Member Reviews

The Solstice by Matt Brolly is a good story with good characters. Human remains are found in a cave, and the bones are identified as belonging to Hugo Latchford, a boy who went missing a decade ago, and whose parents belonged to a quasi-religious cult masquerading as environmental activists. It’s not long before rumors that he was sacrificed in a midsummer ritual resurface.

Returning to duty from maternity leave, DI Louise Blackwell finds herself leading the investigation, soon discovering that Hugo’s parents are still alive and the cult very much still active.

DI Blackwell is juggling returning from maternity leave and feeling conflicting emotions about juggling her work and home life. She is also interviewing for a promotion to DCI.

I really like Louise's new partner, Miles, and I can't wait to see what will happen with him next. I am also looking forward to seeing what Lousie decides about the DCI promotion or what she will do next.

I enjoyed how the author unraveled this story and mystery and all the intricate red herrings and leads that finally come to an explosive ending. The story was tense.

I would recommend this book, this author, and this series.

#TheSolstice #NetGalley @AmazonPub @MattBrollyUK

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Although this is book 7 in the DI Louise Blackwell series it could easily be read as a stand-alone, however as it is a brilliant series, you would be missing out on six other great reads. In this instalment we have an excellent new character - Miles. Miles is very enthusiastic, and likeable, and I really enjoyed the chemistry between Miles and Louise. The plot is suspenseful and well written, and whilst the tale deals with historic murders, it held my attention throughout. The ever-present tension leads to a surprise lead villain, and a satisfying conclusion.

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This is my first novel by Matt Brolly and what an exciting read. DI Louise Blackwell is back at work after her maternity leave when she is handed the case of bones being found in a cave. Whilst juggling childcare, she and her detective partner Miles take on the case which they discover is related to a cold case from years ago of a 10 year old boy going missing. The caves are used by worshippers and there is a 'cult' nearby, but trying to get answers from them is hard. A great story and loved the characters. Although this is the 7th novel featuring Louise Blackwell, it is a great stand alone!!

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When cavers discover what they think are human bones, Louise Blackwell and her new partner (The hunky-sounding Miles) take the case. Eventually, the bones are identified as belonging to Hugo Latchford, who went missing a decade ago, and whose parents belonged to a quasi-religious cult/environmental activists.

It's not long before rumors start flying that there is a tie-in to Summer Solstice, which is near. Is another young boy about to lose his life?

Something I was grateful for was when the book would leave the darker aspects behind for a bit, and concentrate on Louise and her family. I loved her parents, her husband, and her children a lot!

Trigger Warning: There is reference to child sacrifice.

The Solstice can be read as a standalone. (I'll confess to having jumped into the series at book 5.) I happily recommend this book and the Detective Inspector Louise Blackwell Series!

BIG thanks to both #ThomasAndMercer and #NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of <i>The Solstice</i>. This book is #7 in the #DetectiveLouiseBlackwellSeries; and has an expected publication date of September 17, 2024.


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Although this is book 7 in the Detective Louise Blackwell series it could easily be read as a stand alone. It is such a good read with it's intricate and interesting plotting although some reader discretion is advised due to some dark aspects of the book. The characterisation is excellent and I like the new addition of Miles, he will make a good team member. The pacing is steady throughout, building up to a satisfying conclusion, which makes this another excellent read from the author. I really enjoyed the read. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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Nice to have DI Louise Blackwell back in action after her maternity leave.She is understandably anxious about leaving both of the children, but she knows she needs to work. The fact that her next case involves children only brings it home to her even more what she and her family are missing out on, in quality time with them and watching them grow up. It’s a nice steady investigation, just as it would be in real life. I like Miles, a new addition to the team, and that Robbo is back too. There are naturally some dark scenes due to the subject matter, but we also get snippets of Louise’s home life to break the tension. There is nothing too graphic about what has happened to the victims, more is left to your imagination, which is always good.. im always keen to read what ever this author comes up with and this definitely hasn’t disappointed. 4 1/2⭐️

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This is #7 in the DI Louise Blackwell series, but it can easily be read as a standalone. I’ve read the whole series so far and it was great to be back with Louise, her colleagues, and her family again.

The series is set in and around the Weston-super-Mare area. Louise is just back from maternity leave following the birth of her son, Jack. She has also adopted her late brother’s young daughter, Emily, and her partner, Thomas, is an ex-police officer so he totally understands the commitment her job requires.

The bones of a child are found in a cave, making the case particularly poignant to Louise as a mother herself. She has a new work partner, Miles, and they discover the identity of the dead child and that there was a link to a cult. Then another child goes missing and they’re in a race against time to find him before the Solstice.

A brilliant, gripping read which I’d highly recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for an advance reader copy in return for an honest review.

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This is such a great addition to this series. I love it. Each book is better. 5***** and would recommend it to anyone

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I always look forward to the latest Matt Brolly especially the DI Blackwell series. This book did not disappoint. I loved the way he develops his characters and all the twists and turns in the storyline.
I would thoroughly recommend this book and am happy to give 5 stars.

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Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the eARC.
Another excellent book in the DI Louise Blackwell series, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
I love the fact there's so much of Louise's family life in the stories, it makes for a much more immersive read.
Louise gets involved in a painful case: the bones of a young boy are found in a cave and she starts looking into a cult-like group. She suspects there are rituals that include the sacrifices of children. This affects her deeply as she's just come off maternity leave.
A word of warning: the depictions of the cruel rituals are painful.
Other than that, the book is excellent, a great, suspenseful read. Highly recommended!

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4* Decent tale, not tons of detective work, but solid and interesting.

Being new to the series, I felt that there was enough to clue me in about the characters that I wasn't lost. Nor was I bogged down in TMI. For the most.

Quite a bit of the tale included stuff that all working mums in charge of childcare go through, especially ones just returning to work, amd it began to feel repetitive. It didn't really feel like her kids were at the forefront of Louise's mind, and she didn't sound like a natural parent. She wasn't neglectful but without the babysitter, husband and grandparents, there's no way she could do this job as it needs to be. It was kind of an eye-rolling moment when talk of promotion was 'sold' as the hours being easier and more convenient. Hmm. Middle Management bodies on chairs spring to mind.

The storyline itself was decent, without too many TSTL moments, and with someone who'd seemed innocuous actually one of the fanatic cult members. That was a shocker, as was the reveal of 2 identities, but not tidying up the various threads and not telling us what happened to the bad guys, or to the ones who escaped the cult, was a bit anticlimactic. These guys were beyond your average wrongdoers, so it felt like more was needed. Still, it was a very good read with some really worthy takedowns, one that I didn't want to put down.

ARC courtesy of NetGalley and Thomas and Mercer for my reading pleasure.

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DI Louise Blackwell has just returned to the force from maternity leave when the bones of a small child are found walled into a cave. This case will be difficult for Louise because she is raising her young niece aa well as her baby son and has contemplated not returning to the job she has loved. However, she and her new partner Miles have linked the bones of a young boy to other similar cases over a period of decades. They also suspect that these horrific murders are related to a The Verdant Cycle, a camp of would be Druids who believe in the sanctity of the earth and other less wholesome practices. Louise and Miles’ work is slowed by an officer who is part of a detailed financial investigation of the group and has difficulty prioritizing the death of a child over theft and embezzlement. Louise’s personal life begins to interfere but not limit her work. She’s often late to pick up the children and has to work on weekends. At the same time, she is nominated for a significant promotion. Louise is deciding between career success and becoming a stay at home parent as she races to find a kidnapped child before it is too late.

I will read anything Matt Brolly writes. Not only does he create accurate and suspenseful police procedurals, he adds the personal crises his characters face. The Solstice is no exception. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Thomas & Mercer and Matt Brolly for this ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for my copy of The Solstice by Matt Brolly
Detective Louise Blackwell is trying to balance being back at work with juggling childcare for her children and she isn't finding it easy.
Thrown straight into a new case, she struggles to juggle everything.
I personally think this one was more about Louise than the case. I prefer to have less about the detectives soul searching and more about the case.

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This was another excellent book in the Louise Blackwell series. As in previous books, it is a blend of the detective’s work and home lives. This time around, however, home life includes her young son and her reluctance at leaving him to return to work. The case she’s working on doesn’t help since it involves the discovery of bones belonging to a child who disappeared 10 years ago.

The blending of police procedural and the personal life of the main character is very successful. The supporting characters are interesting, the pacing is fast and the mystery is satisfying.

My copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review it.

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I love this series, and i’m always excited when a new book is published! This didn’t disappoint me! Great storyline with twists and turns and a fast paced page turner! Love Louise and her background story as i’ve followed her family from the first book!

A must read series

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DI Louise Blackwell has just returned to work after her maternity leave.
The bones of a young boy have been found in a cave by potholers, and it is found that a young boy went missing a decade previously.
It is believed that the child was offered as a sacrifice by a local cult.
Louise has to find out who the members of the cult are before any other children go missing.

A chilling thought - human sacrifice.
This is the second book I have read in this series. A little late to the party, but this can be read as a standalone.
I love a good British Police Procedural, and with a strong, capable female lead, it is even better.
I love the introduction of the rookie cop, he is willing to learn and is enthusiastic. I think he will go far in the team.
Just love a well plotted, suspenseful Police Procedural.

Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this book.

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What another fantastic instalment in the DI Louise Blackwell series although you can read it as a standalone. A really gripping storyline that had you captivated from the off and nice to see less personal stuff in this book too, concentrating instead on the 'crime'. Nice to see the familiar characters back again and I liked Miles, the new DC introduced into this book. I do hope this isn't the last one! Highly recommended!!!

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Another excellent entry in the Louise Blackwell series. Many things have changed in her life, which is something I like about these books. Louise is coming back from maternity leave just to go straight into a case that hits close to her heart. The remains of a missing child are found in a cave and the clues point to a cult. Louise, as usual, will have to find the answers in a pool of suspects, while trying to navigate the office politics. As I mentioned earlier, I really enjoy how her life is changing continuously, as happens with real people. Her relationships, and priorities, are not the same as the first books. The plot is very suspenseful and well written. I loved the chemistry between Louise and her new rookie, an overenthusiastic young officer who makes mistakes, but is mostly learning. Some parts were very suspenseful and, while I saw one of the twists coming, the identity of the main baddie eluded me. I can’t wait to see what’s next for DI Blackwell.
I chose to read this book and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thank you, NetGalley/Thomas & Mercer.

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Another great story based on DI Louise Blackwell. Twists and turns throughout.
This is one of a series and reading the earlier books would be helpful.

Looking forward to more from Matt Brolly

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Well, I'm surprised with this one. I've never read or even heard of this author before or this title, and I didn't know exactly what to expect from this book, but I liked it. It was way darker than I could have thought. It is marketed as a thriller, but I'd say that horror fans should consider picking this one up, too.

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