Member Reviews

An amazing fantasy romance

Wren lives in the forest, but there are rules. Because shadow magic whispers to her, and if anyone finds out, her life would be over. And when she stumbles upon a knight in the darkwood, under attack, she feels more tempted to give into this dark power than ever. The only problem is: Finn's duty is to hunt shadow magic. And if Wren reveals herself to him, he might kill her. But saving him is more important.

I adored every second of this story! It has everything I love in fantasy romance, and more. Wren is an amazing FMC, powerful even if she has to hide it, uncertain about who she is and where she comes from, but determined to fight for what's right no matter what people throw her way. Finn is a grat love interest as well, devoted, strong and touching in the best ways. I immediately fell in love with them both, and the connection they have is absolutely beautiful and insipiring. As for the plot in itself, it was gripping, exciting and filled with revelations, twists and turns that kept me on the edge and made this book an absolute page-turner. I couldn't get enough and I couldn't wait to see what would happen next to Wren and Finn, for better or for worse. The romance is addictive and hot, full of questions and fate-entwined desire. All in all, an amazing fantasy romance that stole my heart.

I recommend if you like fantasy romance with dark magic and deals.

"He was the truest heart she had ever known."

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I loved this story (anyone else get a Rapunzel vibe? The tower, the hair, the magic, or was it just me?) We follow Wren and Finn (and to some extent, the Nox) on the search for Wren’s mother, Elodie. I enjoyed how each chapter came from one of our characters, seeing the story develope through different eyes was really interesting. The chemistry between our two main characters was just enough, I don’t like the cringey awkward moments. I love how Finn just went with his gut to protect Wren, he didn’t know her yet he put his life on the line for her time and time again!

A quick and fast paced book that I finished within a couple of days, roll on book 2!

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This was an absolutely incredible first book in a fantasy series. This is the perfect fall romantasy, full of dark magic and all the atmospheric elements you could want. But most importantly, this book pulls you in so quickly and completely!! If you are looking to lose yourself in a fantasy world, this is the book!!

I devoured this first book so fast, I flew through it like I haven't done in a long time. I really have to give props to Jessica Thorne for making me fall in love with this world and these characters. I loved the way this was written, it kept me on the edge of my seat.

If you like fantasy & romance - trust me, read this book!!

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A Touch of Shadows was such a good book! It is a great start to the series and it was so captivating! The story follows Wren who has been raised and hidden in the forest by the mysterious Elodie who may or may not be her mother and is definitely more than your average hedge witch. Witch hunters come looking for them and Wren and Elodie become separated. Wren begins her journey with the heroic and handsome Finnian Ward to find Elodie while also fighting between light and darkness.
I loved the magic, the mystery, and fight between light and dark. The ending does end with a cliffhanger and there are still so many secrets that need to be answered! I am excited to continue the series and see what other secrets get revealed.

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This was a pleasant read, I enjoyed many aspects of this book, but I feel like the characters, the magic system and the world itself could have been more developed.
The story was interesting, the characters are okay, everything is quite easy to understand.
A good first book, I want to see how the story progresses in the next volume.

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This was a really fun book, with a great premise. I loved Wren as a character, as well as Elodie! The only thing that I found a bit off was the speed with which Finn and Wren became attached. I am hoping there is some explanation for that in the next book.

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I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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I overall enjoyed this romantasy book. It was a short, easy read. My main complaints are that the magic system wasn’t really fully explained and the world building was somewhat lacking. I found myself getting confused throughout the story due to this. I would have like some better understanding in that department.

I liked the romance, but wish that had been more fully developed as well. The way the romance started was slightly confusing. However, I did like the characters together and how they grew to protect each other. I’m interested to see how that continues to develop.

The book was a little hard to get into at first, but then once the story really got gowing it was interesting. There were some interesting reveals and questions that still need to be answered. I’m invested enough that I will continue to read the series to see what happens next.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for access to this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Easy and quick read perfect for someone starting out in the fantasy/romantasy genre. I’d recommend to people for sure when it comes out!

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Wren has done her best to hide her magic and hide her true self to stay alive, but a chance encounter has her scrambling with hope to keep her secret safe. Finn is the unfortunate man who was attacked by shadows and, in order to save him, Wren revealed her secret.

The two of them navigate this and many other secrets of magic, politics, and even romance as they try to figure out how to move forward against the shadows. Through struggles both large and small, our characters face challenges together and learn more about one another as they go.

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I DNF-ed this book. I originally requested this book due to the synopsis that intrigued me, however as I started reading I realised the writing style and plot wasn't for me. The pacing of this book was quite slow from the very first chapter - it did not grasp my attention nor curiosity and I found the world building quite weak.

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This book was hard for me to get into. I felt a little lost in the world building. I put it down and tried again and was able to get more invested. I did enjoy this romantasy but felt like it could have used some tightening up.

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At the start of the book, there's a comprehensive glossary that beautifully elucidates the terms specific to this world. This book offers a delightful and enchanting narrative, making it an ideal choice for newcomers to the fantasy genre. The story flows effortlessly, and I believe it would captivate the hearts of young adult readers. The multiple perspectives presented in the book are a delightful feature, offering a splendid initiation for anyone venturing into the romantic fantasy realm. While the world-building is appealing, I feel that a touch more intricate detailing would have enhanced it even further.

As a keen enthusiast of fantasy literature, I found immense pleasure in delving into the noble knight Finn's dedicated quest to serve Asteroth by tracking down wielders of the magic that Wren possesses. Their fates intertwine as Finn ventures through Wren's village and faces an ambush, only to be rescued by Wren's magical powers. With the looming spectre of war and enemy forces encroaching upon Asteroth, Wren and Finn find themselves at the crossroads of having to trust each other in a bid to safeguard their kingdom.

Wren's altruistic nature often exposes her to peril. Such tenderness and empathy are a rarity in her world, given the risks associated with revealing her secrets. This shines a poignant light on Wren's character and adds an extra layer of depth to the narrative, showcasing the complexity of her world and the challenges she must navigate.

#FantasyLiterature #EnchantingNarrative #CharacterDevelopment
#WorldBuilding #TrustAndSacrifice #MagicAndDanger
#AltruismAndEmpathy #FriendshipAndBravery #IntrigueAndAdventure

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This was an easy fantasy read. I absolutely adored Wren but I did feel sorry for her in that she didn't really know where she came from or where she belonged.

Finn was a typical hero! A knight in shining armour!

Wren eventually grasped her power and let it in, growing to her full potential. I understand why Elodie kept her hidden and sheltered, but she really should have prepared Wren a little better.

This is a great book for people new to fantasy to start. Well written and descriptive. I do wish the characters were explored a little deeper.

Looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

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Really enjoyed this read. Was such an easy read, the world and magic system were quite easy to grasp. I loved the characters and can’t wait to read more about them in book 2. Will definitely be picking that one up straight away.

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ARC Review

A gripping high fantasy story based in a world split by two antagonistic magics. 🌞🌑

Wren is a protégé healer for her village, dabbling in the use of magic to aid recovery and health, until a traveller’s arrival and actions change everything.

I really liked the good vs evil plot of this story as well as the intrigue around Wren, her origins and powers. There were also some good plot twists and I enjoyed the period setting of the book which leads to some great sword fights and grand battles. ⚔️🛡️🐎

There were some excerpts of historical records, prophecies and ballads amongst the main story, which really added to my understanding of events in a creative and unusual way.

One key thing missing for me was a map! 🗺️

Themes/Tropes: good vs evil, fated romance?, sword and sorcery, magic, prophecy, hero’s journey, mentor, outcast?, witches

1/5 🌶 rating

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Favourite Quotes:
(possible spoilers)

We fight the Nox, now and always, with flame and sword.

‘Do you have a list?’ Of course she did. Elodie was always prepared. She made lists constantly.

We are witchkind. We will live free or die.

She was the Nox embodied in flesh, and she had come for him at last.

I apologise. I was… I was not myself.’ Wren almost laughed, despite the urgency of their situation. The understatement of the century.

‘You’re a girl,’ he said, and winced. ‘A woman, I mean. A⁠—’ ‘A witch,’ she finished for him.

‘Your heart flutters like a little bird,’ the voice murmured. ‘But you are stronger than that.’

He was hers. He knew it better than he knew his own name. Hers. Her creature. Now and forever.

‘We’re both in trouble, aren’t we?’ he murmured. Trouble. That was such a small word for it. ‘What kind of trouble?’ she asked. ‘Infinite trouble. But I wouldn’t be anywhere else, Wren.’

‘I don’t want to be a princess.’ ‘I don’t want to be a prince,’

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Not so addictive and entirely forgettable...

While I wanted to like a Touch of Shadows, I was left disappointed. Wren and Finn, the protagonists of the novel were extremely two dimensional and Wren was painfully gullible. Frankly, I had no idea why they were in love by the end of the novel, there wasn't nearly enough development. While I usually bemoan unnecessarily long fantasy romance novels, at c300 pages, A Touch of Shadows felt too short especially with random chapters from Roland (another character that I didn't particularly care for) that detracted from the main story and didn't add value.

Elodie was the only character I had a vested interest in and I think the series would have been so much more interesting from her point of view. She seems to be a sharp, take no shit woman without straying into not like other girls territory and to be honest the fantasy romance genre is full of bland 18 - 23 year old heroines like Wren, so it would have been a nice change to focus on a mature, middle aged woman like Elodie but alas...

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I have found a deep love for the romantasy genre over the last few years. A Touch of Shadows drew me with the gorgeous cover on its own. I didn't even read the blurb, I just knew I had to read this book!

The first book in a brand new series called The Lost Queen series introduces the reader to Wren, an apprentice to a local hedge witch, Elodie. They live a secluded life, in which Elodie, who is Wren's guardian as well, keeps her protected from the dark magic that dwells deep in the woods. Wren thinks she is just a child of a witch, but Elodie is protecting more than Wren could ever guess. Until the day she meets Finn, then everything changes.

World building, character building, pacing...its all fantastic! If you are an avid fantasy or romantasy reader, this series is going to be absolutely amazing. When the blurb compares this book to Rebecca Yarros and Sarah J. Maas, it is right to!

Told from multiple perspectives so it allows the reader to get the fuller picture from all points. This is always good for me. I feel like I'm part of the story, and the characters become easier to cheer on or hate off course.

I was so enthralled by this tale that the pages whizzed by, and before I knew it, I was finished! Crammed full of action, adventure, romance, and a little spice as well. I was swept away with these characters. I have to say I am a sucker for magic and everything that comes with this genre. Jessica Thorne ticked every box for me, and I am impatiently waiting for the next book now!

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Very easy romantacy read. I liked Finn & Wren but I felt their relationship could have been more developed. The magic system was fairly straightforward and I would have enjoyed going a bit more into the lore.

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A story of forbidden magic and hidden identities with a good dose of love at first sight between our main gal and her would be hunter. This was a quick and easy read. The story develops quickly and trots along at a steady pace. The characters are engaging and I found the back story very interesting. A good one for YA readers.

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