Member Reviews

Back in 1909, Mark Twain published a story about a sea captain who accidentally pays a visit to Heaven. There he discovers that the then-popular conception of it – harps and halos – is not what Heaven is like at all.

In Lianne Downey’s new book Perception (Jolibro Publishing, 2024), the protagonist is not a sea captain, but rather a young psychic who’s employed by a secretive para-military group to remotely locate objects. Minda and her fellow agents are sent to the shores of Lake Michigan to retrieve a piece of metal that dropped from an errant UFO. When she touches it with her bare hand (strictly against the rules) she’s suddenly inspired with strange visions that lead her into going rogue and trying to take the alien artifact for a higher purpose. Soon, through accident or purpose, the artifact is lost.

What follows is an intriguing chase through a Michigan landscape being pelted by one of those freak storms that can drop a foot or more of snow overnight. There is romance. There are also kidnappings, torture, betrayals, and betrayals of betrayals. The twists in the story are not what you would expect however, and they lead to a series of cliffhangers that make it hard to stop reading.

As the stakes in the game get higher, the story escalates into an almost Dantean conflict between the forces of good and evil. But while Dante’s work spiraled down into a nether world, Perception spirals up into astral planes and higher dimensions. In the end, the reader might even get a glimpse of Heaven.

Just don’t expect harps and halos.

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I found myself bored at times with this one. I'm a believer in both psychic energy and UAP/life elsewhere, but this got so far into the weeds that I got disengaged.


I hated that someone who was working clandestinely for something that may or may not be the government had no idea who Garrit's father was. Suddenly, a Senator appears! Who is rich and powerful and not shy with his views. And it's waved off like "oh, how did I not make that connection". Also, what was the point of Dad's double life? We never came back to that and it could have been a catalyst for a talk between father and son about things, but nope....just hangs there as Dad fades into the background of this story and barely ever mentioned again. We also hear at the end about Garritt's temper issues, but meanwhile Min nearly took his arm off when he tried to help. She has some issues to work out herself as pointed out in the beginning....speaking of things that seem to never come back again and fade into the ether. It would have been a good thing to include in the final chapter or so as she explores her new future.

And don't get me started on the walking stereotype of Juan, the Hispanic kid who swears a lot and has family issues. He felt like a stock character from 1990.

And look, it wasn't awful. It's an interesting concept that the author obviously feels a connection to, and it's an interesting tale....but i wasn't sure if I was being sold a book, or an almost-religion of alien, psychic, and scientific exploration concepts, like an intergalactic Buddhism or something.

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This was interesting and I enjoyed the world building. It was a bit of a slow start for me but the more I read the more interested I became. I look forward to the next book!

Thank you Lianne Downey, Jolibro Publishing, & Netgalley for this free ARC in exchange for a review.

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Perception by Lianne Downey is an enjoyable, intergalactic read about a top secret government worker, Min, who is on a mission to recover a missing UAP and she ends up enlisting the help from an array of people she least expects. Along their journey, they uncover secrets out of this world, while also discovering the truth about who they really are and the gifts they possess to aid them on their quest.

All the characters in the book possessed a psychic gift-clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, etc. which was a detail that I enjoyed from the story. Author Lianne Downey references several actual current events (like Betsy Devos, climate change), which make the story feel more real while also creating a story out of intergalactic wars and intergalactic relations amongst civilizations. This book was a slow start for me, however my interest picked up over time. It was plot-driven, medium-paced read.

Overall, I enjoyed this one! It's the first in a series and I look forward to finding out what happens next as it left off on a cliffhanger.

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Lianne Downey's "Perception" is a thought-provoking science fiction novel that delves into the world of psychic abilities and extraterrestrial encounters. The story centers around Minda Blake, a woman whose unique talents land her in the employ of a shadowy government contractor. Minda's role as a "remote viewer" takes her on a journey that challenges her perception of reality and pushes the boundaries of human understanding.

Downey's world-building is intriguing. She blends elements of conspiracy theory with a touch of mysticism, creating a captivating scenario where psychic abilities hold a key role in national security. The exploration of this concept is sure to spark the imaginations of readers interested in the unexplained.

The fast-paced narrative keeps the story moving, with action sequences interspersed with moments of introspection as Minda grapples with the weight of her abilities and the moral implications of her work. However, the focus on psychic talents might not appeal to everyone, particularly those seeking a more traditional science fiction experience with a strong emphasis on technology.

Overall, "Perception" is a decent read for fans of speculative fiction with a paranormal twist. It offers a unique perspective on alien encounters and the potential role of the human mind in the grand scheme of things. Be prepared for a mind-bending experience that will leave you questioning what you perceive as reality.

Here's what might appeal to you:
A unique take on UFO encounters
A focus on psychic abilities. (but that may not resonate with everyone.)
A fast-paced narrative with action and suspense.
A protagonist with a compelling moral dilemma
The world-building, while intriguing, might lack the depth desired by some readers.

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This book was both enjoyable and not. The storyline was creative and unique. Min, belonging to a secret organization that investigates alien presence on earth with her special skills, meets Garrett who also has special abilities he has just discovered, and the two beginning to develop feelings for one another through their experiences — very enjoyable. However, there were subplots that seemed unnecessary and that did not contribute to the overall story well, such as the details about Garrett’s father’s religion and love life or the details about what happen to Bobby Lee during his escape attempt. It was also difficult to track some of the descriptions Downey gave for their alien-like encounters or growth events, like Min’s time with Ben and the ‘travelator.’ This book is obviously the first part of a series and I would continue the series to see where it leads, but the book did seem to drag at parts and could have been thinned a bit to keep a more focused storyline.

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This book was a bit of a trainwreck,a sort of new-age mystical thriller with aliens, as convoluted as a Douglas Adams novel, but not as engaging. Far too much information is provided by info-dumps rather than building settings and describing scenes so the reader can imagine them. Show, don't tell. And partway through we get a Scooby Doo moment in which all is revealed, all at once, killing any momentum the story might have had. I have enough of a background in new-age and fringe spiritualism that I was not a particular outlier for this book, so it is not just 'not for me'. I am sure there are many readers who will enjoy this book despite its issues, but I really did not.

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Thank you Lianne Downey, Jolibro Publishing, & Netgalley for this free ARC in exchange for a review.

I enjoyed this spiritual sci-fi adventure novel which had good characterization. I look forward to book two.

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This was pretty interesting. I don't think I've read a book like this one before. I'm not too familiar with remote viewing since it was recently introduced to me but it's cool. I think it's worth a read

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*When Minda Blake, a psychic "remote viewer" for a black-ops government contractor, tries to blow the lid off UAP secrets she once helped hide, everything goes terribly wrong. Now she's on the run from her own bosses, relying on the help of strangers in the heart of the hyper-conservative Dutch Reformed community that rules over West Michigan. What Minda and her new friends encounter—with the help of a mysterious mentor—shocks the senses. But time is running out and the world is in peril. This team of unlikely cohorts must find a missing teenager, recover a stolen artifact, and rescue the world from an interdimensional threat. They'll need to bring all their unusual talents to the forefront if they're going to succeed. That is, if unseen forces allow.*


This book is an exhilarating thrill ride that seamlessly blends science fiction, suspense, and a touch of the supernatural. The protagonist, Minda Blake, is a compelling character whose psychic abilities and moral courage drive the narrative forward in unexpected ways. As she goes from being a key player in a black-ops operation to a fugitive, the stakes quickly escalate, making for an intense and captivating read.

Set in the unique and richly described setting of West Michigan's Dutch Reformed community, the novel adds a layer of cultural intrigue and complexity. The interactions between Minda and the conservative community members she comes to rely on are both poignant and thought-provoking.

The plot is packed with twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Minda and her eclectic group of allies race against time to prevent a global catastrophe. The introduction of a mysterious mentor adds an additional layer of mystery and suspense, making the story even more engaging.

What truly sets this book apart is its ability to blend high-stakes action with deep, character-driven moments. The themes of trust, redemption, and the battle against unseen forces resonate throughout, making it more than just a typical sci-fi thriller.

Overall, this novel is a must-read for fans of gripping, high-octane adventures that don't shy away from exploring the complexities of human nature and the supernatural. It's a unique and unforgettable journey that leaves you eagerly anticipating what will happen next.

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