Member Reviews

Absolutely thrilled to have been able read an eARC of mirrored heavens, I have waited with such anticipation for this conclusion to the black sun trilogy.
Book one holds a special place in my heart, it opened up a whole new epic fantasy world that I just adored.
Mirrored heavens was the perfect conclusion, I love a book that (mostly) ties up all the loose ends and doesn’t leave you with unanswered questions.
The final chapter was beautifully done.

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Tenía mis reservas sobre el final de la trilogía Between Earth and Sky, de Rebecca Roanhorse, ya que si bien la primera entrega me encantó en la segunda parte mi entusiasmo se enfrío un tanto. Afortunadamente, con Mirrored Heavens Roanhorse retoma el pulso épico de una historia polifacética y apabullante.

De nuevo asistiremos a una narración con tantos puntos de vista que podría llegar a ser confusa en alguna ocasión, pero la autora es capaz de dotar de una voz propia y perfectamente distinguible a cada personaje, lo cual favorece muchísimo la lectura de una obra de casi 600 páginas.

Serapio, el avatar ciego, había conseguido mandar sobre la ciudad de Tova, pero para nada significa que la paz haya llegado para aposentarse en la controvertida urbe. Sus enemigos conspiran para arrebatarle el poder de la forma más cruenta posible y los pocos aliados que pudiera tener están desperdigados. Y no quiero entrar mucho más en la trama porque es muy difícil no caer en el resbaloso terreno del exceso de información en un tercer libro de una saga.

Creo que el punto fuerte de la autora en esta serie son los personajes, que están trazados con mano firme y que tienen una exquisita complejidad en sus motivaciones e impulsos. No son maniqueos ni planos, algo que se agradece mucho cuando por desgracia nos enfrentamos a veces a libros con seres de luz y malos malísimos sin cortapisas. Aquí, no hay nada de eso.

La construcción de mundo y el panteón que la autora ha venido presentándonos desde el primer capítulo alcanzan esta entrega su punto culminante, con sacrificios de sangre que riegan del precioso elemento hectáreas de terreno. Por fin asistiremos a la magia Teek en todo su esplendor, con una Xiala desatada que no dudará en desempeñar un papel fundamental en la historia.

Nos encontramos ante una fantasía precolombina maravillosa con un final estupendo que desafortunadamente no cierra todos los hilos que habíamos venido siguiendo, en algunos momentos se queda un poco corta en cuanto a información e incluso un poco inocente en el destino de algunos de los implicados. Esperaba algo más de épica en el final, pero quizá ese fue mi error. No obstante, creo que la trilogía merece la pena.

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The excellent conclusion to a super trilogy: gripping, intriguing, and well written.
Loved the excellent storytelling and world building.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Mirrored Heavens is a stunning conclusion to what has quickly become my favourite trilogy.

Rebecca Roanhorse is a master of epic high fantasy! Rich, immersive world building, intricate magic systems and incredible characterisations. I was completely invested in each and every character, but Xiala stole my heart. Watching her journey was as beautiful as it was heart wrenching. All the multiple povs were done with such care and created so much depth. Getting to see all of the interwoven webs from the previous books finally coming together was expertly done. I wanted to stay in this pre-Colombian world forever:

I would highly recommend this to lovers of high fantasy - it is not one to miss!

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In the Acknowledgements for this book, the final book in the three-part Between Earth and Sky series, Rebecca Roanhorse states that she wanted to write "epic fantasy inspired by the cultures of the Pre-Columbian Americas . A story with both grandeur and grit, love and loss, that celebrated the unique beauty of these cultures and decolonized gender and love". And she did.

From Tova, to Teek and the frozen north, we experience love and loss alongside the characters. We are transported to a world of blood magic, political scheming between clans, dream-walking, avatars of gods, and warfare. The characters are complex and nuanced, and the narrative regularly switches points of view, allowing the reader to understand the story from all angles. This was was the perfect conclusion to the series.

A recommended read for fans of To Shape a Dragon's Breath, George R. R. Martin, and epic fantasy with detailed world-building.

Thank you to Netgalley and Solaris for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Well that was devastating but in the best possible way. I couldn't put this down and I was tense reading it. It built and built to a conclusion that made sense to the world and story.

As much as I loved it, the pacing felt a little off and some POV chapters weren't as well done as others. Though that could be my bias as some characters I cared more about than others.

It was an excellent final instalment of an excellent fantasy series. I would recommend this to everyone who enjoys fantasy and epic novels because it is something really unique in those genres.

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