Member Reviews

This was a very wild ride-as far as reading a novel goes. I liked the non-stop action without the teenage angst that comes with highly dramatic teen novels. I loved reading about a female main character with a dark, mysterious past and her efforts to fight for her future in a cruel vampire society. She also fights pretty hard against loving a bad boy, but keeps getting sucked right back into that drama. I would highly recommend this series for those who love romantasy.

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Oh. My. Lord!!!!

Just wow. Thank god we learn more about Aileens past as well as Ragnors, BUT there are still so many questions and I cannot wait to find out and see where this book is going!

There was so much that happened in this book that gave you answers but also I kept asking questions! One thing was answered but others were brought up! The spice!!!! we all knew there would be good sex scenes and Sapir did not disappoint.

I cannooootttt wait to read the next book (I am hoping it’s the last one because I hate waiting!!)

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Vampire romance with a mystic touch

I'm happy that in book two, we got to know more about Aileens past.
The story is well written, and we got both POV'S (Aileen & Rayne) in the third person. This double POV'S help me to get better access to both inner motivations.
And the language is easy even for an non native reader to understand.

Into the story:
We're getting right into the story by getting a little glimpse into what we already know from Aileens life from book one. We pick up right after how book one ended. Now that the auction is done, Aileen needs to get into new customs of a new league.
The story is getting a lower pacing with all Aileen needs to get through, and even her feelings are at another place.

Relationships are complicated, and with all that came into Aileens life, there are friendly and not so friendly people, aka vampires, in her way. She needs to get her feelings sorted and realize what she can do. I could relate to Aileen, but on little bits, I was questioning her "maturity."
But in the end, I got it.
About Rayne. I like him, but sometimes I wish to put some sense into his stubborn head. Chapter by chapter from his side, I was able to get there, too. I marked a few of his lines that are truly romantic.

A well written second book in the "Vampire Cloak"- Series with strong headed main characters. A well and strong plotted book with a touch of romance and a little mystic sense.

This is the second book of the Vampire cloak series.
1. Vampire Cloak
2. Blood of the gods

I've got an advanced reader copy through netgalley. This hasn’t influenced my experience nor opinion of the story.

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This is the second book in the Cloak of the Vampire series. It picks up right after Aileen has been sold to a new vampire faction and it's juicy, full of twists and also ends on another great cliffhanger.

Aileen goes through all the stages of grief after she ends up being sold; anger, sadness, grief, etc...trying to accept her new place, and just when she's beginning to settle in, Lord Rayne appears to turn her world upside down again. 

Ragnor Rayne realizes he made a mistake once Aileen is gone. This man is the head of his own vampire group and he doesn't bow down to anyone, but he makes an exception for Aileen. There is a new side that emerges in this book and while there are still secrets to be uncovered to this very old vampire, I love what's being uncovered for the woman he can't seem to stay away from.

There is a ton of great tension in this book, it dripped off of the pages. While uncovering a deeper understanding of past events, there are also new mysteries that I'm hoping get resolved in the next book. This world just gets bigger and wider and I'm so engrossed in all of it. I'm craving all the things. I can't wait to see what happens next.

This can't be read as a standalone, please read responsibly and read each book in order.
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the copy of this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an Advanced Readers Copy of this book in exchange for a review.

Full disclosure before I start this review. I have not read book one yet so this is my review based on what I read for book two.

I was quite excited to start this book if I’m honest, the blurb instantly had me hooked and the fact that this had Vampires in the mix made me want to read this book even more. I would say this book had everything I wanted in a book including immersive descriptions that made me want to keep reading. This was a captivating book that instantly drew my attention from the first page. I quite enjoyed how Aileen’s backstory was weaved into the story as well.

I’d rate this book a five out of five. It was a really good book.

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**I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

THAT CLIFFHANGER!! I absolutely need book 3 NOW.

This book picks up right where book 1 left off and the angst, the tension, the romance is just perfection.

I can't say much about this book because I don't want to give away spoilers but if anyone was ever on the fence about picking this series up, DON'T WASTE A MINUTE run and I mean RUN to grab the first book!

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This story was so captivating I loved it! The plot just keeps building and building and you really get hooked into the story.

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Blood of the Gods is the thrilling second installment of the Cloak of the Vampire series. It picks up immediately after the first book ends with Aileen’s departure from the Rayne League. While Aileen is reeling from the loss of Ragnor and the events of the auction, she must continue to adjust to her life as a vampire in a new setting. When Aileen first arrives at the Atalon League everything appears to be as it should be, that is except for the gaping hole Ragnor has left in her heart. However, slowly the truth of the League’s secrets begins to reveal itself. With these emerging secrets and Aileen’s newfound magic, she must figure out a way to manage the many new problems bombarding her.

This book features a dual point of view, which allows us to get a much-needed look into Ragnor’s head after his actions at the end of the first book. Additionally, the author explores both Ragnor and Aileen’s backstories in more depth which helps build both characters and give us an idea of why they are the way they are. This book was riveting, and just like the first I could not put it down. I cannot wait for the coming third book in the series.

Thank you to the author and publishing team for providing the ARC of this book. I am so thankful for the opportunity to read it and leave a review!

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Blood of The Gods, book 2, Cloak Of The Vampire series
Vampires , mystery , romance , gods , dual pov, political , spice 4/5

Blood of the gods is the sequel to Cloak of the Vampire and falls back into where the last book left off and in many ways was better than the first book. The author expands on the dark sumptuous world of vampire leagues, with a mix of fantasy and romance there is a heavier focus on the complex power and political dynamics within vampire society.
Sapir takes us deeper into Aileen Henderson's backstory, revealing more about her past which is what I wanted most after finishing the first book. Also, with a look into Ragnor Raynes history which adds an extra layer of intrigue especially as the tension is still simmering away between the two characters.
One of the main highlights for me was the development of the world building in particular the inner workings of the vampire leagues. Aileen finding herself in this world finds there are enemies around every corner and alliances cannot be trusted. However, she must stand strong and carve out a path for herself within this world. But just as she thinks she may have found her way, ancient gods come out from within the shadows. This forces Aileen to relive nightmares from her past, but also reveals a destiny she could never have imagined.
Blood of the Gods is a brilliant continuation from the first book, and I feel the next book is only going to get better as we are building for a dramatic conclusion. This series is perfect for fans of vampire romance with an added element of intrigue , political systems which create a world that is both dangerously addictive and seductive.

thank you to the publisher Montlake and Netgalley for the chance to read the Arc.

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In this second book of the cloak of the vampire series, there’s a lot more tension involving between friends and lovers. Involving a love-triangle, secrets, hidden alliances and unresolved/uncovered feelings- I’m excited for the 3rd book!

Overall, there seemed to be more character development in this one than the first, which I liked.

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I was so excited to get to this one after book 1! It definitely felt a bit slower than the first book but i honestly didn't mind that since we got to know more about Aileen and her past. We also dive deaper into the world and get to know things about the "food chain" as well as other information. This book had a lot of action, suspense, romance, tension as well as a lot of spice.

This was definitely a strong second book where the ending left you waiting for more. And I honestly can't wait for book 3 to come out!

Thank you Netgalley, the publisher Montlake and obviously the author Sapir A. Englard for this eARC copy in exchange of an honest review.

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4.0 🌟 1 🌶️


What a great sequel to Cloak Of The Vampire. With how the first book ended I was super excited to be able to jump back into this world. It started off a little slower than the first but when it picked up it was great!

We start right back up where we left off with Aileen being in her new league and diving more into her past and the Morrow Gods. The action and the plot development were great and that cliffhanger at the end.

I will say I was missing some of that tension from the first book but towards the end the spice makes up for it! 🥵

I can't wait for the next book to come out because I will definitely be picking it up!

Thank you to Netgalley for sending me an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved the first book in this series. This one was maybe better than the first book- I got a bit bored with the first 20% of the first book. This one didn't have that. We pick up right after the auction at the Atalon league and get acquainted with some members of that league and how it works. The book is still in Aileen and Ragnors viewpoints and we get answers (or at least I did) to some of the questions we had at the end of book 1, but we have many new questions at the end of this book. I'm invested in this storyline and am enjoying it! Can't wait for book 3!

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Blood of the Gods, the sequel to Cloak of the Vampire, picks up where the first book left off, and in many ways, it surpasses its predecessor. Sapir A. Englard continues to expand the dark and intricate world of vampire Leagues, blending romance and fantasy with a stronger focus on the complex politics and power dynamics within vampire society.

This installment dives deeper into Aileen Henderson's backstory, revealing more about her mysterious past while also shedding light on Ragnor Rayne’s history. The exploration of their origins adds a new layer of intrigue, especially as the tension between them continues to simmer. While Aileen’s character can still be grating at times, her development feels more promising now that her secrets are out in the open. I’m hopeful she will become more relatable in future books.

One of the highlights of Blood of the Gods is the expansion of the world-building, particularly the detailed workings of the vampire Leagues and the introduction of new supernatural creatures. The "food chain" within this world, and how different beings relate to one another, is fascinating and adds a unique depth to the story.

The book feels like it’s building towards an epic battle in the third installment, which I’m looking forward to. The pacing and plot are more engaging than in Cloak of the Vampire, with heightened stakes and a sense of looming conflict that keeps the reader invested.

Special thanks to NetGalley and Sapir A. Englard for the chance to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review—I'm excited for book 3!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ☆ ☆ (3/5)
Spicy Level: 🌶🌶🌶🌶️ ☆ (4/5)

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I absolutely loved Blood of the Gods! In fact, this is my favourite fantasy series this year and definitely in my top of all times.

This series is so inventive, clever and captivating, it’s hard to put into words why and how. The back story is so immensely intriguing, the world building unique and the characters vibrant.

What a brilliant follow on from Cloak of the vampire. The story went in directions I wasn’t expecting and just keeps getting more and more interesting. The chemistry between Aileen and Ragnor is off the charts. I really think this series has it all and deserves so much more attention. I will say that it has pretty cruel elements, but never as a shock factor or needlessly. The writing is fluent and smart and I can’t stress enough how fascinating the plot is, in a world full of vampire fiction this is so refreshingly different and imaginative, I really cannot recommend it enough!

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Blood of the Gods, the thrilling sequel to Cloak of the Vampire, plunges readers deeper into a world of dark magic, fierce battles, and sizzling romance. Aileen Henderson's journey continues as she navigates the dangerous vampire leagues and uncovers shocking secrets about her past and the mysterious Morrow Gods. The tension between Aileen and Ragnor Rayne is electrifying, keeping the pages turning as their chemistry heats up.

While the book starts off slower, it quickly ramps up with action, suspense, and new lore that deepens the story's universe. The dual POV offers fresh perspectives, though the shift between first and third person can be a bit jarring. The spicy scenes, though occasionally awkward, add to the intensity of the story.

Blood of the Gods is a captivating continuation of the series that will leave you desperate for the next installment. With its cliffhanger ending, you won't be able to wait for what's coming next!

Thank you to the publisher, Montlake; the author, Sapir A. Englard and Netgalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Blood of the Gods by Sapir A. Englard

4.5 Stars

I was not ready for this! What a thrilling sequel to Cloak of the Vampire!

This second book takes you deeper into a world where bloodlust, power, and desire reign supreme. Sapir A. Englard delivered another heart-pounding adventure in this epic romantasy that left me on the edge of my seat.

As Aileen Henderson navigates her new existence (continuation from the last book), Aileen finds herself in the cutthroat world of vampire leagues, where alliances are shaky, and enemies lurk around every corner. But just as she begins to carve out a place for herself, ancient gods emerge from the shadows, dredging up nightmares from her past and revealing a destiny she never could have imagined.

Aileen’s journey is a rollercoaster of dark magic, fierce battles, and steamy tension that had me rooting for her every step of the way. And let’s not forget the sizzling chemistry between her and Ragnor!

Blood of the Gods is a fantastic continuation of a series that’s perfect for fans of vampire romance with a kick of adventure. Englard masterfully blends action, intrigue, and passion, creating a world that’s as dangerous as it is seductive!

Thank you to the publisher Montlake, The author Sapir A. Englard and Netgalley for a copy of this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the second book in the series and you need to read the first book before this one to really understand the story. I wasn't a huge fan of the writing style, especially how the point of view for the FMC was the first point of view and then the MMC was the third point of view. This book fell a little flat for me but if you enjoy it know it ends on a cliffhanger!

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Spoiler free ARC review
⚠️First I think it’s important that you read the trigger warnings before diving into this book. It was handled well, but sometimes difficult to read the child abuse.

With that being said, this book came out of left field compared to book 1 but I liked it! It definitely leaves you with more questions and only a few answers, but Englard hooks you for book 3. The character development was well done. The world building was more chaotic than book 1, but mad me interested in book 2.
Best summary is who am I? Who are you? What is a Marrow and does Ragnor wear underwear?

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⭐ - 4/5
⚠️ - Yes
🌶️ - 2.5/5
💕 - 3/5
👥 - 4/5
🌎 - 4.5/5
🗡️ - 4/5
💀 - 3.5/5

Thank you #netgalley for the ARC copy!

As soon as I finished Cloak of the vampire, I was desperate to know what happens next, so I was thrilled to get the ARC copy.

This book starts off a little slower than the last. We see Aileen acclimating to her new life at Atalon League. But things get very interesting very quickly. The plot thickens big time. We learn a lot more about Aileens past and wtf the Morrow Gods are.

Get too see a bit more dual POV, but unfortunately it continues with the 1st for her and 3rd for him. It’s a bit jarring.

A lot of the spice was in brief flashbacks or dreams, so the real spice didn’t start until the last half of the book. Still spicy, damn.

Pacing was a little weird. With the slow start and the addition of more action, things jumped all over the place in certain parts

Will say, some of the spicy scene vocabulary and passages were a big cringy. I found myself completely taken out of certain moments with how much it jarred me.

Overall, not as good as the first book, but I'm still hooked. I love the characters, the world that Englard has created, and I am so excited to see what happens next!!

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