Member Reviews

I was excited to read this book as an autistic person. But I was disappointed very fast. The amount of talk about ‘female autism’ was triggering, problematic and transphobic. When the doctor mentioned it for the first time I thought it was gonna be debunked. But no, it’s repeated dozens of times and never questioned. This idea of female autism excludes non-binary people and is very harmful.
Apparently this newer version should contain less transphobia but this arc is the only version I read and it’s full of it.

I also struggled with how aphobic this story is.. It puts romantic relationships on such a pedestal, seeing it as more valuable and important than platonic relationships.

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This one made me laugh, cry and every other emotion in between. Characters that feel real, and a story many will relate too. Definitely looking forward to reading more from Khalilieh. Thank you to netgalley for the arc.

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I would have given zero stars if I could. I have decided to edit my review and will never ever pick up another book by this author again. She is currently going into the DM's of people whobare warning others for how transphobic this book is. She claims she didn't know any better back in 2018. Once she learned how harmful her statements were to the trans community she "quietly" used more "inclusive language". She continues defend why she said such transphobic takes and downplays the harm she has done to trans people. Something about "I get why people may feel this way, but..." She is not entitled to decide if people, specifically trans people, are allowed to feel this way. She explains how the old editions have the transphobic takes. What is this ARC? A newer edition. I have no idea what inclusive language was added, because this newer edition is still filled with transphobia. So why is this author lying to people? Why is she downplaying and disregarding the pain caused to trans people? Why won't she warn her readers? This person isn't doing anything to keep trans readers safe. And no, apologising in someone's DM's after defending her own behaviour and not taking any accountability is not an apology.

I get that this book is a YA romance and I get teenagers can be obsessed with finding a relationship. I had plenty of friends who were very set on getting a boy back in highschool. However, the only thing that happened until the point I decided to dnf'ing this book was the MC constantly talking and thinking about boys and how she is a virgin.

If it were only the MC being so obsessed with relationships I would think it's her thing, but no... every single conversation is about boys, boys, boys...

Not the mention the autism rep excludes trans people. First I thought only one character would believe in "female autism" but nope... This is something that keeps being brought up throughout the book. As a non-binary person I am bummed to be excluded once again. Besides, the idea of "male and female autism" isn't just harmful to trans people.

I was thrilled to learn more from the Palestinian rep. The way the world was called out for labeling all Palestinians as terrorists was spot on.

However, this plot really isn't for me. It feels aphobic and transphobic. There was also not a single queer character at all.

I am also bothered by the amount of fat shaming. I know teens tend to do this a lot. I was a victim of their shaming myself, but this is a YA book that could be read by teenagers. At least add how such statements are not okay.

The MC shames other characters for making out with other people or by the way they are dressed multiple times. Again, I know this is a thing many teenagers do, but why does nobody explain how that behaviour is not okay? Nowhere are those thoughts and phrases called bad.

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Such a great read! Highly recommend this one.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This was a beautiful coming of age story about Jessie, an autistic 15 year old, trying to navigate high school and its challenges for the first time, and making friends (and rivals) along the way. I found the love triangle to be very intriguing but I couldn’t put the book down as I needed to know how it would end up for her! I loved how authentic Jessie was to herself, and as an autistic person this really meant a lot to me to read someone like me going through situations I had been through (and some I had not). Learning about Jessie’s Palestinian heritage was really interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about her family dynamics and history. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for more YA with autistic representation as this was a fantastic read!

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3.5 stars rounded up. I feel like the main character's 90s fixation was fitting here because this book reminded me of a 90s rom-com. In a good way, I think. The kind that's character-centric and diverse. I also got some Mean Girls vibes at times.

I liked the diversity in this one. The main character was sympathetic and realistic. It's always nice to see an autistic female take the lead. The romance was cute, but the friendships were better. This is a slice of life kind of book with likable characters that felt more realistic than some of the other YA books I've read.

I read an ARC of this book from NetGalley. All comments are my own.

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3,5 ⭐️

This was a great book and I enjoyed reading it. The story shows a realistic life of an autistic girl in high school. There was a lot of drama, which is normal in high school. I loved seeing Jessie grow through the story and I’m definitely team Griffin.

Thank you Netgalley and Hashtag Press for this arc

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a great book. I really enjoyed the story!

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Thank you NetGalley for this copy!
Love triangles don’t always keep my attention but this was an exception! I adored our main character and her journey finding love for herself after learning she is autistic, as well as love in a boy. It was very relatable and brought me back to the time I was in school finding myself. The character are very relatable and realistic to me.
This was amazing autistic representation as well as Palestinian representation. An honestly perfect YA story I loved it so much!

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LOVE LOVE LOVE, I had such a good time with this book, and i thought the love triangle was written in a way that made sense for high schoolers

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I'm always genuinely happy to read books with representation. What a lovely and excellent story! I couldn't stop reading, I was obsessed the whole time.

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Great YA romance. Good representation of an autistic teenage girl as the protagonist. Will be adding this to my library and recommending it to young readers.

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Griffin was soooo cute omfds. Jessie got on my nerves tho Icel 😭

I was so invested in their teenage drama lmao.

I’m glad Levi came to his senses at the end but I was never rooting for him anyway 👹 the underdogs always win my heart 🤭

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We follow a 15 year old Palestinen-Canadian girl named Jessie who just got diagnosed with autism. She is going into her first year of high school and things get messy. She falls in love and out of love, makes friends, has fights with other kids and so much more. I felt so many emotions while reading about Jessie. She went through a lot in this book and I enjoyed it.
I have never read a book about an autistic spectrum character and I learned lots.

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I would have DIED for this book as a young teen, a good amount of friendship, romantic and familial drama as Jessie tries to navigate the world in light of her recent autism diagnosis. I loved how she learned to be herself and stand up for herself, whilst still faltering along the way. Following a whole school year means we get a good amount of time with most characters, and all are fleshed out nicely. Great representation with an autistic palestinian-canadian lead character aswell.

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I received a free copy from the publisher through Netgalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

Ever since finding out I am autistic I've been on the lookout for books featuring neurodivergent characters, so I jumped on the chance to read and review this one. Something More follows Jessie who starts high school, she wants to make a fresh start and decides to hide her autism diagnosis.

This is going to be a bit of a tough review to write. I really wanted to love this book and it has some really well done parts. It kept me reading and wanted to know what would happen next, but more because of the drama and the way it was written than that I really enjoyed this book. It made me feel uncomfortable at times as well. And partly it was just tough reading about an autistic highschooler as it reminded me of a time in my life that I have very mixed and conflicted feelings about and when I was struggling as an undiagnosed autistic. And while Jessie is plenty of different from me, there are also parts that hit pretty close to home, a bit too close at times. And it all just made it hard for me to fully enjoy this book. I am glad I finished it and the ending and message at the end was great, but it just leaves me with mixed feeling.

I thought it was interesting how this book spans the whole first year of Jessie's high school. And a lot happens. It speeds up and takes some time jumps at times and then slows down again, but I did appreciate how this shows how much can happen in a year.

Jessie felt very realistic and relatable, although at times I wished to know even more of her or be even closer in her head. I feel like there is still so much I don't know about her and then there are things like her family and their lives playing on around her, but not getting as much page time so they just kinda pop in and out sometimes and I just felt I would've liked something more.

Reading about Jessie and how she experiences life as an autistic girl was interesting. I had expected this book to be more about her being autistic, but it feels more like it's about her life and her being autistic is part of that than the focus. And I think that's totally fine, just wasn't what I had expected. I wanted to see more autistic traits and more of her struggles at times. Like toward the end there is this random mention of her struggling through tests, but throughout the book this is never mentioned. And at the other hand I feel the autistic parts that were shown felt pretty spot on and relatable.

I also appreciated seeing Jessie grow and change through the book. Although her realizations and thoughts at the end did feel a bit sudden and would've liked a bit more build-up toward that. I also would've liked to see more of her experience being a diagnosed autistic in high school as I myself went through that phase of my life undiagnosed, but as she's basically hiding it from most people there isn't as much about that as I wanted. I wanted more of her insights and thoughts about her being autistic, but there isn't much about that either.

This book has a pretty unique and fresh feeling love triangle, but it is still a love triangle and I didn't like it. As a reader it was obvious who she would end up, but Jessie doesn't see that. Again I think that felt very in-character and realistic as she is the one going through her life. But it just felt tedious at times seeing her with this one guy when I knew she would end up with the other one. There were also parts of her relationship with that guy that made me feel uncomfortable at times. And there was just so much drama, not only with her own romance, but also her friend group and their romances. It just was a bit too much for me.

To summarize: I really wanted to like this book, but it never fully worked for me. It kept me captivated and I wanted to keep reading, but more due to the drama and the way it was written, than because I really enjoyed it. I thought Jessie felt very realistic and relatable, but that was also one of the reasons I sometimes struggled reading this book as it reminded me of my own struggles through high school. There is a lot of drama, which was a bit much for me as I don't like reading about that. There also is a love triangle, which I am not a fan of, although it was handled in a way that felt fresh. For me as reader it was obvious who she would end up with and didn't enjoy the scenes with the other guy. The ending is well done and I liked how it wrapped things up.

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5/5 Stars

Thank you to YA Hashtag for providing me with an arc to read and review.

This one has been on my tbr for longer than I want to admit so when I saw the arc pop up for the rerelease I grabbed it to finally push myself to read it. I am neurodivergent so this book hit really hard for me as someone who only in the past year has realized it is more than just ADHD for me. This book follows a palestinian Canadian teen in her first year in high school after just getting an autism diagnosis. It is own voices and was everything I wanted it to be. I really saw myself in Jessie in so many ways and I wish I had this book when I was younger.

Jessie was just diagnosed with Autism right before starting at a new school and a freshman in high school. She is determined to have a fresh start and step 1 is keep her diagnosis a secret and step 2 is follow her list of goals to keep on track. But when two very different boys catch her eye in two very different ways, her specific plans start to get off track.

I relate so much to Jessie in pretty much every way, how she could easily talk to some people and others it was hard as hell. Creating specific goals for social situations and trying to fit in. Struggling to keep friends until you find those perfect people that don’t care that you aren’t “normal.” Jessie is trying to just fit in freshman year and now she finally knows why she hasn’t fit in before. This book would have been life changing for me a few years ago and it still hits really hard now.

I really recommend this one if you want a cute YA contemporary romance that has amazing autism representation. It also is by a palestinian author about a palestinian character!

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Overall this book was such a FUN read! I forgot what high school felt like and how drama-filled it can be sometimes. Jessie is such a fun character to get to know, her matter-of-a-fact tone comes across even on the pages. I’m very happy that we got to see her develop throughout the entire duration of the book and she didn’t get immediate payoff in the love triangle. Her and Griffin clicked so well even as friends that it made me so excited to think of how their relationship will continue to grow. My only downside to this book were some of the times autism was referenced or brought up in a very clinical way. I totally love the representation and know it’s meant to help readers understand, but for me sometimes name dropping autism or defining parts of it in the way it was done pulled me out of the story a bit. Overall this book was a very fun read and I hope others enjoy it as well :)

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This was such a great read. I would love to see more books like this featuring neurodiverse characters and the world as seen through our eyes.
Though, I’m not autistic my neurodivergence shares many similarities. This was a book I wish I had growing up. Of course, the character’s choices were as unique as any individuals, she was relatable even if she made different choices than I would have. Sometimes it seems like the world expects all neurodivergents to be cookie cutter copies who are just their traits, but the author did a wonderful job showing how e as much more than that.
I really enjoyed the author’s writing style and the slice of life plot. It was nice to feel seen.

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Something More by @jackiekhalilieh is a fantastic YA that I would highly recommend!

Jessie is still recovering from her recent diagnosis of Autism when she is catapulted into a series of major life changes as she starts high school, makes new friends and finds herself crushing on the cute guy in her science class. Life with overprotective parents, two older siblings, and a neurodiverse brain leads to many additional challenges for Jessie as she conquers one of life's greatest series of hurdles; being a teenager.

I love Jessie's character and how she shows that autism is a spectrum and does not have to define you, but is also adds difficulty to some of the things neurotypical teens take for granted. In a lot of ways her autism makes her more thoughtful, considerate and careful in her decision making and actually helps her navigate high school in a way some of her friends might struggle with. Jessie is a great role model for young girls, especially those who are looking for diverse characters. This book has everything a good YA requires: drama, secrets, romance, parties, and sneaking around, without anything too risque. There is light mention of pot and alluding to "fooling around" but nothing more than kissing is described. So teens will love it, and it is also very appropriate for this demographic. Plus it's set in Canada!

I'm so glad I got the chance to read this one, and look forward to seeing what else this author puts out in the future! Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the complimentary copy.

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