Member Reviews

Where do I even start?! This book hooked me in from the very start!
The sense of mystery and air of suspicion that is around the story line really did a great job of keeping me guessing the whole time. Straid is my favourite character by far, and I love seeing his journey to opening up romantically after 5 decades of grief and recluse. It was so beautiful to see.
I love that this is going to be a series as I can’t wait to read more about this world.
As for the world building, there was little external world building which surprisingly I didn’t mind. I feel like the story line was very centred in the here and now and what was happening in the here and now felt intriguing enough to keep me interested and guessing what would happen next.
None of it felt predictable, and I truly didn’t know where the plot was going to go which was actually quite refreshing for me!

I can’t wait to read the next book, and thank you for the opportunity to read and review this title!

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A human woman stumbles in the fae quarters that are off limits to all mortals. Before a disaster occurs, she’s rescued by a fae lord that claims her as his wife in order for nothing bad to fall upon her. However, she doesn’t know who she is, nor how she stumbled into the quarters. How can she marry someone if she doesn’t even know her own name? Mortal Memories is a spicy fae romantasy that follows Carra, a mortal who’s cursed by memory loss. And her temporary husband Straid, who does everything to help her get her memories back before the person that stole them finds her again.

Cliffhangerrrrrrr, WE END THE BOOK ON A FREAKING CLIFFHANGER!! It took forever for me to get into reading this book at first. I can’t tell if it just seemed super slow in the beginning or if my current reading slump is just messing up my head. But the second this book comes out this needs to be at the top of your tbr. Like I actually need the sequel to this right now. Tomorrow, in a few hours actually because that cliffhanger is insane. I’m not going to spoil a thing about this book but I strongly recommend you read this asap.

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This book was just……. Not it.
It moved so fast with no world building, and no explanation. The beginning felt like it started mid chapter and never stopped. Writing was a bit juvenile. And the fact that the main character turned out to be a prostitute and wanted to go right back to it, kind of made no sense to me at all. I DNF’d it.

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The book has an interesting concept and initially I was hooked. However as I went on, I found that it was just not for me. The idea that the character wanted to continue working in her profession while married didn’t sit right with me, however this is personal preference.

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Very mysterious fantasy book and different kind of story to others I’ve read. I enjoyed the plot and the characters and was really into the story when it abruptly ended. It ended on a plot twister but it was almost like the author had to stop writing right NOW! I’m assuming this is to make you want to read the next book but it was a ridiculously abrupt ending and I really fell out with the book because of it - feels like a money making exercise to make you but the next book. Not sure if I will bother now.

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This book captured my attention through the description - it has many tropes that I like. It started off fast and immediately hooked your attention. But to me, it failed to follow that fast start up with world building that would have pulled it together. I found the story rough. Perhaps with a lot of editing, I would like it more.

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This book was confusing and hard to really vibe with. I struggled to really stay engaged with the story although I was interested the story.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity!

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This book had an intriguing premise and I was really looking forward to reading about Carras post trauma amnesia. This book is an easy read BUT there really wasn't any world building and there were some plot holes in the story line. I also did not understand how Carra would want to get back to her job as a prostitute right away? She did not remember who she was but remembered that and wanted to continue with that life? I also just did not feel like Carra and Straid had a very romantic relationship to begin with, I felt like they did not work well together. The ending felt a bit too predictable but left me with too many unanswered questions.

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I like to go in blind, so I barely read the description. I love fantasy, but the book felt like a contemporary romance with fantasy elements. It did not keep my attention, and I felt lost and confused, just like the MFC.

Unfortunately, this was not for me.

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*“Mortal Memories”* by F.A. Eden is an enthralling tale that effortlessly weaves together the threads of mystery, romance, and fantasy. The story follows Carra, a mortal woman who wakes up in the fae Quarter with no memory of her past, and Straid, a fae lord haunted by the loss of his fiancée decades ago. When Carra’s life is put in jeopardy, Straid’s impulsive decision to marry her sets them on a path of self-discovery and danger.

Eden does a fantastic job of building a world that feels both magical and treacherous, making it easy to get lost in the fae Quarter's intrigue. Carra’s journey to uncover her past is compelling, and her gradual adaptation to a life she never expected is portrayed with depth and nuance. Straid, though initially distant, evolves into a character you can’t help but root for as he grapples with his own ghosts and growing feelings for Carra.

The dynamic between Carra and Straid is one of the highlights of the book. Their relationship feels organic, with tensions and misunderstandings that add layers to their connection. The romance develops naturally, allowing readers to savor each moment as the bond between them deepens.

While the story unfolds at a measured pace, this deliberate build-up adds to the suspense and keeps you eagerly turning the pages, eager to discover what happens next. The mystery surrounding the disappearances and Carra’s lost memories is revealed in a way that enhances the tension, making the ultimate payoff even more satisfying.

*“Mortal Memories”* is a thoroughly enjoyable read that will appeal to fans of fae lore, slow-burn romances, and mysteries with a supernatural twist. Eden’s skillful storytelling and the emotional depth of her characters make this a journey worth taking.
#MortalMemories #NetGalley

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When Carra is discovered in the fae Quarter alone, a transgression punishable by death, she’s given a choice: marry her savior, or run for her life. Missing all memories from before that night, she agrees to the marriage and turns her focus toward rediscovering who she is, and why she was in the Quarter in the first place.

When his fiancée died fifty years ago, Straid withdrew from society. But after impulsively marrying a mortal woman to save her life, there are some things he cannot ignore: his feelings for his new wife, the growing list of people going missing in the Quarter–and the possibility that the disappearances may be connected to the woman he loves.

Mortal Memories is a slow-burn, spicy fae romance perfect for fans of K. F. Breene and Sarah J Maas.

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I really wanted to love this book, the blurb pulled me in before I even opened up the book. The idea is there but the book fell short for me. The world building needed more work and the FMC made me want to DNF, she was immature and it’s hard to get into a book when you can’t connect with the FMC as a female reader.

Overall the plot was good and unique, I see promise in F.A Eden’s books. I have hope that Carra will be written better in the following book.

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Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC for this book
3.5 stars (rounded down)
This book was different from currently popular books in this genre, but in a good way. Even if certain reveals seemed predictable, I really enjoyed the otherness of the plot and characters, overall just refreshing.
The first chapter throws you right into the plot, though the first half of the book is a bit slower than the second. I liked the characters but wished we had a bit more insight into why they are the way they are. Also the world building was rather thin and I wished we learned a bit more about the magic rules. As this seems to be the first book by the author and the first in a series there is a lot of potential to improve the world building and character motivations and insights. The cliffhanger at the end has me intrigued and I will be looking forward to second book of this series.

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This was just not it.
The synopsis sounded fun.
The theme sounded interesting.
The beginning of the book was really good but it went downhill.
I didn't connect to the characters.
I didn't Love the setting.
It just wasn't it for me.

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Thank you, NetGalley and F.A. Eden for the opportunity to read and review this ARC!

Mortal Memories is a fun, quick read that throws you into the thick of it. Anna (Carra) finds herself running through a forbidden area of the fae quarters with amnesia until a guard catches her and threatens to kill her for her trespassing. She is miraculously saved by Straid who covers for her by saying she is his fiancee and they are to be married the following morning. They develop a rocky friendship trying to recover her memories while simultaneously investigating the disappearances of several humans and fae.

Some Vague Spoilers to Follow (nothing that will ruin the plot):

For me, the book could've used more world-building. I appreciated the immediate draw of being put into action, afterward the book slowed drastically with many opportunities to delve deeper into this world and the many types of creatures within it. It could have deepened the readers' emersion and was a lost opportunity. There were a few plot holes, some of which may be tied together in subsequent installments. My biggest issue with this novel was the believability. Carra magically remembers she's a prostitute but really nothing else. I just find it hard to believe that this woman loses all of her memories, gets one flashback of sleeping with a man, and instantly is like "aha! im a prostitute, time to get back to work!". I feel that Carra should have had more trauma to work through to get back to that profession, especially with how apprehensive she was of Straid the first half of the book. Some of the sex dialogue also felt a little forced, and more natural flow would've worked better. Specifically, the scene where she invites the new body guard to join her with Jax like 5 minutes after meeting him. It was just... strange.

Otherwise, it was a super fun read, and the last 25% of the book was great pacing, and super enthralling. I will be anxiously awaiting the second book to figure out if my guesses are correct! If you're in the mood for something that isn't the typical series of trials romantasy, this is a wonderful option.

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📚Mortal Memories by F. A. Eden📚


💜Memory loss
💜Marriage of Convenience
💜Slow burn
💜Friends to lovers

Carra is a human who has lost all of her memories, and now she is in a forbidden place in the Fae city unaccompanied. This is against Fae laws and is punishable by death. Fortunately, a fae male named Straid, steps in and saves her life by offering to marrying her. They are married that night, with the knowledge that there could never really be love between them for different reasons. Carra is still trying to recover her memories, slowly, and Straid is trying desperately to suppress his painful memories of a long deceased fiancée. Meanwhile, human and fae women are disappearing. Straid is pulled into it when two of his household employees are taken. Could the mysterious disappearances be connected to Carra’s memory loss? And when Carra and Straid’s friendship deepens into more, can they both accept it?

👩🏻My Recommendation👩🏻
This was a really great read. I loved the marriage of convenience and memory loss tropes in this book. There’s spice in it, with it also being a slow burn between the two main characters. The ending frustrated me at first, but upon deeper reflection, it actually really makes me excited for how the next book is going to pan out. I would highly recommend this book. I really enjoyed it. It’s romance focused and not world building focused, but sometimes that’s the kind of book you need in between heavy fantasy novels. It’s fun, sexy, tension filled, and with an intriguing twist at the end.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for providing the ARC and the opportunity to review this book.

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The beginning of this novel starts with a woman named Carra who can't remember who she is or anything about her life for that matter. She is found in an area where humans are killed and a fae named Straid saves her life by claiming they are to be married in the morning to the guard who is trying to kill her.

Later due to some magical fragrance, Carra remembers some parts of her life. Mainly that she is a prostitute. Still wanting to find out more about herself, she starts engaging with her clients again. During this time, several people have disappeared. To learn more information she sleeps with her clients more and they seem to give her whatever she wants.

The two main characters don't start to develop any kind of feelings for each other until very late into the book. Then it kind of seems very fast paced at that point. I do wish that there was more focus on their relationship growing rather than focusing on her prostitution and clients.

The ending left me a bit confused, but also interested enough to read the sequel when there is one.

Thank you #Netgalley, F.A. Eden, and publishers for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Ich habe mich über das Buch sehr gefreut. Es ist nicht nur fließend zum lesen sondern auch sehr spannend.

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Mortal Memories
Author: E.A. Eden
⭐️ Rating: ⭐️⭐️
🌶️ Rating: 🌶️

The Good, The Bad and The Yes Please:

A late night traipse through the fae quarters forbidden by threat of death to mortals travelling alone, leaves Carra in a position she never could have imagined. Mostly because she can’t remember anything at all. Given the unexpected choice of making a run for it or marrying the fae stranger who came to her rescue, she is thrown into a world she can’t remember, and has no idea who to trust.

This book was unusual in the way it drew itself out - there was very little world building, very little explanation or backstory on our characters and it led with a kind of tension and intrigue that I find more in psychological thrillers I pick up in the airport more than my typical fantasy books. If it wasn’t for the mention of Fae and magic every so often that’s exactly what I would have thought I was reading.

The premise is interesting and kept me going, although I did not feel any connection to the FMC, though I did feel for her amnesia. Like a good airport thriller (fae psychological thriller?) this book was a light read that I read quickly and appreciated the simplicity.

I would say read this book if you are into light fantasy reads with a psychological thriller feel to them.

A big thank you to NetGalley, F.A. Eden and BooksGoSocial for allowing me to have an ARC for this book in exchange for an honest review.

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“And suddenly she was alone with the injured husband she could no longer deny she had feelings for.”

This book was surprisingly good. When I first started reading it, I went in with no expectations whatsoever. The story of a human woman who does not remember anything about her life and a fae lord who remembers too much and saves her from a terrible destiny. The dynamic they share is complicated, intriguing and fascinating. It left me wanting more at the end of every chapter. I didn’t want the story to end and yet I was craving more of the action. At the very beginning it seemed like the fmc’s story and the mmc’s were totally separated and had nothing in common. But then the threads between their fates started to glow and everything got it be more visible. It still was quite complicated but the narration was easy to get through and made it all not that hard to read. And the spice … let’s just say that it was in the right amount. Would I have wanted more? A specific time of more? Maybe. But I guess there’s still more to the story to be told so … we have time for that! Overall I’m glad I got to read this book! I did enjoy it very much!!

"Come, let us find a place away from the crowds," he murmured against her curls. "I find I would like to be alone with my wife."

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