing #TheSafeHouse

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