Member Reviews

This is an easy, cosy read that has Princess Bride vibes. The narrator is interesting and the writing style is good. I think for me personally, it was a little too short and could’ve used some more drama but I’d still recommend giving it a go!

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I lived the writing style for this book! It reminded me of Princess Bride and It was quite an enjoyable read. The characters were engaging and I am looking forward to the sequel!

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this early copy in exchange for an honest review.

His To Love is a cozy, short, easy read that I think many people will enjoy for a light comfort read. The characters are all likeable, the plot is not too high stakes. It was too cozy for me, personally. I wanted more conflict and drama, but for someone in the mood for something before bed I think this is a great choice.

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She was his own constellation. She was his way home. She was home. Perhaps it was him that had fallen prey to her. Because whether she knew it or not, she was his to protect, but he belonged to her entirely.

Emily has always longed for adventure just like her father who had been lost at sea years before. Unfortunately, her life is anything but adventurous, and she has no choice but to accept a marriage to save her home. Since her father’s disappearance, she has always escaped into a little bookshop to read and reread her favorite book, the book her father had left for her about a dashing pirate’s adventures.. until one day she finds herself thrown in the very same storybook world with the very same handsome pirate who she has read about for years.

Listen, this book was just a grand ol’ time!! This was such a cute and cozy, FUN, magical tale of longing, second chances, charming pirates, and the perfect happy ending. I loved the third person narration with dual povs! It was such a good blend of cozy romantasy and the thrill of adventure that makes you want to jump into the world as well. Our girl, Emily, is LIVING OUR DREAM. I mean, who wouldn’t want to get lost in your favorite book and fall in love with your favorite character? All of the characters were absolutely lovable, and meddling Martha was just precious. The writing and pacing was perfect- I wouldn’t change a thing. It was light and fun, but with just enough tension and emotion that tugs at you. I am ready to be whisked away into more of Elena Covens’ storytelling!

themes & tropes to expect:
🏴‍☠️ historical romance + pirate romantasy
🏴‍☠️ lost and found family
🏴‍☠️ forbidden love
🏴‍☠️ he falls first
🏴‍☠️ grumpy x sunshine
🏴‍☠️ literal "book boyfriend"
🏴‍☠️ third person dual pov

This is the first book in a new series by Elena H. Covens Speaking of my love for the characters, we get a sneak peek into our adorable, grumpy + sunshine MM pirate duo and their continuation of adventures for the next book! Can’t wait for more fun!!

Thank you Netgalley & Elena H. Covens for the advanced copy and the opportunity to review!

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“To all the women who want to be transported into a book, only to be kidnapped by a 6'5 pirate with a bad attitude...Flynn Sawyer is waiting for you.”

“At times like these, one might think that the story would be over, that Emily lived her life buried in books and without anything overly remarkable about her. But as luck would have it, this is where our story begins.”

“But when the person who kidnapped you is your favorite character from a book you have read countless times, they might think you are out of your mind.”

Loved it!! Absolutely loved it !!! I can’t believe how much I needed a new pirate fantasy romance book. And when the FMC finds herself entrapped in her favourite book, sharing closed quarters with her favourite pirate captain, who’s also a brooking, grumpy and hot headed man (and an handsome one at that) … I’m hooked!!! I read this book in one sitting because I simply couldn’t put it down. It was so action packed and intriguing and spicy and addictive and the fact that it is a standalone in a series of interconnected books … it was so good!!! I’m developing cliffhanger related trauma so it’s good to read something different every once in a while. Emily and Fynn’s personalities and some of their scenes reminded me a lot of Marina and Simbad from the cartoon. Or maybe that’s how I would have wanted them to behave. Steamy and whatnot. I’m so glad I got a chance to read it !!

"All the adventure in the world can be found in a book. So, make sure to read, and when I'm back, you can tell me about all your adventures."

"Your pleasure is what I want, Princess. And I am a man desperate to be rewarded."

“The heart is a difficult thing to control. If you let it run free, it will break. And if you keep it locked away, it will cease to flourish in the wonders of the world.”

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Thank you to NetGalley, Elena H. Covens, and the publishers for the opportunity to review this ARC.

I wanted to love this book more, since it has everything that makes a story great: intriguing characters, a romantic adventure and an amazing premise. Sadly, I think I was not in the best mindframe when I read it and I did not enjoy as much. Even though the author has talent, I couldn't imerse myself in the story (one thing that kept pulling me off was the commentaries in first person, which is a pet peeve of mine). The good news is that I have a lot of friend who will love to read His to love, it just wasn't for "right now" me <3

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I LOVED this book. The style of writing was so unique and the characters were so lovable. And I just need more right now. I love this world, I love these characters. More, more, more.

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I have never read a pirate romance before, but whewwwww. I have been converted.
I absolutely loved the romance storyline and felt like the relationship between the characters flowed naturally. It didn't feel forced or rushed, which I enjoyed. I really loved Emily's character.

I really enjoyed the adventure feel this book had. Learning about the "book she was in" vs. learning about the book I was reading was honestly super fun. I didn't feel confused at any point in the book.

I also think it was the perfect length. Although I was super sad for it to end, I am excited about the possibility of another book!

Thank you for allowing the chance to read the book early!

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Thank you NetGalley for the E-ARC in exchange for an honest review


This book! Oh my god this book! It was absolute perfection. I flew through the whole thing in one sitting and now I’m desperate for the rest of the series to come out.

Right off the bat I loved the author’s use of a separate narrator as a character who is chronicling the story. It kind of reminded me of “A Series of Unfortunate Events” (not the actual story, but the narrator character) which was one of my favorite series as a kid.

I absolutely loved every character in this book. Usually there’s a few that fall flat, but seriously every single one of them was a gem (except for the bad guys, who were decidedly un-gem like, but that’s kind of the point in a bad guy)

The MMC was one of the most swoon worthy characters I’ve ever met. Spicy scenes, fighting scenes, casual scenes, doesn’t matter what’s going on that man always managed to say something that made me make an audible reaction. There’s a quote from the book where the FMC thinks to herself “No no no…he’s a pirate. No, more than that, he is a fictional man. I cannot react like this to a fictional man!” Well it’s too late for us both FMC, Flynn Sawyer has my heart and deserves the world.

The spice was fantastically written and wasn’t repetitive. If you like hearing “good girl” you should definitely read this book

There were a couple of really well done plot twists. There was one thing I was so worried was gonna happen (and thankfully didn’t) but I spent so much time worrying about that happening that the actual twist kinda slapped me in the face. Again, just really well done

Overall I absolutely ADORED this book and will be on the lookout for more books in this series or other by the author in the future.

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This was fun and unique, I would love to fall into one of my favourite adventures just like our FMC. This was a short fast paced book with romance, adventure and revelations. i really want to read more about the side characters so hopefully we get a couple spin offs.

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His to love is the proof that nowadays you really can read a 6 star book. I rated this book 5 stars but in reality I wanted to give it 6. Loved loved loved and I'm sure I'll re-read it.

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an enchanting, cozy read that would have brighten the right reader's day.

already, the premise of this book is incredibly attractive; entering a book is among my favourite transmigration shenanigans. in theory, i should have loved this. in practice, i had an okay time -- all while wishing for this book to be longer so that there would be more room for the romance to develop. if you are an impatient reader looking for that instant attraction that (semi) delivers, i have good news. everything else -- character developments, the lovable side characters, the piracy, the overarching plot -- were also okay, but ultimately the romance was the sole focus. in my case, i wasn't able to vibe with that so the book as a whole just fell flat for me.

admitedly, i might not have been the right reader for this book. most people seemed to have a better time than i did, so i would encourage all romantasy readers to give this a try.

Thanks to Netgalley and the author for the E-ARC!

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Cute and cosy, I loved the strangeness of the narration which reminded me a little of Lemony Snicket's unreliable narration. Excited for the next instalment!

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A fun romantasy book with spice, what more could you want?

This book is a lot of fun. I think readers are going to enjoy the magical element of book hopping and fantasy. The romance is well done and has a good amount of spice too.

Would recommend if you want to get into cozy romantasy!

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His To Love by Elena. H. Covens
Second Chance Books 1
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 1 August 2024

Emily Underwood, a bookish introvert who's spent her life avoiding romance, finds herself transported into her favourite novel during a lightning storm. Suddenly, she must navigate a dangerous new world filled with adventure and intrigue.

Flynn Sawyer, a notorious pirate within this fictional realm, has dedicated his life to seeking vengeance against the King. When Emily mysteriously appears, claiming to be from another world, Flynn struggles to maintain focus on his mission of revenge. As their paths intertwine, both must confront unexpected feelings that challenge their predetermined destinies.

"His To Love" is a delightful blend of romance, fantasy, and adventure that will captivate readers from start to finish. This cozy pirate romantasy offers a refreshing take on the "transported into a book" trope, delivering a story that's both familiar and excitingly new.

The author excels in creating a vivid and immersive fantasy world, populated by a cast of colourful characters. Emily's fish-out-of-water situation provides both humour and tension, while Flynn's internal conflict between duty and desire adds depth to the classic pirate archetype.

Supporting characters, including a loyal best friend and a charismatic rogue, round out the ensemble, each contributing to the story's charm and emotional resonance. The interplay between characters is particularly well-crafted, resulting in dialogue that's both witty and heartfelt.

While the premise might seem whimsical, the author manages to infuse the story with genuine emotion and character growth. Readers will find themselves invested in Emily and Flynn's journey, both individually and as a potential couple.

The pacing is well-balanced, alternating between swashbuckling action, romantic tension, and quieter moments of character development. This variety keeps the story engaging throughout, ensuring that readers will be reluctant to put the book down.

"His To Love" succeeds as both a standalone novel and as a potential series starter. The author leaves enough unresolved threads to pique interest in future instalments without sacrificing a satisfying conclusion to the main story arc.

In summary, this novel is a perfect choice for readers seeking a comfort read with a dash of adventure. Its blend of romance, fantasy, and character-driven storytelling creates an instant classic in the romantasy genre. Whether you're a fan of pirate tales, star-crossed lovers, or fish-out-of-water stories, "His To Love" offers something to cherish and revisit whenever you need a dose of literary escapism.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the author, Elana H. Covens, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Elena H. Covens, and the publishers for allowing me access to the e-Arc.

4.25 stars

This was such a fun pirate romance. It felt like a cozy story with some intrigue. I’m really enjoying the concept of people falling into their favorite books. It’s just a really cool perspective. I look forward to reading the next installment.

I highly recommend it! If you love cozy romance with some mystery elements!

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pirate/sea romantasy? i’m the #1 reader

loved the aisling sea trilogy, the children of the lyr or inkwater? you will (happily) drown in his to love.

emily underwood, who is a girl from her modern london, ends up transporting into her favorite book. she meets flynn sawyer, who takes her with him on his adventure despite the possible danger it brings to his crew. the romance is roughly a 3 on the spice scale with really adorable and vulnerable moments. i was NOT expecting that beginning part of the story to tie in that way. the ending was perfect (happy ending for those who care)!

thank you elena h. covens & netgalley for the ARC

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In 1852, London, book lover Emily Underwood is transported into her favorite novel during a lightning storm. In a fictional world set in 1730, she meets Flynn Sawyer, a notorious pirate set on killing the King. As Flynn struggles to stay focused on his revenge, he becomes increasingly drawn to Emily, who finds herself now a part of the story.

This pirate romantasy is a fun and easy read. It's told via a narrator, and chapters alternate between focusing on Emily and Flynn. I love romantic fantasies with a historical setting, and combined with pirates, I had to request this ARC. The spicy scenes seemed to be where the author was most confident, and I enjoyed these when they appeared in the story.

There were a few little things that took me out of the story briefly, like the reference to Stockholm Syndrome or the FMC saying 'mom,' which an English girl from the 1800s wouldn't say. But these were minor. I would have liked to see more of Emily and Flynn's relationship before it turned physical, but I think that would have only been possible with more pages, because there wasn't any filler in this story, and it was quick-paced.

I liked how the story resolves Flynn and Emily's story and leads into the next book with a strong connecting plotline.

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from NetGalley, but this is my voluntary and honest review.

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(I received an ARC via Netgalley - thank you!)

LET ME TELL TALL. HOW FUN THIS WAS. I read this book front to back in... 6ish hours. Which is lightning speed. That's how DEEP I was in this story. It's such a fun Romp. Something I needed.

A cozy Romantasy with Book Hopping and spice???? Absolutely a wonderful time. The book hopping had me. I was sold on that alone.

✨✨✨✨✨ From me.


Now a little more critical, I heavily enjoyed this book. The writing was fun and easy to read. I enjoyed the narration style. It's Definitely a light lovely summer romance read for those who enjoy some swashbuckling action with some wonderful spice.

The intimate scenes were lovely. I enjoyed the dynamic between the two and felt like there was a healthy dynamic. I will say they start to fall for each other rather quickly but given the pacing of the book I'm fine with it.

For me a book is a 5 star if I had a good time and I had no issues reading it. And in this case it is now up there in my guilty pleasure reads. I was SCREAMING all about this book. And my heart has been stolen.

Thank you again for the advanced copy.

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