Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley, Hannah Nicole Maehrer and PRH UK Transworld for a galley of this in exchange for an honest review.

I read, and thoroughly enjoyed, the first book in this series Assistant to the Villain, and as soon as this came up I requested it! Maehrer did not disappoint. This was as hilarious, tongue-in-cheek, and raucous as the previous book in the series, Apprentice to the Villain sees Evie Sage coming into her own, recovering after many a betrayal, and investigating her ever-green cheer, as she is tested in new and difficult ways. Trystan, the eponymous Villain, is also tested... and not just by Evie.

As with the previous book, this is a slow-burn romance, filled with humour, and crammed full of story. Maehrer has a talent for telling you far more than you think you need to know, and yet never losing the sense of the story. This, for some, is a negative, but I think it adds to the characterisation. Evie is so full of enthusiasm, that her telling us everything just feels like what she would do! I love the characters, I love how everyone is a little bit in love with someone else, I love how the world is developing. This, to me, feels like someone getting to live their dream of telling us a fairytale, and I adore that about these books. Maehrer seems genuinely thrilled to be a writer, and that is something I understand all too well.

Like the first this has some confusing sentences, and more than a few actual errors. I would hope these are caught prior to publication, but having spotted similar issues in the previous book I think it is just an unfortunate fact. Still a strong read. 3.5 stars, rounded up!

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"The story of The Villain and Evie continues in this sunspenseful and magical sequel to "Assistant to the Villain". Book two is as good, sometimes even better, than book one. Don't miss out in it!"

This was a fantastic sequel! i love how the relationship between the villain and evie developed, nothing felt forced or too rushed.
the way the story unfolds is also absolutely amazing. and in addition to that, i love the newly introduced povs! i usually struggle with multiple povs, but hannah implemented them so well! i could not put this book down!!

i can't wait to meet all of the characters again in book three.

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I absolutely loved Assistant to the Villain and have been GAGGING for the sequel, especially after the cliffhanger ending. This book did not disappoint and I'm already counting down the days to the final installment because so much happens in this book!

As with the first book, Apprentice to the Villain is a grumpy/sunshine, slowburn romance with cosy fantasy vibes and medium stakes (I don't think cosy fantasy can ever have super high stakes). It features all of your favourite characters from the first book, an expansion of the magic system, an interesting quest that takes us to new places, multiple POVs, and causes more cries of "why the hell aren't you two together already?!"

This isn't to say that it is exactly the same as the first book as each character we love is seen going through a lot of growth, which helps to move the story on and stop it becoming stagnant. There is genuinely always something happening, so the pacing is quick without leaving you feeling like you're missing out on world building or character development.

If you're hoping for spice in this book, sadly you will be disappointed. This series is taking 'slowburn' to a whole new level, but I actually love it. However, if there is no pay off in the final book I will riot (it's YA so there won't be serious spice).

All in all, this is a cute, cosy, engaging book that I can see myself reaching for again in the future because it's just good fun.

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Good God, what a delight this book was! I was scared that it would suffer the "second book curse" and would only function as a kind of filler book, but NO! Absolutely not.

I found it to be even better than the first book, with so many new characters we got to know better, a beautiful flowing and engaging writing style, new revelations and storylines that I couldn't wait to explore and most of all - TENSION, BABY!

Evie's Journey throughout the book from being an insecure people pleasing girl to becoming a strong, kind hearted women that doesn't take sh*t from anyone while still keeping her good soul was so beautiful and relatable. The same goes for The Villian, which might just be my new favorite book boyfriend. His toughness paired with his conflicting feelings towards a certain apprentice and the goodness he has in him (even though he finds it utterly DISGUSTING most of the time) made him such a loveable character.

All of the side characters felt like a big, chaotic family to me and I grew to love practically all of them throughout the course of the story.

I did feel like some of the world building fell a little short in this book. I was so eager to learn more about the curse, the world and the magic, but only got crumps throughout the book. And the "hints" we got regarding the plot twist were sometimes reeeeeaallly obvious, which is why the big revelations fell a little flat for me.

Nonetheless, this story made me giggle, kick my feet, gasp, cry, laugh out loud, broke my heart and put it back together (not in that particular order) and I can't wait for the next one!

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Overall thoughts:
Release Date: 8th August 2024

‘There are some beings you simply cannot keep apart; they’ll always find their way back to each other.’

‘She knew she was chaotic, but this was a bit much, even for her.’

Tropes: frog prince companion, fantasy, multiple POV, banter, sexual tension, found family, protective MMC, witty FMC, forced proximity, he falls first, banter

This book is the second in the ‘Assistant To The Villain’ trilogy, continuing directly on from the cliffhanger ending of the first book. A prophecy to enact & a battle with the King to win to save the magic of the world.

Wow! I loved the first book in this series, but this one I loved even more! This one is without a doubt one of my favourite reads of the year!
I’m so invested in this story & its characters!

I also really like the writing style Hannah uses. It’s fun, lighthearted, banter filled, laugh out loud fantasy. It’s really easy to consume in turns of fantasy, which is a nice break from high fantasy.

There’s lots of things in this story that just give you that cute giddy feeling, Evie & the magic 🌫️😶‍🌫️, the gurves, just Blade as a whole 😂🫡

If you want criticism you won’t find it here. I’m sorry, I loved this one.
I laughed, I kicked my feet, I cried.
I can’t wait for book three!

Thank you to Net Galley, Hannah Nicole Maehrer & Penguin for the review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The plot is refreshingly intricate, keeping you hooked with its twists and turns while slowly unraveling the intense chemistry between the leads. Watching Evie’s evolving relationship with the villain is both thrilling and deeply satisfying. This book is a delicious blend of suspense and romance that will leave you eagerly turning the pages. Can’t wait for the finale.

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Where do I start. This book was incredible!!

It was even more action packed than the first, the tension between Evie and the villain was even more so and I squealed and giggled so much!!!

There was new budding relationships between old
characters and major character development.

Hannah writes her characters as if you were there along with them in the story, they feel like family and I love when a book does that.

The writing was easy to follow whilst being descriptive and creative. The setting following massacre manor and the other places made me wish I was there and set the scenes nicely.

These books easily are up there with my favourites and they will be cherished in my heart forever.

I can’t wait for the next book already and it will be so sad for this series to end.

These books are my Roman Empire 🫶

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How I love this series!

I adored the first book and this was no exception! Fun, witty and of course that magical element!

I love the slow burn romance of Evie and the villain.
And I also love how Evie starts to learn to be more like the Villain.

The book ends on a cliff hanger and I can’t wait for the next one!

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This was brilliant!!! The banter was fantastic as always, I lived for the character development. There were so many twists and secrets revealed during this, and I still wonder when poor Evie will catch a break in the family department.

I expect a 3rd book and I hate that I’ll have to wait a while for it!

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I've never applied for an ARC so fast and was delighted when I received a copy. This is a brilliant update on Evie and The Villain's story and ends on another cliffhanger that makes me sad this book isn't out yet as I have even longer to wait for the next instalment!

The Villain books are what I would consider cosy fantasy, and this one is packed with really funny banter, big twists, and romantic moments. The conclusion did feel a little hurried, but otherwise the pacing was perfect.

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First thing I have to say it thank you approving me to read this book and two,I loved every aspect of this book. It had me physically kicking my feet and giggling. There were also some tears.. take that as you will. I loved the first book so I knew I was going to love this one. I love a good found family moment and a morally grey man! Well done Hannah you did it again! I cannot wait for the 3rd instalment of this series, I’m so excited.

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apprentice to the villain was so so fun to read it was such a good fantasy lighthearted story with intrigue, betrayal and lots of humour.

after reading 'assistant to the villain' and the cliff hanger I knew I need to get my hand on apprentice to the villain and it did not disappoint. I felt the characters in this story were consistently funny and exciting to read about and I found myself regularly laughing and crying over some of the smalls quips and various events that go on during the course of this book.

Evie and Trystan ―୨୧⋆ ˚ I loved reading about them both together and separately as we got to see the feelings grown form both sides which was very very cute and excruciating... I loved the banter and the events that transpired as the plot and events of the book began to form a bigger picture.. for me the characters were definitely the best part of the book for me.

Plot ―୨୧⋆ ˚
Although I did really enjoy all the events and places we read about in this instalment I felt myself occasionally getting lost in the amount of events and activities that happened and the information that came with it. A L though it meant the story had more excitement at times it felt rushed and I needed to go back and re read parts so I could retain the information I needed that added to the over-arching plot.

Despite this I still really enjoyed the read and would recommend if you're in the mood for a light-hearted and hilarious fantasy read.

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The much anticipated sequel to Assistant to the Villain was high up on my tbr list and when it arrived I was so excited. Evie and Trystan are back on the fight for good v evil. But destiny is determined to throw a curveball in their path.
I am not a fantasy reader at all but this book is so comfy and cosy and I just found myself immersed in the world and book 3 please!
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I did enjoy this book more than the first one (to which I wasn't a big fan!) The characters are fleshed out more and there is a bit more dimension to some of the side characters such as Becky and Lyssa. However, the 'plot twists' were quite predictable and I did find the romance somewhat cringe inducing at points. The writing style is not the best but I think it works for the style of story the author is trying to tell. Overall, this was a good book to rest my brain with.
Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC!

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Apprentice to the Villain follows on from where we left Assistant to the Villain. As with the first book in the series we are taken on an utterly ridiculous adventure. It’s so over the top I’m sure that it won’t vibe with a lot of people but for those that it does it is great fun. If you are looking for deep thought provoking literature then this isn’t the book for you. If you want a fantasy involving villains and magic and quests then dive in. The sloooooow burn is starting to be a bit too slow for my liking but that’s my main irritation. The writing is quite young too but kind of fits with the style.
Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the arc copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I really loved the first book in the series, but this was even better - the writing is much stronger and it was a joy to hang out with characters we have grown to love. This is such a sweet, silly, good time of a novel and the whole experience of reading it is pure fun. Love the found family aspect of the story, love the settings and various mini-quests they set off on, LOVE the incredible sloooooooooow burn romance (though I do hope it picks up speed a bit in the next book!) Just lovely, and can’t wait for the next one.

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I am fuming I can’t read the next book immediately.

Evie is going up (or down) in the world. Trystan, if Evie ever hands in her resignation I’m ready.

Funny, charming and a really great romance adventure. I love these books!!!!

Book one spoilers!!
Picking up where we left off, Evie is on a mission to rescue The Villain from evil king Benedict and return him to Massacre Manor. Mayhem ensues. The magic is fading, and it’s up to our favourite team to help it.

This is the kind of book I dream of writing, so hats off to the author. I have nothing bad to say I just love it. It’s joy and fun and love and magic and a really really great story. It doesn’t take itself seriously and you should read it in that vain. Life is serious, fiction doesn’t have to be and unserious stories are also brilliant.
What is not to love about an office comedy in a place called Massacre Manor?

Thank you to bantambooksuk and Netgalley for my #arc

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Apprentice to the Villain is the long-awaited sequel to the hilarious Assistant to the Villain. I was so excited to start reading this novel and find out what happens after the cliffhanger at the end of the first book. And don’t worry, Hannah Nicole Maehrer did not disappoint!

This book starts with The Villain in prison awaiting his public unmasking whilst his intrepid assistant Evie tries to plan his escape. I honestly think that this plot line was my favourite in the book. I loved seeing Evie take on a leadership role and lean into her more villainous tendencies. After the betrayals she faced in the first book, it was interesting to see her become more violent and confident (but don’t worry, she’s still a little ray of sunshine).

After this daring escape, the author then creates a new adventure for our villains and pits them against King Benedict. In this book, they explore the magical world of Rennedawn more. They encounter mythical Gods, a creature of destiny and even find some unicorns! All while they are trying to find Evie’s mum so that they can fulfil an ancient prophecy before the King. This sort of magical scavenger hunt was really fun and allowed the author to showcase each of the character’s skills. Becky, the HR administrator, especially gets more of a backstory and even some chapters from her perspective. There are even some chapters from the POV of a mysterious Valiant Knight.

In terms of the writing style, I think that the author has vastly improved her skills. In the previous book I kept reading sentences that were unnecessarily long or convoluted but in this book she was not only clear, but some of her lines were also beautifully poignant. The banter between The Villain and Evie was hilarious as always and I thought that the more emotional scenes between them were also well written.

I do think that this book is still written in quite a young way. This isn’t a bad thing because it makes it very easy to read and enjoy, but some of the ways in which characters act can seem juvenile at times. For instance, why is a ten year old hosting tea parties like she’s five? And why do the main characters fall down at least once every ten pages? If you can accept that this is more of a goofy, funny fantasy novel rather than an epic quest, I think that you’ll still have a great time. I read it on holiday and it was the perfect way to spend time out in the sun.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves laugh out loud fantasy books like The Princess Bride and movies like Your Highness or Robin Hood: Men in Tights. And of course if you’ve read the first book in the series you’ll love the sequel!

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I loved the first book in this series, new and refreshing.
This one I was less enamoured by. The quality of writing and characterisation remains the same, but there just isn't enough novelty in the story for me.
I'm hoping it's a dip as the second in the series.

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— 5 stars

"Sometimes family isn't a thing we are born into but a choice we make. Sometimes, the people who love you most in your life are the ones who choose you."

📖 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 336 pages
👤 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫: Hannah Nicole Maehrer
🏢 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫: Transworld Publishers, Penguin
📅 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞: 8 August 2024

What you can expect:
— Second Instalment In A Trilogy
— Third Person X Multiple POV
— Grumpy Employer X Sunshine Assistant
— Animal Companions
— Endearing Nicknames
— Found Family
— Slow Burn Romance
— Mutual Pining & Tension
— "Touch Her/Him And Die"
— Magical Prophecies

𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, familial estrangement, battle scenes, violence, death, torture, injury & blood, imprisonment, illness, drowning and alcohol use.

Apprentice to the Villain is the second instalment in the Assistant to the Villain trilogy by author Hannah Nicole Maehrer. Evie Sage has never been happier to be the assistant to The Villain. Who would have thought that working for an outrageously handsome (shhh, bad for his brand) evil overlord would be so rewarding? Still, the business of being bad is demanding, the forces of good are annoyingly persistent, and said forbidding boss is somewhat…er, out-of-evil-office. But Rennedawn is in grave trouble, and all signs – Kingsley’s included – point to catastrophe. Something peculiar is happening with the kingdom’s magic, and it’s made The Villain’s manor vulnerable to their enemies... including their nemesis, the king. Now it’s time for Evie to face her greatest challenge: protecting The Villain’s lair, all of his nefarious works, and maybe (provided no one finds out) the entire kingdom. No pressure, Evie. It’s time to step out of her comfort zone and learn new skills. Like treason. Dagger work. Conspiring with the enemy. It’s all so, so… delightfully fun. But what happens when the assistant to The Villain is ready to become his apprentice?

𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:
Author Hannah Nicole Maehrer continues to provide her readers with a never ending amount of laugh-out-loud moments in the follow up to Assistant to the Villain. This delightfully unserious tale (despite how serious The Villain may attempt to be) is filled with ample humour and wit in the midst of an environment seeped in chaos and pending ruin. Can you consider a book "low stakes" when somebody is being threatened with bodily harm every other page? Whatever it is... Apprentice to the Villain is sheer joy in page form which is the perfect story adaptation to bring to our TV screens. How could it not be with a crown wearing frog and a dragon named Fluffy? This sequel was unputdownable and read with ease as I consumed it within less than twenty four hours. The pacing was steady as I found the plot to move at a well fitting pace that complimented the development between the characters and the story being told. The reader is introduced to new parts of Rennedawn as our main group of characters act in a desperate race against time as magic itself begins to fracture. Magic is changing... and not for the better. Who better to save the day than The Villain and his band of misfits whom are otherwise known as his employees? I found the tone of the book to feel well balanced and spread out as we are granted more time to learn more intimately about or main cast of characters, and once again author Hannah Nicole Maehrer has created a memorable tale filled with everlasting bonds, delicious tension and an ample amount of twists and betrayals.

As readers we often go into a sequel with tentative expectations as it's well known that they are, unfortunately, either a big hit or a poor miss. Apprentice to the Villain was an incredible follow up which takes place almost immediately after the ending of book one. I was on the edge of my seat awaiting the moment that the plan would unfold and save the Villain from his untimely situation... and unfold it did. The plot was as suspenseful, chaotic and outright fun as the first instalment to the trilogy... with just that little bit more. With the King of Rennedawn on the hunt for Trystan and Evie in a bid to launch his nefarious plans, they must beat him at his own game and secure the Story of Rennedawn and be declared the saviours of magic. But naturally it's not going to be an easy journey, and our characters find themselves in difficult situations and facing harsh truths along the way. The stakes are higher than ever and the plot continues to unravel from beginning to end. This is by no means a filler-filled book, and I'm selfishly already awaiting news on the final instalment to this trilogy after the events of this action-packed book.

Evie Sage is starlight personified in a slightly more murderous body than we last saw her in. I'm pleasantly surprised at how much of a comfort character the Villain's assistant has become... but I truly adore and treasure Evie's character. Her ability to radiate joy and kindness in every situation is a breath of fresh air in a world filled with threats, murder and severed heads hanging from the ceiling. Her ability to feel everything all at once whilst desperately trying to remain level headed and strong is something many readers can relate with, and I think that's what it comes down to. Evie is a raw and real character created in a very fictional setting. Her vulnerabilities are our vulnerabilities. Her strength. Her ability to forgive. They are also ours to cherish and protect. Evie is a character I found myself desperately wishing I could see more of myself in, and that's such a rare treasure to find. Evie loves deeply and without restraint, and is no long afraid to call upon the darker parts within herself when those loved ones are threatened. Her compassion and kindness is an attribute I respect and love, however I must admit to really enjoying the exploration into the darker aspects to Evie's character. I'm very excited and intrigued to see where her journey will lead after that revelation at the end, and I just know it's going to be a journey worth waiting for.

Trystan's character is a walking contradiction and I thoroughly enjoyed the journey we follow him on in Apprentice to the Villain. Despite having worn his title as 'The Villain of Rennedawn' with pride for many years... destiny has caught up with him and is now demanding payment. I was taken by surprise at how much of the story takes focus on the struggles that Trystan is undergoing after his shock imprisonment by the King. His magic is failing him and people are looking to the Villain to save the day. when that is not his intended role. It's hard to stay in the role of 'Evil Overlord' when his irresistible assistant can melt away his fury and need for revenge with one look. Honestly, this poor man's journey was hilarious as it essentially focused on his attempt to remain in control as his employees continued to disregard his orders. Honestly, it's clearly proving difficult to find sufficiently terrified employees these days. What is this warm and fuzzy sensation that he feels when he's around them, because it's dastardly? A wholly unwelcome development. I enjoyed exploring the soft and tender side to his character and seeing how he's admitted defeat when it comes to his peers, His family. The found family elements were strong it was rewarding to see Trystan realise that he had found his people that he would defend and who would defend him in return. I will admit to finding myself frustrated with his decisions at times, especially when it came to Evie, but at the same time I can understand the well-meaning intentions. Apprentice to the Villain leaves Trystan's character very much unsaid, so I'm very eager to see where his character will lead in the upcoming conclusion to this feel-good trilogy.

𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭:
If you aren't a fan of the slowest of slow-burn romances... then consider this your warning. The romantic development between Evie and Trystan is very slow-moving and can at times feel frustrating. Yeah, they're in the middle of a battle for their lives. Can't they schedule in a conversation about feelings and expectations in there somewhere to ease my eager heart? Thanks. In all seriousness though, their journey is very slow as both characters are as stubborn and unrelenting as the other. But the quiet moments in between? The subtle glances and soft touches? Swoon. I adore Evie and Trystan together and I'm just impatiently awaiting what I hope will be their own version of a happily ever after. The chemistry these two share is unmatched, and if this world had soulmates then there is no denying that is what they would be. Evie and Trystan work perfectly in tandem with one another and a act as a seamless contradiction that shouldn't work, and yet it does flawlessly. The light and the dark. The good and the bad. The morally grey and imperfectness. I love how Evie can calm Trystan's storm whilst he stokes her fire. I don't think I have ever read of a pair so perfectly in sync and attuned to the needs of the other, and that alone has me obsessed. Trystan's patience and kindness with Lyssa. Evie's (sometimes not) gentle and nurturing nature. They would go to war on behalf of the other, and I cannot waiting to reap the rewards of their delicious slow burn in the final untitled book.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬:
Apprentice to the Villain was an incredibly fun and (mostly) light-hearted follow-up which showcased its strength in the continuation of the plot and the development of our characters. I didn't want to risk making this review any longer than how it's looking to be, but just know that our side characters are as wonderful and nefarious as always. Becky's character development in particular was an absolute delight, and her budding romance with our cheeky dragon trainer remains one of my favourite sub-plots that I cannot wait to see unfold. This story was unputdownable and complimentary to its predecessor, and I'm already desperate to get my grabby hands on the third and final instalment to this trilogy.

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐑𝐂 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲.

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