Member Reviews

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this whimsical isekai plot, despite its seemingly nonsensical premise. There's something unexpectedly entertaining about watching the male lead's relentless devotion to the female protagonist—it adds a playful energy that keeps the story engaging. As someone who has read many books, fanfictions, and Korean manhwa with similar themes, I couldn't help but feel swept up in the sheer fun of this wild adventure.

However, I gave this book three stars largely because of its imbalance between the romance and fantasy elements. I prefer stories where both aspects are equally well-developed, and in this case, the romantic plotline often overshadowed the fantasy world-building, leaving me wanting more depth in that area.

What worked well:

The witty banter between characters kept the dialogue lively and entertaining.
The cast was lovable and easy to root for.
The setting—a pirate-themed isekai world—was imaginative and fun (seriously, who wouldn’t love that?).
The conclusion, while predictable, still offered a satisfying close to the story.

While the book could have benefited from stronger editing, particularly in the world-building department and some writing points (I'm not picky and i do think it was good) , it excelled in character development and delivered a lighthearted romantic adventure. It may not have been perfect, but it was certainly an enjoyable journey.
As always, personal tastes vary, and this is just my take.

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I had a little bit of a hard time getting through this book. There were parts that I loved, and other parts not so much.

I really loved the concept that she gets thrown into the story and meets her characters from her favorite book.

I also really loved the inn keeper. I know we all love when they get to the inn and theres only one bed.

There were parts that I felt were rushed, and other parts that I felt dragged. Overall though, I did end up enjoying this book.

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Short, sweet and sexy; this has everything you could want from a pirate romance!

It reminded me of an adult version of a book I loved when I was younger. Being swept away into a book is every book lovers dream and this was done perfectly.

His To Love is fast-paced and action packed, and didn’t take itself too seriously. I loved the dynamic between Emily and Flynn and their relationship felt very believable. I really enjoyed the little quips from the narrator scattered throughout and can’t wait to read Levi and Lucas’s story!

Would highly recommend this to lovers of historical romance with a pirate twist!

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I'll start off by saying I loved the premise of this book...the execution not so much, as sadly it just didn't hit the mark for me!

The story follows Emily, who, one night during a thunder storm, is transported into her favourite story - a land of danger, adventure and daring pirates! It is here in this land she meets Captain Flynn and his crew. Sounds like something I would love, but really I found it pretty hard to connect with any of the characters as everyone was so very surface level, Captain Flynn's world was interesting but we never got to know much about it in depth.

I don't know perhaps if it was a short read, but everything fell quite flat. I probably didn't get off on the best foot with it as I spotted an error (very minor of window bursting opening despite the sentence before it already having burst open) in the first chapter and that was just the tone set for me.

I feel like so many people will love this, and enjoy Emily and Flynn's relationship and story., sadly I am just not one of them!

Thanks so much for the ARC, sorry it wasn't for me.

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I loved this book! I have loved pirate stories since I was a kid. And the concept of this story is also amazing. I loved the tension between the two main characters! If you love a good romantasy be sure you don’t miss this one!

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“You do not always have to be perfectly put together, you are allowed to feel cracked once in a while.”

“His To Love,” by Elena H. Covens

This was a really good book. I love pirates and wealthy girl that needs to learn to have fun type of books. I loved that she fell into her favorite book and needed to find her way out. I loved the romance between the mc’s and the character development was perfect. Definitely one of the great pirate romances I’ve read and can’t wait to read more of the series. 5 out of 5 stars.

-Book comes to life
-Slow Burn

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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"You are most likely already aware that the word impossible is often misused. For example, getting sent into a world of fiction is not impossible, it is improbable."

Actual Rating: 2.5/5

As soon as I saw the cover of this book and read the premise, I knew I had to pick it up. I love a good pirate book, and add in the fact that the main character is pulled into her favourite novel, I was more than intrigued.

One of the things that stood out to me the most in the book and that I really enjoyed, was the narrator. Although they weren't always present, I was always excited when given any paragraph or tidbit of information from them! They open up the world and the story to the reader, and it made jumping into the book that much easier.

As for the story, I really liked the first 100 pages and last 50 (I'll talk about my issues with the middle later). Exploring this new world (but also familiar world to her), with Emily was so much fun. The pacing is quick as she's quickly brisked off with her favourite fictional character and taken aboard his newly stolen pirate ship. There we met the only other two crew members and begin the adventure.

My favourite characters were definitely the crew, Levi and Lucas. The way they cared for each other and their Captain was heartwarming, and they made it easy for Emily to adjust to her new surroundings. As for the Captain, Flynn, and Emily, I found their banter and the way they interacted with each other at the start really cute. Unfortunately though, their relationship in the middle part of the book is what derailed me.

This is just a personal thing, so I'm sure other reader's will be okay with this, but the spice scenes were just too much for me. On top of that, I'm not a fan of the use of "master," "good girl," and the need for "punishment" in these scenes. Honestly, this is what dropped my rating from a 4 stars to a 2.5. Again though, this is just personal preference, and if you enjoy a lot of spice, I can see this being more up your alley!

Overall I really enjoyed this story and am inclined to pick up whatever comes next thanks to the sneak peak at the end!

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His To Love was a book I picked up for the cover and the pirates. Unfortunately it ended up not being for me. Emily lost her father to the sea at a young age. Now as an adult, her mother is pushing her to marry, which makes Emily long for adventure instead. She falls into her favorite storybook about a pirate named Flynn... she's convinced it's a dream until she realizes it can't be. Flynn holds her hostage, but the burning attraction between them is enough for both to take a chance on passion.

The writing and plot were fine, but nothing propelled me through the story and the pacing was uneven. Character motivations were murky to me, and I had a hard time connecting to the fantasy of the 18th-ish century pirate plot line, which is tragic for a pirate lover like me.

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Who hasn't wished that they could be transported into their favorite book? After a lightning storm sends her into her favourite book, Emily Underwood has to find a way to survive this new world and the dangerous pirate she encounters...

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

This book had a very fun, whimsical vibe to it and a quirky narrator. It reminded me a lot of the movie "Enchanted." Unfortunately, this book just wasn't for me and didn't particularly cater to my tastes. I struggled to connect with the characters and the plot didn't quite capture my interest.

However, if you like sweet & spicy fairytales, you might enjoy this book!

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I really enjoyed the idea of this book. I wish the author would have made the story a bit longer. I feel like things were a little rushed, and she could have gone into more details about things. But overall, a good story.

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"His To Love" by Elena H. Covens offers a whimsical and engaging adventure as Emily Underwood, a bookish heroine, is transported into her favorite pirate novel. The plot combines romance, time travel, and swashbuckling excitement, as Emily finds herself entangled with Flynn Sawyer, a charismatic and vengeful pirate.

The concept of Emily literally stepping into her beloved book is a delightful twist, providing a charming and imaginative backdrop. Flynn’s dual nature—ruthless pirate and unexpected softie—adds depth to their interactions, making their developing relationship both intriguing and endearing. Emily’s growth throughout the story, as she navigates this new world and confronts her feelings, is well-crafted.

However, the book's shorter length means that the romance and character development feel somewhat rushed. The narrative occasionally suffers from abrupt shifts due to the third-person perspective and intermittent narrator comments, which can disrupt the flow. Additionally, the story could have benefitted from deeper exploration of Flynn’s world and more nuanced interactions between the characters.

Overall, "His To Love" is a fun and lighthearted read that captures the essence of bookish fantasy with its engaging premise and lively characters. It’s a solid 4-star read for fans of whimsical time-travel romances, though it may leave some readers wanting a bit more depth and detail.

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This sounded like a great book and I loved the idea of her seeking adventure and loving reading about pirates. It reminded me of what Belle wanted in Beauty and the Beast. My problem with the book was that it was on the shorter side and so it didn’t feel like the development was really there for the romance. It lacked what I wanted to see. Another issue I had was with the narration. It was told in third person which is what I enjoy but there was also a narrator voice every now and again and it would pop up before the chapter ended so it was very abrupt and I had a hard time with that.

I wish there would have been more from Flynn’s world as well. Everything just kind of felt surface level.

Overall, it was okay. I liked the adventure Emily found herself on but I wish there was more depth.

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A decade has passed since Emily Underwood’s father’s ship vanished. Now, if she and her mother want to keep their house, Emily must marry. She’s not keen on the idea; after all, the lord’s twice her age and eccentric. She likes her independence. She also craves adventure. Rather than face the issue, Emily goes to her special place, the local library, even though a storm brews. Upon arriving, she takes her favorite book, The Adventures of the Cross Bone Pirate Thief, and begins to read about Flynn Sawyer and his daring plan to topple the evil king. She already knows what will happen; she’s read this book multiple times. Except this time, a lightning bolt strikes and she’s no longer in 1852 London. She now resides within the pages of the book, which takes place over a century earlier.

Flynn Sawyer assumes the girl he stumbles upon in the dark is a princess and takes her in tow. After all, she can be used against her father to gain what Flynn wants. He scoffs at her claims that she’s not who he thinks she is. After all, he’s the most feared pirate in the kingdom and he never makes mistakes or commits acts of stupidity. Still, there’s something off about this princess who claims to be a psychic because she knows so much about him and what he wants. Another problem is that he’s attracted to her; she is so different from the others who have crossed his path. Not a good thing when he’s determined to exact revenge against the king for killing his father.

His To Love is a delightful adventure where sometimes getting what you wish for comes with its own problems and consequences. What further complicates this time travel is that instead of traveling into the past or future, Emily travels to a fictional world and her intrusion may forever change the story that means so much to her. The real conundrum: How can she love someone who’s not real?

At times, the narrator steps in to remind readers of what he/she promises at the start of the story. These are not intrusive, but your interpretation may not be the narrator’s interpretation. Love scenes are explicit. There are expected twists, but they may not be the ones you think. Despite the occasional copyediting and formatting issues, this is a good and different time-travel romance. You may find yourself falling into the pages of the pirate tale much like Emily does. To further seal the deal, Covens also entices readers with a teaser for the next title in the series, His to Heal.

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Well this book was a fucking delight. I went in with no expectations and was happily surprised with how fun it was. I loved the character, the story, the writing (the Princess Bride type narrator was a cool touch). There was a lot packed into a short book, you can finish this in a day for sure. I will 100% be reading the next one. If you want a fast paced pirate adventure with love and spice, pick this up.

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how to love was very very entertaining from the first few chapters and had a bit of a narnia feel (except its pirates and emily goes into a book not a wardrobe)

i really loved the characters and emily’s fiery spirit and willingness for adventure- she was such a dynamic FMC especially for a book set in the 1800s
i also loved flynn - he was everything you want a pirate to be daring and ready for danger..
even the side characters like lucas and levi were exciting and funny to read about

in lived the plot and the different places we visited in flynn’s world - i felt the plot pacing was steady and i never got bored of being in one place for a few chapters
the plot twist is something i did not see coming and it was easily and expertly interwoven into the story!

with that being said i felt like the narrators interjections were sometimes a bit pointless and just confused me .. it felt like there wasn’t enough interjections meaning the flow was lost at parts were the narrator did interject.

however, this didn’t take away from the entertaining element of the story and i loved the way the plot was presented !

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ARC provided on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


This was a really quick and lighthearted read! In this book you are swept into an adventure every bookish girly dreams of going on - being transported into your favourite book and kidnapped by the sexy (and dangerous) MMC.
This book has romance, sarcasm, humour, friendship and adventure all wrapped into one.

The narrator adds to the story and its humour but I personally wish there was less 3rd person POV and more of a dual POV between the 2 main characters.

Emily is our main FMC who is swept into her favourite book while reading it in a storm. I loved reading and seeing her character development throughout the book. She truly is such a strong woman who knows what she wants in life, and won’t let society get in her way.

Flynn (our MMC) is a pirate on a plan to take revenge on the King. We see how Flynn is a mix between a scary, dangerous pirate and a big old softie.

I would definitely recommend this book as a quick, lovable read! I am really excited to read the rest of Elena’s books and congratulations to her for releasing her first beautiful one!

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This was a fun quick spicy read. But just because he’s a pirate idk if I’d count it as fantasy. Yes she is transported into a plot right from a book but that’s where I felt the fantasy ended. While I really enjoyed the banter I felt as though the interactions between Emily and Flynn felt repetitive. Overall I did enjoy it and would recommend picking it up.

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I could not put this book down! I was absolutely sucked into this story. I would have finished this in two days if it wasn’t for the busy weekend I had. Flynn Sawyer had me falling in love and wanting to jump into the story just like the main character. She got to live my dream :’( I love that this story had all my favorite tropes like one bed and he’s only gentle with her. I was completely satisfied with the ending ! I did not see it coming and I had been wondering the whole book how they would make it work out.

I definitely recommend this to everybody especially because the romance and plot are perfect.

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this e-ARC.

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I knew as soon as I saw this book that I was gonna love it, but love was an understatement! This pirate romantasy adventure is about a girl named Emily, who gets pulled into the pages of her favorite book. After she arrives in the story, she gets kidnapped by the main character, Flynn, who is a pirate seeking revenge on the king. Now she is on Flynn's ship and along for the adventure of a lifetime, but she doesn't know if she will survive and how to get out of the book to make it back home to her real life before this story ends. In this book there is witty banter, enemies to lovers, undeniable chemistry, healing together, found family, fantastic side characters, some great plot twists, and a unique story that I absolutely loved from start to finish! ⚓️🤍📚

Thank you to the author and to the publisher for this ARC of His To Love, exchange for an honest review.

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This was a good book! Sure it did lack a little in the development, but honestly I had a blast reading it and I loved learning about each character.

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