Member Reviews

What a wonderful story this was. Hope literally runs into Ben in the most unexpected way, as a runaway bride running through the forest where he was staying as a guest in one of the cabins.
An unlikely friendship ensues where Ben helps Hope find herself and she in turn shows him what he ever thought was possible.

For two people that lead such different lives, their week together proves that being brave enough to walk away is sometimes the right decision and can lead to new and exciting adventures. I loved their growing friendship. The small town of Maple Creek really came to life in this story, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Runaway bride meets another lost gentle soul. Ben is one of a kind. He is helping Hope starts to discover herself and in the process Ben is learning more about himself. Ben and Hope are so good together. They have their ride or die people who show up for them. Her family and his best friend.
I love this little town with its quirky people. Team hope just lifts your spirits.
There is no cheating and a HEA

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Beautiful romance with heart and warmth! I was pleasantly surprised as this was my first from this author but I look forward to more!

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Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for an opportunity to read and review this eARC!

The premise of the novel drew me in and after reading I feel like the current cover doesn’t match the vibe at all.

It was a decent read but I had to sit it down and come back to it more times than I would have liked. I had that much of a time getting into it. Some parts felt rushed and some of the characters seemed immature for their ages.

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I Do With You . Written by Lauren Landish

Publication date November 12 ,2024

Format: NetGallery ebook
Genre: contemporary fiction, Romance
Spice level 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Dentist and Musician

This book was soo cute I swear i was smiling the whole time while reading this book Ben and Hope their chemistry was visible from the moment they met i liked the slow burn a story of romance and lesson on self worth

The is my first ARC read i couldn’t believe it when i received this Thank you so much NetGallery and the publisher for this opportunity to read and review this title

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This is a five-star read you would say I do too. Hope is adorable, she is a little bury her head in the sand and pretend its not happening at times, and that was annoying, but overall I loved her, it was Ben, simple stranger Ben that wowed me, his history and story really pulled me in and had me rooting for him, I was all in and ready to start a petition to get him elected sheriff, as its clear Maple Creek needs a new one, and someone as well rounded as Ben would definitely be a good idea, even if his music may have to be put aside, (I loved the genre as well, its not one we come across often, and it was lovely to see something so fresh). I am excited to see who we will hear from next in Maple Creek, there are a couple of people I would love to hear more about, and a couple of people we could do without.

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I loved this book! Absolutely terrific! I highly recommend it. You ‘ll not be able to put it down till you finish it.

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I tried to enjoy this book, but despite knowing this was a runaway bride book, I couldn’t get past that she just got out of a very long relationship. I think a runaway bride romance can be done well, but this one didn’t check the right boxes for me to go along with it. Additionally, no one in this book - from the FMC&MMC, to the bride’s family, to the MMC’s best friend, to the ex-fiancé - acted in any way that was rational. ALL of these characters made decisions and said things that made no sense given the context of the plot. Why are the parents so cool with her jumping into a stranger’s arms? Why won’t the ex-fiance listen to the FMC when she says it’s over? Why does he even want to get back together when she literally ran away from their wedding? Why does the MMC’s BFF try to “test” the FMC’s loyalty, like that’s a normal thing to do? Why does the MMC invite a stranger (that’s clearly in the midst of a meltdown) to stay in his hotel with him? It was all just so ridiculous I couldn’t connect with the story. I’ve read and have really liked some of Lauren Landish’s other books, but this one just wasn’t for me. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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I absolutely love this author and everything she writes. This book....I devoured like all of her others. Thank you so much for the ARC!

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Nope, not for me. This fell really flat and I hated the writing. Please don’t use ‘vajayjay’ in books.. it was beyond cringey!

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The premise of I Do With You made me want to read it. I've read several romances, but in all of that I haven't had the chance to read one about a runaway bride. It seemed like an original, fun idea; however, I do not think that this was well executed.

The backstory for the main, male character was well thought out and provided context into his current career and what took him to the town of Maple Creek, but I feel as though he was the only well thought out character in this. The main, female character felt very repetitive of other female characters in other romances.

I feel that this book had a lot of potential, but unfortunately fell flat for me. I was unable to connect with the characters and did not believe them to have chemistry. A lot of the dialogue felt forced and it felt obvious to me that I was reading a book, instead of allowing me to "escape" into the scene.

I think that a lot of this could have been solved by having the meet-cute be more genuine. Runaway bride I can understand, and while it's reasonable to let a stranger who's in distress use your phone, it's not reasonable to let said stranger stay with you in your hotel. The unrealistic start to this book might be what made me disconnect from the rest it.

Again, I felt that it was a great premise, but the execution needed more thought to make it seem more organic and genuine. But if you are looking for a low stakes, happy ending guaranteed book, then this is it.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for an ARC of this to provide a review.

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This book wasn’t for me. I think I made it to the halfway point before I gave up. I feel this book has a cute premise, but I think it was poorly executed. Everything happens very fast and the “romance” is just the two main characters inner monologues about how much they want to have sex with each other.. Also, the smut felt very over the top and the wording choices weren’t for me at all. If readers are looking for a fast, VERY smutty read, then they might enjoy this, but personally I’m not a fan. Overall rating 2.75. Usually I’d round up, but I already feel as if this rating is overly generous.

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the book is definitely the definition of a slow burn… a story of romance and lesson on self-worth and confidence. I particularly like the story for the lesson it brings about self realisation and finding the person that you are whether that is with the people around you or realising you need a new person to show you what you’ve been missing. The romance, i thought was pretty typical for a love story with strangers to lovers arc, although not necessarily love at first sight, but along those lines. I still enjoyed the book for the slow burn of the love story and the characters are so easy to love… or hate depends on which character you’re talking about lmao

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i LOVED! this book. maple creek is so fun and i cannot wait to come back, hopefully with some characters we see in this one 👀👀
the passion and heat in this is not expected based on the cutie little cartoon cover! but oh godddd, ben taylor…. please!!!!! and hope is so relatable she just made me root for her through everything!
like i said, can’t wait to get back to maple creek!

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Ahhh!! Where should I start? I loved this book to bits like really adored it. It got me out of the book slump I was in since last few weeks and I'm so happy for that.
Ben and Hopes story was intriguing and so entertaining that I couldn't get enough of it. It was inspiring, funny, full of drama and they both had great chemistry.
Few seconds away from saying I do to her highschool sweetheart Hope literally runs away from the altar and does a sprint into woods where she stumbles upon a stranger named Ben.
Ben never imagined to run into a runaway bride on his hike. He is in a small town to get inspired for his next album and to get his head sorted.
I loved thier meet cute it was interesting and a page turner for me. I also loved how they both helped each other sorting out thier lives and made each so much better.
It's a must read and I can't wait to read the second book in this series.

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First of all thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book.

In "I Do With You" we meet Hope, a runaway bride who had her whole life planned, and Ben, a lead singer in a band that needs some time away from the big city.

The whole main premise of the book was really sweet and well accomplished. Ben and Hope were an adorable couple from the beginning, their chemistry was visible from the moment they met and throughout the book just progressed and got better.
I really liked Ben, he was a though guy on the exterior but a softy at heart. It was really amazing to see him songwriting throughout the whole book and the little moments that inspired him.
Don't get me wrong, I liked Hope, but there were some moments in the book that she got slightly on my nerves, but honestly I think that may be main character syndrome.
There were good plotlines in this book, like the whole small town aspect and the people in the town and how they supported the characters but there were some that just didn't have a good resolution for me or that happened in a way that made me question them a bit.

But overall it was a fun book, I had an amazing time reading (some smiles appeared on my face, I must say) and I recommend it with you are looking for a small town book where the main characters are discovering who they are outside their natural element.

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I Do With You is not the first book I've read from this author, but it is a story that I hoped I would enjoy. I don't want to give anything or too much away, but I didn't care for this story. There were things that stopped me from loving this story, but the main thing was that I couldn't really connect with the main characters. I dislike when a couple breaks up then negative things are pointed out about said partner afterwards, and it nothing that was major. It was things that could have been discussed without all the dramatics of Hope's actions. If there is a reason for a couple breaking up, then that's more understandable but Hope's actions were completely ridiculous. Then, after spending years with Roy, Hope decides she doesn't want to marry him and runs into a stranger that she is comfortable with immediately, comfortable enough to spend the night with him in his rental house when her sister lives in the same town. Especially, when her character claims that her twin sister Joy is her ride or die. So, you would think that if she's not ready to face her parents yet, that she would be more comfortable with her ride or die sister whether or not she ran out of her wedding. Her sister would support her regardless. Then instead of contacting her fiancé and letting him know how she really feels, she's ready to play tour guide in her town for Benjamin (Ben), and that's just the beginning of the story. Ben was an okay character, and I felt a little sorry for Roy, but Hope came off as a really nonchalant character. There was some drama regarding Ben, and him keeping a secret from Hope but I don't want to give anything else about the story away. Hope and Ben their happy and sweet ending but to be honest by the end of the book. However, with that being said, I would still tell readers to give the book a try to know if it's a story for them. Just because this story wasn't a hit for me, doesn't mean that it won't be an enjoyable story for others.

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I really enjoyed Lauren Landish's writing style. The banter is always A+ and the side characters in this book were fantastic. That said, I struggled a bit with this one, but I think it's a personal preference thing. I'm not a fan of insta-love and the idea that someone runs away from their wedding because they feel like they've been stuck in an identity for 10+ years but then immediately falls in love with the next person they meet (literally hours after they ran away from said wedding), just didn't really stick with me. It felt too fast and rushed. I'm invested in the side characters though so I'll definitely keep reading the series.

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I tried with this one but I just couldn't... I mean seriously. Letting someone who was going through something take a call at your house is basic human decency but letting a veritable stranger stay in your house because she was too afraid to face to get family after running out on her wedding is going out of your way to show someone kindness. I mean seriously... I would understand if she was stranded somewhere but good lord she was in the town she lived her whole life in. Her parents and sister are basically 10 minutes away.

And apparently the man she ran out deserved a kick in the balls because he had the audacity to be mad that the woman he was going to marry, ran out on him at the last moment.

All these from the male MC she JUST met. I would understand if it was from a friend but the dude literally just met her. I feel like the author wanted to endear the reader to him and try to make it seem like he was taking her side immediately after meeting her which was so sloppily done. Completely put me off.

Thanks to the publisher for this ARC!

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I Do With You by Lauren Landish was a fun book and a great way to spend a summer day reading and enjoying the sun.

Hope is marrying the man of her dreams and long-time love and realizes as she's walking up the aisle to him that he actually ISN'T the man of her dreams and this isn't the right thing to do, so she makes a dash for the woods in her outdoor wedding setting and literally runs into Ben, who is a musician struggling to find the words for the songs he needs to right. Relieved that Hope isn't actually a bear trying to kill him, he helps her and gives her a place to stay while she tries to decide what she is going to do about her fiance', whether she wants to get married after all and oh yeah, what are these feelings she's developing for Ben.

This was a great first book in the Maple Creek series that had likeable main characters, fun AND funny secondary characters, and sub-plots that I hope will play out in what I hope will be subsequent books.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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