Member Reviews
A must have guide for any gardener looking to further their understanding of companion planting ! My garden will blossom under these recommendations and I feel like I am ready to buy out the green house this spring. Ideal for those new to gardening but complete enough for even the seasoned green thumb.
I loved this book! It has a lot of useful information that I had never read anywhere else, and it was presented in a pretty simple, easy to understand way. I really enjoyed reading this in little bits here and there. My only critique is that this book could have benefited from some photography instead of just illustrations, but that's just my preference when it comes to gardening books. I'll definitely be purchasing a physical copy of this to add to my library.
Originally published 50 years ago, Carrots Love Tomatoes is known as a staple reference guide in the art of companion planting. Billed as a primer to start garden planning and organization, the goal is to optimize efforts and outcomes of gardens by leveraging the natural properties of plants to complement other plants grown near by.
When I think of companion planting, I often think about two plants falling into one of two mutually beneficial categories. Either two plants can benefit from being grown together because they require the same supplementation and conditions and therefore however the soil is treated and supplemented for one plant will work for the other, or, alternatively, two plants grown together utilize opposite or non-overlapping needs from the area meaning that they aren't competing for similar resources. This book covers a little bit of A, and a little of B. What I wish this book did was make the two clear. In fact, this book made very little clear.
The organization of this book essentially broke down to a diary list of plants and what they grow well with, though not always. Some lists of plants were merely details about what the plants are used for or how they are poisonous. Reading this book felt like reading a grandmother's journal of anecdotes and feelings about plant combinations. Is the information accurate? Who knows. I was a little surprised how little space in the book was spent on companion planting. And I found it strange that information was not reciprocal. There was little rhyme or reason behind what was included.
And I will acknowledge once more that this book was originally published 50 years ago and that this is the 50th anniversary edition which has supposedly been updated. What I will point out is that maybe it should have been updated a little bit more. For example, the book uses no less than 3 distinct outdated terms to refer to species common names and geographic regions and peoples that are no longer accepted due to being racial slurs. I was greatly disappointed by this oversight.
Overall, while I have been enjoying reading about gardening lately and I loved the hand drawn garden diagrams, I felt that I really couldn't use any of the information from this book and even if I knew the information was valid wouldn't be able to easily look up information to reference if I did need it. I recognize the importance of this book in shaping the field of companion planting, but wish "updated" actually meant something to bring the book into modern times as a reference guide.
*I would like to thank the publisher, author, and NetGalley for providing an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
Do you know that onions will help protect your spring planted squash plants from invading squash bugs? Onions can also help peas and beans? Some garden plants can retard the growth of others? The late gardener and author Louise Riotte shared her vast knowledge and experience of companion gardening 50 years ago in the book, Carrots Love Tomatoes. Over 500,00 copies of this little treasure have been sold over the years.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who gardens or a newbie who wants to garden. I borrowed the original paperback from a Books by Mail program in the late 1970's. The content is as valuable today as it was then. My mother and I used the knowledge shared in its pages in our garden from that time forward.
I received a downloadable copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley and ordered a paperback copy for a Christmas gift for a family member. In my own unsolicited opinion, I know this book is a treasure trove of information. It details the vegetable plants that will boost or protect the growth of plants that grow well together. Just as some plants protect, enhance the soil and can enable growth of neighboring plants this book also focuses on plants that can be harmful to others.
The gardener can read the book cover to cover or when planning your garden, you may want to start with the index and search the specific plants that you want to plant. (Mom and I took notes, starting with the plants we typically planted and made our own chart of what went well together and what plants could cause damage to the success of growth in other plants.) The book also includes helpful information such as a drawing of a garden featuring companion planting, soil improvement with "green manure crops" and companion flowering plants that protect and enhance certain vegetables. Hint: bee balm helps enhance the taste of tomatoes!
This is a book that came highly recommended, and I plan to purchase as I plan my upcoming garden. Anyone with an interest in successful gardening will want to learn more about companion planting, and Louise Riotte's book is the best resource out there.
One of the most thorough, comprehensive books I've read not only on companion planting, but also just with information on all the benefits of different plants. Their uses, their nutrients. Very thorough. Not a book you would just sit down and read from front to back, but more of a reference book where it's helpful either to read in small amounts to learn about a couple plants at a time, or go to as an index to look up information about specific plants. Overall a great companion to a gardener.
Great book that provides excellent inspiration with achievable ideas for your own garden
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I love this book ❤️. I’d read it a decade ago when I was first getting into gardening. Reading it again now, I love it even more. Great reference!
Lost one star for the wordiness at times when lists would be better.
Easy to look up specifics, but also enjoyable to read start to finish.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the e-copy in exchange for an honest review.
There is a reason why Carrots Love Tomatoes, Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening by Louise Riotte is now in its 50th Anniversary Edition. It is a straightforward written guide that is invaluable to a new gardener but also has helpful information for a seasoned one. Small or large areas are discussed in this book with garden plot maps that are simple, yet still being very helpful. I found the poisonous plants chapter to be interesting even though it is not full of plants that would be a temptation to eat, many of them being flowers grown for their beauty only. This was something new to me, having never seen this list before.
My only problem is not with the book but with plants that we don’t like or eat. Still there are enough companion plants that in most cases I found one that works not only for the plants but for my family too. I won’t plant this year spring without consulting this book first. A must have for gardeners.
If you’ve ever wondered which plants are BFFs and which are sworn enemies, *The Original Guide to Companion Planting* is the gardening wisdom you need! Louise Riotte’s timeless tips make it easy to boost your harvest by pairing plants that thrive together (hello, parsley and asparagus) and avoiding combos that clash (sorry, broccoli and tomatoes). Packed with practical advice to repel pests, support pollination, and grow a healthier garden, this guide will have your plants—and you—thriving in no time! 🌱
An incredible guide for gardening. The descriptions and explanations about the plants, how they fit together and why they're good together which is more important are great. Here you have a book that will be useful all your life. It will help me to organise and decide how to plant my garden and which plants to mix for a better result. For the 5 stars I would need a chart to summarize all together and also more details about why planting them together. But is a great book.
<b>Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for gifting me with a free copy. Opinions are my own and are freely given.</b>
I had the privilege of reading the 50th anniversary edition. This book is full of amazingly useful knowledge. I can't wait to take advantage of the benefits of companion planting and learning how my own garden changes as a result.
Every gardener needs this! I plan on using much of this information heavily next season when I plant my garden. I learned so much from this book about what to plant next to each other and what should stay separated.
I can't believe I haven't come across this book before! I love learning about tips for growing vegetables and companion planting. This is a classic so deserving of a 50th Anniversary reprint. I love the way the book is organized alphabetically by vegetable, along with fun facts sprinkled in. There are sections on herbs, wild plants, fruits, and nuts as well. I very much appreciate the section on how to deal with pests using natural methods. There are hand-drawn classic illustrations throughout that add to the charm as well. Overall a must-add to any vegetable gardener's shelf! I look forward to organizing my garden around Louise Riotte's tips, and to see how it goes!
This was SO helpful! I am so glad I got approved for this arc as I was winding down my garden for the year and thinking about how I want to use my space for effectively next season! This is clear, informative, and super practical for any gardener to use!
Carrots Love Tomatoes has quickly become one of my top recommended gardening reference guides. First published in 1975, this updated 50th anniversary edition is a classic for gardeners. It is filled with tried and true wisdom when it comes to companion planting. A simple flip through the alphabetical listing allows a gardener to find specific plant information and a guide to what will be its best pest-repelling companion and which plants thrive with others.
Additionally there are chapters about herbs, fruits and trees and most importantly soil health and composting.
Great for beginners or experienced gardeners alike. This is an indispensable gardening reference book for those who want to garden using more natural pest control and less fertilizers.
If you are a gardener, new or experienced, this book is amazing! It is a wonderful reference guide that should be in ever gardeners collection.
It is a great guide to use when planning a garden or adding something new into your garden. The way that it is laid out it is easy to find a specific plan and then to read about that plant. It will break down the other plants it loves to be around as well as the plants it should not be near in your garden. This can be really helpful when planning your garden and in making sure that your plants are benefiting each other instead of working against each other!
I loved the illustrations in this version as well!
This book dives deep into the practice of companion planting in gardening. I know the basic of gardening and using host flowers for some vegetables (ex: nasturtiums planted next to squash can keep aphids and other pests at bay), but this book dives into companions for nearly every plant you can think of to add to your garden, and explains why it works. The way I would use this book is that of a reference guide, rather than a book to read cover to cover, although you certainly could if you wish!
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance copy!
I really appreciate this classic gardening book. It's straightforward and helpful, and a great resource to have to refer back to when planting so you can have success in your garden yield. It contains simple and cute black and white illustrations that make it a joy to flip through!
Thank you for my earc of this book. This is a helpful book to have, especially as a gardening beginner and it’s something I can keep referring to