Member Reviews

Jacob Knox wakes up with a dead girl next to him in a hotel room, and so it begins.. This book was an action-packed mystery novel, that was an interesting read for the most part. However, there was a lot regarding cyber currency and crimes that was difficult to understand and/or follow at times. I would be concerned that an older person may be put off by that, as it could be too much. Overall, decent read.

Lethal Transaction von Christine R. Kennedy ist ein packender Thriller, der die Grenzen zwischen Wirtschaft, Macht und Mord in einem explosiven Mix zusammenführt. Kennedy entführt die Leser in eine Welt voller Intrigen, gefährlicher Geschäfte und dunkler Geheimnisse, die die Hauptfigur in einen Strudel aus Verrat und tödlichen Konsequenzen stürzt.
Die Geschichte folgt einer engagierten Ermittlerin, die in einem hochkarätigen Finanzunternehmen inmitten eines Mordes ermittelt, der in direktem Zusammenhang mit illegalen Transaktionen steht. Der Mord scheint zunächst ein Zufall zu sein, doch bald wird klar, dass die Machenschaften im Hintergrund weitaus tiefer gehen. Der Mord wird zu einem Schlüssel, der die dunklen Geheimnisse der Finanzwelt und die skrupellosen Akteure, die sie steuern, ans Licht bringt.
Kennedy zeigt ein feines Gespür für Spannung und lässt den Leser in die Welt des Finanzmarktes eintauchen, wo Macht, Geld und Einfluss gefährliche Spielzeuge werden können. Die Ermittlerin selbst ist eine komplexe und interessante Figur, die sowohl mit ihrer beruflichen Verantwortung als auch mit persönlichen Konflikten zu kämpfen hat. Ihre Entschlossenheit, die Wahrheit zu finden, wird auf die Probe gestellt, je näher sie der Lösung des Falls kommt und je mehr sie sich in einem Netz aus Lügen und Betrug verstrickt.
Der Thriller lebt von seiner hohen Spannung und den überraschenden Wendungen, die den Leser stets in Atem halten. Christine R. Kennedy versteht es, die verschiedenen Stränge der Geschichte geschickt miteinander zu verknüpfen und immer wieder neue Enthüllungen einzuführen, die den Mordfall in einem völlig neuen Licht erscheinen lassen. Die Geschichte ist zwar hauptsächlich von Ermittlungen geprägt, doch auch die psychologischen Dimensionen und die moralischen Dilemmata der Protagonistin werden sehr gut herausgearbeitet.
Der Schreibstil von Kennedy ist klar, präzise und fesselnd. Die Autorin schafft es, die Komplexität der Finanzwelt verständlich darzustellen, ohne den Leser zu überfordern, und gleichzeitig eine dichte, atmosphärische Spannung aufzubauen, die den gesamten Roman trägt.
Fazit: Lethal Transaction von Christine R. Kennedy ist ein spannungsgeladener Thriller, der die Themen Macht, Geld und Verrat in einer faszinierenden und gefährlichen Geschichte vereint. Mit einer gut entwickelten Hauptfigur, einer packenden Handlung und überraschenden Wendungen ist dieses Buch ein Muss für Thriller-Fans, die komplexe Ermittlungen und psychologische Tiefen lieben.

Jacob Knox is a government agent who finds the body of a famous female in his hotel room. He has no memory of last night. How did she die and why? Who did it?
Now Jacob is on the run because the police think he did it, so he flees. And so, we enter the world of crypto currency, where the stakes are high and money is the great motivator. Jacob has to investigate because he can't go down for a murder, even though he doesn't know what happened to her, or if he was part of it.
The world of crypto can also have a dark side, and everything can change in an instant. It all depends on the operator.
It begins with the murder, the frame- up , and a world where people can manipulate the lives of others. Let the chips fall...
The action is fast and the characters are complex and everybody has an agenda.
A good read.

If you’re a huge cyberpunk or cybercrime junkie this book is for YOU!
Jacob wakes up in a daze and realizes miss May Day, a techno pop and huge internet idol is dead in a hotel room they shared. The rest is for you to read about him. I don’t want to spoil. I will say the detective on the case comes off as annoying and a little out of it.
There is a bunch of cyber stuff that goes into this investigation. It’s a really great book! It’s a quick fun read! ALSO Knox is SUPER mysterious! I loved it!

A dead girl, an ex-government agent, and a trail of secrets. Jacob Knox is in up to his head. The Austin police want him for a murder he didn't commit. And if that wasn't bad enough, the murdered girl is an online celebrity! Good book! This book had suspense, murder, mystery, a great who done it and a few great twists and turns! The story was very interesting and kept me glued to my kindle! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

Thanks to Netgalley for this ARC. Firstly the format was hard to follow, and there is grammatical errors throughout. The book starts off with action right away and I really liked it at times. It instantly follows a murder and it’s filled with cyber talk and hacking with lots of action but I did find the detective Harris really annoying and out of touch. This universe is all about crypto currency it seems like and there’s but I pulled through and at times I really liked the action, I also really liked the character Knox and how mysterious he is as a character. This girl Mayday gets murdered at a hotel room and Knox is caught in the same room as her and he feels as if he’s being framed for it. We follow Knox as he tries to catch the real killer of May Devereaux aka Mayday for al of her followers and there so many interesting things that are packed into this story it’s not just police work there’s also futuristic like things going on all around Knox and the detectives that’s solving this case. This has been so fun to read and I highly recommend to anyone who is a fan of stuff like cyberpunk or anything to do with cybercrimes!

Knox an ex government agent awakes to a dead woman in the room with him and he has no clue what happened. Now he is on the run and trying to figure out who actually killed her before he is caught. However that just leads to a much bigger issue being unraveled.
This had lots of action in it and tech talk at times a little too much for a regular reader here for the thrills and mystery. Though don’t get me wrong this was still really good and kept you engaged.