Member Reviews

"A Serial Killer's Guide to Marriage" by Asia Mackay is definitely a wild ride. The premise is unique and pretty entertaining—Hazel and Fox, a couple of ex-serial killers struggling to adjust to suburban life, is not something you come across every day! The mix of dark humor and domestic chaos adds a fun twist to the thriller genre, and I found myself laughing at the absurdity of their situation more than once.

That being said, the characters, Hazel and Fox, aren't exactly likable. They're arrogant and morally ambiguous, which I get is part of the appeal, but it makes it hard to root for them at times. The story jumps between their perspectives, but their voices are a bit too similar, so it was sometimes tricky to tell them apart.

I also found the plot a bit predictable, especially with the twists—I could see them coming from a mile away. But despite that, it was still an enjoyable, fast-paced read with plenty of blood-soaked moments and some good laughs.

If you’re looking for a dark, tongue-in-cheek thriller, this is definitely worth a try. Just don’t expect to fall in love with the characters!

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The story of 2 serial killers who are married to each other and whose marriage is endangered because they've stopped killing.

What I liked about this book. There was some dark humour in it.

What I wasn't sure about. This is a deeply morally ambivalent book with its premise of it somehow being justifiable to kill 'bad men.' No, sorry, This is what we have a justice system for. I realise this sounds a little po-faced for a review of what is meant to be a light-hearted read but I don't think the story was particularly well told. Chapters jump from Haze's point of view to Fox's and there's little to differentiate them. They're both hiding secrets and go on and on about them ad nauseam. Why not just 'fess up? I didn't find the characters in the least bit likeable.

Overall, not one for me. Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC.

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Really enjoyed this different take on a murder story. It was funny yet scary in parts and the ending was difficult to predict. A good read.

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This was unique and a very interesting and different read so very glad I read it. Didn’t adore but but enjoyed it

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy of this e-arc.

This book was really unique and I loved the concept. The execution of the book was really good but I felt after so far the book started to really slow in pace and a lot of the story could’ve been cut and I would’ve ended up loving it even more because it slowed down too much for my liking!

Overall it was unique and I did enjoy the ended which I wasn’t sure how it would go!

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What happens when Hazell and Fox have their child and have to make compromises to their lifestyle as a result? It is difficult for them both to cope given that they were serial killers and have agreed to give it up. Will they be able to stick to their agreement? How does coping with a toddler compare to planning the perfect murder? Clever premise and entertainingly delivered. Great dialogue and a cracking pace makes this a fast and fun read.

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I read this book in 8 hours - I just couldn't put it down! It was filled with humour, I ate it up. I wanted more unalivinf though. I understand that the point of the story was Haze living a life withiut killing people, but she complained about it ALOT - I thought she was going to break.

Overall it was a unique story that was well executed (hehe)

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A very fun story about the difficulties of marriage and serial killing! I read it in one sitting and was totally engrossed for the whole time.

Although this book is about killing people and how to get away with it Mackay also talks about the difficulties of losing sense of yourself in long term relationships and adjusting to parenthood.

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Great read a unique story about an unconventional marriage … Haze & Fox met when they bonded over their unique hobby ‘murder’ … hunting down the bad men both separately killed and once they met turned into a serial killer team . Marriage and their beloved daughter Bibi changes things and they make a pact to retire from their hobby but not scratching an itch is not always easy as they find .
Loved this book great characters and a unique storyline with good twists … ready for the next in the series which surely must be on the cards !!

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Such an unusual idea to bring a couple of serial killers together in a marriage. Having a child and moving to suburbia finds them both separately struggling with giving up their killing hobby. Going into partnership with a new friend who is a police officer gives them both scope to carry on their killing ways ridding the world of the bad guys!

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This book is the epitome of chaos, in the best possible way.

It feels like the series You, but with many laugh out loud moments as you realise how much you actually dislike the main characters. Normally this would put me off, but it is written very well. You aren’t supposed to like them - they’re obnoxious and arrogant, and seeing them in a certain predicament was almost hilarious.

I did guess most of the twists and character revelations, but I enjoyed it nevertheless.

A fun, blood soaked romp!

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Absolutely adored this book. It’s well written and witty, the premise is over the top without being cheesy and I read it in two days as it’s just so engrossing!

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Well this wasn't as all as I expected.

I expected this to be a non substantial book but I couldn't put it down. It was a great palette cleanser. Just gory enough to peak my interest but light enough to want to read another chapter....and then another chapter....and another....

I really hope that there will be a sequel as I think it would lend itself to one very nicely.

Massive thanks to Headline and NetGalley for the ARC.

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A fun and thrilling book, but not a lot of killing! Hazel and fox are interesting characters, but a lot of this story felt a little predictable. Hoping we get a sequel!

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I want a sequel! Fox, Haze, Bibi and Jenny all need a sequel!
Having read various thrillers about serial killers, this book was like Desperate Housewives meets Dexter.
I even enjoyed Helga who kept all the secrets in the house. Highly recommend as it’s a great, thrilling, comedic at parts read!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in return for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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Having read several books of late involving women serial killers (which i have really enjoyed,) this was something a bit different as in a couple.
Really enjoyed it. The storyline took a slightly different angle into the couple's relationship especially when there daughter arrived. It also had some hilarious moments.
Very well written and i was disappointed when i had finished.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. This was an entertaining and well-paced read. The concept felt unique and the story was written well, with Mackay getting into the heads of her characters skillfully. Although neither Haze or Fox were particularly likeable (not entirely unsurprisingly), I was invested, and the final twists and ultimate ending were gripping.

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Absolutely fantastic book that left me needing a sequel! I couldn’t put this down, it had just the right amount of everything to make it a great read. This is my book of the month and if I could give more than five stars I would.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in return for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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This is a fabulous read! I loved the dark comedic writing style throughout. The book is very fast paced and engaging. The plot is ridiculously far fetched, however that just adds to the enjoyment. I’d definitely recommend this one.

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The first chapter had me hooked and I thought I was going to love it but it felt a lot like all these other ‘woman killing bad men, woe is me because my husbands not fun anymore’ books that are popular at the moment. Found the language a bit much as well, bit unnecessary for my personal taste.

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