Member Reviews

I tore through this magical, dark, gothic fantasy romance. Completely consumed! I gave myself the full immersive experience, listening to the audiobook while reading along with the ebook, and had the best time! This tale I full of magic, romance, a dark eerie world, action, and a mystery that unfolds throughout the book.

My Ratings;
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ /5
🌶.5 /5

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I was won over with the magic and secrets that were throughout this story! There also appeared to be slight nods to Rapunzel that I found fun. The world building was immersive and Wren quickly became a favorite! I am glad Book 2 "A Kiss of Flame" is also available because I need to pick it right up! Thank you to Second Sky for an advanced copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own!

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Thank you to Second Sky for providing me this eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!

I’m not gonna lie, reading the glossary at the beginning of the book had me a little nervous 😂 but I was hooked after the prologue. This book was filled with mystery and had me so anxious to figure out what was going on, as a good story should!

Wren and Elodie have lived peacefully in their little part of Asteroth, staying far away from those who would seek to use their magic. Until one day, when the enemy kingdom Ilanthia forces them both from their home and to the mercy of the darkness.
While Wren tries to get to Elodie, she has to fight her instinct to call to the darkness and give herself to the Nox. She almost loses that battle when she turns to the darkness to save Finnian Ward’s life, a knight from Asteroth that she is inexplicably drawn to.

The mysterious tone throughout this book kept me coming back for more, and I liked that the darkness versus light, good versus evil theme blurred a little for a while there. I found myself constantly questioning: was Elodie really in the right? Is the darkness really that bad?
I would recommend this book for anyone looking for a quick romantasy read with lots of mystery elements. I really enjoyed this one!

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This certainly is a fantasy for new readers for the genre.
I did feel it was to slow paced, and the world building wasn't as strong especially as its being compared to Sarah J mass and Rebecca yarros. It would have actually said it was more can't spell treason without tea, due to its pace and other elements. Which due to the comparison I didn't go into with different expectations which isn't fair for the book.

I'm not sure if I will continue the series, as the pace, engagement wasn't right for me. But I'm sure this would be perfect or even a 5 star read for others. This just wasn't for me sadly as I did like the blurb.

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I think that this is a perfect book for someone just dipping their toe into fantasy reads. This is not too deep into world building and I really enjoyed that about this story. The characters and story lines were easy to follow and there was a lot of magical aspects. There was not just one, but two romance plotlines and I hope that they are both flushed out in this series. I am a sucker for fated mates and this had all the vibes. I will continue with this series because I am interested to see what happens to all these characters!
Thank you to Second Sky, Netgalley and Jessica Thorne for an early copy.

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This year I’ve really got into Fantasy/Romantasy again so I couldn’t wait to read A Touch of Shadows as it sounded amazing.

The prologue explains so much about Wren and Elodie and sets up the story perfectly but leaves you eager to find out more.

Finn I was conflicted about at first, I didn’t know what to believe about him or trust but you couldn’t deny the connection between him and Wren.

I was literally swept away by this story, I didn’t put it down until I’d read every last page. The story was so gripping, I loved learning more and more about this world.

When i learned more about Wren and Elodie’s past and what that meant for the present day I was so shocked I couldn’t believe it but it also made me feel sad for everyone involved.

The last few pages had me screaming inside, I couldn’t believe what I was reading.

The ending will have you downloading book 2 instantly just like I did.

Fans of the Romantasy/Fantasy genre this is your new obsession.

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Have you ever had a book grab you and tightly hold on as you turn page by page, wanting more? Well this book did that!

A wonderful world is depicted and even more wonderful characters. We really get to understand the characters and there are so many times in the book I verbally begged them to see the right choice. I even admit that there was one scene that I did not see coming toward the end of the book and I am so happy it did not end the way I thought it would.

This was a great way to begin a series and I cannot wait to read book two!

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I liked this book, the magic system was intriguing however I felt the world building and character development fell a bit short. I know this is the first in a series so I am hopeful that the next book will flush out more of the characters. Thank you to NetGalley and Jessica Thorne & her team for allowing me to read this. I am eager to see where this series goes. I do think I will purchase this book for our readers but depending on the next books will decide if we complete the series or not.

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📚 Book Review

A Touch of Shadows (The Lost Queen 1)
By Jessica Thorne
Second Sky Books, 5th September 2024

This witchy, endearing, and exciting read follows Wren, apprentice to local hedge witch Elodie, who is also her guardian. Living on the outskirts of the Darkwoods, Wren knows dangerous shadow magic lurks within...the same shadows that exist inside her.
This secret is hard to bear and means her and Elodie live a secluded life when not attending to the needs of others.

When Finn, a knight, finds his life threatened, he is saved by Wren, and the pair are magnetically drawn to each other instantly. Drama ensues, emotions run high, and I was on the edge of my seat in parts.

I'd love to see further world building, and the characters' back stories expanded further in book 2: A Kiss of Flame, which I'll be picking up soon!


Thanks to Second Sky and Jessica Thorne for providing an eARC via NetGalley; this is my unbiased review.

#NetGalley #ATouchOfShadows #JessicaThorne #Fantasy #FantasyFiction #Romantasy #Witchy #WitchyReads #HedgeWitch #RomanticFantasy

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📚 A Touch of Shadows by Jessica Thorne📚


✨Hidden Identities
✨Shadow magic
✨Steamy romance
✨Multi POVs
✨2 different romances

Wren has been kept in a tiny village at the edge of a dark forest, cocooned in near isolation with just her mother and the few weary villagers for company. However, a series of events causes Wren to flee into the forbidden dark forest with a handsome stranger, Finn, close behind her. Once in the forest, Wren is forced to confront the fact that she may not be just a hedge witch as she previously thought. Secrets are revealed and Wren’s whole life is turned upside down.

This was an interesting book with some unique features. I rated it 3 stars only because the story just feels a little confusing at times. It’s not a bad book, it just had so many things happening at once in a few places that it felt jumbled to me. I will still read the next book in the series because there are enough elements and character intrigue to make me want to read more.

👩🏻My Recommendation👩🏻
If you enjoy shadow magic, hidden identities and secrets, and a good old fashioned villainous prince, you’ll certainly enjoy this book.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for providing the ARC and the opportunity to review this book.

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Wren has always grown up with Elodie, her protector, the light to her dark. Wren is drawn to shadow power but this same power destroyed her home kingdom Asteroth; knights have sworn to protect the kingdom by hunting shadow magic users. A noble knight Finn enters a forest near the remote border towns where Wren and Elodie live and a creature attacks him, and Wren decides to use her forbidden magic to save his life, exposing herself and endangering her life. Their connection is instant as Wrens magic flows between them. Enemy soldiers of the kingdom are hunting her and Elodie, for reasons initially unclear to her, and she must work with Finn to save each other and possibly Elodie and the kingdom.

This is a quick read, and would be perfect for a young reader interested in entry to the romantasy genre. For those that love the world building of SJM and Rebecca Yarros, the story will feel underdeveloped with greater emphasis needed on world building and character development. Usually in romantasy there is depth not just with the MMC and FMC but all the supporting characters too, but all the characters felt surface level and the reader is not emotionally invested in their journey. There are really only 5 prominent voices: Wren, Finn, Elodie, Roland, Leander.

I’m also a slow burn girlie and was not a fan of the instalove between Wren and Finn, gave me Twilight vibes

Thank you NetGalley, author Jessica Thorne, and publisher Second Sky for this ARC.
Pub Date: September 5, 2024

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A Touch Of Shadows by Jessica Thorne is a good read for readers just getting into high fantasy books. Stories where they must learn a new world and new rules. It was a good introduction to those types of stories as there was good worldbuilding at the beginning of the book but it wasn't too complicated or anything too overwhelming to pick up easily.

I do think the world-building could've used a bit of work as the story went on, specifically the magic system. I felt the magic system felt a bit weak logic-wise as the characters started to use their powers more. While we did get a bit of history and some explanation regarding the magic early on in the book, it still felt a bit vague. I do hope there is a bit of expansion on that in the second and third books.

Unfortunately, I wasn't a fan of romance. The insta-love took the "instant part" to a whole new level. I think the author tried to compensate by tying their immediate connection with the magic but I don't think enough development was done with the relationship outside of that. So when the characters started to act a bit intimate I was quite confused as to how we got there.

I quite liked the idea behind Wren's mother and her history. Without giving away spoilers, the idea of her feeling restricted by her position and her eventually being "trapped" by her love is quite interesting.

Thank you to Netgalley and Second Sky Books for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks so much to Netgalley and the author (or the author's team) for this copy.

A touch of Shadows was the first book I had read by this author and I throughly enjoyed it. The writing style and how the world is complex without being complicated was great.
The characters, I felt could have seen more of their personalities or something ... but I also am aware this is the first book in a series, and so I am super eager to see where this story goes.

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The Touch of Shadows by Jessica Thorne kicks off The Lost Queen series with an addictive mix of forbidden magic, tension-filled romance, and high-stakes adventure. Fans of fantasy romance, especially those who enjoy authors like Sarah J. Maas and Jennifer L. Armentrout, will find themselves swept up in Wren and Finn’s captivating story of passion, power, and looming darkness.

Wren is a compelling heroine—quietly powerful and living in constant fear of being discovered for the shadow magic she possesses. Her magic is not just a hidden gift but a dangerous curse, one that destroyed her kingdom and forces her into a life of secrecy in a remote village. This duality gives her character depth; she's someone who yearns to do good, healing those around her, while knowing that exposure could mean death. Wren’s internal battle between embracing her powers and hiding them from the world makes her easy to root for, and Thorne does a great job making her feel relatable, despite her extraordinary abilities.

Then comes Finn, a noble knight whose sworn duty is to hunt down those who wield the very magic Wren harbors. Finn’s character is introduced at a moment of vulnerability, as he is attacked by dark creatures in the forest and nearly dies. Wren’s decision to save him, despite the risk of revealing her powers, sets off a series of events that tie the two together in ways neither could have predicted.

The chemistry between Wren and Finn is palpable from the moment she saves his life. Thorne’s writing captures the tension and desire between them in a way that feels both electric and dangerous. Their connection goes beyond physical attraction, as Wren’s magic pulses through them both, making you question whether their growing bond is real or simply the result of the shadows tempting them. This uncertainty adds a delicious edge to their romance—one that keeps you guessing about whether they can truly trust each other, or if the darkness will ultimately tear them apart.

As much as this is a love story, A Touch of Shadows is also packed with action and adventure. The looming threat of enemy soldiers, the dark creatures that haunt the woods, and the shadow magic itself create an atmosphere of suspense that keeps the plot moving at a brisk pace. Thorne builds the tension effectively, as the stakes grow higher with each chapter. Both Wren and Finn are caught between duty and desire, and their journey feels all the more compelling as they grapple with whether Wren’s magic, seen as dangerous by both of them, could be the key to saving the kingdom.

Thorne’s world-building is immersive without being overwhelming, focusing on the key elements that draw readers into the story: the mysterious shadow magic, the fallen kingdom of Asteroth, and the complex political tensions that drive the plot forward. These elements lay the groundwork for what promises to be an intriguing series, but it’s Wren and Finn’s evolving relationship that truly holds the spotlight.

The novel strikes a balance between steamy romance and dark fantasy, making it an ideal read for those who love the mix of heart-pounding passion and epic adventure. Wren and Finn’s bond feels organic, and the twists in their story will keep readers hooked until the final page. There’s also a great sense of mystery surrounding the shadow magic—where it came from, what it truly wants, and how it could either save or destroy everything Wren holds dear.

In A Touch of Shadows, Jessica Thorne has crafted a romance that burns with intensity, set against a backdrop of magic and intrigue that will leave readers eager for the next installment. It’s a thrilling start to a series that promises plenty of heart-stopping moments and emotional depth, perfect for anyone craving an addictive fantasy romance.

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✨ Magical creatures
✨ Dark and light magic
✨ Forbidden Love
✨ Lies and deception

I enjoyed this new romantasy, A Touch of Darkness by Jessica Thorne. I read this both on the kindle and audiobook.

I am giving this book 4 stars because I very much did enjoy this book, but felt the short length impacted the plot. This is a quick read, which almost feels like a prequel or Part 1 of a larger book. You start to see some world building and character development just as it ends. However, there is a lot of potential for the books to follow. I like Wren and look forward to her story in particular. Elodie had me rooting for her, but it was hard by the end. The bond between Wren and Finn, however, has me in a chokehold. I hope the next book explores deeper in to their relationship.

The story is fast paced, but almost too fast paced. I would have liked a little more descriptions of the magic and the history. I would recommend this for fantasy romance readers.

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Wren has been in hiding her whole life, it seems. Elodie, the woman who has raised her, has always encouraged her to reach for the light and admonished her never to let the darkness in. But the darkness has always beckoned to Wren, even as she has tried to resist it, to keep her magic hidden. This is sometimes challenging, as she and Elodie live apart from everyone in a forest where remnants of dark magic – the Nox – are known to linger. When the small village they call home is invaded by Ilanthian knights clearly looking for something, and their tower is aflame, Wren flees into the dark forest. A knight of Asteroth, Finn, seeks to protect her and in so doing, is attacked by dark forces himself. Wren does the thing she’s been told not to do and saves Finn, but at what cost to her and to him? Now they’re somehow bound together, and drawn almost irresistibly to each other.

This is a pretty good fantasy read, although it doesn’t quite live up to The Bookbinder’s Daughter (which I loved). We’ve got a pretty clear matchup of good versus evil in Asteroth and Ilanthia. Asteroth, the kingdom of light, with an eternal flame that supports their magic system that now kind of exists in limbo, not really active, but still existing. Ilanthia, seeking to restore the Nox to its former glory and use it for their ends, sounds like a truly awful place. But Wren and Finn seem to be some combination of both light and dark (at least sometimes), and this feels like it’s laying the groundwork for the two of them to somehow bring the two kingdoms together and restore balance. That, or they’ll burn each other to a crisp with forbidden dark magic and everything will go down in flames, I’m not sure which.

Thorne gives us a strong character in Elodie. She is clearly more than the hedge witch she presents herself as, and I hope she was somewhat in the background in this story because we’ll see much more of her in other books in the series. She isn’t invisible, but I get the feeling we haven’t nearly seen her tap the depths of her power yet.

The attraction between Wren and Finn felt a lot like insta-romance to me, and that really isn’t my favorite. I prefer enemies to lovers that takes time to grow. But given the spark that lit the romantic flame, I can see why their relationship unfolded in the way it did. I hope we see something deeper blossoming between them in later books. There was some explicit on-page spice – not a main focus of the book, but it is there, so be mindful if that’s a deal-breaker for you.

The story kept me interested, but it felt a bit underdeveloped. I know it’s the first of a trilogy, and I’m engaged enough to keep reading. We’ll see how the next book goes!

The Bookbinder’s Daughter is still my favorite Thorne book, but I’m hopeful this series will get better with each successive book, and by the end of it, I’ll love this story almost as much!

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I liked a lot of the elements in this book, but I felt that it could have gone a little more in depth with the characters and world building. The magic system was intriguing but not touched on as much as I would have liked. It was a fun, pretty quick read, and I would like to see what the author does in book 2. I think there's a lot of potential here.

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This was cute. It’s great for someone just getting in to fantasy. But as someone who has consumed fantasy at an alarming rate the past couple of years, I will agree with some other reviewers that say that there is still quite a bit to be desired. I’m also not a huge fan of insta-love, which is how this came off. It’s a very quick read though, so I definitely think anyone looking for a short and sweet romantasy read should give this a try! I’m interested to see how the authors writing style develops in the next book.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy.

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Wren has been brought up by a woman who she assumed is her mother. They never called ach other mother or child so she was never sure. They got seperated and Wren ended up meeting with Flynn.
Magic has been outlawed and Wren and her mother use it for healing powers.
Finn was brought up in one kingdom but is helping another kingdom. It seems that Wren and Finn's destinies are interwoven.
There is also spice n this book.
I enjoyed the banter between these 2 and the kingdoms.
I received this from NetGalley and Second Sly for the ebook to review,

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2.5 stars

A Touch of Shadows by Jessica Thorne is a relatively quick read with an interesting magic system that drew me in. Wren is a character with a mysterious background that even she is not privy to beyond the strange, dark magic she can call upon which has more control over her than she does over it.
The start to this story was a bit slow for my preferences so it took me a while to really get into it enough to be interested to continue. I did struggle to stick with it because of this, but it eventually opened up enough to convince me to see it through as more interesting characters were introduced and backstory of these characters began to unravel. It wasn’t my favourite read of the year by any means, but it was enough to have me wanting to learn more of the world and to potentially pick up the sequel later on.
The characters were OK, though didn’t necessarily engender enough attachment in me that I was truly concerned about what might happen to them. Their backgrounds were the part I most wanted to know more about, though in Wren and Elodie’s cases they ended up being relatively predictable. Wren’s dangerous connection with the shadows was the most interesting part about her, and the fact that this was somehow tied to the length of her hair did intrigue me. Otherwise, I could have taken or left any one of the main characters and not been terribly affected by it.
I was initially drawn in by the promise of witches and magic, but in the end, I don’t think it quite ended up being what I was expecting. As a result, it didn’t quite land with me the way I was expecting it to, though it was a decent enough read once I got going with it. It still didn’t overly suck me in and I found myself at times annoyed with characters’ decisions which took me out of the experience.

In the end A Touch of Shadows was a decent enough read, though perhaps not fully for me as far as meeting my expectations. I may or may not continue with the series.

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