Member Reviews

I liked this book however there were a few spots that left me wanting more and I don’t feel delivered the way I wish it had.Overall, I think there is a lot of promise here and I would love to read more by Keshe Chow.

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I love the concept but didn't enjoy how it was done. I couldn’t get into the story and connect with the main character; her reckless decisions were infuriating. The romance also fell flat with close to no chemistry between the two.
I enjoyed the mystery for a while but the villains were too obvious as were the betrayals...

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Thank you, NetGalley, for providing a free ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I think we need to have a serious reflection as to what went wrong with this book. It has an interesting premise from the synopsis itself. Truth be told, I had pretty high hopes for it. However, just like the title itself, whenever Ying runs into some problems, she fails to reflect on it.
For starters, the writing style is very literal in a sense where I feel like I’m reading a movie script or a play script instead. There’s a lot of telling, especially when it comes to the depiction of emotions or actions. For example, there were certain sentences like “...his voice at once both tender and savage” and another like “Then came a sound. Screaming. Endless screaming.” I’m very particular about a book’s writing style, and the lack of metaphors (that made sense) and literal usage of words just irked me. I do not need to be spoon-fed; I can figure things out on my own. It makes the characters and plot very superficial in a sense where the words themselves hold no weight or meaning to carry the plot. There was loads of info dumping on the worldbuilding as well. The fight scenes were also quite glazed over, where you don’t really feel the rush of action. There was this scene where the word pirouette was used in a fight scene, and my ballet head was trying so hard to envision that scene. I didn’t know ballet can train martial arts.

This also brings me to the next point: why are these royals out there cursing their heads off? Every time they said 我操, I cursed internally as well. It’s so out of place, and I’m not saying that royals can’t curse, but when it’s so rampant and frequent throughout the book, it just feels strange. I was expecting a lot more formality in the way the characters talk rather than some modern-day teenager. (Plus, isn’t that like a modern curse word? I might be wrong about it. The author also constantly added Hanyu pinyin of the Mandarin words before following it up with an English term. This might seem fine to non-Mandarin-speaking readers but as someone who speaks mandarin, it’s akin to saying chai tea. Also, there was this scene where vampires drinking blood was mentioned, and I found that scene weird. Chinese vampires do not drink blood, and vampires who drink blood originated from Eastern Europe, which was then popularised by Dracula. It’s just a very minor detail, but it just ticked me off.
There were lots of plot holes throughout the whole story, and there weren't any clear rules about the mirror realm, which caused lots of loopholes. (Actually, the whole story could have ended earlier if people realised the importance of tonal pronunciation.) As stated before, we’re constantly being told about what is going on throughout the book, which made a lot of the upcoming plot twists super predictable. We’re constantly told (x) character is a good person, the only person that would believe that is a kid who hasn't watched Frozen yet. Speaking of frozen, the romance here was so insta love. Like what Elsa said, “You can’t marry a man you just met.” However, this proves to not be the case in the book. Ying was instantly enamoured and down bad for one of the love interests the moment she met him. Afterwards, barely 25% in, there was a kiss scene, and Ying just thinks he’s the love of her life even though they just met for 2.5 days. Something similar also happened for the other love interest, which made me really frustrated and want to pull an Elsa on Ying so badly. Honestly, the romance is basically ‘but daddy I love him’ as well as ‘down bad’. (Except make it x10 more aggressive.) Like the other love interest is honestly a walking red flag at the start, but he suddenly became a green flag later on because he was protecting her. But hold up, protecting her? Guess what? Ying is not like any other girls! ✨

Unlike other girls, she prefers reading weird magic/occult-related books as well as sword fighting. The amount of times I’m told Ying had (x) niche hobbies and how she’s not like other people/girls, I just roll my eyes. However, her hobbies or knowledge beforehand constantly proved to be useless time and time again. She’s extremely naive and hot-headed at times.

Normally I would have rooted for the antagonist in this novel if I had disliked the protagonist, but I actually struggled to like them. They lacked depth or nuance to their cause, and they also disappeared in the latter part of the book. I just didn’t care about the plot or any of the characters near the end.

One last thing: there were a few scenes where beforehand Ying was grieving for her family or a fight took place (where lots of lives were lost). But what did Ying do? Both her and the love interest just started making out. Like... there are people suffering outside.
Overall, I was pretty disappointed with this book. Honestly, if I wanted PDA (which I derived so much secondhand embarrassment from), I could honestly just go to some big public NYD celebration on the streets and watch the crowds of couples before me. But seriously though, someone should let Ying listen to BDILH.

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I honestly wish I had read this book earlier, because wow, it might be one of my favourite reads of 2024, so I'm really, really glad I was able to squeeze it in before the year ended. THE GIRL WITH NO REFLECTION is fantastic crossover romantic fantasy, brilliant from its exceptional cover to its last line. There are misunderstandings and creatures and betrayals and shock revelations and twists-and-turns, not to mention a great execution of the one-bed trope. Anyone who is looking for a beautiful love story, strong and rich fantasy elements, not to mention political intrigue and a vivid cultural base, you'll absolutely enjoy this one!

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first, i'm so sorry. i didn't enjoy this book at all. that was absolutely comical but not the intentional kind of comical😅

so the concept is that there's a whole different world on the other side of mirror, and the "mirror people" was cursed to mimic everything the real people do near the reflective surface. but they're actually different individuals with different personalities.

it didn't take much time for Ying attracted to the mirror prince, in less than 24 hours, to be exact. which was ridiculous.

Ying is gullible, stubborn, reckless, petulant, witless, the list could go on. she's that kind of MC who can fight because she's the youngest and has many brothers. naturally. good luck on telling her anything because she'll absolutely do the exact opposite. she's also the Chosen One, the key between 2 worlds, ultra special individual who's been prophesied for long. etc etc. nothing's wrong with this but her behaviors were just frustrating and tiring to read

i don't want to talk about the romance because it's awful. it made me cringe, rolled my eyes so hard and frowned constantly. just no.

and the fantasy aspect, i felt like i should just accept whatever the terms at face value, with no clear reason or explanation. so they're mirror person, their skin is solid and cold like porcelain. whatever they need in order to mimic the real person will instantly appear out of thin air, like clothings or stuffs. they can also shapeshift into animals. they need light to live. sure yeah whatever. but WHYY?

the only positive thing is that i managed to finish it in several hours so that's something.

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I was genuinely curious about this book; the plot seemed promising, and the first chapters had drawn me in. However, as the story progressed, the romance turned out to be forced and illogical, with an unconvincing love triangle that made things even worse. Moreover, I found the protagonist quite unlikeable, even irritating in some of her choices, which made it hard to empathize with her. These elements unfortunately ruined an experience that could have been far more rewarding. A real shame, because the initial potential was all there.

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The idea of this book is great. In a way, it reminded me of Coraline, with a parallel world that’s not quite like ours, even though the same people exist. But there are more than enough differences, so no need to worry that it’s just a cheap copy.

The plot was nice. But unfortunately, it was very very foreseeable. There were many plottwists and I guessed most of them immediately. The ones I didn’t guess were so far fetched that they barely made sense.
In fact, most of the plottwists were so obvious, that I gaslighted myself into believing that it wouldn’t happen that way as no author would write something that obvious. I would’ve liked more suspense, or a bigger surprise at some of the plottwists. So that was quite the disappointment.

Ying was fine as a character. A bit naive, prone to making kind of stupid decisions, but to be honest - I’d probably react the same way in her place. She’s been sheltered and doesn’t know how to stand up for herself, she barely has any real life experience. So I’d say that she’s actually kind of realistic.
Unfortunately, the other characters were also bit too foreseeable for me. I saw through basically everyone immediately and there was no tension left.

The romance lacked chemistry. It started out in a good way, but Ying was too indecisive in my opinion. On one page she couldn’t decide whether to trust someone, the next page, she was ready to declare her love. It’s okay if she’s naive, but at some point, I seriously started questioning her intelligence.

I’m not a big fan of the ending. Sure, it was thought through and worked well, but it was a bit too cliché for me. I also wish that the aftermath of the grand finale had been stretched out a bit more. So many terrible things happened, and no one seems to care. Maybe show me, how everything needs to be rebuilt, how it doesn’t just stop and turn into a fairytale?

There were some very nice scenes though, that were very well written and I really enjoyed. The book definitely has potential, but it needs editing.

Thank you, NetGalley and Hodder&Stoughton for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Girl With No Reflection is a young adult fantasy standalone in which we follow Ying, the future bride of the Crown Prince, as she accidentally opens a gateway to a portal world and must try to close it to prevent a war... or worse.

The magical world created was so beautifully executed and not something I have seen done often. Full of magic, mystery and intrigue.

Also the cover is stunning and does justice to the beautiful storytelling. I cannot wait to see the special editions!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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First of all, I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ebook in exchange for an honest review.

The Girl With No Reflection is a young adult fantasy standalone in which we follow Ying, the future bride of the Crown Prince, as she accidentally opens a gateway to a portal world and must try to close it to prevent a war… or worse.

Can we just take two seconds to admire the beauty of the cover of this book? IT IS STUNNING. Thank you to the artist who made this happen.
I loved this book. It was whimsical, magical, lots of vibes, and everything I wanted it to be. I was here for the portal world because it felt like a unique or less common concept in fantasy books (at least, I do not read a lot of it), and I did not hate one second of it because it was very well executed.
The first half of the book was very promising, and I felt like this book would be a five stars read from me, but right after that huge plot twist around the middle of the book, I was hooked and almost could not put the book down. There are betrayals, plot twists, revelations, tensions, you name it, and it just made me feel like the novel was faster-paced than at the beginning.
The romance between the characters was good and can be qualified as enemies-to-lovers, but I was definitely here for the plot and the worldbuilding. I think the world I would choose to define the relationship between Ying and the Crown Prince is… angst. So much angst. But that angst definitely made me read more because I wanted them to be together and have a real chemistry like they should.

I highly recommend this book if you love portal worlds and Asian-inspired fantasy!

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What can I say this story was phenomenal it was so unique I've never read anything like it I absolutely loved it I couldn't put it down it was so entertaining such a magical gripping read. so the story starts with ying who is chosen to marry the crown prince she is such a romantic strong willed person which is what I think makes her so vulnerable and gullible her prince turns out to be cold and indifferent and she ends up spending all her time locked away in her quarters looking at her own reflection this is when she starts to see strange things in her reflection in the mirror 🪞 she get pulled threw the mirror into the mirror world which is the complete opposite to her world and the crown prince in the mirror world is so much more loveable and caring and she instantly falls in love and she has to go between worlds to work out where the other seven wives who mysteriously disappeared after there own weddings have gone to this is a beautifuly written magical mystery story in a amazing imaginative world it was mesmerising I really enjoyed this story so much and I loved all the mythical creatures any book with dragons and phoenix's is a definite read for me absolutely amazing 👏

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Thank you to Netgalley and Hodderscape for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I'm not sure what grabbed me about this story; it sucked me in, and I didn't put it down until the last page. I feel like I'm still processing my feelings about The Girl With No Reflection – I know I enjoyed it, but writing this review has been challenging as I struggled to get attached to the characters. They weren't sticky enough to engross me with their personalities, especially the protagonist Ying Yue. I've gone into more detail in my Goodreads review. The plot, dragons, and the mirror people do all the heavy lifting to keep your eyes glued to the page.

Keshe Chow's writing is crisp and direct, narrating a plot of suspense and mystery and drawing you in like a strange shadow glinting off a mirror's surface. Her storytelling twists a dark, eerie vibe around a marvelous premise of sentient reflections of the mirror world who are treacherous, murderous, dark-hearted creatures who desire to destroy the world. Her world-building creates a vibrant realm of Imperial palaces, resplendent gardens full of koi carp pools, and elegant courtiers dressed in silk and finery.

A fascinating Asian-influenced fantasy with a unique plot angle, unlike any other story I've read in this market. Full of gorgeous world-building and Grimm's fairytale gory, dark-vibed storytelling that is strangely seductive. If you loved Daughter of the Moon Goddess and Six Crimson Cranes world building and thick plots, you will find yourself sucked into The Girl With No Reflection.

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The Girl With No Reflection is a stunning, dark, historical fantasy. I was completely enthralled by this story; it firmly had me in its grip! I loved the eerie, almost horror adjacent feel it had in the beginning. The world building was truly something special and I adored the mythology expertly woven throughout.

Ying is a phenomenal main character; she is a flawed and truly compelling. Seeing her relationship develop with Zhang was really beautiful and I loved watching them grow together. Keshe Chow is a fantastic character writer!

I did feel the author fell into the trap of over explaining things at times and the plot started to become a bit lost or at least slightly muddled about midway through. However, the concept and character writing was strong enough to overlook these issues.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed The Girl With No Reflection! I would definitely recommend it to lovers of Asian folklore and romantic historical fantasies with a darker edge.

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This book is an interesting YA position. It has beautiful storytelling and a captivating beginning. I found the idea of a parallel world hidden behind the mirror fascinating. On the other hand, the fact that its inhabitants were bound to their counterparts and forced to mimic their actions but remained quite independent was rather weird. Also, the characters needed more complexity, with those apart from the main couple and their reflections being almost non-existent. I also felt like I was being told and not shown the characters’ personalities.

My expectations for this novel were very high, but unfortunately, I was disappointed. Also, I love this book’s cover art, and I was planning to buy a physical copy, but I changed my mind after reading the arc.

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I enjoyed this book, it was a good read but I'm afraid it won't be becoming part of my roman empire.

The romance was good but could have been executed slightly better, which is always a risk when you do a love triangle.

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The Girl With No Reflection is a YA fantasy that is inspired by Chinese mythology. I really enjoyed reading this influence and the cultural references throughout. The book has a really interesting premise, I loved the idea of a mirror world and the consequences this could have. I feel the first half of the book worked better for me with the worldbuilding and intrigue this created. Unfortunately I lost some of my interest in the second half as the plot took some predictable turns and I didn't feel as invested in the romance as I would have liked. Overall this is an interesting, unique fantasy with a brilliant concept that many fans of YA fantasy will enjoy.

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Hmm, I'm not sure if I actually like it or if I want to like it because the idea itself isn't bad. The writing style is good, but something is missing. Maybe I have to read it again.

I hate giving low ratings, but I really don't know with this one.

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I would like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read and honestly review an advanced reader’s copy of this book.

This was a rough one for me. (I hate reviewing ARCs and giving a negative review but wow, this was bad.)
The first half was fine, it felt very classic young adult Asian fantasy. The concept of a mirror dimension where our reflections are real, actual people was interesting.

But my god, this was let down by its writing style, by its long, drawn out plot and its flat characters. Around 50% in, it feels like the author is doing everything in their power to hit some sort of word count. (I hate the miscommunication trope so much, and that was a big part of this.)

The main character… She falls instantly for the character that is clearly going to betray her. She then instantly falls for the other character after the betrayal. She’s very traditional, but then she’ll randomly swear in a way that feels too modern for the story.

Spoilers here: there is a scene where her brothers get hung. Two of several brothers, and she never mentions their names. It’s just her brothers. Nameless brothers, hanging for her perceived crimes. And she seems very upset, and the scene is honestly written kind of graphically. And it felt so out of place? Like it was there just to get an emotional reaction.

This just didn’t know what it wanted to be. I probably have more complains, but yeah, I really didn’t like this. If this was much, much shorter, with much tighter editing, and with actual personalities for its characters, this could’ve been great.

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Every time I read asian inspired fantasy, I am disappointed.
I had to DNF about midway through, sorry, this was hard to get through.

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I fell for the pretty cover and alluring title bit this was incredibly boring and painful to trudge through. DNF.

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I loved this book, the characters were so well done, the concept and storytelling were perfect and I was lucky enough to get a fairyloot special edition of this too which is exceptionally beautiful ♥️

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