Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for gifting me a copy of this book.

The concept of this book was what made me want to read it: entering a world where we have reflections of ourselves. They have to mimic the « original » reflection and feed with light. I enjoyed reading about their world and monsters at the beginning.

At first it was quite easy to get into the book, but after a while, it just got too long for me as I was not attached to the main character and the love interest.

The chapters were not too long, which is always a plus.

I did not see the plot coming at the end with the emperor, and was quite surprised.

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Eastern mythology meets YA fantasy with a hint of enemies to lovers romance. If that’s you’re vibe you’ll love this like I did

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

3.5 rounded to 4

While this was a pretty easy and entertaining read, it was a little too predictable for me which lost it half a star. That being said, the characters were great and easy to love, the plot was fast paced and the ideas of the mirror world and magical system were fantastic. I do think it felt rushed in places - some parts of the plot and the characters themselves would have benefited from more development, perhaps extending the book to a duology. The romance was a little fast and could have been stretched out more to make it feel more authentic.

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The Girl With No Reflection is a gripping fantasy with a strong romance and a bit of horror. It's so magnificently written, and I couldn't put it down for a second. I am already eagerly waiting for more from Keshe Chow!

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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3.5 ⭐️ The beginning of the book is so good! The concept that the author created for this story is super different and captivating. For me the problem was the pacing, in the first 40% I was super entertained but after that I feel like the book lost me a little. I’d still highly recommend it to anyone who loves YA fantasies.

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How interesting, full of small twists and complex (and sometimes a little exasperating) characters that this story has.

The Girl with No Reflection is a fantasy novel that has a lot of interesting elements (which I prefer not to tell you about so that you will find out when you read it) and that reads super quickly.

The author gets us into the story from the first moment because she doesn't beat around the bush and gets to the point. Furthermore, she has such a captivating way of writing that there are moments where everything is a little darker, more grotesque and you really feel trapped there with the protagonist.

Something that made me not be able to give this book 5 stars is the romance. I felt that on many occasions it was there in excess (although at other times it seemed necessary for the plot to develop), also... some plot twists didn't seem so shocking to me because I could see them coming.

A very good impression of Keshe Chow with this novel, I hope to read more of her!

Thank you very much Hodder & Stoughton for the ARC I read on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Unfortunately this book just wasn't for me. The idea of the mirror world is very cool, especially the beginning where the motives of the mirror reflections are unclear it's genuinely so unsettling and creepy. However the actual execution didn't live up to the cool premise, plus the main character seemed to fall inexplicably in insta love and the romance aspects felt quite forced and detracted from the other stuff happening in the story so I just couldn't finish it.

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