Member Reviews

This is a great guide to bettering your writing skills. A lot of suggestions and guides to producing the best story you can. Great for beginners and those of us that could use a refresher course on creative writing.

A well thought out guide that hits all the bullet points that you may have questions about.

Thank you!

#NetGalley #StoryandStructure

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‘Story and Structure’ by Leon Conrad is a comprehensive guide to understanding the mechanics of storytelling. This book is particularly valuable for aspiring writers and creative writing teachers, offering a deep dive into the components that make up a well-crafted narrative.

Accuracy: ★★★★☆
The book presents well-researched and thought-out concepts on the elements of story structure. Conrad's approach is methodical, drawing from a variety of literary traditions and examples. While the interpretations and methods might not align with every reader's perspective, the content is generally accurate and reliable for those looking to improve their understanding of story mechanics.

Perspective: ★★★★☆
Conrad offers a balanced perspective, combining classical storytelling principles with modern interpretations. He provides insights into how stories have been structured throughout history, making the content applicable to a broad range of genres and styles. The author's perspective is grounded in a solid understanding of literary theory, making it both informative and applicable.

Relevance: ★★★★☆
In a world where storytelling is central to various forms of media—books, films, video games—this book's relevance cannot be overstated. ‘Story and Structure’ serves as a useful tool for writers, educators, and anyone interested in the art of storytelling. It is particularly relevant in creative writing courses and workshops, where understanding story structure is essential.

Engagement: ★★★★☆
Conrad's writing style is engaging, with clear explanations and practical examples that keep the reader invested. While the subject matter can be dense, the author's approach makes complex ideas accessible. The book manages to maintain a steady pace, ensuring that readers remain interested throughout.

Readability: ★★★★☆
The language is clear and straightforward, making it easy for readers to follow along. Conrad strikes a good balance between academic rigour and approachable writing, making the book suitable for both beginners and more experienced writers. The book is well-organized, with each chapter building logically on the previous one.

Enjoyment: ★★★★☆
Overall, ‘Story and Structure’ is an enjoyable read for anyone passionate about storytelling. The book provides valuable insights without being overly technical, making it a pleasant and informative experience. Writers will likely find it inspiring, and educators will appreciate its utility as a teaching tool.

Leon Conrad's ‘Story and Structure’ is a solid resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of storytelling mechanics. With a balance of theory and practical advice, it is well-suited for aspiring writers and creative writing instructors alike. While it may not offer groundbreaking revelations, it is a reliable and engaging guide that will enhance your appreciation and mastery of story structure.

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I wish I had this during my Creative Writing and Literature classes in the University, but even though I got to read this a decade later, it is a comprehensive wealth of knowledge on the story and form of what makes writing.
Thanks Netgalley for the eARC.

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Story and Structure is a master class in how literature is structured. It is best for the academically minded. It definitely reads like a university textbook. It has a lot of interesting information buried in its over five hundred pages. I can see why it won an award for best reference book as it is not an easy read straight through. However, if you are motivated, it should rate at least 4 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and Literally PR, Ltd. for providing me with a review copy.

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Comprehensive? That’s an understatement. Leon Conrad’s Story and Structure: A Complete Guide…is exactly that; a complete guide. Had this been the first book I’d read on story telling I might have even said it was a bit overwhelming. But it’s not. Leon’s style, while being comprehensive, is easily digestible, using stories everyone knows as examples, breaking them down to reveal the skeleton of the story, to make it easily understandable how and why these stories work. I have little doubt this is a book I’ll return to again and again. Thanks so much to The Squeeze Press and NetGalley for allowing me access to a review copy of a Leon Conrad’s brilliant Story and Structure.

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Story and Structure is undoubtedly the result of extensive research and study of stories.
I requested this book because of the double value it offered; for my profession and personal interests.
Conrad offers an entirely new framework for the structure of stories using a few symbols to indicate the different parts/stages in a story structure. While I highly appreciate this as well as the academic integrity of the author with all the footnotes provided, unfortunately, this was not for me and I am sure there is a right target audience for this book.

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"Story and Structure" by Leon Conrad is a groundbreaking exploration into the essence of storytelling. Conrad masterfully deconstructs the concept of story using six primary symbols, unveiling eighteen distinct story structures that address the core problems that stories seek to solve. This book is more than just a guide for writers; it's a profound look at the universal applicability of story as a dynamic life force.

The insights offered are both enlightening and transformative, providing readers with tools to find greater harmony and flow in their own lives. Whether you're a writer, storyteller, creative writing teacher, folklorist, narrative therapist, anthropologist, poet, or simply someone fascinated by the mechanics of story, this book is an invaluable resource. Conrad challenges readers to rethink their understanding of story, making "Story and Structure" a must-read for anyone looking to deepen their appreciation of narrative. Highly recommended!

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