Member Reviews

This book is so seriously flawed that I really can’t say anything about it.

Except. Emily was in a serious automobile accident caused by her abusive husband who called the accident a suicide attempt by her. She files for divorce and starts dating the man who was her nurse in the ICU. Teddy proceeds to harass her during and after the divorce and finally breaks into her house with intent to kill. Who lives and who dies? I will never tell. The only meritorious thing about this book is that the writing and suspense-building are excellent. Emily, however, seems to be an idiot.

I am befuddled by the glowing reviews about this book. Maybe I read a different book. But I wouldn’t recommend this one to anyone.

I received this book as an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley.

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This was just awful. I'm so sorry but I don't have anything good to say. And I feel bad, since this is an ARC, but to even give this book 2 stars would be pushing it.
The main problems that I had with the book are the following:
- The mystery is predictable, and not a mystery at all really.
- The writing was poor, and when I say that I mean that in a lot of sentences someone would say or do something that didn't make sense from a logical standpoint.
- The same thing is true for the characterization: at one time the characters would feel or act in a certain way for a certain reason and a few chapters later they would do the opposite thing, without rhyme or reason.
- Now this is petty perhaps, but the courtroom scenes were so over the top it was ridiculous... And the same thing for the dialogues.

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Emily is trying to leave her abusive husband-Teddy. She can't take anymore and wants a divorce. Teddy is not one to want to let Emily go instead he would rather destroy her life and drag out divorce proceedings. It is heart wrenching to read about all the things Teddy does too Emily and far he will push her to the edge. She grows more and more paranoid and wonders what is real and what is imagined.

Emily doesn't even feel safe in her own home as someone is entering the house, stalking her and knows her every move. She wants to be able to move forward without Teddy.

There were some things that weren't explained clearly and I like everything tied up in a neat bow. Some things were just too far fetched but made for quick read.

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Rating: 2.5 stars

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc.

The foundation of the story was good- however I didn’t/couldn’t connect with any of the characters. The twists and things that happened just seemed super unlikely and unbelievable.

In the story Emily is in the midst of a tumultuous divorce with her soon-to-be ex husband Teddy. During the process she is stalked, harassed and preyed about in every way you can imagine. The book follows the process of the divorce and aftermath.

Not my favorite story but not horrible either- could probably be done a lot better/has been.

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"If Only You Knew" delivers a rapid and suspense-filled narrative. However, it didn't quite capture my affection.

The plot seemed too familiar and occasionally illogical. Despite a premise that usually appeals to me, the execution was overwhelming, preventing it from being compelling. The characters failed to resonate with me, and the portrayal of the stalking element felt insincere.

For those who enjoy a fast-moving thriller that stretches the bounds of plausibility, this book might be appealing.

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Emily is on the home stretch of an acrimonious divorce from husband Teddy when she realizes someone is following her.

The stalking quickly escalates into something more sinister....

What a wild ride If Only You Knew was - Emily was relatable, trying to get her life back on track amongst a massive court case to divorce her controlling ex-husband. Frightened to leave her home, wary of everyone and working as a remote assistant to (who turns out to be) a very understanding boss. Emily catches up with an old flame, William and then the stalking starts.

Phone calls with no one there, people following her, furniture moved just slightly in her home. Who is stalking her, and why. William seems to sweet and Teddy seems too obvious, the book takes us through the attacks on her that grow scarier and more intense in every chapter as well as through Emily's past and her current divorce. There was a lot of drama and thrills without having too many jump scares of frights. Everything was very believable and realistic which added to how tense and unsettling this book was. The person stalking her was very clever to not get caught and that really added to the feel of the book.

It was a great read, a few twists and a satisfying ending.

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This had the makings of being a really good thriller, but I just found it to be a let down. I didn’t feel connected to any of the characters, and I felt that the stalking aspect was sort of glossed over and done a bit half heartedly. It’s not a bad book, there are just plenty of others out there who do it better.

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This is my second book by this author and the rides he takes you on during these books is amazing. He truly understands what makes a thriller. Towards the end I did figure out a key part of the book but it didn't ruin it for me.

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I really enjoyed this book! I did think it was on the longer side but it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole entire time. I felt like the main character, Emily, was so easy to connect with. The feelings of sympathy and worry I had throughout the book grew more and more as the story went on. This book definitely dives into the topic of domestic violence and abuse so just be aware of that before reading. I definitely recommend this book - and I honestly felt like I learned a lot not only from Emily's perspective but all of the other supporting characters. Thank you to Netgalley and Inkubator Books for allowing me to read this early!

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“If Only You Knew,” is a twisty, suspenseful story with quite a explosive thrilling ending. I would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good mystery/thriller novel.

thank you publisher and netgalley. all thoughts and opinions are my own

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Emily and Teddy took vows “Till death do us part” but only one of them would actually mean it!
Emily is trying to rebuild her life as she’s going through her divorce from Teddy but Teddy just won’t allow her to move on! Her new guy William is acting shifty and Emily isn’t sure who’s behind her harassment anymore! With both William and Teddy becoming more deranged Emily starts to realise that she’s never going to be allowed to move on from Teddy unless something drastic happens!
My heart was in my throat the whole time I read this, I wanted to keep reading but also wanted to put it in the freezer!

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This title is indeed fast paced and is filled with terror inducing drama.

I didn't love it though. It felt predictable and at some points nonsensical. I was disappointed as it sounded really good and like the kind of thing I normally love, but it was too much of everything for it to work well.

However if you like a thriller that zips along and feels a little unbelievable then this may very well be for you.

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This is my first book by this author and I’m sure I’ll be reading more.

Emily is coming to the end of her marriage to Teddy that had become abusive and controlling, both physically and mentally. She then feels uneasy as it seems that someone is watching her and the obvious perpetrator is Teddy, but could it be Emily’s new boyfriend, William?

Gripping with twists and turns, this kept me hooked.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for an advance reader copy in return for an honest review.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
Emily and Teddy- what begin as a beautiful marriage change to physical and mental abuse. When Emily files for divorce she finds her email hacked, her apartment filled with cameras, someone following her. She is sure it is Teddy her ex but could it be William the new man she has been dating? Things escalate until she fears for her life! You will want to grab this read!

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Thank you NetGalley for this advance reader copy in exchange for my free and honest review. While this book started out slow and a bit sappy with what seemed to be a nauseatingly overly dramatic main character, I was determined to stick with it and I did. Very glad I did as the story picked up in an amazing way halfway through. Great suspenseful twists and turns that made me glad I didn’t give up. Take a chance!

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If Only You Knew by Theo Baxter
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 28 July 2024

As Emily nears the end of a bitter divorce from her husband, Teddy, she becomes aware of an unsettling presence in her life. What begins as a vague feeling of being watched quickly escalates into a full-blown nightmare of stalking and harassment.

Mysterious phone calls, signs of home invasion, and cybersecurity breaches threaten both Emily's peace of mind and her livelihood. The discovery of hidden cameras and microphones in her home confirms her worst fears: someone is meticulously monitoring her every move, seemingly intent on destroying her life.

While Teddy appears to be the obvious culprit, Emily's new boyfriend William's odd behaviour raises suspicions. As she grapples with uncertainty and paranoia, a violent attack on someone close to her raises the stakes dramatically.

What started as a distressing divorce now becomes a fight for survival. Emily must uncover the identity of her tormentor before it's too late, realising that her current ordeal makes her past marital troubles pale in comparison.

This gripping psychological thriller plunges readers into a world of paranoia and suspense, where trust becomes a luxury and safety an illusion. The author masterfully crafts a taut narrative that keeps readers on edge from start to finish.

The novel's strength lies in its ability to build tension gradually. What begins as subtle unease evolves into full-blown terror, mirroring Emily's own journey from suspicion to outright fear. This progression feels organic and realistic, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in Emily's predicament.

Character development is another strong point. Emily is portrayed as a relatable protagonist, her vulnerabilities and determination making her easy to root for. The supporting characters are well-drawn, each with enough depth to be both potential allies and suspects, adding layers of complexity to the mystery.

The author's exploration of modern surveillance technology adds a chilling, contemporary edge to the story. The ease with which Emily's life is invaded serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities we all face in our digitally connected world.

While the premise of a stalker thriller isn't new, this novel stands out through its unpredictable plot twists and the psychological depth it brings to the genre. The pacing is relentless, with each chapter ending on a note that compels readers to keep turning pages.

However, some readers might find the escalation of events towards the end a bit too rapid, potentially sacrificing some believability for the sake of heightened drama. Additionally, a few loose ends in the subplot involving Emily's work life could have been tied up more satisfactorily.

Despite these minor quibbles, the novel succeeds in delivering a heart-pounding reading experience. It's a perfect choice for fans of domestic thrillers and anyone who enjoys a well-crafted tale of suspense.

In conclusion, this book offers a thrilling ride that will keep readers guessing until the very end. It's a testament to the author's skill in weaving together elements of psychological suspense, relationship drama, and technological paranoia into a compelling narrative. Readers will find themselves looking over their shoulders long after they've finished the last page.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Inkubator Books, and the author, Theo Baxter, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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This was my first Theo Baxter novel, and I must say that I am very impressed. This book was so hard to put down, and it touched on very important topics and brought to light real-life struggles. Theo did a wonderful job of making you feel connected to the main character. So much so that I had to take a few breaks from reading because I felt overwhelmed at times. Any author who is able to evoke such strong emotions through their books is an automatic favorite of mine. I highly recommend this book to anyone who agrees.

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If you’re looking for a fast-paced thriller that will have you hooked right from the beginning, I highly recommend If Only You Knew

Both of them said ‘Till death do us part’. One of them meant it.

Emily is on the home stretch of an acrimonious divorce from husband Teddy when she realizes someone is following her.

The stalking quickly escalates into something more sinister.

Emily starts getting hang-up phone calls and suspects someone is coming into her home when she isn’t there. Her email is hacked and she almost loses her job. She finds cameras and microphones hidden all over her house.

Someone is watching her every move, trying to destroy her. But who?

The obvious suspect is Teddy, but new boyfriend William is also acting strangely. Is he hiding something?

When someone close to her is viciously attacked it becomes clear there is much more at stake than Emily’s peace of mind.

Emily thought divorce was the worst thing that could ever happen - until she finds herself caught up in a fight for her very survival. Can she find out who is behind the campaign of terror before it’s too late?

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If Only You Knew by T. Baxter, published by Inkubator Books, is the next thrilling, literally unputdownable read. The author of The Stepfather nailed it again with this book. Suspenseful, thrilling, fast paced, complex and complicated, twisty and with unexpected turns, this boom has everything I love in a great read.
Blurb: Both of them said ‘Till death do us part’. One of them meant it.
Emily is on the home stretch of a divorce from husband Teddy when she realizes someone is following her.Emily starts getting hang-up phone calls and suspects someone is coming into her home when she isn’t there. Her email is hacked and she almost loses her job. She finds cameras and microphones hidden all over her house.
Someone is watching her every move, trying to destroy her. But who?
The obvious suspect is Teddy, but new boyfriend William is also acting strangely. Is he hiding something?
When someone close to her is viciously attacked it becomes clear there is much more at stake than Emily’s peace of mind.
Emily thought divorce was the worst thing that could ever happen - if only she knew.

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First of all, I love a thriller book that also explores important issues, and this one really explored domestic violence and abuse. It made me feel so bad for the main character, and I wanted nothing more than to see her escape her Ex.

You could definitely feel the horror and terror from the MC during this read. I found myself reading through this and putting the puzzle pieces together because I just wanted her to stop suffering 😅 The writing was pretty good and I enjoyed the way the story came together.

Here’s the thing though: there is no way I would consider this a “killer twist.” Like, I feel like it was pretty obvious who was going to be behind everything in the end. I honestly wasn’t surprised at all, even with the person they “set up” to possibly be behind everything. That being said, I still very much enjoyed the story. It just made me expect more of a surprise at the end.

Either way, I still found it to be a good story and would recommend once it came out 😆

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