Member Reviews

I loved Jamie and Calvin so much!
I could feel their chemistry and emotions!

It also had a signature Jewel E. Ann twist!!!

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What an exceptional book! When NetGalley had a copy up for review for a book that comes out in November from my absolute favorite author, I jumped on the opportunity!!
I always have high hopes for all of Jewel’s books, but she far exceeded my expectations with this one and that is saying a lot! This book is now up with my all-time favorite Jewel books!

Everything about this book and its characters checked all the boxes for me. The banter, tension, laughs, angst, love and most of all that unforeseen plot twist that knocks the breath right out of you.

These characters became my extended fictional family. I loved every single one of them!! But what I loved most of all is how strong, witty and fabulous Jaymes is. I absolutely love when I love the lead female character just as much as the male lead! I adore her!!! She was no one’s punching bag and gave as good as she got. Her and Calvin are each other’s person. They truly get each other while supporting each other’s dreams and passions. They are each other’s lobsters.

At times, my heart was in my throat and tears were in my eyes for these two characters. Their pasts are tragic and the tension was high. When I had to put the book down, it stayed on my mind until I was able to pick it right back up again. I lived and breathed this book. The plot twist broke. My. Heart!!! I just wanted to fix everything for them.

Jewel is the queen of angst and always manages to shred my heart. Then I am left nibbling on my nails, hoping and praying that she puts my heart back together again. I truly took my time with this book and savored every minute of it because it was just that darn good!

I am so excited about the next book in this series and I’m hoping it Will’s story! Can. Not. Wait!!!!

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Being a huge fan of this author, I read all her books, I volunteered and went through all her most heartbreaking and/or mind-blowing love stories, I also enjoyed her “less dramatic” books (I mean… Jewel E. Ann ALWAYS brings some tears, even in her RomComs lol), so this time, I thought I’d be “safe”, but no, ladies:

I cried/bawled at some point, and honestly, I didn’t see it coming lol, but all in all, I’d say while it may not be her most torturing book, it was heartbreaking nonetheless.

I don’t want to spoil the story, so I’ll just say you need very little info, so like Calvin, jump into it, enjoy the “burning”, because, while it burns you all right, it also has amazing banter, wonderful dialogues, main and supporting characters you’ll never want to leave, and it sets the bar very, very high for the next book in a very promising Series.

Believe me, expect the unexpected with this Grumpy/Sunshine love story!

What an amazing first book, I need to go back to this Wildfire little world, and the wait is already too much!!!

Another 5 stars review for Jewel E. Ann!

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This book makes you feel all the feels. Immediately you fall in love with the FMC. I loved the forbidden love trope more than I thought it would. The banter is top notch. The description of love languages is my favorite. The description of mental health in this book is so spot on and ultimately the reason why I gave it so many stars.

You find yourself falling in love with both MC's and rooting for them to find healing and growth. I literally read this book in 1 sitting. I haven't done that in so long. I couldn't end the night without knowing how this book ended and the twist and turns this book did I was not expecting it. Also, the friend group I cannot wait for the other books to come out.

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review as always, all words are my own.

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Traveling psychiatric nurse Jaymes Andrews takes a job in Montana and moves in with a group of firefighters. Soon she’s set her sights on the enigmatic Calvin Fitzgerald, a smoke jumper married to his job. What starts as playful teasing leads to more, as Jamie finds herself completely drawn to the tormented Fitz. As the two begin to grow close, despite a housemate rule against it, both will be faced with losing more than they realized they wanted.

Damn. If I could give this book all the stars, I would. From Air is perfect in every way. When I think romance, especially forbidden romance, this is exactly what I envision. While there is angst, there is also so much humor within the banter. There is deep emotion, but also the levity provided by a great group of friends that often try to steal the show (I cannot wait for their books as well).

“You’re an illusion...a distraction. I can’t stop looking at you. And I can’t stop navigating closer to you, even though I know you’re unreachable.”

Jamie and Calvin stole my heart from the start. Both complex, vivacious and lovable characters, I felt an immediate attachment to them and a rooting interest in their outcomes. I am such a fan of that line where enemies and friends intersect and the author walks that line perfectly. These two have instant chemistry that leaps off the page and could at times, set the page on fire. And yet, as their layers are pulled back, and the emotional vulnerability becomes apparent, you can feel the chemistry turn to love.

Will I be rereading this book? You know it. Will I anxiously await book number two in the series? Without a doubt. This book is easily a favorite of the year.

Read if you like:
forbidden romance
age gap
grumpy x sunshine
opposites attract
found family,
forced proximity
the best banter

📌 Out Nov 26.
Thank you Montlake for the gifted copy.

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Fitz and Jamie have my whole heart. Even in its tattered form after reading this book. 💔
Chills… I got FULL BODY chills at one point. Jewel must have a special place in her mind where she holds onto these heart breaking stories.
As a nurse, I love seeing other nurses portrayed in an accurate way. I loved that even though she had lost so much she cared so deeply for those in the psych unit. Jamie was funny and endearing, always having a whitty comeback.
Fitz was everything. I had no idea what a smoke jumper was before reading this book but I believe he puts firemen to shame. 😂 what a fascinating job. And HOTT. (Pun fully intended.) I love how he tried so hard to hold onto his hard exterior but Jamie just cracked him.

I wasn’t sure how they were going to work this out but they did in the end and I’m so glad!! Another great one from 💎!!

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Jewel E Ann's books are so gorgeous, I loved this one so much. A story of pain and love and taking new chances. I adored this and will be looking forward to more in the. future!

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I ADORED this book and could not read it fast enough. The world and cast of character is nothing short of perfection. This book had some of my absolute favorite tropes (grumpy x sunshine, forced proximity) and all of the complicated emotional messiness that I could ask for in a romance. It appears that this will be a series, and I hope we get to see more of Will, Maren, and Melissa-- I am invested in their stories as well!

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Thanks to Net Galley, I was able to read this book prior to its November release.

Jewel E Ann is an author whose books I will always read, and almost always, without even reading the blurb. There have been very few that haven’t resonated with me, but this story? It just might have taken the top spot of her catalog for me…or one of them, anyway!

One thing I appreciate so much about Jewel’s writing is the use of banter. I loved the snarky, sarcastic relationship between ray of sunshine Jaymes, and ultimate grump, Calvin. Each character was marvelously written and magnificently flawed. How they came together to navigate who they were and who they wanted to become was breathtaking.

And because Ms. Ann is the queen of angst, there were some tears shed and some high emotions. I felt it all with this book, and will continue to feel it for long after the cover of my kindle has been closed.

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I absolutely loved this book! The chemistry between Jamie & Calvin was perfection and the story was so full of adventure and chemistry. You could not go wrong with this beautiful love story!

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This is my third Jewel E Ann book and I will continue reading her books, because I just love them so much. I enjoyed this book and found it to be a quick read. Calvin and Jamie are opposites and when she moves in, there’s some animosity between them that then turns into feelings. I loved the banter and found them to be a very cute couple. By the end of the book, there are some issues that arise that could tear them apart, but it doesn’t and they work through it. I liked the setting of this book and the main characters as well as the side characters and their backstories. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a sweet romance with a bit of angst and great banter!
Thank you to the author and the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book to read.

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I am at the stage where I would read Jewel E Ann's shopping list if she made it available. Her writing never fails to hook me in and keep me captured from the first page, right to the very last. I adored Jamie and Calvin's story - it was unique, it had heart, it had spice, and in true JEA style, it also had some humour. I am so in awe of the way she manages to obtain that perfect balance of all these elements and brings them together to create the perfect story.

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From Air follows Jamie, a travel nurse who wants to see more of the US after her mom passed away. She moves to Montana and into a house with 3 roommates, one of whom is Fitz, a lonely, grumpy and emotionally cut off smoke jumper who’s job is his life. They fall for each other, both knowing that Fitz won’t let himself fall completely, but Jamie never giving up on trying.

I did enjoy this! It’s hard to rate, I liked the story, the chemistry between Jamie and Fitz was amazing, the spice was good and Fitz had some good lines. Overall, I don’t think the writing was great. There were some really awkward lines and I kept thinking, no one actually talks like this in real life. The connection between Jamie and Fitz didn’t 100% make sense, it was very insta love, this weird revenge back and forth for doing dumb things that didn’t matter, kind of embarrassing each other? Didn’t really add up. It was kind of sad the way Jamie kept being with Fitz when she knew he wasn’t emotionally available to her. I hated the my person thing, way too much too soon, and I hated the whole connection in the end, I thought that was all unnecessary for the story. I think this could’ve gone a different way and it would’ve been better. I think I’d definitely try the next one and I would recommend this, but only to romance readers who are okay with what I’ve described. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the free preview in exchange for an honest review.

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I want to start by thanking the author and publisher for the opportunity to read this book. I really liked this book. It was great in all the right ways.

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This was so emotional and heartfelt. Jewel E. Ann often pens stories that burrow deep into your heart as she wields angst like a magic wand. From Air was a beautiful story of overcoming obstacles, loss and grief, and healing and finding love again and it was worth every moment of heartache! Highly recommend to fans of Colleen Hoover's emotional, angsty romances!

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This is one of those books that makes you wonder, will there actually be a HEA or are the characters just doomed for heartbreak? There are so many twists and turns about 70% of the way through that I actually audibly *gasped.*

Jewel knows how to write books that are full of angst and heartbreak, but then can turn the story around and watch healing happen between two characters that are just trying to make sense of their new reality.

Fitz lives a life solely focused on his job as a smoke jumper, so he doesn’t have to open up his life and be vulnerable to pain and love. But then Jaymes shows up as a travel nurse and rents the 4th bedroom in their house and the banter between them is pure magic. Of course the number one house rule is no sleeping with the roommates, but the forbidden roommate is almost too enticing.

I love the character development of Fitz, and how he eventually opens up to Jaymes about his past. They are each others person and it’s so sweet that they can confide in each other.

If you wanna book that is full of hard decisions, angst, healing, and love this is it.

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Jewel’s books are always top tier for me and From Air is no exception.

Jewel has the relationship between Jaymes (Jamie) and Calvin (Fitz) start with some of your favorite traditional tropes like grumpy/sunshine and seamlessly she adds unexpected character reactions, humor, and suspense that for me is uniquely Jewel.

I laughed, cried, and swooned for Jaymes (Jamie) and Calvin (Fitz).
I highly recommend reading From Air and truthfully any book by Jewel E Ann.

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My Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this book, it was an easy read for me and it was a very good story, I can’t wait to read the rest of the series!


Age Gap, Angsty, Blue Collar Hero, Close Proximity, Enemies-to-Lovers, Firefighter, First Responder, Forced Proximity, Found Family, Grumpy/Sunshine, Roommates-to-Lovers, Star-Crossed Lovers, Tortured Lead, Tragic Past, Will They or Won't They

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Another incredible story from my favorite author!! Is anyone surprised because I’m not!!

Grumpy/Sunshine where Jamie is a psychiatric traveling nurse and Calvin is a firefighter who is a smoke jumper. They are forced to be around each other because Jamie is the new roommate with Calvin and his firefighter friends. This banter is top tier between these two characters.

I was enjoying myself because there is a lot of back and forth where Calvin is fighting his feelings about being in a relationship, which is some of my favorite type of tension and angst. It felt pretty solid but then the last 20% absolutley SLAYED me. I loved this one and I can’t wait to see what else comes from this series! Thank you to NetGalley and the author for sending me this to review! From Air releases 11/26/2024!

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Wow. First read from this Author and I will definitely be reading more. What a great story.

Calvin, or Fitz, is a smoke jumper, always putting his life in danger. He loves the thrill, the chase, the hunt, the adrenaline, he loves his job. His job is his life. But Fitz is very grumpy, very closed off, and rarely smiles.

Jaymes is a travel nurse and she is finally going to start traveling. Her first travel job sends her north and so far she loves it. She lived in Miami and went from Sun to snow. She loves the town, the people, her job, and loves her 3 roommates. But one in particular, Fitz, she is determined to get him to open up. She is a nurse, so she naturally wants to help and fix him, but she can’t fix someone that doesn’t want to be fixed.

From day 1, there is something about Fitz and Jaymes. They go back and forth each day with their banter and their chemistry is combustible. That level of chemistry is hard to deny and it’s not long before they can’t deny it any longer. But Fitz has some secrets and soon after, Jaymes will too. Will they be able to overcome their pasts for a future?

Such a great story. Entertaining throughout, hot and steamy in some places, and tragic and tearful at other times. A complete rollercoaster ride. Hope there will be more with the other characters.

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