Member Reviews

Unfortunately the chapters for this were out of order which made it very difficult to listen to so I had to give up but I have ordered a physical copy as I know I will love this as the author is a favourite of mine!

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It’s no secret that I LOVE Ashley’s books, especially her Once Upon a Con series and I eagerly anticipate each new book from her with A Novel Love Story being no exception, ESPECIALLY because we have our female lead ending up in the town from her favourite book series!

Like the premise alone sounds amazing and I’m really struggling to figure out how to describe the vibes for this book like it’s giving Once Upon a Time but with romance book characters instead of fairy tale ones, with a splash of Gilmore Girls cosiness, if that makes sense? Like I just found the book really comfy and cosy with the small town setting and the romance! AND there’s a splash of magic too, obviously!

There’s a little mystery courtesy of the ‘haunted toilet’ and you know…how the hell Eileen ended up in the town from her favourite book series, but for the most part this read like a love letter to romance books. The way Eileen talks about them really hit me deep, and it made it so easy to relate to her as well as the fact that who amongst us hasn’t dreamed of venturing into their favourite book series and living their best life? Not to mention opening their own bookstore!? She’s really out here living the bookworm dream and I ENVIED her!

There’s plenty of twists throughout the book, as well as a few bumps in the road as Eileen interferes a little bit and Anders is his grouchy ‘get out of town’ self for a while, but the banter between them was on point. Which is honestly to be expected from Ashley’s books (at least for me) because the humour is ALWAYS top tier, and I had such a giggle reading this!

The romance is cute and had a few swoony moments, I adored the side characters, and honestly the writing for this was just stunning! Like I said, the way books are talked about within the narrative was beautiful and really hit on my own personal feelings so this ended up kind of feeling a little bit like a nice warm hug? Like I felt SEEN and I’m gonna have to go back through this and highlight so many bits!

Honestly, I really loved the vibes for this as well as the writing, my only complaint is that the phrase ‘minty green eyes’ has been burned into my brain. Like it was a little much and I wasn't really vibing with the narrator entirely.

That and every time someone said ‘come on, Eileen’ my brain started singing the song!

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Listening to this audiobook was a deeply immersive experience. The narration brought the author’s exceptional writing to life, blending elements of magical realism with such finesse that it felt both captivating and enchanting.

The story’s exploration of romance and profound sadness was portrayed with remarkable emotional depth. The narrator's delivery of these intense themes added a layer of poignancy that resonated deeply, making the characters' experiences even more impactful.

The dual timelines, skillfully handled in the narrative, were made even more engaging through the audiobook format. The transitions between past and present were seamless, adding complexity and depth to the story in a way that was both compelling and easy to follow.

Overall, this audiobook offers a powerful and immersive listening experience. The narrator’s performance enhances the already stunning writing, making it a highly recommended listen for anyone seeking a rich and emotionally engaging story.

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Again, Poston writes a charming blend of contemporary romance and paranormal, with such a deft lightness of touch that you never question the fantasy of it. This is the third of her books that I’ve read and I was completely drawn in as Eileen spends a week in the setting of her favourite book series, meeting her beloved characters and falling in love with a new one. The narration was lovely, but to my UK ear made Eileen feel a little older than I thought the character was on the page, but that might just be me not being nuanced with American accents. I really enjoyed it.

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I would firstly like to thank Ashley Poston , HarperCollins UK Audio | HQ and NetGalley for providing me with an audiobook version of ' A Novel Love Story' to listen to and provide an unbiased review.

The Story follows the main character Eileen Merriweather (Elsy) who is heartbroken after parting with her fiancé just before her upcoming wedding. She is a bookworm who loves nothing more than curling up with a romantic novel especially the book series that has been her companion through the ups and downs of her life. En-route to an annual book club social retreat , she finds herself stranded with a broken down car in a small town that seems so familiar. She knows the location and residents like the back of her hand . How could she not when she has crash landed in the fictional town of her favourite and much loved book series .

This is the first novel by Ashley Poston I have read even though I have heard amazing things about her previous bestselling novels on social media. I can certainly say that it wont be the last as I loved the flow of her writing style and will be looking at her back catalogue.
I was drawn into the fantasy world of ' Eloraton' from the start. The town is so quaint and reading the book feels like you are stepping into a sweet and cosy afternoon hallmark movie. The whole story was so whimsical and wholesome and I adored the slow built relationships that she formed especially with Anders - The grumpy bookstore owner with the dreamiest mint eyes.

Dorothy Dillingham Blue was a great choice of narrator. Her accent with a slight Southern twang helped me to get lost in the storyline and bring the characters to life.
Overall it was an easy and heart-warming read that I was eager to return to at every opportunity.

#ANovelLoveStory #NetGalley

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“A Novel Love Story” by Ashley Poston offers a unique blend of magical realism and romance that sets it apart from typical love stories. This novel is not just an ode to romance novels but to the very essence of romance itself.

Eileen Merriweather, or Elsy as she’s known, is a literature professor who finds herself literally immersed in her favorite romance series. Her journey begins with an old Ford Pinto that seems determined to strand her in Eloraton, a quaint town straight out of the pages of her beloved books. The car’s breakdown feels almost serendipitous, ensuring Elsy stays in this fantastical place just long enough to unravel its secrets.

Reading about Elsy’s adventures in a town she knows intimately from the novels was entertaining. Her familiarity with the characters, juxtaposed with their obliviousness to her existence, created an interesting dynamic. However, Anders, the mysterious bookstore owner with mint-green eyes and impeccable taste in novels, was an exception. His reluctance to have Elsy complete the town’s unfinished story added an intriguing twist to the narrative.

The personal growth Elsy experiences in Eloraton is moving. Her reflections on past relationships and her gradual realizations about her own life are beautifully woven into the story. However, the romance between Elsy and Anders, while slow-building, didn’t entirely convince me. Some of the steamier moments felt a bit out of place, though they did underscore Elsy’s love for the kind of romance novels with Fabio-like covers.

The Narration:

Listening to the audiobook, narrated by Dorothy Dillingham Blue, added another layer of enjoyment. Her subtle southern accent and evident enthusiasm for the story were delightful. However, the lack of distinct voices for different characters might be a drawback for some audiobook listeners who prefer clear differentiation.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, “A Novel Love Story” is a charming and inventive tale that will resonate with anyone who loves getting lost in a good book. Its blend of reality and fiction, coupled with Elsy’s personal journey, makes it a memorable read.

I received an ARC of this audiobook from the publisher but the thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.

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.Magic realism
.Small town
.Forced proximity
.Found family

I just realised that while I love fantasy, magical realism might not be for me. It's not that the book is bad, it's well-written, whimsical, and romantic. But unfortunately it just couldn't hold my attention, and I'm still trying to figure out why.

The best explanation I have is that it's too sweet for me. We have a word in Spanish, "empalagoso," which doesn't have a direct English translation. It describes the feeling you get when you've had too many sweets, almost nauseating, like you can't take any more. That's exactly how I felt about this book. I understand it's meant to be an ode to small-town romance, but it was cliché after cliché, and I just couldn't handle it anymore. However, if you enjoy this kind of thing, it might be perfect for you.

Despite being a tribute to the romance genre, I couldn't feel the chemistry between the two characters. There was something odd I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Also, I wish the last chapter didn’t exist. I would have preferred if Eileen had gone on her merry way. That would have been a more satisfying ending for me.

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**Listened to the audiobook**

On paper, the premise to this book really intrigued me. However, I really did not like this book, and didn't enjoy the audiobook narrator.
I understand that the plot has a fantasy element but it just seemed so bizarre, and I couldn't suspend my belief in order to enjoy it.
The narrator was just so whiney! I did not like them at all!! I'm wondering if I had read the paperback version rather than the audiobook, would I have enjoyed it anymore?

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Ok, firstly, if your NetGalley link for this title was broken, it’s been fixed, go back and get it. Secondly, a question, if you could hit a wrong turn and end up stuck in your favourite book, which book would it be? I’ve overthought my own question and I don’t have the answer yet, BUT I’m still thinking, that’s a special thing for a book to do to you, in my humble opinion.

So, I’ve spoilered a tiny little bit, but the blurb possibly already does this?! As I stated Elsy, our protagonist hits a wrong turn, and ends up in a town with only one way in and one way out. She knows this town, she knows the people, all except one. She knows the smell of the place, the noise of the birds, the time of the rain, she knows because she’s found herself in the middle of her favourite book series.

This is a real ode to book lovers, a proper escape into magic and dreams, stories with promised happy endings. It’s scattered with book references, and it has a book shop with a bookshop cat, dreamy, right? it has to get credit for that! I absolutely adored the premise of the story. I adored the premise so much, that I may have set my expectations far too high. I really enjoyed the story, I’ve yet to meet a person with minty green eyes, and I suppose if I had I’d feel the need to mention them endlessly (it got a tiny bit too much) I also suppose a fictional character can be whatever you want them to be. I definitely have book boyfriends 🤭🫣 infact I’ve said often if I were to fall in love someone would probably have to write him into my story and just drop him off, coz I’m far happier living in my book life than the real world. The story is lovely, it really is, I just wanted something more, I kept selfishly picturing my own plot.

The narration on this one was beautiful, a slight southern drawl that I always find quite enchanting.

3.5 🌟 for the story
4 🌟 for the narration
All the stars 🌟 for the premise

Thanks to Harper Collins U.K. audio for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook in return for an honest review.

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A Novel Love Story is an ode to romance readers everywhere. (And a sign all our favourite authors should be wrapped in bubble wrap and protected at all costs).

Elsie is set to go to her annual book club meeting alone, but after her car breaks down she finds herself in the last place she ever expected - the fictional town of her favourite novels.

Ashley Poston really gets to the crux of what makes romance novels so special and it was a joy seeing a fictional world brought to life through Elsie’s eyes.

This story was magical, funny and heartwarming and the audio narration made it extra special. I loved every minute.

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins UK audio for the ARC.

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this book felt like a love letter to readers who find an escape from their daily lives between the pages and it made me SO emotional at times, there are certain quotes I could relate to and pick out that just screamed “hey, that’s how I feel!”, the reason this is 4 stars is because the first 150 pages were dragging for me and I found it a bit hard to get into the story

Elsy was such a realistic character, I loved her story, and if I’m being completely honest even without the romance I would’ve loved to see her journey of finding her way back to herself, on the other hand Anders was a lovely addition (so was his cat!!!), I figured out the plot twist quite quickly, but still - the moral of the story really hit me hard and made me appreciate books and the chance of escapism into my favourite stories even more

a quick addition- the narrator of this books is absolutely brilliant as well, the accents she does for all the characters with the little country twang, it was so so fun to listen to, i absolutely loved it

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The protagonist Eileen is struggling to get over heartbreak when a road trip misadventure leads to her being stranded in a town which seems strangely familiar. She soon realises it’s the fictional setting of her favourite romance novels. She loves getting to know the characters she’s been following in the books but she can’t place the grumpy bookshop owner, Anders she keeps running into. Determined to help everyone find their happy ending, the last thing she thinks of is what she wants.

When her attempts to help the couples in the town start to backfire she begins to face her past relationship and realise that she’s allowed to want things for herself. Maybe she can make her own happy ending after all.

I thought the way the author contrasted the fictional characters from the book series, with the ones who were real was very clever. The writing was very easy to follow and lose yourself in. I enjoyed the audiobook narration and found it a really enjoyable listening experience.

I look forward to reading more of the authors books in future.

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I’ve read many books that feel like a love letter to books and reading. A Novel Story felt like a love letter to readers.

I’ve loved all of Ashley Poston’s books, which are a delightful blend of humanity, romance and whimsy. I loved the grown up fairy tale feel of A Novel Story and the strong themes of friendship, individual identity, and letting go. Beyond this, the story perfectly captures the power of romance books to carry us through dark times, provide cosy comfort, and to inspire. I particularly loved and related to the authors note at the end (and would love to know her favourite book).

The narration captured the mystical feel of the bookish town, and brought to life the repartee between Eileen and Anders. While this is a romance, the town and its fictional residents are a third main character, and the narration atmospheric descriptions created such an immersive experience. I would highly recommend enjoying A Novel Story as an audiobook.

Thank you HarperCollins UK Audio and NetGalley for this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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The audiobook narration was absolutely fabulous! The author managed to get the vibe and humour of the character down perfectly.

I loved the premise and was hooked from the start. The FMC Eileen is relatable and I love all the little side characters that pop in out.

The idea of getting stuck in your favourite small town romance series is my dream and I was intrigued by how Ashley Poston played it.

My only issue was our love interest. He fell flat for me and didn’t feel like a fully developed character. Definitely forgettable!

Overall, this book is a fun time and I’d highly recommend the audio.

I received an advanced listening copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Elieen Merriweather needs to get away from everything after her Ex-fiancee marries another woman — on her way to a week-long getaway her car breaks down in a small town that seems to be right out of her favourite book series.
I loved this book — it was just what I needed — Full of magical realism like a modern fairytale story. I enjoyed all the character's main and secondary interactions — I enjoyed how Eileen develops throughout the book as she explores her self-worth and discovery. I found this book unputdownable, heartwarming romance.
The audiobook narrator did a great job voicing the characters and expressed Eileen and other characters well - for me, the narrator helped to draw me in even more to the story and the romance — I was invested from the beginning to the end as the narration graced me and pulled me in. It is a great escape from the real world — right when I needed it.

Thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK Audio | HQ for the ALC. This is my honest review.

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Basic info:
- Magical realism romance/women's fiction
- Single POV, 1st person, single timeline.
- Standalone

In a few words we follow Eileen, an English professor and a huge book lover, as she by the power of magical realism gets inside her favorite book and lo and behold she finds her new love. This is a little oversimplified synopsis there is more to it, but that's the gist.

My opinion:
This is my first magical realism, and I was unsure if I would like it. I never tried the author's previous works, because they are mostly magical realism, but everyone was saying that Ashley's writing is just amazing and I decided to try this new release of hers. The synopsis genuinely sounded like something really interesting, but the implementation wasn't for me. I enjoyed everything related to the books in this story: the book club Eileen has with her friends, how in love she is with all the fictional characters/the fictional city from her favorite book, and how glad she was to meet her favorite author, etc. This I can all relate to and gash about. Unfortunately, the romance didn't work for me. I believe we spent too much time trying "to fix" the fictional town and fictional characters (and their relationships) so the book (the one within this actual book) could be "finished" and we didn't get enough main romance development. Of course, all those interactions with the fictional characters served FMC (and MMC, about whom, by the way, we know almost nothing) to learn a lesson, understand yourself, etc, etc but I just felt a little bored sometimes and I was listening to the book at 2.5 times speed. I'm new to magical realism, but I am wondering, is it normal for characters to just not question in any capacity why those magical things are happening? Anyhow, I'd still try other books by this author.

I don't have any problem with the audiobook itself or the narration, Dorothy Dillingham Blue did a great job. I do have a problem with the ALC, however. The book started at chapter 6 and the first 5 chapters were just scattered in between the rest of the chapters so I had to find and launch those chapters manually.

I received an ALC in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank you to everyone involved in ALC distribution.

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Nope. Nope, nope, no, nope, nope, nope. I would like the record to show that I TRIED. I pushed past my initial feelings of cringe through the first couple of chapters of this book - I sped up the audio, I tried to ignore the weird not-quite-southern-twang that the narrator affected for the main character, I tried to push past trope after trope explored through mediocre writing, but I just can't. Maybe I'm just a hater at this point. Maybe I hate reading completely and this was the only book of my 10 current requests on Netgalley that was put forward to me. Please don't blacklist me HarperCollins because you have other great books and honestly, it's not you, it's 1000% me.

I have picked up and DNF'd multiple books by Ashley Poston and every time, I feel like things might improve. I see my favourite bookish content creators talk about her all the time, they love her books! So why don't I? For me, 'A Novel Love Story' seems like the book that would get churned out if an executive boardroom had said 'quick, we need something to hit all the quadrants of the BookTok community'. There's a name drop of Emily Henry, it's got a smut book club at its heart, it's going full Brigadoon hallucination complex about a small cosy town where there's a bookstore with a cute guy who runs it - the Tok is going to lap this shit up. But I felt myself physically losing brain cells as I was reading this. Cringing every few seconds when the writer tried to make the main character kooky and cute - mistaking hot sauce for ketchup, having a starling tattoo, USING THE WORDS 'NOM NOM' COMPLETELY SERIOUSLY IN PROSE. I just felt my stomach turn.

I used to love romance, but I increasingly find myself feeling cynical or embarrassed by the ones I try to pick up. I find it hard to move past unimaginative writing and uninspired plots. 'A Novel Love Story' will have its lovers, I'm certain of it, but I will not be one of them. I'm just a girl, standing in front of the romance genre, asking it to be a little smarter. Thanks.

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A Novel Love Story has been one of my most anticipated realeses this year, so I was super happy to get a chance to listen to the audiobook.

I really liked this book. I don't know how she comes up with the ideas for her book but I hope she never stops because the are absolutely unique and wonderful to read.
It took me a little longer to get in too this book then Postens earlier, but I really liked the plottwist at the end. I did not see that coming and it tied together the book nicely. The narration was also really good.

(The fact that the tracks in the ALC was shuffled around was unfortunately very annoying and took away from the experience.)

Thank you so much to Netgalley and HarperCollins UK Audio for the opportunity to listen to this book.

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I received this audiobook from HarperCollins UK Audio, but for some reason the audiobook started on chapter six. I was thankful that I could find it on Audible and spent a credit to listen to it.

This story was nothing I was expecting and I really appreciate it. As a romance reader, we tend to find the same patterns in stories over and over again. However, this book, with its unexpected twists and unique character development, truly surprised me and I love it for it.

I knew I had to read it since the first time I read the blurb. I mean, who wouldn't want to be stuck in their favorite quaint small town from their favorite romance books? And to find a grumpy librarian, who fits all the book boyfriend ideals we love in romance books.

What caught me off guard was the unexpected lesson this book had in store. As a people pleaser, I found myself deeply identifying with Ellie. Her journey resonated with me, reminding me of the times I've put others' happiness before my own. It's a powerful reminder to not lose sight of ourselves in the pursuit of making others happy.

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The concept of this book was really awesome! As book lovers, I think all of us could relate to wanting to meet our favourite characters, and this was such a fun way to do it!

The plot was very small (fictional) town romance with sweet characters you just want to root for. The descriptions truly made this town come alive — the author really has a way with painting the setting for the reader.

There were a fair amount of secondary characters which are also fictional (hard to explain, but hopefully you read the synopsis), and at times it could be a bit hard to remember who was who in terms of relationship. Probably would have been better with less couples to follow.

I will say that I was a bit hesitant with the romance. I think it was the main character’s impression of the love interest for about 20-30% of the book that perhaps caused this. I just felt like maybe she could have had a realization about him sooner perhaps would have helped, instead of annoyance for a while. Though they did win me over and had some sweet moments.

While The Seven Year Slip remains my favourite by this author, I would recommend this to any book lover! It’s a fun, fluffy read that will keep you smiling throughout. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance listener copy in exchange for my honest review!

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