Member Reviews

I am not sure that there sufficient words to describe how amazing this book is and the sheer love and enjoyment that author Shari Low gives her readers through her work. As a long time fan I expected this to be an excellent read and one that would have been laughing and crying along with the wonderful characters that she tells her rapt audience about and this is indeed that; a wonderful story told over the day of New Years Eve, or Hogmanay.

Ailish, her daughter Emmy and mother in law Minnie are the main protagonists in this story and we learn throughout the book how important the date is to them all and how it’s significance has shaped their lives.

The writing is so beautiful and the characters take shape so well that I can picture them all and their relationships to each other, laughing and crying along with them as their stories unfold. There is a huge emphasis on friendship and family and their importance which is the theme running through the novel. I loved the book and was disappointed to reach the end, hoping to see more of the lives of the characters. Perhaps they will make another appearance, as the author has done with other characters so successfully in previous novels.

Huge thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I love the way Shari Low writes her stories over a short time span but packs so much in.
This time we're following the stories of four people, Ailish, Emmy, Dario and Minnie, across the 24 hours leading up to Hogmanay. Another set of fabulous characters, all linked by interesting friends and family.
This is one of those rare books which I couldn't put down.

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One Midnight With You by Shari Low is a heartfelt contemporary novel that I really enjoyed.
The action is set over twenty four hours on the 31st December as we follow a cast of characters all coping with varying emotions. The book is broken down into two hour chunks as we alternate between varying points of view.
Many characters are dealing with loss. Loss comes in many forms – loss of a job, loss of a loved one, loss of relationship. Everyone deals with loss differently. Some cope by looking backwards but then we will miss out on today. Sometimes we need to let go of the past and embrace a new tomorrow.
We see the characters struggling with the death of lifelong partners. Grief looks different for everyone. We must grieve in the way that is best for us. “Gut wrenching sorrow… She was dealing with it the way only [she] would – she still chatted to [him] as if he was in the room.” There is no right or wrong way to grieve.
A character has stopped living after her relationship ended. With the help of friends, she has an epiphany on New Years Eve. “I don’t just want to be alive, I want to feel alive.” Life is for living, not for just existing.
We see the importance of prioritizing. “Prioritise the right things.” People, not possessions are what matter most.
There is the theme of trust. Once a person has broken trust, it colours the way that a character views life – throwing suspicion everywhere.
Memories are important. It is always good to make new memories and to start new traditions.
All the characters were well drawn and believable. Good friends and family support each other through life’s highs and lows.
One Midnight With You was a most delightful read.
I received a free copy via Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Publisher for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
The story follows 4 people. Ailish Ryan who's divorce just finalized after knowing about get husband's affair last year. Emmy Ryan, Ailish's daughter living with her boyfriend is struggling with trust issues after what her father did. Minnie, Ailish's mother-in-law is on a mission to deliver a gift to her lifelong friend no matter the obstacles. Dario who's lived for their family business all his life is struggling to accept that it's going under. All their lives take a turn on New Year's Eve just about midnight.
This book carried so many characters in so many age groups with their own life story effortlessly. I loved them all for the way each contributed towards the story and to each other. The love, affection, relationships, friendships even with a cheating ex, a woman battling cancer were handled perfectly to reader's content. A light hearted book with a touch of reality check in between that can be read in a single sitting. My 2nd Shari Low book and I know where to look for a happy time when I need one.

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“Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End” from the song “Closing Time” by Semisonic.

“New Year’s Eve. Or in Scotland-Hogmanay- the last day of the year, and one of enthusiastic celebrations and long held traditions-as one year ends and the new one begins.”

But, this could be the last year that Hogmanay will be celebrated at Gino’s Trattoria, a family business that never quite recovered after Covid. Dario has until midnight to secure new funds or sell to an Investment group in America.

Ailish’s 30 year marriage ended at Gino’s two years ago, when she caught her husband in a compromising position with his secretary out back. Will she finally have the courage to return or will she continue to hide and allow him to ruin one of her favorite traditions?

Ailish’s daughter, Emmy suspects that her boyfriend, Cormac might not be any more loyal to her than her Dad was to her mom.

And, Emmy’s grandmother, Minnie Ryan will be bringing a gift to Gino’s that she has waited all year to deliver.

A LOT will change in 24 hours-and the story unfolds in two hour increments starting with 8 a.m-10 a.m, until we reach midnight where we will begin the countdown to the New Year…

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One…🥂

This may be one of the BEST Hogmanay celebrations that I have ever attended! As characters made their way to certain people and uncertain futures, my eyes welled up with tears.

This was my first Shari Low book, but now I understand why she is so popular in the UP LIT literary genre. She definitely writes characters you can root for as they face adversity and overcome their challenges with hope, optimism and resilience. I have already downloaded “One Christmas Eve” and look forward to reading it as one of my seasonal selections this coming Christmas.

Expected publication date for this one is August 26, 2024

Thank You to Boldwood Books for the gifted ARC provided through NetGalley. These are my candid thoughts!

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I really enjoy Shari Lows novels, and this one was no exception. The way Shari introduces all her characters, then seamlessly blends them together to create an engaging and enjoyable read.

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I love Shari Low`s 24-hour stories -this time we will follow multiple people's perspectives as they go through the day of New Year’s Eve in Scotland.

This is a heartwarming romance which makes you feel many emotions from laughter to, anxieties plus many emotions in between.

I really enjoyed all the characters and felt invested in everyone’s outcome. The book grabbed me and held my attention until the end.

Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC. This is my honest review.

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Another treasure of a read from Shari Low, one I didn’t want to end. One of my books of the year.
Aliish is struggling with the fact that she is about to become a divorced woman. Her mind is taken off this by her friend being in hospital hoping the cancer she had a while back hasn’t returned. Her daughter Emmy is hoping her boyfriend isn't following the same path as her father, but she has her suspicions. Minnie has a secret present she is hoping to give to a very special friend at their next meeting. Dario is praying that something will come along rapidly to sort out his business problems with the family restaurant, as this could be the last new year it survives. All of these people usually celebrate Hogmanay at Gino’s restaurant. They have been going for years and couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Can they each solve their problems?

Shari has a special skill, a talent for enveloping the reader, almost in a hug in a book. One where I found myself quickly invested in the characters and wanting to find out what happens to them. Each chapter is from one of the main characters and is very easy to follow.

An author who is one of the few where I don’t need to read the scenario before I decide whether to read the book- I know just seeing Shari’s name means that it's one to go to the top of my list. I read around 200 books a year and I really can only say this for a handful of authors. I smiled, I held my breath and yes I cried. The midnight chapter really is something to behold. A real gem, a treasure of a read. 10* if I could.
For more reviews please follow me on Twitter (X) @nickisbookblog

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Ailish has been stuck in a rut since her divorce. Emmy suspects her boyfriend is cheating on her. Minnie is on a mission to deliver a gift to a lifelong friend. Dario is in a dilemma over the future of his family's business.

Over the next 24 hours, they will all need to make life-altering decisions.

This was a heartwarming and feel good read with sprinklings of humour. The author did a good job with character development and I especially connected with Ailish and Emmy.

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It's always a good day when you have a Shari Low novel to read

What a beautiful read. Perfect for a cosy afternoon

5 stars

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Another brilliant read by Shari Low. This is the second book I've read by this author and I loved it from start to finish. The characters are so loveable and you feel right at home. A brilliant book from start to finish!!

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No one does these 24 hours stories better and this time it’s New Years Eve in Glasgow and 4 main characters have big decisions to make which, will as the midnight bells chime, change not only the year ahead but their futures

It is a heartwarming and feel gooder than good read and has laughter, tears,dilemma’s ,love, anxieties plus many emotions all wrapped up into a read you can lose yourself in

The focus is at GINO’s where they all meet and have done for years on NY’s Eve ( except last year,the reasons are explained ) and this year has more impetus than ever before, never has a gathering been so important to these people

I genuinely liked everyone in the book, some had made foolish errors ,who hasn’t? but all came with their hearts on their sleeves and wanting solutions

This authors books always grab me and keep me and make me happy, another beautiful read full of no agenda’s other than to give us,the readers a good time

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Eeeek this book is so good! I love how Shari Low makes me fall in love with each character and root for them. It’s all so relatable and I lose myself into the plots and makes me want to know more about their individual stories. Is there a book 2 to this because if not, we need it immediately!!!

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Another absolute cracker from Shari Low and I loved every minute of the 24 hours which this story was told over. I’m a huge fan of .Shari’s books and this one was no disappointment. There were the usual fun and interesting characters, the humour which just shines through even in the darkest moments, the lifelong friendships, and of course the twists and turns as the story evolves over this short time period. There were some great new characters in this book, as well as a few mentions of some old favourites too. Read this and enjoy!

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Another lovely read by Shari Low. As usual this book is set over 24hrs and it takes place on New Year's Eve or Hogmany as we call it in Scotland.
It's set in Glasgow which I love being a Glaswegian myself and a good part takes place in Gino's Italian restaurant in the city centre as everyone gets ready to welcome the new year.
I'm not going to list all the characters but they are listed in the first few pages of the book so you know who is who.
We know that at the end all these people will be connected in some way but it's fun finding out how and why.
We have cheating men, stubborn men, and charming men.
We have, grieving women, unwell women, strong women and downright crazy women.
We have laughter and sadness and people coming to terms with different kinds of loss in all different ways.
Best of all we have an epilogue and get to find out what happens after the story finishes.
Needless to say I loved it and can't wait for the next book by Shari Low.

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Another good read from Shari Low.
Shari is a great author.
Thanks for the opportunity to read & review it.

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One Midnight With You is set over one day (New Year's Eve) with several characters being introduced in a chapter each written from their perspective. The book is split into different periods of time within the 24 hours which is fitting as I finished it within 24 hours too.

This is the first book that I have read by Shari Low and it will definitely not be the last. The characters are really well written and once they are established I really cared about what happened to them and at one point a few tears were threatening to escape. Friendships, marriage breakdowns, the problems with being middle and old aged, financial problems and budding new romances are all covered in this fast paced read. It's definitely worth picking up. You won't regret it.

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The excitement of realising there is a new Shari Low book is right up there with Christmas morning for me. She never fails to amaze me with her books and how she keeps track of all the characters from past and present books, their relationships and previous events that have happened totally mystifies me. I like to imagine there has a massive board on a wall in which she has depicted just this.

At the risk of repeating myself (which I am probably repeating 🤣) this book is absolutely fantastic. As always I love meeting the new characters but love it when characters from previous books make an appearance, it’s like greeting an old friend.

Having grown up just outside Glasgow these books resonate with me even more and I love all the ‘Weegie-isms’.

Anyway, the review of the book itself. As with all her books, Shari includes a helpful wee list of the main characters you are going to meet along the way and a bit of background so you know who they are etc. Although once you start reading, you will soon get to grips with who is who.

So, among others, we meet: Ailish and her two best friends Gwen and Rhonda; Ailish’s daughter Emmy and her ex mother in law - Minnie; Minnie’s long-time friend Gino and his son Dario; Emmy’s boyfriend Cormac and her friends and colleagues Yvie and Keli; and more.

It’s New Years Eve (or Hogmanay as we prefer to call it) and all of the main characters have something going on in their lives - all of which will unfold over the course of the 24 hours setting of the book.

Ailish is recently divorced but has been living in a rut these last two years after her husband (Eric) left her for a younger model. She doesn’t know how to shake off the cloud she is under and start living again.

Emmy is loved up with her boyfriend Cormac but she feels that these past weeks something is a bit ‘off’ between them although she can’t put her finger on just what it is.

Minnie has a list of things she wants to achieve on this very special day and nothing is going to stop her doing so.

Dario has a big decision to make and he needs to do it before midnight. It’s going to affect his whole family and there will be a lot of unhappy people but he just doesn’t see any alternative.

One New Year’s Eve but a whole lot going on. I honestly can’t rate this book (or Author) highly enough - as always, Shari Low makes me laugh out loud and she makes me shed tears. Reading one of her books, I feel every emotion of the characters and share in their joy and/or pain. I also can’t put the book down once I start so everything else is put on hold while I grab a good few hours peace and quiet to immerse myself in the lives of these lovely characters.

If this is only your first time reading a Shari Low book, I am extremely jealous and urge you to make a start on her back catalogue. You will not be disappointed!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced read copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Shari Low never fails to produce good books. If you are a fan of her will love this.

Weaving her way through interlinking stories, Shari takes us on a 24 hr journey with her latest characters.

Will Ailish have the courage to start a new live for herself after her husband of 30yrs has left her for another woman. Her daughter, Emmy, and her mother ,Minnie, have their stories told....weaving alongside Dario, Gino,...his father...and other friends and family.

I loved this is Shari at her best. Would highly recommend it.

The perfect read.


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Shari Low - what a brilliant author - never disappointed reading her books. This one no exception hooked in from page one - usually I cannot concentrate if there are lots of characters but this type of writing is so clever - each chapter concentrates on a character and storyline and then somehow they are all connected with ease. Loved every minute laughter tears and a great conclusion and you can relate to each one would highly recommend.

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