Member Reviews

I uploaded my review to Goodreads. I will upload my review to Amazon on publication day.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Elena H. Covens for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for His To Love coming out August 1, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author. I was intrigued by the summary. I love pirate books. I think Flynn Sawyer is an awesome pirate name. Obviously, haha. I thought the idea of Emily being sent into her favorite book was interesting. I think the writing was good. The only thing was it felt a little too insta love. I would’ve liked to see a little more getting to know each other. I think there was a lot of fluff, which isn’t always a bad thing, but I was expecting a little more to the story. There was more spice than I was thinking there would be based on the book cover. But I would definitely check out another book by this author.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys pirate romance stories!

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It was cute. It definitely felt like having a lovely old lady reading a little fairy tale to me. I’d love to see what the audio is like and if they really harness that, because it’s easily my favorite part. I wish it was longer so that things really had time to simmer.

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This book solidified my opinion that I LOVE pirate books! There was so much adventure. Romance. The magical realism with her falling into the story was super fun and interesting. I adored it! Also, the cover is stunning!

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The concept of this book was interesting and this was my first ever pirate read. This was the perfect book for those of us who have adventure inside of us, ready to go. I loved the romance, the spice, and the overall escapism of the story. It was a really short read for me and I did wish it had been longer.

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Received as an ARC from Netgalley, thank you!

This is the first pirate book I've read they've never appealed to me before but I loved this book, it has converted me!I also loved the concept of how she fell into the story she was reading I've never read a book with that before! The book was just the right length and had the perfect balance of adventure and romance. I loved the ending also as it tied it all together nicely but I am still glad there's going to be a book 2 and can't wait to read it! Highly recommend!!

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His To Love is an action packed book. Fantasy lovers will enjoy this book. It was a good story with a great plot. I enjoyed it immensely.

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I am enjoying this book so much! Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author. All opinions are my own.

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Emily finds herself transported into the pages of her favorite book, only to be captured by the very pirate she has read about hundreds of times. Flynn Sawyer cannot be distracted from his plan, to kill the king, but Emily is captivating and he just might be the one who ends up captured by her. 
Upon starting this book, I immediately found myself loving the narrator’s storytelling style. It reminds me a bit of how Lemony Snicket narrated “A Series of Unfortunate Events”. Emily’s need for an adventure is something I’m sure most of us can understand (we are readers escaping to new worlds every day). Watching Flynn fall for Emily was dreamy and I felt myself loving him as the story went on. If you are looking for a cozy pirate adventure this is the book for you.

Thank you, NetGalley and Elena H. Covens for sending me this ARC opportunity. All opinions are my own.

#HisToLove #NetGalley

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3/5 ⭐️

This was a fun, fast-paced, spicy, pirate romance that had a good premise with an enjoyable cast of characters. As an ARC and an indie book, I hate to mention editing and grammatical issues, but it really did hold the book back and made parts of the reading experience not as enjoyable. I debated DNFing it in the beginning when I noticed several issues right at the start, but decided to make my way through it as I did find the premise interesting. I think that the overall concept of the book was good and there is a lot of potential, but it reads like a draft that needed more time in the editing stage.

I debated putting this under the 2 star ranking, but decided that I enjoyed enough aspects to give it 3 stars. I'm also hopeful that some of the issues will be fixed when it is officially released.

Thank you to NetGalley, Elena H. Covens, and Victory Editing for my early access to this.

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For a girl who craves adventure - not to mention escape from the prospect of a loveless marriage - what could be better then ending up in the pages of your favourite novel, complete with pirates plotting revenge? This is what happens to Emily, and she swiftly discovers that knowing the plot isn't necessarily helpful, not when she's in there changing things and also dealing with an unfairly attractive pirate.
I really enjoyed the premise of this - I mean, it's a concept that would surely appeal to any keen reader - and Emily and Flynn were strong central characters with a well-drawn supporting cast. I did find the writing style a little jarring in places: the narrator interventions didn't quite work for me and interrupted the flow. Still, though, it's a clever idea executed well, and a fun and captivating read.

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His To Love by Elena H. Covens
Release Date: August 1st 2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Pages: 254
Tropes: New Adult Romance, Captive Romance, Grumpy x Sunshine, Mistaken Identity… swipe for more ➡️

I think most of us have thought about what book we’d choose to live in if we could, what if you did get pulled in? In His To Love we meet dear Emily who is living in 1800s London, England. Emily is on the verge of being married off to save her and her widowed mother from losing everything, after the loss of her sailor father years ago. Abhorred by the idea of suitors, Emily does what we all do when we’re sad, she goes to the library to read her all-time favorite book. But with a storm brewing this time is different. Emily is pulled into the world of her book and dropped right to the infamous pirate Flynn Sawyer. Emily soon realizes that there is a whole world beyond the story she fell in love within the pages of the book. She starts onto an adventure with the characters she’s gotten to know. With Flynn and his closest mates by his side, Emily helps them continue their tale with a few new surprises along the way.

His To Love was a quick spicy romantsey read, and if this was a longer book, I still would’ve devoured it. I loved the idea of being pulled into your favorite book and somewhat living through the tale along with the characters. I’ll also read anything with pirates! I adored Flynn and Emily, of course Flynn is a certified book boyfriend now. Levi and Lucas are witty and fun, and I can’t wait to see their tale continue. This is a perfect pallet cleanser novella full of romance, sweet friendships, spice, witty banter and adventure. I do wish for this to be a longer book; I didn’t want it to be over so soon. I look forward to book two nonetheless!!

“Dear reader, that with love comes loss”

Thank you NetGalley and Elena for the ARC!!

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Said before and I'm saying it again you know when we read a book where the FMC is reading about sexy pirates and adventures?? This is the book I picture because while I was reading that really crossed my mind.. I loved Emily and Flynn, I mean who doesn't like a man named Flynn right?? Can't wait to read about Levi and Lucas... please feed me more.. But for real, I really liked the woman who was forced by society to have an adventure of her own and to find out what she truly desired

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I devoured this book SO FAST. It cured me of my current reading slump and was the perfect little romance I needed. I've never been a huge fan of pirate stories but this one was just so good, loved Emily & Flynn and even Lucas & Levi (can't wait for their story next omggggg). It was the perfect amount of adventure and romance and I loved the dual POV.

"In that moment, she could have asked for a star, and he would have found a way to capture the entire solar system for her." I was kicking my feet at this line!!!!!

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There were so many things that I loved about this book. What initially drew me to it was the beautiful cover, which I think definitely deserves a mention because it’s amazing.

Second, this book has book jumping! There may not be many books with this particular plot, but I love any that I can find. Additionally, this book stands out from other book jumping books I’ve read because Emily is from the 1800s, not present times like in all the other books I’ve read kind of like this one. This adds another layer to the story, especially with the complications about inheritance and marriage pushed on her early in the book.

The last main aspect that I really liked about this book was Flynn, the love interest. It was great to get to see him as an in depth person, instead of like in many other pirate books, where the pirate love interest is just a piratey pirate. Finally, I loved how the romance between Emily and Flynn developed throughout the book, especially a certain fight scene *laughs maniacally*.

Overall, although this book was not perfect, I will happily read any other books this author writes, and I’m incredibly excited for the next book in this series! Thank you to Elena H. Covens and NetGalley for the advanced copy!

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As someone who loves romance... And loves pirates, this book checked SO. MANY. BOXES.

At first, I found the story just a tad bit slow. But it quickly picked up for me as Emily and Flynn got to know each other and came to terms with their mutual attraction.

There were surprises and twists that were cleverly done. And the friendships and side characters were also a great addition.

I loved the adventure and romance so much. And the ending was perfect!

His to Love releases August 1st.

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Unfortunately, this book did not have any developmental editor and it shows. I spotted a typo in the introduction and my heart sank as I realized it was very possible that this was a low-quality indie book and that I wouldn't be able to make it through. Books like these give indie publications in general a bad name. The concept is creative and intriguing but the execution needs far more work before this could be a successful novel. The main character Emily liked to hang out in a library called Second Chance Books, which confused me because this sounds like the name of a book store. In any case, I only got 10% in before I decided to stop reading because the quality of the writing and editing is so poor. There are far too many other books of greater quality competing for my attention and a reader's time is precious.

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Kind of reminded me of the voyage of the dawn treader, page master and beauty and the beast. Not sure if others felt that was or if that was the authors intentions (probably not cause that was super specific lol). I enjoyed reading the adventure though

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Thank you to NetGalley, Victory Editing, and Elena H. Covens for the advanced copy and the opportunity to review this wonderful novel!

Emily Underwood is a curious girl who spends all her time in the local library and craves adventure. One night, while re-reading her favorite novel, she is suddenly struck by lightning and transported to her beloved book’s world, where she meets the infamous pirate, Flynn Sawyer. Immediately, he finds her captivating and does everything in his power to resist falling for this strange and unique woman, but it proves to be useless.

I have not read many pirate books or stories where a character gets pulled into a novel, but from the description this book felt like it would be the perfect blend of fantasy, historical fiction, and romance, and it was! My favorite part about this story was the funny banter between not only the main couple, but between Flynn’s best friends. The quick-witted dialogue in this book had me laughing out loud multiple times and made reading this novel so enjoyable. There is open-door spice but I do not view that as a bad thing! I had fun reading about a dominant male love interest, and it was so heart-warming to witness his devotion and watch their love blossom.

This book is recommended for readers who enjoy cozy historical fiction/fantasy, pirate-themed romance, books that take place in a book, a devoted and dominant male love interest, open-door romance, found family, and funny banter. I would also advise readers that certain topics are included in the story and I encourage them to look into the content warnings before starting the book. The content ranges from being described in moderate detail to being stated in a few sentences: explicit sexual content, gun violence, kidnapping, murder, physical violence, pregnancy, sexual assault, sexual harassment, swearing.

Because of the humorous dialogue, lovable cast of characters and adventurous story, I thoroughly enjoyed reading “His to Love” as my first Covens’ novel, and look forward to the next book in the Second Chance Books series!

This review is now also up on Goodreads ( and Storygraph (, and a variation of this review has also been posted on Instagram (

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spice: 🌶🌶🌶

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Reviewed on Goodreads:

When Emily Underwood, a simple girl living in London in the 1800s, is transported into the world of her favorite Pirate Adventure book by a freak lightning storm, she doesn’t know what to expect. What she does know is that Flynn Sawyer, the 6’5” swashbuckling pirate and heartthrob heroine of her book, is standing right in front of her. Will Emily be able to survive this story and make it back home, despite her growing favor towards the dangerous pirate within? Will Flynn be able to push his feelings aside and complete his lifelong mission of killing the greedy King?

This was a fast paced romance-fantasy filled with adventure and banter. It was easily one of the quickest reads of my life, with the Covens wasting no time getting to the meat of her story. I simultaneously enjoyed and was disappointed by this aspect of the writing. I loved how easy the story was to dive into, with such a unique concept of the main character literally falling into her book, but I couldn’t help but want more from time to time. I wished there had been more buildup to the romance in the story, but at the same time I really enjoyed the cheesy love at first sight type of story Covens portrayed.

Regardless, if you are looking for an easy romance to read, this is the story for you!! Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this ARC. His to Love will be out everywhere August 1st :)

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I have never been a huge pirate romance reader, but this book might just change my mind! It is cozy, with splashes of adventure and romance thrown in for an entertaining story. I really enjoyed having not just a dual POV but also a witty narrator, which made the story even more attention-grabbing!
In His to Love, Emily is thrown into her favorite book, which her father had gifted her as a child during a crazy storm. She ends up meeting the main character from her book, Flynn, a pirate out for revenge and has to help his crew on their journey. Who would have thought being kidnapped by pirates would be so romantic? I loved Emily and Flynn's relationship and the pacing of their journey. There is plenty of banter and sweet moments throughout the story (with some steamy scenes too)!
If you love the action of Pirates of the Caribbean, the romance of Bridgerton, and the idea of escaping into one of your favorite books, this might be a perfect read for you!

Also, the teaser for book 2!!! I cannot wait!

Thank you to Netgalley and Elena H. Covens for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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