Member Reviews

Thank you Second Sky for the eARC!

Wren grows up deep in the forest on the edges of the nearest town as a healer’s apprentice and witch. One day when an ex love interest turns on her and attempts to harm her, a knight dressed as a traveler saves her, but Wren takes off deep into the dark wood - where one should never go - and she and the knight soon find themselves in danger. As they run, Wren tries to make sense of the web of lies and truths that have been told to her for her whole life.

This book was very short, interesting, fast-paced, and action packed. The concept was certainly interesting, especially the magic, but possibly due to the short length it just wasn’t developed enough for me to get attached to any of the characters or the story. I often wasn’t entirely sure what was going on due to plot holes and lack of world building which overall made it less enjoyable of a read for me.

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I was excited about this book based on the blurb, but unfortunately it fell kind of flat for me. The beginning was kind of confusing and didn’t really provide anything worth knowing and it definitely could have used more world building. I thought the magical elements were cool, but again, they felt like they needed something more. They were kind of just there. I think this would probably be a good book for someone just starting out trading fantasy, but it wasn’t really what I was looking for in the end.

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This was a very short quick read for me. Overall, I did enjoy the book and will be reading the second book in the series to see what happens with Wren and Finn. The beginning of the book was a little too confusing to me and lacking enough world building and character development. I hope to see more things about the magic world explained in the next book of the series.

Thank you Netgalley and Second Sky for the digital arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you Netgallery and the publishers for this advanced reading copy.

A Touch of Shadows (The Lost Queen book #1) by Jessica Thorne is an enjoyable read. This book features a simple yet captivating magic system, with witches, fates, and other fantasy elements that I always appreciate. I enjoyed Thorne’s writing style and look forward to the next book, hoping to see the story develop further.

⭐️ 4/5
The story follows Wren, our MFC, who grows up in a remote village as a ward to Elodie, the hedge witch. Wren can wield shadow magic, which poses a significant risk if the wrong people find out. Her life takes a turn when she saves Finn, the MMC, from a life-threatening situation in The Darkwoods, a place everyone knows to avoid.
While the world-building and character development could be further explored, this book is a wonderful entry point for anyone new to the fantasy genre. It avoids overwhelming readers with excessive details and complex introductions.

Recommended if you enjoy:
✨ Witches
✨ Hunter x Hunted
✨ Multi-POV
✨ Shadow Magic
✨ Love at First Sight

This book has a bit of everything: war, world politics, witches and hunters, knights, magic, romance, hidden identity, and a hint of spice.
Elodie's story is only briefly mentioned in this book, but I was eager to learn more about her and Roland. The plot is intricate and moves swiftly with numerous twists and turns.

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This was a wonderful start to a new series! It primarily focuses on the romance, which I don't mind with romantasy. I enjoyed the characters and the story. Will definitely pick up the next book in the series.

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This was a quick, romantasy read which was ok and enjoyable. To me, it seems like it had a strong start but later on it started to fizzle out. I wasn't bothered by the lack of explicit world-building because it was very well understood, which is always a plus. What didn't help me get into it more was the fact that it felt a bit underdeveloped, like a lot of good elements were there to make it something very good but they weren't fleshed out, like the characters themselves and the relationship between characters. The love-at-first-sight at the beginning maybe didn't help things along as it should have. All in all, it's a very quick read that doesn't confuse you and is pretty straightforward, so go for it if you're looking for something like this.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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There’s a lot of really good potential here and I mostly enjoyed the story but it felt rather rushed. I felt something’s needed to be explained more and like I was missing small pieces of information that would help bring the book up a level. I’d say it’s closer to 3.5 stars than just 3 though. I was always drawn into the story and wanting to know what happens next. I’ll most definitely be reading the next one.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Jessica Thorne, and Second Sky for providing me with this ARC!

2.5 Stars

A Touch of Shadows follows our main character, Wren, a young witch who is drawn to the shadows. When her city is burned in flames, she runs into the wood that is infested with darkness. On her escape, she runs into a man named Finn, whom she instantly trusts. The story follows their journey to a palace until they are separated by her “mother” Elodie, against Wren’s will.

Plot: The plot was very quick paced, but unfortunately, underdeveloped. At times there seemed to be big plot holes, and I felt confused to what was happening.

Worldbuilding: There is very little worldbuilding included in this story. We move from one place to another quick enough that it’s hard to imagine the places we go.

Characters: All of the characters also felt underdeveloped to me as well. We have a classic “Rapunzel” story of Wren being held in a tower (and has magic hair when it’s long), and Elodie didn’t want Wren to be discovered. None of the characters seemed to have any special qualities that drew me in to their development.

Romance: The romance was an instant love situation, and it was hard to buy that instantly Wren, who has little experience with men from what we know, instantly loved this stranger.

Overall, it was a very average romantasy. Nothing more, nothing less.

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This is an easy, fast paced romantasy that would be good for people wanting to dip their toes into the genre.

Really easy to read and gets straight into the action. Could be a bit more world building as I didn’t feel invested fully into the world, but I enjoyed it nevertheless

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I desperately needed more world building to fully understand this book. I loved the ideas but they didn’t feel fully thought out enough.

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A Touch of shadows had great premise but needed more world building, the book was very hard to connect with and I had to force myself to continue. Its a shame as I said the book had a great start.

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I really attempted to get through this book, on multiple sittings and I unfortunately just was not connecting with the story or the characters. I feel like the potential for a really great story is there, it just needed to be built upon more. Some deeper world building and character development to really bring the story to life. This was unfortunately a DNF for me

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I will not be reviewing on Amazon or Goodreads.

While I liked the idea of the story, I feel like there were some major plot holes that left me confused and I DNF the story. I'm sorry and good luck!

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I was excited for this but it fell a bit flat. It was a light fantasy that I wish had more to it. A good read but not as full fantasy as I'd hoped.

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*Arc Gifted by NetGalley, Second Sky & Jessica Thorne*

A lost queen’s sacrifice. Two kingdoms at war for centuries. And a spark of passion between Hunter and hunted with the power to end everything.

The premise of this book was intriguing. Promising an enemies to lovers relationship. Unique magic & interesting plot. It fell flat for me with the lack of world building and magic system seeming a bit rushed. I was confused at parts on the magic system and what exactly the nox was. I felt this stuff could have been explained a bit better.

Overall it was a quick, read, I did enjoy it, but felt it needed a little something more.
I would recommend it to someone who wants to dabble into fantasy, as it was an easy read, and not overly complicated in regards to politics and world building. As someone who reads a lot of heavier fantasy, it was just okay for me.

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The description of the story was really interesting! I don't know if it's explicitly stated anywhere (couldn't find in the description I was provided) but it is a rapunzel retelling, with some fresh twists! The writing style itself is easy to follow

Despite my excitement, I did DNF at 44%, unfortunately the characters felt really flat. There was very little personality to them and the POV's were added when I didn't feel like I had connected to the characters already introduced. The plot itself seems interesting, but I would've liked to see the characters and world fleshed out a bit more. This may be a good book for those just getting into fantasy though, as again it's a familiar story with a nice flow

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I loved reading this book and devoured it in a few sittings. Wren lives in the forest with Elodie, a hedge witch who plays the role of town healer and midwife. But Wren is different, the shadows talk to her. ‘A Touch of Shadows’ Is a journey of self discovery for Wren as she negotiates what she thinks she knew about herself and unlocks secrets that have been kept from her for 20years.

- Shadow wielding FMC
- Family secrets
- Unique magic system
- Cliffhanger ending

Releasing 5th September 2024

Thank you to NetGalley and Jessica Thorne for the eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I’m definitely very keen for the next book!

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The plot really drew me in but this ended up being pretty unremarkable. The characters felt very underdeveloped, which is disappointing because there was a lot of potential here. It just fell short for me. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

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I received an ARC Copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

A Touch of Shadows (The Lost Queen book #1), by author Jessica Thorne was an enjoyable read. This book involved a fairly simple magic system, including witches, fates and other aspects in which I always enjoy in a fantasy book. I enjoyed the writing style and will for sure be picking up the next book in hopes of seeing the story develop further.

⭐️ 3/5

This book follows Wren (Our FMC), who’s grown up in a remote village aiding where she can as a ward to Elodie, the hedge witch. Wren has the ability to wield shadow magic, which ultimately poses the highest risk to her if there wrong people were to know. A bit further along, when Finn (Our MMC) finds himself in a life threatening position does he meet Wren, in which she finds herself saving Finn from the one place all is known to avoid, The Darkwoods. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this face-paced read, I am hoping we get to see more of Elodie’s past and discover more about her and Roland as characters.

I believe the world building and possibly the characters could be further explored, that way we’d have a better understanding of them as I will say I struggled a bit in some aspects. I believe this would be a wonderful read for anyone looking to explore the fantasy genre as it was not overwhelming in the world building and character introduction aspects.

Definitely recommend reading if you enjoy the following:
✨ Witches
✨ Hunter x Hunted
✨ Multi-POV
✨ Shadow Magic
✨ Love at first sight

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Thank you Netgallery and the publishers for this advanced reading copy.

This was a really enjoyable read for me. It's perfect for those who are wanting to start venturing more into the fantasy world as it isn't really heavy on the world building or character building. I do hope in the next instalment it will build up abit more as I did feel it was lacking something.

That being said I did really enjoy the story and I look forward to reading the next one after that cliffhanger!

3.5 stars but rounded up to 4

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