Member Reviews

I absolutely adored this book! Hope runs into Ben, literally, while running from her wedding. Seeing the two of them overcome their own issues to be their best selves in order to be together was so good! Ben is one of my favorite MMCs I’ve read this year. Hope seeing that she’s worth more than what she’s believed all this time was so good to see. Loved the family dynamics and the quirky side town characters.

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I’ve read many Lauren Landish books and I was excited to see “I Do With You” available for review on NetGalley because it’s been a while since I’ve read her work and the blurb definitely got me interested. Who doesn’t love the runaway bride trope?! This did not disappoint me in any way – I so enjoyed experiencing Hope’s journey of finding her voice and her own personal development throughout this read. She was a breath of fresh air and I loved it. And I especially enjoyed the way Ben stood by and watched Hope grow and flourish without stepping in and taking over. In my opinion, this book was not your usual runaway bride–it was much more than that and so very gratifying. It appears to be part of the Maple Creek Series as it is named Maple Creek #1, but I have a feeling these books will be standalones with some crossover characters. That being said, I can’t wait for more! I’m grateful to have been given an opportunity to read an advance copy of this book through NetGalley.

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When Hope leaves her high school sweetheart at the altar and makes a mad dash for the woods, she (literally) runs into Ben, an anonymous rockstar on a vacation of solitude. They help each other explore who they are as individuals and fall in love along the way.

This book had Gilmore Girls all over it, in a really good way. I enjoyed going along with Hope as she realized that she mattered as an individual outside of her relationship with the town "golden boy" and that she started to realize that she was able to speak up for herself because she was deserving. Ben's chapters were beautifully written, with lyrics as insight to where his emotions are at. Ben falling in love with Hope was the most believable part of the story for me, whereas I felt like Hope's trajectory into a relationship with Ben was way too fast. The bulk of the story happens over 1-2 weeks and I felt like her being in a relationship with Ben so quickly, even if it was her "choice", did her own growth a disservice.

The story started out so, so strong and I think Ben's character was extremely developed. Much like the timeline, the further we get into the book, the more I feel like we start to rise closer to skimming the surface of what is actually going on.

All of that being said, it was an enjoyable read and a great palatte cleanser from bulkier reads. I will likely read the next installment, and I believe that if you like Landish, you'll love this book.

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DNF - I could not read any more of this. The writing was way too corny and immature for me and once I saw that the MMC was in a metal band (chapter 2), I said “no more.” Thank you NetGalley and Montlake for the arc.

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Lauren Landish has gone and done it again. This book is the first in her new series “Maple Creek” and I thought she did an incredible job with it. Ben and Hopes story is entertaining, romantic, sweet and so much fun to read. Hope runs out on her wedding and literally runs into Ben. As the story develops from there you will become very invested in the outcome. Ben and Hope have so much chemistry together. Will the two of them be able to make a go of it or will her past come back and pull her back in? I highly recommend this book. Thanks NetGalley. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.

The insta-love was a little too "insta" for me and I couldn't get past that throughout the entire story. That, and the idea that anyone, never mind a young woman, would place her trust in a complete stranger so much so that she spends the night alone with him in a remote setting??? Who on Earth thinks that's a good idea?! Yes it's fiction, but come on. Couldn't get past that either. I wanted to DNF this so many times in the first half of the book. It did get better, and I loved Ben's character and his growth, and the almost-DNF was brought up to 3 stars, but I also can't see myself recommending this one.

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Hope is a vow away from a lakeside wedding to her high school sweetheart. Next, check off her follow-up two kids, a dog, a home, and a happy ever after. But suddenly, ever after seems like a very long time. Instead of saying I do, Hope thinks I can’t and bolts for the woods—right into the unpredictable life of a handsome tattooed hiker. Days into a three-week getaway, struggling musician Ben is in search of inspiration. He never thought he’d find a bride stumbling through the bramble. Right away her sweet baby blues, confounding dilemma, and spirited independence strike a chord. Ben has found his muse, and he’s falling fast. Hope is finding something just as important—herself. Soon enough Hope and Ben have all of Maple Creek talking—and divided. Where do they go from here? If Hope has learned anything, it’s that happiness is more than a checklist, and dreams can change in a heartbeat.

I Do With You was a delightful and easy read. I flew through it in a day or two. The story of Hope and Ben is entertaining and very swoon worthy. It's hilarious, full of drama and chemistry.

Thanks to Montlake and NetGalley for eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I didn't love this one. Overall it felt very surface level and I wasn't rooting for the characters or the romance

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I think a lot of people will like this one, but it didn’t work for me completely. Although I liked the way it started out, I actually ended up feeling bad for the ex. His high school sweetheart left him at the altar in front of the whole town. Also, it seemed more like she had a midlife crisis than fell into true love. It was just too instant. She was literally in bed with another guy after just running out on her wedding?

I felt she was a little immature throughout the book. And to be honest, I think I realized the “leaving someone at the altar” thing isn’t for me. It made me not like the FMC. Or maybe I just didn’t fully like her personality in general. But to me, no matter what the person has done, I feel like it should be solved before that moment of being at the altar.

I also didn’t really like Ben completely.. idk I feel like this one just fell short for me due to my own personal feelings about right vs wrong. It wasn’t horrible, but it just wasn’t anything I am screaming “you guys gotta read this” about.

I think that a lot of people will enjoy this one, because it is a story of new beginnings and going after what you want your life to look like.

Thank you to netgalley for this free advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book definitely took a while to get through. I almost dnf’d multiple times but in the end the story was very sweet. I did like that the main character stood up for herself and felt empowered!

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for this ARC copy!

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I don’t have much to say about this book but can confirm that it is such a comforting read. I love that Hope gets a chance to really think about what she wants in her life and Ben is such an adorable book boyfriend with his stage fright and songwriting. The vibes are on point and it’s such a quick read.

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Such a great read! Highly recommend this one.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Sweet story with a fun premise- Hope has an epiphany that she can't marry her fiance and runs away, meeting Ben, who is hiding away. I adored that he was a heavy metal star who usually hides under a mountain of make up. What a great set up. The insta-love aspect was a bit unbelievable and I have to admit, I was hoping for a little more character growth from both of them, so the insta-love, plenty of steam story lost me a little. That said, there were laughs, a fun look into the small town, and a preview of the characters to come. Overall, a fast read of a good start to the series. Thanks to NetGalley for an early read.

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Okay if you enjoy the hallmark cookie cutter romances, this one is for you. I have never read a runaway bride trope, and that + the mixture of her lifestyle verses his was an extra perk. His band honestly reminded me a bit of Sleep Token because of the mask and body paint, never having their identity released type of thing. MMC is super protective, but also super sweet. FMC is a people pleaser who plans everything down to the t and is working on learning how to choose herself for once. Strong characters within the entire book, whether that means you strongly dislike or strongly love the character, just strong characters lol.

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A second chance in life to find your forever love.

Hope Barlowe is about to get married but can’t shake the hollow feeling and premonition that she is about to make the biggest mistake of her life. She lets the pressure of family and town expectations dictate her unwillingness to walk down the aisle but when her future husband reads his vows she can’t deny her mistake any longer and runs like her life depended on it.

Ben Taylor is just having a forced break from life and work in the middle of nowhere when a runaway bride stumbled and almost run him over. He might just be part of a scary movie or he might just be hit by a lucky strike. We’ll see.

This was a sweet and entertaining romanced story painted with small town struggles, the importance of family support and power abuse by members of the law.

Thanks NetGalley, Lauren Landish and the publisher Montlake for allowing me to read this ARC. This ia my voluntary and honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was a cute premise. I really liked Hope’s family. I’m hoping there will be more books. Cute, fun read.

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I Do With You is a fantastic read. I loved this one. A small town girl meets rocker romance that you will fall hard for. Hope is a runaway bride looking for her worth. I love how Hope sees her ex for what he really is and not just the history they have. Ben is navigating life and trying to figure what he wants going forward with his band. He is talented, shy and a total sweetheart. I love how the sparks start to flicker between Hope and Ben when they first meet. I love how they help each and build each other up. Ben and Hope are so wonderful together. I could not get enough of this one. Go one click it today.

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Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for the opportunity to read an early copy of this book.

I have read and enjoyed prior Lauren Landish books, and this was no different. While there are some overly cutesy components to the book, I found Hope's use of phrases like 'hamburger help me' and 'shut the fu-cupcakes' endearing. They added to her small town girl persona, which I think helped to build the character for me.

Ben's clearly tortured past, and conflicted present also made me really want to cheer for him to have a happy ever after. His immediate protection-mode around Hope may be a little quick, but let's be real, this is a romance novel - what else would we expect?

I appreciated the build out of the supporting characters, and look forward to future books to catch up with the people of Maple Creek.

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I absolutely loved this book!
Hope Barlowe has known since she was sixteen years old that her high school sweetheart would be her husband, and the day has come. But as she stands at the altar, she realizes that the plans and lists be damned, there is no way she can marry the man standing at the alter with her. Not that she planned on doing it, but the lakeside wedding has one big advantage, she hikes up her dress and makes a run for it into the woods surrounding the lake.
Ben Taylor is a musician struggling to “make it” in the niche where his music falls, he is in Maple Creek for a much-needed break and hoping to find inspiration. Bored out of his mind after just a few days into his three-week vacation, Ben ventures into the woods for a nature hike on one of the many trails. It won’t take long before he is wondering why so many people think traipsing through the woods is such a wonderful thing, there are wild animals out here, and as a city boy he wouldn’t know what to do if he happens to run into one. Fortunately, Ben doesn’t run into a wild animal, but he does get bowled over by a very pretty woman in a wedding dress. Yep, it is a wedding dress.
These are all such wonderful characters. They are so well written, and with such distinct personalities that they kept me engaged from the first page to the last. Of course, this book is the story of Hope and Ben, whom I found to be utterly fascinating, realistic and unique. Hope is leaving a relationship and is just beginning to realize how many of her own wants and needs she has kept hidden not only from her ex, but from herself as well. While she realizes that she if falling fast for Ben, she is determined to become her own person and to not ever suppress her own needs to suit someone else ever again. The last thing Ben expected to find on his get away from the conflicts in his own life was a beautiful woman doing her best to find out who she is and rebuild her own life. But it quickly becomes clear that not only is she his inspiration, but that he wants to be there and experience her self-discovery at her side. This is such a wonderful book, and I recommend this hysterically funny, steamy, roller coaster of emotions romance to other readers. The many twists in the plot kept me guessing until the very end.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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Imagine you’re in the middle of saying your vows (albeit half-hearted and not well thought out in the least) and your bride runs away from the altar.

Sounds like a very intriguing story, doesn’t it??

And it was………. at the beginning. This book however lost its steam shortly after that and fell into a very surface-level insta-love story. There was an attempt to bring depth into the plot but the characters were so underdeveloped there was nothing that could really help elevate the insta-love.

I wanted more from this plot. For example, I would have loved if the story dove into the FMC learning more about herself and what caused her to suddenly feel like she was in a situation where she was feeling trapped. Discovering her own self-confidence to stand up for herself and express the things she needs in life. And then LATER ON (I mean maybe months or at least weeks later, not seconds/minutes) she finds the love of her life.

Thank you NetGalley, Montlake, and Lauren Landish for allowing me to review this ARC to supply my honest review. 🧚

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