Member Reviews

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to NetGalley, Elena Covens and Victory Editing for this ARC.

His To Love is book 1 in the Second Chance Books series.

Emily Underwood's mother wants her to get married soon but she doesn't want to, she'd like to stay buried in the books in the library where no one else visits. One day, as she's reading her favourite book that her father seems to have left her, she is pulled inside the world of Flynn Sawyer, the famous pirate.

Firstly, I had to request the book as I loved the cover. The story had me hooked and I enjoyed the narration too. Although in the middle part of the book, I felt there wasn't much happening in terms of the story developing or more world building.

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"She was his own constellation. She was his way home. Perhaps it was him that had fallen prey to her. Because whether she knew it or not, she was his to protect, but he belonged to her entirely."

His to Love is every reader girl's dream come true! To fall into your favorite book and the main character fall head over heels for you? Sign me up. This was a cute, quick read with some unexpected spiciness! I very much saw Flynn as Orlando Bloom from Pirates of the Caribbean - the Flying Dutchman captain version (bandana and all) - iykyk. Some parts of it felt very Outlander-esque and I am totally here for it. There were some small grammatical errors which is to be expected with an ARC copy but I really enjoyed it and would definitely love to pick up the next book in the series!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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This review will also be posted on Goodreads. They will be posted July 24, 2024.

I ADORED this book. The reason I originally wanted to review His To Love is because, I believe, it's every girl's dream to get stuck in a book and LOVE the main character!! This book had cozy fall vibes but for the summer.

Our cutie fmc was so easy to like. I appreciated how much she was willing to sacrifice for her family while also having dreams for so much more. She was witty, kind, strong, everything you'd aspire to be if you too fell into a book! Her mmc companion was also to die for. I absolutely love a man who is kind of terrifying but soft when he needs to be. He just absolutely melted for her and I loved that so much.

Something else that I really appreciated about this book was how easy it was to enjoy. There wasn't really any point in the book where I was stressed out or trying to anticipate what happened next. It was just honestly enjoyable and I loved that so much.

Many thanks to Elena and NetGalley for allowing me to review!

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My first pirate romance and I loved it 🏴‍☠️💕

Emily Underwood has spent her life avoiding suitors while seeking adventure in her books. But when a lightning storm sends her into her favorite book, can she find a way to survive this exciting new world and its dangerous, yet oh-so-handsome pirate?

Oh, it was so cute and I loved how the story was told. It had a very adventurous feel, but it wasn’t over the top. Flynn, the dashing pirate, is both charming and infuriating, making for some hilarious and swoon-worthy moments.

Who wouldn't want to travel into their favorite book? Imagine dodging danger and stealing kisses from a pirate captain!

It's a quick read and hard to put down once you start. The banter between Emily and Flynn kept me laughing, and the romantic tension was spot on.

Highly recommended! Get ready for a good time and a pirate adventure you won't forget!

Thanks to Netgalley for this ARC

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Emily is from 1800s London, she is about to be forced into a marriage to protect her families home after her father was lost at sea.
All she has left of her father is a swashbuckling storybook about pirates and adventure. Miraculously she is sucked into this story where she meets the books handsome protagonist.

While the premise of this story was intriguing it was not executed particularly well. There is very little world building of the storybook world, and everything that happens is exceptionally convenient. It's really suffers from telling instead of showing. Every twist is somewhat predictable and even the spice scenes are pretty bland. The potential was there the execution however was not.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

"His To Love" by Elena H. Covens was just not for me. I thought it was going to be a light, swashbuckling fantasy with a dash of romance like Pirates of the was not. The premise of the story is engaging (young woman gets magically transported into her favorite pirate tale) but the execution was lackluster. Also, the writing itself seemed so unpolished that I'm not sure it had a full edit; hopefully, that changes prior to its publication.

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Thank you to Victory Editing Net Galley Co-Op and Net Galley for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

This was such a cozy pirate romance, filled with adventure and adorable moments. It's a fast-paced story set in the 1800s, written in the style of a historical romance. With a witty narrator and an engaging plot, I became completely obsessed with it. Reading it felt like the movies I loved when I was younger, like The Goonies, Stardust, and The NeverEnding Story.
Who wouldn’t want to end up in their favourite book and fall for the 6'5 pirate MMC?
Expect: the one bed trope, touch her and die, a cinnamon roll MMC, found family, and some spice. Can't wait to read the next book in the series!

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A fun and spicy adventure novel! When Emily Underwood is magically pulled into the pages of her favorite book, she finds herself suddenly face-to-face with the dashing yet aggravating Flynn Sawyer. Kidnapped by Flynn and his crew, Emily comes to realize this is not all a dream, but rather she's now in the middle of a dangerous new world with no obvious way to return home.

At times the writing did feel a bit stilted, but overall I enjoyed the characters, loved the story's premise, and thought the pacing was great! Additionally the narrator choice was interesting and I think it worked well, giving a bit more mystery and charm to the tale. In the end I almost do wish it had been a bit longer, just to give some more time to exploring the world and building up to the final battle. Nevertheless, this was an enjoyable read and I'm happy to see that a sequel is already on the horizon.

Thank you to Elena H. Covens and NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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What a sweet read. It started off slow, like any fantasy books but when it started off to go it really went good! I could not put it down when i went past the slow start. I love the angst, the pining. God even the sexy scenes made the wait worth it. For a tine period book, it sure is hot, but i wish it had more 🔥🔥.

I love it. The understanding, the twists. But most of all, i think i loved the idea of a reader finding love with her story books and keeping it in end, way better. I think i am excited for the next book pls give us more spice i think it is MM next.

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2.5 stars

A woman who transports into the plot of her favorite book where she meets a 6'5 grumpy pirate? Sign me up. Yet there was nothing "fantasy"-esque about this. Once she's in the world, it's just back and forth between their thoughts, which revolve around one thing: each other.

I was hoping this would be better. It wasn't necessarily bad, just a lot of missed potential and opportunities. I also picked it up because it showed a low page count and yet a book under 300 pgs has never felt so long before?

I'd hoped there would be more of an insight of Flynn's pirate world, which there was not. It read like a severely underdeveloped wattpad story. There were so many reused words and strange sentence structure, etc, that it took me out of the story when I wanted to get lost in it. How many times can you write "his hardness pressed against his pants"? A dozen, apparently. The narrator butts in a lot which I'm not used to in a story and I'm coming to realize I don't like. This all just means there's so much room for improvement! However, I was hoping to read something that was polished, not the WIP draft, which is what this felt like.

thank you netgalley for the arc!

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I really wanted to like this book but I just couldn't get into it. The writing style just wasn't working for me, it felt a but fanfiction-y to me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.
I really liked the premise of the story. It was fun, adventurous and easy to read. It could have been longer however and I think it needs a bit of polishing. Even though it had some flaws I enjoyed reading this book.
If you're looking for a fun, easy read with some spicy scenes then this is for you.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing an Ebook ARC of this story, this is my honest review. In 1852 London, bookish Emily's sea captain father has been lost at sea for years, and her mother is trying to marry her off to nobility to keep their home. Emily finds solace in a nearby library, reading her favorite book featuring handsome pirate Flynn Sawyer. A bolt of lightning pulls her into Flynn's story, who initially thinks Emily is a princess whose ship he is trying to steal. Attraction grows as Emily tries to figure out how to return to her life in London and the mother she left behind. I have to say, this is a great premise. Who among us hasn't idly (or not-so-idly) wondered what it would be like to get pulled into our favorite book, especially if there's a sexy pirate? All of us, that's who, we have *all* thought about it and if you say you haven't then your pants are currently going up in flames. But while I loved the premise, the execution could have used more work. The pacing was a bit slow, although the energy really picked up in the last third of the story. The plot was engaging enough to keep me going to the end, but I really wish the energy had been consistent throughout. This story was too insta-love for me, and some of that is my personal preference. But the quick physicality of their relationship and her knowledge of sex didn't seem realistic given the era and her upbringing, so definitely suspend disbelief there. My guess is that the library in London where Emily spent much of her time had some very saucy books tucked away. The writing style is a bit stilted, in some ways the voice reminds me of a Patricia Veryan novel (with 100% more sexual content than in her books, of course). The presence of a narrator was interesting, but the change from 3rd to 1st person was sometimes abrupt and disorienting. One final note on the writing: I know this is an advanced reader copy, but I hope that there is some very careful editing done before publication. There were some mistakes, including some wrong words used ("lulled" instead of "lolled," as an example), which are easily fixed. My biggest issue with the writing was the use of casual modern word choices (like "schlepped" and "bad guy" among others) and anachronistic references. (A young woman from 1852 England is not going to have any knowledge of 20th-century things like "Stockholm syndrome," even referencing a lobotomy and having seen an automobile recently is pushing it in terms of believability.) I'm willing to ignore a lot in a work of fiction, obviously I'm not expecting to read a history book, but there were enough of these errors that it was distracting and took me out of the story when they occurred.

Again, overall it was a great premise and I enjoyed the last third of the book. I do like that there was background motive given as to why Flynn was a pirate, and I would read a book just about Levi and Lucas. Thankfully the author seems to be setting up their book as the next in the series. I'm giving this a generous 3 stars, my advice is to suspend disbelief and don't look too closely at the mechanics of the story itself, and you'll enjoy this fantastical pirate romance. I feel this story will appeal to those looking for a quick romantic read with some steam and elements of danger, along with an HEA. Publishes August 1, 2024.

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This was a fun, easy read to disappear for a while.

I loved the premise as I feel like everyone has wanted to live in their favourite book.

The characters were fun but I found them a bit predictable and cringe, it’s very lighthearted for most of the book so I get why this was the intention.

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His To Love was an enjoyable, cozy’ish story about a girl who mysteriously wakes up in the world of her favorite book . Not long after meeting she falls in love with a dashing pirate, she comes up with a way to get home using the details she already knew. However, with her heart on the line things don’t go as planned and her plans are thwarted.

Emily and Flyn’s romance had a nearly instant and undeniable attraction . My only complaint is that it was a little too fast and not earned .

I loved the “touch her and die” and “one bed” tropes.

The narrator gave me Mary Poppins and Bridgerton vibes .

The spice level I would rate it two chilli peppers out of five , it was a perfect amount for the story .

I would recommend this book for those who enjoy the story telling of authors such as India Hilton.

The ending was satisfying and sweet & I’m happy that there will be a book two in this series.

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The Description for this book intrigued me. It had a promising premise. However, I was very disappointed with the actual writing. The switch between the writers point of view and the story mid page is extremely confusing. Formatting and grammar, proper use of past and present tense seem off, and made it difficult to read. Honestly, I didn’t get farther than the 5th chapter. With proper editing and a choice of proper point of view, I would be willing to try reading it again, as I believe the author has the buildings of a great story, but it just really fell flat for me with the formatting.

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Title: His To Love

Author: Elena H. Covens

Rating: ★★★★

If you’ve ever dreamed of being swept into the pages of your favourite book, then "His To Love" by Elena H. Covens is the adventure you’ve been waiting for!

Emily Underwood, a book-loving adventurer, finds herself transported into her favourite novel during a lightning storm. Suddenly, she’s not just reading about pirates and treacherous seas—she’s living it! And the biggest challenge isn’t just surviving this swashbuckling world, but dealing with its most notorious pirate, Flynn Sawyer *swoon*

Flynn Sawyer is a legendary pirate with one goal: to kill the King. His life of plotting revenge doesn’t leave room for distractions, especially not for a mysterious woman who claims to be from another world. Emily’s sudden appearance throws his plans into chaos, and the sparks flying between them make it impossible to focus on his mission. But as their connection deepens, Flynn faces an even greater challenge—letting her go.

Elena H. Covens crafts a captivating tale filled with high seas adventure, sizzling romance, and thrilling plot twists. Basically the best kind!

Emily and Flynn’s chemistry leaps off the page, making their interactions both heart-pounding and heartwarming. Emily’s transition from a bookish dreamer to a daring heroine is beautifully written, and Flynn’s tough exterior hiding a complex heart makes for an irresistible leading man.

"His To Love" is a delightful escape into a world where books come to life and love conquers all. The blend of fantasy, romance, and action kept me hooked from start to finish. I loved every minute of this exhilarating ride and couldn’t put it down!

Thank you to The author Elena H. Covens & Netgalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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I give this book a 4 star. It was a great story and I ate it up. I loved everything about how this story was written. It had a little bit of a Princess Bride mixed with Never Ending story vibe about it. I would have easily given this a five star but there was a few to many typos for my liking. Can’t wait for book two to come out!

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BOOK REVIEW: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Emojis: 🏴‍☠️📖🥵👸🖤

As always, thank you @netgalley for this #arc by @author_elenahcovens. This book is available for your enjoyment August 1, 2024 and I promise you won’t be able to put it down!

What happens when you literally get lost in your book? Well, naturally you fall in love with the hot, brooding and dangerous pirate, Flynn Sawyer; and that’s exact what Emily Underwood does. Emily seeks adventure and is dealing with the pressure of being married off to save her fathers estate since he’s presumably dead in shipwreck.

This book was addictive, seductive, and fantastic from start to finish. I was really worried that is would be heavy on the pirate or 1800s London lingo but that wasn’t the case at all and it was super easy to dive into the world building. This book has the cunning personality you get from Captain Jack Sparrow but Covens does not hold back on the spice in this🥵😍 it definitely gave Brennan/Piper vibes from #ithappenedonesummer by @tessabaileyisanauthor so, if you’re a fan of:

🏴‍☠️enemies to lovers
🏴‍☠️ grumpy MMC
🏴‍☠️ touch her you die
🏴‍☠️ adventure
🏴‍☠️ magic realism
🏴‍☠️ Pirates of the Caribbean

Pick up this book when it comes out and you won’t regret it. I especially loved that there’s going to be a second book that I just KNOW I’m going to eat up🖤 thank you for reading this review!
#boldsbooks #bookstagram #arcreview #campnetgalley #netgalley #bookrecommendations

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I randomly decided to request this book in NetGalley because the premise sounded interest and I am glad I did. This was very cozy and I loved how short it was. There were a lot of typos and some things that should be corrected before release day but it was enjoyable nonetheless.

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