Member Reviews

A great YA read, with magic, an eerie mansion, and a glowering teenage protagonist with a dark past.

Miles, on the other hand, has a happier family life, but holds a secret he's afraid to tell them.

When the two meet, a series of coincidences lead to a new friendship that could have deadly consequences.

This is a slow read, but no less enjoyable as we get to know the characters and the world of magic they live in. The ending will be controversial, but I for one can't wait to read the next book! Highly recommend.

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👻🔮The Hollow and the Haunted is a great YA supernatural rivals to lovers story with magic, ghosts, visions, and family feuds🔮👻

Miles gets a vision of Gabriel dying, and reluctantly sets out to help him undo whatever led to his death. Miles' and Gabriel's families have been feuding for generations, and the boys consider each other enemies by extension, so their work together is initially filled with distrust and secrecy.

<b>"He was going to figure out what the premonitions meant and save Gabriel’s life, if solely for the chance to prove him wrong and rub his stupid smug face in it.
And, you know, because it was the right thing to do."</b>

The book does a great job with both the supernatural setting/plot, and with the characters. While Miles works for his family's business where they exorcise spirits and deal with the undead, he struggles to define his own life and future, like any teen would, and balancing all that is quite a feat. Having Gabriel thrown into the mix doesn't exactly make things easier since he's keeping it secret from his family, but not approaching Gabriel was never an option for Miles.

At the outset, Miles and Gabriel couldn't be more different. Miles is engaging and funny, as well as an empath, and he comes from a closeknit but financially struggling family. On the other hand, Gabriel is cold and solitary, born into a wealthy family that doesn't like to show affection or any emotion really, which makes it that much more thrilling once we get to see beneath Gabriel's exterior and get to know him better.

As the two spend time together, chasing ghosts, and working on solutions for how Miles' fatal vision of Gabriel can be undone, they realize they might not hate each other as much as their families do.

A heads up that this is NOT a standalone. I feel like that should've been made clearer because the book ends on an evil cliffhanger that made me wish I had the second one in my hands already 😆

Read this book if you like:
🔴Magic, visions, and ghosts
🟡Slowww burn
🟢Rivals to lovers
🔵Funny banter

The Hollow and the Haunted by Camilla Raines // ⭐⭐⭐⭐.25

Thanks to Titan Books and Netgalley for the ARC. The Hollow and the Haunted is out October 22

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4.5 stars

Thank you Titan Books and Netgalley for providing me with an a-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I REALLY enjoyed this book! The vibes are immaculate and the lore is interesting and the characters are loveable and intriguing.

I really liked Miles as a main character. As an empath, he feels so deeply and he has a lot of trouble not trying to meet everyone’s emotional needs, often at the expense of his own. It was great watching him grow over this book and learn to stand up for himself a little more.

I adored Gabriel. I couldn’t help but love him. That ice cold exterior and dry humour, his surprisingly warm heart underneath it all. Not to mention his absolutely bonkers evil family history. I’m sitting here writing this itching for more Gabriel.

Their slow burn romance had my whole heart. I just loved it all so much, the ways they orbited each other, changed each other just a little, just enough that it was so clear how well they compliment each other.

The plot was an absolute page turner and had me on the edge of my seat and THAT CLIFFHANGER. God. I’ll never recover. I need the next book immediately.

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Another little spooky young adult book that really surprised me.

It's not a secret that I try to avoid reading books with teenage main characters, they usually annoy me with their behavior. But the description of this book sounded too good to not read it. And I can confirm that the story is also excellent.

Our two main characters couldn't be different. One is cold and seems to hate everyone, while the other is really kind and helpful. The only thing they have in common is the hatred their families have for each other. And their unnatural abilities. Both Gabriel and Miles come from families of mediums, empaths and seers. One day, Miles gets a vision that suggests to him that Gabriel will die soon, and he puts his prejudice towards the Hawthorns aside to try and help him.

That's the main plot of this book; two teenage boys with a very different upbringing trying to change the future, while figuring out why their families hate each other.

Both the romance and the main plot develop quite slowly, but I think it's quite fitting for this story. It made me really care about the characters and what was happening to them.
I loved the side characters and the world building. I was thinking that it would be an easy 5* rating but then the ending happened.
Without spoiling it, I will just say that it felt really anticlimatic. I was expecting a little more from this. Especially since just a few pages, the book
ends on a cliffhanger...
So there's an ending to this story, but actually there isn't. And while I wouldn't mind picking up the next part (actually I want it asap), I felt betrayed that there wasn't any information that I should expect such an ending.

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this was so cute, i loved it. the perfect cozy read for spooky season 🤍 i wasn't aware this was a series when i picked it up, but i am now really excited for the sequel!

thank you netgalley for the e-arc :)

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The Hollow and the Haunted, by Camilla Raines
384 Pages
3rd person, single character POV
Content Warning: mentions of anxiety, grief, loss, death of a parent (off-page), violence, implied homophobia, possession, family feud, panic attacks, visions, family curse, ghost attack, premonitions
Themes: rich boy x poor boy, privilege, enemies-to-lovers, psychic abilities, close knit community, hurt-comfort

The Hollow and the Haunted, by Camilla Raines is – for me – The Frighteners meets Sixteen Souls. It is everything that I wanted Cemetery Boys to be!

Full disclosure: I didn't know this was part of a series when I requested it or read it. It does end on a cliffhanger, but that didn't dampen my enjoyment of the book. In fact, this is one of my Best books of 2024.


The Hollow and the Haunted is a brilliant YA PNR story with an MM romance. It's got everything I could have asked for – romance, intrigue, ghosts, a haunting, feuding families and enemies to lovers, and cursed family heirlooms.

The book started with an incredible opening of a teen MC – Miles – grave digging! However, instead of having nefarious plans, Miles is there to return an item to the deceased woman, as his family have been hired to resolve a haunting. Things don't quite go to plan...and then Miles sees a strange boy in the mirror – bloody, dead and asking Miles to 'find me'.
Miles doesn't know what to do with the warning, until he meets the boy – alive and unaware of the threat. To his dismay, Gabriel Hawthorne is the son of the Hawthorne family, the arch-nemesis of Miles' family!

When it comes to characters, I LOVED Miles: the happy-go-lucky, well-meaning, hard-working teen who just wants to do his family proud, and use his gift for good; and Gabriel: the grumpy, rich boy with an ego and a habit of dismissing others, having learned to be cold from his distant mother. Between the two of them, their amazing chemistry and their witty banter, they make an incredible couple as well as great main characters.

The secondary characters are brilliant too: their mothers, Felicity and Sarah, have some of the best insults and banter in the book. I loved the relationship dynamics in the novel: Miles and Charlee's friendship, despite being cousins; Gabriel's protective instincts for his brothers; Bram and his clever cat; the chemistry between Miles and Gabriel. The relationships ranged from family to friendship to romance, and each one was completely unique and well-explored in a natural, organic way.

Miles is the only POV of the novel, but he's the perfect choice. He's a surprisingly level-headed and smart teenager; instead of screaming and throwing tantrums (like some teenagers in YA books lately), he's quietly disappointed in people, more frustrated with being hurt or getting mad rather than the person he's fighting with.

There are a wide range of psychic abilities explored throughout the book, in various ways. There's a wide network of witches/magical families in the community so there are a lot of ways to explore the magical gifts in this world. There's lots of teen life, anxiety and shenanigans throughout, family issues and in-the-closet drama.

The pacing was great, the plot clever and well-explored, with false leads and twists, so many suspects and problems to creep in.
Although I knew there would be a cliffhanger by around 60-70% – because there was so much story left to tell – this is a duology and it ends on a huge cliffhanger that sort-of resolves the plot of this book while leaving plenty more for the next to settle. This cliffhanger was a real surprise, leaving us with one heck of an ending.
I'm really looking forward to Book 2, and I hope it will be in Gabriel's POV, so that we can see more of his side of events.


Favourite Quotes

“Fate had made their families enemies, bound by death and tragedy. As surely as it had placed Gabriel in Miles's path, it would take him away. One way or another.”

“Gabriel hesitated. “It's...home. The only place I've ever lived.” He watched the flames. “It's also cold sometimes, empty. Hollow. I have all this space, but nothing to fill it with.” His eyes flicked over to Miles, there and gone. “Sometimes, I feel like a ghost living here. Invisible. Intangible.”

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*Trying to stay calm…* “WHEN is the next book?!?!”

Such an addictive read and I feel quite on edge now not knowing when the next book is 😅


Growing up in a family of mystics, Miles Warren has a vision of a dying boy. And is shocked to learn it’s the son of his family’s rivals, the Hawthornes.

Miles feels a duty to save, Gabriel, the spoilt and rude son. And together they set out on an investigation to uncover his potential killer.

There’s lots of dark history between the Hawthornes and the Warrens to be uncovered though. And despite Gabriel’s attitude, Miles finds himself slowly developing feelings for him.


Ahhhh I adored it! Especially:

🔮 The development of Gabriel and Miles. It’s a slow burn, and still has a long way to go, but I love them together. They have such great banter. And Gabriel’s jealously at the beginning is so good!!
🔮 And the general magic. It’s very witchy vibes, full of crystals and charging water under the full moon. Their abilities add an extra element to their relationship, with Gabriel basically overhearing many of Miles’ thoughts and when he has to dig through his mind! And I squealed when Miles used his happy thoughts about Gabriel to fight off a dark spirit! Love them 🥰🥰
🔮 The mystery! I still don’t entirely get all the bad blood between the families, and it seems there is so much to uncover. The initial discoveries were great though with the spirits, the old grimoire and the creepy house.
🔮 The emotional complexity. Both Miles and Gabriel have a lot of depth and I especially feel for Gabriel with his cold upbringing. And Miles is so relatable with his anxiety. And then with the added elements of the magic, like being forced to come out to people who can read him and the stress of not being able to block out strong emotions. I like the way their characters were approached and I’m excited to see how everything is navigated in the next book!
🔮 The wider families. I really wonder if Camilla Raines will set this world up for more stories and I love some of the characters she has developed, especially the siblings and Charlee! Bram is adorable with his strange cat, Charlee seems she has a lot of trauma to uncover, and Edmund! And I love Jenna’s creepy obsession with dead bodies!

Anyway, may buy a physical copy of this as I really loved it! Bring on book 2!

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This was such a fun yet 'serious' YA read. I really enjoyed it but was so frustrated by the ending!

The characters had so much depth and history (via their families and town) and I loved the way that everything came together in a 'reasonably' believable manner.

I'm curious to know more about Miles and Gabriel (especially the latter) and will be curious to follow their story!

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A cozy, spooky read PERFECT for the fall. I absolutely loved the characters, the at times gothic setting, the magic politics in the small town and the setting in Washington State! I need the next book ASAP!
Thank you to the publishers for passing this book onto me through NetGalley, I already have it in my Amazon cart for my students when it comes out. Such a great read and I'm very excited for more to come from Camilla Raines!
storygraph: annabecker
tiktok: bkrbooks

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A warm-hearted, cozy, queer fantasy perfect for spooky season, perfect for fans of Cemetery Boys and Beautiful Creatures.

Sometimes, getting the job done was as easy as a quick ritual to release a spirit or cleanse a possessed object. Sometimes, it required midnight gravedigging in a cemetery. And sometimes, Miles was unlucky enough that an angry spirit showed up to make things difficult when all he wanted was to go home, eat a mountain of pancakes, and go to sleep.

Miles is introverted, shy, anxious, and a massive people pleaser. He also helps out in his family business helping the spirits of the dead move on. Recently, he has started seeing a bloody boy in the mirror. And then he sees him in real life - Gabriel Hawthorne - part of the family feuding with Miles’s.

Gabriel makes it clear he does not need nor want Miles’s help in saving his life. In return, Miles is determined to figure out what the premonitions mean, if solely for the chance to prove him wrong and rub his stupid smug face in it.

"Well, at least now I know why you're so invested in saving him."
"What — what's that supposed to mean?"
"Please." She all but rolled her eyes. "He looks like the handsome-but-tortured love interest in every teen drama ever. Don't tell me he reads depressing poetry, stares wistfully out at the rain, and he's mean to you, but in a mysteriously sexy kind of way?"

This was so sweet!
Learning to stand up for yourself, snarky reluctant partners-in-uncovering-crime, dark generational family secrets…

Not to mention, the family relationships were great! Miles’s cousin deserves a spin-off book of her own.

The ending to book one’s arc was slightly anti-climatic, but the last few pages certainly ramps things up for the next book.

Thank you to Titan Books for sending me the physical arc in exchange for a review!

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Such a fun read for spooky season! If you like Heartstopper, and you like Supernatural you will probably like this book. The black cat/golden retriever dynamic between Miles and Gabriel is perfect, and Miles’ inner workings were just a joy to read. He is such a great character.

The plot was fast paced, but the story never felt rushed. The mystery is well crafted so far in that I haven’t quite guessed what is happening despite having some suspicions. That doesn’t normally happen, I’m usually one to catch on quickly.

The atmosphere of this book is great as well, you really get the feel for the town they live in and the people they know. Well thought out characters and great banter.

Ends on a cliff hanger which is painful, but I’d rather have a well written story than a rushed ending so this just gives me a reason to reread it and to look forward to a future book! Before I was even done reading the ARC I preordered a hard copy so that should tell you how much fun I found this story to be.

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The Hollow and the Haunted is a delightful blend of sweetness, humour, and intensity that makes for a truly engaging read. This novel stands out as a masterful work that captivates from the very first page.

The protagonist, Miles, is an exceptionally well-crafted character whose voice leaps off the page with vibrancy and authenticity. His humour and relatability draw readers in, making it easy to root for him throughout his journey. Miles’s dynamic with the enigmatic and somewhat prickly recluse, Gabriel, is expertly developed. Their rivals-to-lovers arc unfolds beautifully, providing a captivating mix of tension and emotional depth that keeps readers invested in their evolving relationship.

The supporting cast deserves special mention as well. Often, secondary characters can feel underdeveloped, but in The Hollow and the Haunted, each character enriches the narrative. Both Miles and Gabriel have intriguing siblings, as well as a memorable cousin, who add layers to the story and offer glimpses into their lives outside of the main plot. I found myself wishing for more of these characters in future instalments, as their dynamics have the potential to bring even more depth and excitement to the series.

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Absolutely loved this book! While the theme is YA, it didnt really read like it and I was hooked the entire time. And that cliffhanger.... man I need to know what happens next... Would totally recommend to readers of YA in general and fans of a mystery that needs to be solved. Ill be desperately waiting for the sequel

What I liked:
- the MC is just great. He felt so relatable and even some of the struggles he faces as a teenager are struggles we all face even as adults
- the nice sprinkle of romance was lovely and so cute. First love and its all new, scary and queer
- the mystery didnt feel obvious so far. The book ends in a cliffhanger so maybe my suspicion is correct but it feels mysterious enough and the stakes are high. I mean somebody might die?!
- really enjoyed reading about the family, the snickering between siblings and just the love that was portrayed

What I didnt like:
honestly cant think of a thing besides maybe that I need to know what happens next!!!

Thanks to netgalley for providing me with an ARC for this book. My opinion is entirely my own

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Thanks to Titan Books and NetGalley for the arc of The Hollow and the Haunted by Camilla Raines in exchange for my honest review.

Camilla Raines has created a story that gives feelings of a mm Romeo and Juliet with gothic mansion, spooky, malevolent ghost relatives and at its centre a teenage Empath, Miles who despite the family feud is determined to prevent Gabriel’s death.

The lead protagonist Miles is so lovely, often to his family an detriment, whilst Gabriel outwardly appears to be the opposite but, as their investigation proceeds and their relationship develops, we see that there is so much more to both.

This is the first book in a series and that cliff hanger at the end of the book is truly gut wrenching but, I’m even more intrigued and desperate for the next book in the series!

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I was stuck between not wanting to put this down and not wanting it to end this book was that good, From page one I was hooked, I love a good enemies to lovers/forbidden romance book and this one delivered everything I wanted and more. The plot, the writing, the characters, the relationships were amazing. I genuinely can't think of a single bad thing about this book. It's one of the best books I've read all year.
I need the second book now, I have to know what happens next.

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I found the comparissons between this and cemetary boys and sixteen souls to be quite apt. This was fine, exciting at times, underbaked at others. I really don't have much i think about it; the characters were fun, but didn't stick with me.

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In a sea of books that are either improperly marketed as YA, or are YA but contain material that I would not expect in a book for 12-18 year olds, The Hollow and the Haunted felt perfectly balanced.
Along with tackling the difficult subjects of familial legacy (and trauma), grief, and loss, Raines skillfully weaves in the coming of age tribulations of a teen who isn't quite ready to be out to the world, or his family. The nested murder mystery was engaging, and the pacing was perfect to drive the story along to its cliffhanger ending. I very much am looking forward to the next installment of Miles and Gabriel's story! A perfect spooky season read 🎃

Review will run starting 9/24 in perpetuity

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The Hollow and the Haunted follows Miles, a young empath that forsees the death of his family's rival's son and decides to help him avoid his gruesome end.

I really enjoyed this book !! The pacing was really well managed, and the characters were all endearing in their own way (except you felicity). I found Miles's inner monologue to be really funny and i loved seeing his relationships evolved throughout the story.
Gabriel was a strong character as well, even though i wish we saw more of him.
The only things that keep this from being a five stars read are the cliffhanger (was not expecting it, and almost screamed) and how easy the conflict resolution felt :/ also i feel like miles's empath powers were not used at all during the book which makes no sense to me?? I get that it obviously would be to easy to have him use them all the time to know people's emotions, but surely a little could help with his whole search ???
To put it more simply, this was a perfect read to begin spooky season, and i'm really excited to read book 2 !!!!

Big thanks to NetGalley and Titan book for the ARC

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An amazing debut. Raines had crafted a clever and intricate world of magic and intrigue that I cannot wait to read more about.

I adored both Miles and Gabriel. Miles’ family was perfectly written and I’m so curious about what is going to happen next with Gabriel’s family.

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Wow this book is something different entirely, it was one of those where you don’t even realise you’re speeding through the book into it … until suddenly you’ve finished and you’re sat there like, oh!
I’m a sucker for a ghost book and need a bit of the spooky without the “I’m not sleeping without all the lights on” and this was perfect!
All in all I loved this book and can’t wait to see what happens next, seriously, you can’t leave me on that cliffhanger!

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