Member Reviews

I really loved this book. It was completely silly but entertaining none the less and is at the end of the day a warning not to keep secrets from your other half! Do so at your peril.

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I didn’t know what the expect from this book but I have to say I loved it and raced to get to the end to see what happened. I didn’t see the twist with Haze, Fox and Jenny but I liked how this played out and that it finished in exactly the right place.

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Haze & Fox have given up their glamorous serial killer lives; from travelling the world & killing bad men they move to the suburbs trying to make friends at mother & daughter playgroup . Fox misses his self appointed role of defending women, but knows this is the right decision to protect their daughter Bibi. Haze understands his reasoning, but disagrees and is very unhappy with her new life despite adoring Bibi.

When Haze tries to fit into their new life, will their lives adjust to the new norm, or will they end up killing each other?

This book is so funny, the problems the couple face aren’t ones most people do, but the feelings of losing yourself in parenthood and how your relationship has to adjust long term are relatable and delivered with wit. This is a brilliant debut, I highly recommend you read it while I patiently await the authors next book.

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This book sounded so promising, but I was quite disappointed. The main characters were quite unlikable at times. The story didn't flow, it was quite farfetched at times and I often felt frustrated with the story and the characters. I persevered but had to force myself to finish.

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A serial killer's guide to marriage tackles the complexities and drama of adapting to parenthood after marriage. The book is a dual POV featuring the husband Fox and the wife Haze. Prior to children, they lived a very adventerous life - travelling, expensive meals, parties, yachts - which understandbly changed once they settled into parenthood. The fun twist, and that other parents (I hope!) don't experience giving up once having children - is that they were serial killers.

They are not portrayed as psychopaths that kill for fun - more like viligantes that take "removing" bad people from society unto their own hands, so this book is not a dark read. (Although, both characters are complex and do have dark aspects to their personalities that make them enjoy the experience, so to speak).

I think the complexties of their personalities, and the mundane relationship drama that they deal with, is my favourite aspect of this novel. I just found it amusing, as a parent myself, to see a lot of the challenges of parenthood reflected in the character's story. The serial killer aspect, was a nice added bonus on top.

The chapters are short and snappy, which makes for good quick reading. I did find it slowed at one point, but if you keep going until Haze's drama (not explaining for spoiler sake), then it snowballs until the end thereafter.

Thank you headline publishers and Asia Mackay for allowing me to read this arc.

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This book hooked me from the first page. It's like a thrilling spy thriller meets domestic drama. I was constantly on edge, never knowing what would happen next. The characters are complex and relatable, especially Hazel, who is witty and honest. The book's structure is unique and clever, exploring the highs and lows of marriage. Highly recommend! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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"Serial killer's guide to marriage" by Asia Mackay is described as sharp, compulsive thriller with a lot of dark humour. It's a story of two people who spent 10 years killing and then their world turned upside down as they've become a parents. They're struggling to fight the urge to kill again and trying to fit in with the new reality.
I was really looking forward to this read as the book description was very catchy. Unfortunately I was a bit disappointed. I found it very slow and couldn't get myself to like any of the characters. The idea of the book is amazing but I had to make myself to finish it as I hate leaving the books on my DNF pile. Overall I'm giving it 2 stars ✨
Thanks to #netgalley for the early copy in exchange for an honest review of #theserialkillersguidetomarriage

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Romantic serial killing? No, it's not something I'd considered either. But for this couple it seems to be that the couple that kills together, stays together. The only problem is that once they have a child, they need to slow down as they don't want to risk getting caught and losing their daughter. All very sensible, except for the fact that Hazel, the wife, is missing their former life terribly.
I loved this book and found it a brilliant, light-hearted tale of marriage between killers.

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I've given this a top 5 star rating! It's an absolutely brilliant read. Great story and great characters. I won't say too much as I would hate to spoil it for other. Highly recommended.

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A thoroughly enjoyable story and very different. I really enjoyed it although if I had one criticism, it would be that there were repetitive elements in the first half - but I can forgive that because I thought the ending was brilliant. Recommended.

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Asia what a story what a book from the cover to the story deliciously devilish and wicked. I enjoyed it throughly it was original, thoughtful and diabolical. Would make a great film can truely imagine all the action.

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What happens when a serial killing couple pair up, get married and have a child? At first, they are able to continue to rid the streets of 'bad men,' until their daughter is born and the decision is made to stop and lead a normal life. Only it's not easy to fit into a routine life, it seems and this is when the cracks appear in their marriage. Can they resolve things? Will the secrets each of them keeps destroy what they had together?

This is a fast-paced book with lots of dark humour. It has Mr & Mrs Smith vibes and I finished it quickly wanting to know how things would turn out for the couple.

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This is a very different style of book. It took me a while to get into how the couple’s minds worked but I really found this a clever story. How two lost souls found each other in extraordinary circumstances. As things develop they find themselves close to breaking point. How they resolve this is unique. An enjoyable read.

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3.5 ⭐️

Haze and Fox are a happily married couple…a couple of serial killers.

Having been married for 13 years+ and welcoming a beautiful daughter into their lives, Fox informs his wife that a pact is to be put in place; no more killing.

This book takes you through the ups and downs of married life and the boredom that comes with routine.

I’ll admit, I don’t feel like this book needed to be as long as it was at 325 pages. It could’ve definitely had a few chapters shaved off. I found a lot of repetitiveness and unnecessary scene building. That being said, I did enjoy the frenzy of the odd kill and reminiscing on their life before children.

You couldn’t help but love the idea of them as a serial killer couple. There’s something appealing about their utter devotion to one another’s hobbies.

Realistically, the ending wouldn’t have happened the way it did. Did I like the ending? Yes…to an extent. I love a good happy ending but it just wouldn’t have ever happened.

Thank you so much to Neg Galley and Headline Books for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Hazel and Fox moved out of London and are now settled down with a young child but after a career of being serial killers who killed rapists and paedophiles throughout Europe.
Hazel meets Jenny who she tries to help after her ex leaves her with a small child but things are not as they seem.
Life is boring and who will give in first?
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC and I give my honest review.

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Haze and Fox are not your typical married couple. They are serial killers, or they used to be. Now they have settled down and live a quiet life, but lately Hazel has the urge to kill. Will she do it without telling Fox? A funny enjoyable read I found had to put down.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author for allowing me the opportunity to read this novel. This was my first foray with this author and I really enjoyed her writing style.

The book is based on a marriage, a husband and wife serial killer team. Throughout the story we’re introduced to their backgrounds, their struggles in marriage, the ups and downs and the importance of friendship.

The cover would suggest it’s perhaps a fluffy kind of read and there’s definitely elements but there’s also a darkness to it. A whisper of something not explicitly discussed in any detail but alluded to which adds to the story. Throughout I wasn’t sure where the story was going to go, there were theories posed but when it came down to the crunch I didn’t expect the ending it had.

If you’re looking for a super gritty novel this is not it, well it wasn’t for me but I’m used to reading much darker material. If you’re looking for a quick read which is both fun, somewhat relatable but is also a bit of a thriller with an interesting twist this is definitely one you should give a go.

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It was a really enjoyable novel and I would definitely buy another book by the author. I wish the ending weren't so overly explained and rather left a bit for a follow up novel or for the reader to fill in the blanks themselves. It felt like the last bit were were a bit spoonfed

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Really grateful to netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this ahead of publication. It's due to be published on 14/01/25

Im not really sure what I expected going in but this is brilliant!! It's a serial killer thriller type of affair but I actually found it quite funny.

Fox and Haze are not your Fred and Rose types so if you think that's what you're going to get then you'd be very wrong.

There's a lot going on in the book and so many little twists and turns that they need to manoeuvre in the crazy world of commited relationships and bringing up children. I think most of us find that parenthood can be a juggle when it's all new and you're working to a whole routine with a little person...but trying to fit their sort of extracurricular activities in adds a whole other level of exhaustion.

I think I spent most of the book feeling sorry for Haze which feels a little odd (read it and you'll see why) however, all's well that ends well. I really enjoyed this and would recommend it to anyone looking for a quirky book where there just happens to be a murder or two 😊💜

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I really enjoyed this - it wasn't what I was expecting and there were a lot of twists at the end which took me by surprise. Of course, highly unrealistic and totally unbelievable - but a fun book to read, which keeps you interested right to the end.

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