Member Reviews

I used to love choose your own adventure books as a kid, and this did not disappoint! I chose not to go backwards and choose a different path until I had read it through once (I didn't want to ruin the fun). An enjoyable adventure!

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The Enchanted Realm
The Uncharted Adventures of Rose water Pickle: A book of Choices and Consequences
WP van der Merwe
This is a book of choices. You begin reading until you are offered several choices. You click on your choice, and it takes you to the next section of your adventure. Some choices are exciting and good choices others are not. As you will soon discover, this book begins with a bang.
Torin Vargrun looks under his sink and finds a device connected to a cell phone. There are wires and bricks of explosives. The phone rings and the caller ID recognizes the caller as Urok the Korgon. Torin dived but still suffered from the “shards of glass, metal, and splinters of wood.” He was thrown through the back door into the yard. “ He crawled toward the old oak tree which was the Tree Door, a gateway to Edinu.” So begins the adventure.
This book has other choices…“This book is a gate way into the realm of Edinu”. You can read the book in a traditional manner. The book can be read in a “Personalized Adventure” you can imagine you are the main character alone with your best friend and you can even have the main characters names changed. The Lexicon of Edinu . This is where you can learn the language and lore of Ediny. Every word has a significance. Grimdark Trackers’ Field Guide explores the Myriad Monsters of the Omniverse through the eyes of Torin Vargrun.”
The Enchanted Realm will appeal to YAs. This is an interesting concept. It has been used with children’s books but I’m not sure it has been used with a YA/Adult book.
Thank you NetGalley for providing a review copy.

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I loved the premise of this, but I wish we’d gotten a bit more time to sink into the characters and really learn about them at the beginning. Overall I found this book fun but a bit hard to get into, and I wished some of the choices were a bit more different from each other. Though I didn’t love the book, I will probably give it another try at some point to go down a different path from the ones I followed because there were things about this I found intriguing.

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A great read! This genre isn’t my usual go to but after reading the description I wanted to pick it up and it didn’t disappoint! this is a fun and exciting story that I genuinely enjoyed and would definitely recommend to others

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This is a great read! The choose-your-path feature makes this a very engaging and fun story. It's a magical and exciting adventure that feels somewhat similar to Narnia but bigger and so immersive. I love that the reader makes the decisions that move the characters and the story along

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