Member Reviews

This review is being posted as part of the Casket Case blog tour hosted by Rachel’s Random Resources.

Casket Case is the debut novel from author Lauren Evans. This unique and heartfelt paranormal romance is set in a small and sleepy town in Alabama and is the perfect read for the upcoming spooky season.

Nora and Garrett made a really nice couple. Their meeting explores the idea of finding love in the most unexpected places and they have quite a fast-burn relationship in the early chapters of the story. There is a third-act breakup which I’m not typically a fan of but it did feel necessary for the story and was well-written.

Both Nora and Garrett are in their thirties and generally they demonstrated a maturity that was a breath of fresh air. Nora was a fantastic protagonist whose inner conflict regarding her future was a nice addition to the story. I loved her relationship with her Grandpa.

I also liked Garrett as a MMC, particularly his confidence and maturity. The flashback chapters exploring his past were really interesting and actually ended up being some of my favourites in the book as they helped us to really understand the somewhat complex concept of his job. If gift giving is your love language, you’ll absolutely adore the meaningful gift Garrett gives Nora for her birthday towards the end of the novel.

Although Casket Case is primarily a romance novel, it is also a powerful exploration of the theme of grief and how people approach the topic of death very differently. A real comfort can be taken in the idea of Garrett’s job, with the idea that nobody is alone when they die. Nora lost her parents around a year before the start of the story so her grief plays a key role in her character and the story, which was well written.

The epilogue made me a really emotional. It was something I had predicted quite early on but I was still caught off guard by how much it captured my emotions and brought a tear to my eye in the final pages of the story. It ended the book on a really powerful note, which is testament to Lauren Evans’ fantastic writing ability.

I really liked the small-town setting of Rabbittown and it’s inhabitants. The idea of the small town everyone knows you and everything about you vibe really worked well in the story.

Overall, Casket Case is a heartfelt romance story which is an easy yet emotional read, perfect for fans of The Good Place. It’s a great debut novel from Lauren Evans and I’m excited to see what we see next from her.

Spice Level: 🌶️ 🌶️ / 5 (Fade To Black / Closed Door)

I have posted an extended review on my blog

*Thank you to NetGalley, Lauren Evans, Orion and Rachel’s Random Resources.

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I wanted to read this book because I found the blurb intriguing as there's not a lot of books that deals with death or Death (there's DEATH but it's part of a different world).
I found this novel entertaining and moving, a story that doesn't sugarcoat the grief and the loss and how we related to death.
Nora wanted to be something else, but the loss of her parents changed her plans and she's working in the family business: selling caskets. She's lonely and with nearly no relationship with people of her age.
Gareth is the nearly perfect man if you don't care for his profession and how death follows him (no, he's not a serial killer).
A small town, two person who could be perfect, but they will have to face their own inner demons before any possible HEA.
Nora is not a very likeable character but she's realistic and her raw grief is one of the strongest points in this story.
This is a story difficult to classify: you smile but you're also moved. The main theme, I think, it's not the romance but the relationship with grief and death.
My main issue was the pace as it's very slow and after a brilliant start it drags a bit.
I enjoyed it and would like to read other books by this author.
Many thanks to Orion and Rachel’s Random Resources for this digital copy, all opinions are mine

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Genre ~ contemporary women’s fiction
Setting ~ Alabama
Publication date ~ September 10, 2024
Est Page Count ~ 396 (18 chapters +e)
Audio length ~ 10 hours 16 minutes
Narrator ~ Sean Patrick Hopkins, Bailey Carr
POV ~ dual 3rd, present tense
Featuring ~ debut, multiple timelines, small town, insta~love, slow burn, no steamage

Nora (30) & Garrett meet when he interrupts her General Hospital watching to ask for directions. Then he’s back soon after asking her to go out on a date. Soon after that they're declaring their love.

Nora was super frustrating and annoyed me to no end. She’s back and forth and all over the place. Listen I feel bad for her, of course I do, she lost her parents to an auto accident only a year ago. Now she’s taken over their casket business and lives in their house. She gives off a younger vibe and I never really warmed up to her.

Fun fact:
“Caskets have a hinge on the side. Coffins are the old wooden things where vampires sleep. The ones you see at Halloween.”

Garrett works for Death and Nora has a tough time accepting that. Which is odd since it’s inevitable and would help her business. She drinks a good bit too much to pass the time while she hems and haws over it. I thought he should just run for the hills and never look back.

Then they’ve broken up and she starts hanging out with Johnny, owner of the local funeral home and someone she’s interacted with frequently due to their common field of business. I didn’t like this part of the story that brought in unnecessary conflict.

Although the premise was very interesting and the tone somber as expected, this one didn’t really work for me. I did love the title, the cover and Nora’s relationship with her grandpa. The last chapter was expected and I thought that was well done. Also, I enjoyed her speech that she was really nervous to give.

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Well, not sure what to say, this look me the longest time to read, I wasn't sure about the characters attraction to each other, the pace was slow throughout, but then had odd moments of speeding up. Then a love triangle, which spiced the storyline, but overall the romance part didn't work for me.
What did work was the discussions around grief, death and working in that industry. I thought that was interesting and led to me thinking more about acceptance.

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Unfortunately, I had to put this down as DNF - 30% - which I really hate to do on books - but the style of writing is a struggle from the start, being disjointed and feeling like things are being summarised and like this was a first draft rather than a finished novel.

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Lauren Evans’ debut novel, Casket Case, offers a charming and unconventional take on the rom-com genre. Set in the quaint, Southern town of Rabbittown, Alabama, the story follows Nora Clanton as she returns home to manage her family’s casket business after a personal tragedy. Her predictable life takes a turn when she meets Garrett Bishop, a seemingly perfect stranger who shows up at her shop asking for directions—and a date. With his charismatic demeanor and mysterious profession as a logistics coordinator, Garrett initially seems like a dream come true.

However, the plot thickens as Nora discovers that Garrett's job is far from ordinary; he coordinates logistics for Death itself. This twist introduces an intriguing blend of romance and fantasy, but the execution feels somewhat uneven. While the premise is unique and the characters endearing, the narrative struggles to balance its whimsical elements with the emotional depth required for a truly engaging love story. The novel’s pacing is also a bit sluggish at times, which can detract from its overall charm. Despite these shortcomings, Casket Case remains a warm-hearted read with a refreshing, if slightly imperfect, spin on romance. It’s a light, enjoyable book that will appeal to fans of quirky, small-town stories with a supernatural twist, earning it a solid three stars.

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I don’t think I have ever read a book like this one and I have plenty of paranormal romance. I mean a woman who inherits her family casket business and a guy who works logistics for Death. Talk about relationship issues! Although if you get right down to it they both work in the same field. The creativity of this really called to me and I am so glad I took a chance on it.

Let me start off by saying the pacing of the story was a bit slow but overall I enjoyed it. The relationship between Nora and Garrett also moves more at novella speed for the slowness of the story. So I do think both of those areas were something that could have been better.

I loved how Lauren Evans tackled grief though. A lot of books either gloss over it or make it unbearable. She didn’t do that here. She made it real which made the book better. Nora was a bit wishy-washy for me but she also reminded me a bit of my mother in her grief. The difficulty she has moving on and the emotional struggle with it. That could be why I wanted to hug her and then tell her to “Snap out of it” at times.

Overall I enjoyed this book and the unique story that it presented. There were some things that I felt could have been improved on but in the end it’s a good story. Take a read for yourself and see what you think.

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Casket Case follows Nora, who inherits her family’s casket shop after her parents pass away. Things start to shake up when Garrett, a mysterious stranger, comes looking for directions and ends up changing her life.

I went into this hoping for the same charm as Dead Romantics, but sadly, it didn’t quite hit the mark. The romance felt rushed, and the pacing was all over the place. I was invested enough to finish it, but it left me feeling a little underwhelmed.

The chapter lengths were inconsistent, making the flow kind of awkward. Plus, some weird continuity issues kept pulling me out of the story, like random jumps in time and little details that didn’t add up.

Overall, it's not a bad read, just not what I was expecting.

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Casket Case is an intriguing, quirky romance that centers around Nora, who finds herself in her small hometown running the family casket business after her parents’ passing. Enter Garrett, a handsome stranger who stumbles into her shop asking for directions—and ends up asking for a date too. What starts as a chance meeting turns Nora’s life upside down as she navigates her grief, family responsibilities, and a mysterious new relationship.

The premise really grabbed me, and I was drawn to the idea of a love story set in such an unusual place. Despite focusing on death, the book didn’t feel overly dark or depressing. Sure, there are some heavy moments—Nora and Garrett have both experienced loss—but there’s an underlying optimism throughout the story. The romance between them is sweet, though it leaned a little too close to “instalove” for my taste, making their connection feel rushed.

That said, I loved how the book explored Nora’s journey of healing and self-discovery. The setting in Rabbittown, Alabama, added a cozy, small-town vibe, but it also gave Nora this sense of being stuck, especially since her career options in town were slim. The plot takes an interesting twist when Garrett’s job as a “logistics coordinator” starts to raise eyebrows—he’s been spotted at the scenes of several local deaths, which isn’t exactly romantic! When the truth comes out that he works for Death, Nora has to decide if she can accept both the man and the eerie job that comes with him.

While I appreciated the unique concept, the execution felt uneven. The pacing was a little off, with some chapters flying by while others dragged, and the third-act conflict didn’t quite resolve satisfyingly. There were also a few small continuity issues that disrupted the flow, like odd jumps in time and tiny inconsistencies in the details, which made things a bit frustrating at times.

However, as a debut novel, Casket Case does show a lot of promise. The writing is solid, and the combination of romance, mystery, and humor makes it an engaging read. If you’re a fan of quirky love stories with a touch of the supernatural, this is worth checking out. Just be mindful of the trigger warnings around death and grief before diving in, as those themes play a central role in the story.

All in all, I’d say it’s a fun and heartfelt read, even if it doesn’t hit all the marks. If you’re looking for something different with a dash of romance and an unusual twist, Casket Case might just surprise you!

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I jumped on the chance to read this book, it sounded right up my street. The premise hooked me in, unfortunately the storytelling fell short. I found Garretts lack of explanations throughout frustrating and didn't see why Nora kept giving him more chances.
I think the author has lots of fantastic potential and I look forward to reading future work.

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Casket Case by Lauren Evans

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Nora thought she was finished with Rabbittown, Alabama, for good. But an unexpected tragedy turned her life upside down, and she's found herself back in her tiny hometown running the family casket business.

There aren't exactly a lot of prospects for a single woman in her thirties in a place like Rabbittown. Until Nora Clanton's ordinary, casket-selling day is interrupted by a handsome stranger wandering into her shop and asking for directions--as well as a date.

Garrett Bishop seems like the ideal guy. He's thoughtful, he's kind, and he has a lucrative job as a logistics coordinator, for which he seems to have a passion. She's not totally sure what "logistics" entails, but she knows it means long hours, lots of travel, and urgent calls in the middle of the night.

When a few of Rabbittown's residents suddenly pass away--a heart attack here, a car crash there--and Garrett is spotted at the scenes of, well, all of the deaths, his frustratingly vague job description starts to become increasingly . . . suspicious. What is it that Garrett actually does for a living?

He's a logistics coordinator for Death.

My Opinion

Lauren Evans has written a debut novel with an interesting premise. I have seen some mixed things about Casket Case but personally I enjoyed it and was able to read the majority in one sitting. Nora and Garrett were both great characters, one working for death and one selling caskets.

With a debut like this I can't wait to see what else Lauren Evans has in store.

Rating 4/5

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The blurb of this book intrigued me but the story itself was kinda disappointing. I liked the writing style but the story itself wasn’t for me.

Thank you Netgalley and Orion Publishing Group for this arc.

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I absolutely loved this book! I couldn’t put it down once I’d started it! It’s such a great mix between romance but with an edge that leaves you questioning everything. I would recommend to anyone.

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*"Casket Case" by Lauren Evans is a delightfully quirky and darkly humorous mystery that delivers an unforgettable blend of wit and suspense. Evans crafts a unique story set in the unusual world of funeral homes, where the protagonist finds herself entangled in a web of secrets, scandals, and, of course, a mysterious death. With its eccentric characters and clever plot twists, *Casket Case* keeps readers guessing while offering plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. Evans’ writing shines with its mix of dark comedy and intrigue, making this a thoroughly entertaining and offbeat mystery that readers will love.*

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I found this quite difficult to read to be honest! I was expecting something like the dead romantics where it’s a quirky book about dying but it’s still fun to read but this was just sad?? I wasn’t fully invested in the romance between Nora and garrett and it was so rushed. It didn’t feel believable or give me butterflies when reading, I felt like their relationship progressed quickly with no actual show of love. Also, why did we have a love triangle so near the end and Garrett just basically disappeared until the last 5% of the book!! And the ending with Grandpa what??? I think this had potential however it didn’t shine for me.

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Unfortunately I had to DNF this one at around 20%. I wasn’t expecting the instalove and it was a real turn off for me. While I liked both characters they couldn’t make me care enough to continue through the lack of build up in their relationship.

The premise sounded great which is what drew me towards this book and I know that I’ll still be recommending this to friends who like instalove even though it wasn’t for me as I found it very readable outside of this trope.

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This felt like a different type of love story and felt very fresh to me. The darker and sadder elements coupled with love made it a perfect read.

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I LOVED this book!!!

I cannot believe that this is the authors first novel! I received this from Netgally as an ARC It is without a doubt the best ARC I’ve read!

This story had all the elements of your classic instalove romantic comedy but with twists and turns throughout! I almost wish that the blurb didn’t tell you about Garrett’s job because the time line hopping between his life would have left me with so many questions.

I felt that this was a really unique story and that’s probably why it stood out so much amongst other books that market themselves as supernatural or “spooky” vibes.

I also don’t usually like instalove (enemies to lovers fan) but I actually believed their relationship due to the character building.

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DNF at 20%. I tried to give this one a fair shot as the concept sounds interesting and I think a great romance could have come from it but sadly, it all felt really bland and the conversations between characters incredibly stilted and awkward. I didn't get much sense of personality from the fmc or the mmc and their budding relationship all seemed very rushed and sadly lacking in any chemistry or connection. Hopefully this will be the perfect book for another reader!

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DNF at 37%

A simple romance with a focus on death, grief, and overcoming hardships. Nora lost her parents one year ago and fell into taking over the family business as she couldn't stand the thought of selling. Garrett, an agent of death, stumbles into the casket parlor one afternoon looking for directions to his latest 'client', and a few dates later the two have fallen deeply for one another...

I don't DNF lightly, and I like to give books a fair chance as often it's not until the end I feel like I really can judge a story. However, Casket Case really wasn't working for me.

This has a strange blend of perspectives, shifting mainly between Garrett and Nora but with a random shop owner thrown in as well. It cuts back on a lot of the tension, and also highlights how static the characters are written. Nora's anxiety and self deprecation is realistic and heartfelt at first but then quickly you realize this is her only assigned character trait beyond getting drunk and watching Cheers. She frequently mentions Instagram therapists (red flag for me tbh, but sure - professional help is expensive so I'll give her this), but clearly has no interest in really examining her traumas. Garrett is similar in that his main characterization centers around him being hot, being a morning person, and being obsessive about his job. His page time contributes little other than to reinforce her really likes Nora and is worried she'll hate his work. Even their interactions with one another are shallow, and I felt like every moment of their relationship was cliché, rushed, or repetitive.

Often, I felt like I was reading a summary of events. The pacing is off, and you hardly have time to really connect with any of the events. This was my main issue with the book, as I just felt disconnected. There are so many times where the story halts to then give a synopsis of how things have progressed, giving little to no real details. Plus, there is little to no plot which doesn't help the feeling that nothing of real substance is occurring.

I wanted to like this book as the main idea is so interesting and it felt like it could be so different from other paranormal romances, but unfortunately it just didn't hit for me.

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