Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing the ARC.

The story had a solid foundation, but I struggled to connect with the characters. The plot twists and events felt implausible and strained belief.

Emily, navigating a difficult divorce from her soon-to-be ex-husband Teddy, faces relentless stalking, harassment, and manipulation throughout the process. The book chronicles the turmoil of the divorce and its aftermath.

While not my favorite read, it wasn’t terrible either. It could benefit from more development and refinement.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for giving me access to the book.

Trigger warnings: Domestic Abuse, Suicide, Narcissism, SA (mentally and online), Use of AI to create fake p**n

Where do I begin?

Despite initially being interested in this book, reading it felt like a chore. It's short, less than 300 pages which means I should get through it in a day, but I found myself having to take pauses between chapters not because of the huge and sensitive topic, but because I couldn't understand the writer, the characters, and the scenes.

The writing style felt very telling. It's difficult trying to find the sweet balance between having conversations and just repeating things that happened between characters. The writing style left so much on the table, I didn't understand what I was taking away from it.

As a whole, a better writing style might have made the book shine. But the characters especially the main character just soured the show.

Emily suffered majorly at the hands of her mother and then her husband. For someone who really wants to take charge of their life, she felt very comfortable allowing other people to do that.
And I understood she was a victim, and I feel sad for her, but honestly this book isn't a book about resilience. And not all books can but I find that a book like this might have been better written from a perspective of someone who had something in common with Emily. A lot of the things, choices, and actions just didn't make sense.

Teddy was such a caricature that reading about his scenes made my eyes and ears hurt. Then Williams, I have nothing to say about him.

P.S: making Williams bi and then the scene of Emily talking about Sheldon (who's like her father's age) having the hots for Williams was creepy. It didn't need to happen but like ewww.
Also, how does Teddy have Randy's number? Or know Randy? That part made no sense and the explanation for it just made me want to give up.

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This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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As the reader, you are quickly introduced to Teddy’s controlling ways. This was told mainly from Emily’s point of view, and you can see the emotional and mental trauma she has been through. Teddy was the absolute worst, and I did not wish him well. With a stalker present, I did not trust Teddy or William at all. I was suspicious of William due to fact he seemed a little too perfect, and I did question his intentions.

I read the book within hours. It initially started with a bang, but I felt the intensity fizzled out. It became a little repetitive that Emily is looking over her shoulder and scared. I wanted a little bit more suspense and tension. This book was easy to get through, but overall I wanted more.

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In a season of some of the most outrageously annoying FMCs in thriller novels, Emily takes the cake! She is the most helpless, hopeless, doormat of a FMC of all time, and things always ~happened~ to her because she never took charge of her life or how she wanted to live it. A lot of her choices made zero sense to me and she was constantly getting herself in worse situations with poor decision making skills and a victim complex. While I empathized with her DV storyline, there was very little development and no resolution.

Thank you to Inkubator Books and NetGalley for providing an ARC!

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This book was just not for me.
I really liked the cover and the synopsis really got me all excited. However I couldn't find myself caring for any of the characters. The MC is just stupid and I was so annoyed the whole time. I found nothing thrilling about it. No twist or chill giving moments. But for someone else it might be interesting, someone who is a beginner with thrillers.

Thank you so much netgalley and Inkubator Books.

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This is probably the best of Theo Baxter!

This is a twisted story about a women running from her rich, manipulative, abusive husband. But he doesn't want let her go. She finally has found happiness with William, when things start getting weird... furniture is moved, email is hacked, and it all started when William showed up.. Who can she trust?

This was so twisted, that I bounced back and forth between who I thought could be causing all of the problems she was having. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time!

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This was a very gripping, anxiety, impossible book to put down. I read this book so fast to find out who the culprit was. Cannot wait for more of these books.

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Overall I really liked this book and would recommend it. It was fast paced and very interesting. I was expecting more of a thriller and plot twists, but this was more of a story of Emily.

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Emily is under a lot of stress, given her complex and turbulent ongoing divorce from Teddy Gaunt.

Teddy has money, old money with a lot of connections and influence. He doesn't want to let Emily go and has been disconnected from reality for longer than Emily herself has realized. Emily, who sometimes made me question her critical thinking abilities due to some of her reactions and, consequently, her actions, is doubting her ability to connect or trust others.

The book starts slow, but after chapter 14, it speeds up tremendously. While the story moves fast, certain parts are left open to interpretation, leaving several loopholes in the process. This book is still a good summer read. I was able to finish it fast because I wanted to know how the story ended and learn if my theories were right, which they were, with one minor part I didn't see coming regarding William.

I would rate this book 3.5 stars! I enjoyed this book and would recommend it. The book does a great job building up, and as the reader, you start to feel like you have joined the same emotional rollercoaster that the main character is undergoing.

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Though this book is categorized as a thriller, I didn't find it to have the qualities of a thriller. To me it was more like a story about two people and their nasty divorce. I found all the characters very unlikable so it was hard to take sides.

Emily is divorcing her narcissistic, rich husband Teddy. She finds herself being stalked and harassed. Though you want to feel sorry for her because Teddy is such a pompous jerk, she makes it hard to feel sorry for her because she is pathetic and annoying. I really wanted them both to just go away.

That being said, I did enjoy the book and found it easy to read.

Thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator books for the advanced copy

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Theo Baxter and I go way back, way back to The Double Lie.

Hook, Line, Sinker, I was all in and this author was about to light my world on fire.

If you know anything about Baxter, you know that it doesn't take 400 pages to get to the point. His books are quick and easy reads that pack a punch. If Only You Knew, is under 320 pages and instantly grabs your attention and plunges you down the rabbit hole of secrets, lies and deceit.

My heart was in my throat the entire time. Riddled with anxiety, I white knuckled my book the entire time.

Don't take my word for it, check out this teaser :

Both of them said ‘Till death do us part’. One of them meant it.

Emily is on the home stretch of an acrimonious divorce from husband Teddy when she realizes someone is following her.

The stalking quickly escalates into something more sinister.

Emily starts getting hang-up phone calls and suspects someone is coming into her home when she isn’t there. Her email is hacked and she almost loses her job. She finds cameras and microphones hidden all over her house.

Someone is watching her every move, trying to destroy her. But who?

The obvious suspect is Teddy, but new boyfriend William is also acting strangely. Is he hiding something?

When someone close to her is viciously attacked it becomes clear there is much more at stake than Emily’s peace of mind.

Emily thought divorce was the worst thing that could ever happen - until she finds herself caught up in a fight for her very survival. Can she find out who is behind the campaign of terror before it’s too late?

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This book was hard to out down, I needed to know. Emily is going through a horrible divorce that has turned into a three year battle. Teddy has money and has made her life miserable. She can’t even let people know where she lives.

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This was a great read! Sucked me in pretty quickly there was a tad bit of repetition but with it being a psychological thriller I understand that was probably by design lol. I didn’t see the full plot coming together the way it did which is obviously always good lol. I read this in a day in as close to one sitting as possible lol! Highly recommend

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This book certainly has a psychological aspect to it, but quite as much of a thriller as anticipated. It eventually ventured more into women’s fiction territory, which I am a fan of as well. You follow a woman as she navigates a tumultuous past and future involving two men. You aren’t completely sure who she should trust either. The ending was perfect and couldn’t have wanted it any other way.

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What a rollercoaster ride! This book had me hooked from the very first page with its explosive start. Teddy's twisted, narcissistic nature comes through right away, and trust me, you won't be rooting for him. Emily's journey through her three-year messy divorce with Teddy is intense and gripping. The portrayal of domestic abuse, infidelity, divorce, and bullying is raw and real, making you feel every bit of Emily's struggle. The author's ability to evoke strong emotions is truly remarkable—it's a wild, heart-pounding read that keeps you on the edge of your seat!

If you're looking for a fast-paced and thrilling story, this is the one. But be warned, this book isn't for the faint of heart or for anyone currently dealing with a similar situation, as some scenes are quite heavy. The relentless mind games and emotional turmoil Emily faces are both harrowing and captivating. It's a powerful story that dives deep into the complexities of a toxic relationship and the journey to reclaim one's life. An absolute must-read for fans of intense, emotion-packed thrillers!

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Well written
Decent story
Would recommend this book
Kept me up until id finished reading it

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #InkubatorBooks for the book #IfOnyYouKnew by #TheoBaxter. This book was hard to out down, I needed to know. Emily is going through a horrible divorce that has turned into a three year battle. Teddy has money and has made her life miserable. She can’t even let people know where she lives. Enter William. A very nice man who wants to date her but she is scared Teddy will find out. And now, someone has found out where she lives and is stalking her. Is it Teddy or William?

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Thanks Netgalley for my copy.

I wasn't impressed with this book. Basically Emily is an effing idiot. Not the situation with Teddy, that was unfortunate and the way Emily didn't want to give up was admirable, which is where my stars come from. Literally everything else Emily does or says is just pathetic and annoying and in the end, I was praying Teddy just caught up with her and shut her up once and for all.

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i really wanted to love this book but sadly i didn’t enjoy it at all. it started so well and i was excited to continue the “shocking thriller” but there was nothing shocking or thrilling about it.

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