Member Reviews

I really enjoyed reading this. It took me a while to get to due to other books coming out on my TBR list but this was a fun read. I would recommend to my followers.

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"The Hollow and the Haunted" chronicles the journey of a psychic named Miles and his endeavors to save the life of his family adversary, Gabriel. This debut novel is nothing short of remarkable, earning a solid 4 ½ stars in my opinion. I am genuinely impressed by Camilla Raines' storytelling prowess and anticipate her becoming a prominent name in future ‘best of 2024’ lists.

Despite my usual preference for Fantasy, Romance, and Mythology, this paranormal novel has broadened my literary horizons. I urge anyone who feels this genre is outside their comfort zone to give it a try, I guarantee you will not be disappointed. The characters are intricately developed, with even the supposed static Gabriel possessing a depth that is rare in contemporary fiction currently.

The cliffhanger, while initially disheartening, is a testament to the novel's brilliance and leaves readers eagerly anticipating more. "The Hollow and the Haunted" is expected to receive the acclaim it rightfully deserves.

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Content Warnings: Anxiety, Corpses, Car Accident

I enjoyed this book quite a bit. I'm a soft touch for a supernatural mystery, and this hit the right spot. I also thought that the romance was well done, building alongside the plot without actually being the main plot. Miles and Gabriel are both complex, engaging characters separately and together. Their differences are obvious, but its their similarities in important areas that make the pair work. Likewise, the supporting cast are well described, each unique enough to be of interest while also feeling natural. Charlee was an easy favorite of mine.

My one minor complaint about the book is the ending. While this is a duology, I just felt like the cliffhanger was a little too much. Again, very minor. Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a solidly plotted supernatural mystery with great characters.

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This book was so good! I spent every moment enthralled with Miles and his rivalry with Gabriel, watching their relationship develop as they fought against a deadly premonition. It felt so easy to read that I finished it in one sitting! Camilla Raines did a fantastic job of helping the reader connect to the characters, so much so that I also developed a fondness for some of the very minor side characters. The only downside is that I have to wait for a sequel!

I don't often give books 5 stars, but nothing was stopping me from going for it with "The Hollow and the Haunted." I wish I had more right this instant because I have absolutely no patience and desperately want to hear more from Miles, Gabriel, and Charlee. The vibes in this book were immaculate and it's always refreshing to read a queer book that isn't focused solely on the fact that the main character happens to be gay.

Please please read this book when it's out and give it the love it deserves!

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Wow! Just wow.
I immediately want to turn around, go back to the start and read this all over again.
There wasn't one single moment in this book where I wasn't completely entranced and transported by it. Two winning characters surrounded by a true-to-life cast; world-building in 4K Ultra High Definition; a plot that had me panting for more; and a lovestory worthy of Becky Albertalli.
Now, when's Book Two coming out?

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I received this book as an ARC and oh boy I am happy I did. I loved this book!

First of all, I didn't know it was going to be a series, otherwise I would have braced myself for that ending! I did not see that coming! The ending was a definite cliff hanger.

Overall, I love a story about "warring" families with years long grudges. Especially when it involves magic or a type of magic. Miles is a great main character, and very relatable to anyone who suffers from anxiety or panic attacks. To give him EMPATHIC powers is brilliant yet twisted in a way. He is a likable and goofy kid, and makes decisions based on his heart.

The relationship between he and Gabriel naturally progresses and doesn't feel forced. There are quick quips and fun banter- despite the dire situation of the story, the author did a wonderful job making it fun to read.

I was worried we wouldn't get all the answers and I was right. This makes for a great way to continue a series but I need answers now! I am on the edge of my seat for the next book.

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The Hollow and the Haunted by Camilla Raines

This is a brilliant YA novel exploring a young boy's journey into manhood. The way we get to watch Miles grow in such a short space of time was really heartwarming. We watch as he explores his sexuality, learns how to express his feelings and express boundaries. I found it a beautiful coming of age story which I'm sure many young readers could relate to in some way. Also, Gabriel and Miles's romeo & Julie style enemies to lovers relationship was very cute to watch unfold.

I enjoyed the supernatural elements to the book and found them to be well conceptualised, even for a YA. The world of ghosts, premonitions and mystery in which the readers find themselves in gripping, keeping us entertained right to the end. I found the plot to be quite thrilling, yet I wasn't a huge fan of the ending. However, I am hoping there will be a second book which will eventually satisfy my annoyance at the cliffhanger.

Overall I rated this 4 out of 5 stars. This is a fast-paced, fun read which I would highly recommend if you're looking for a lighthearted yet enjoyable read.

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I absolutely loved this book. It is advertised as perfect for readers of “The Raven Cycle” and “Cemetery Boys”, and it definitely lives up to that. With the focus on psychic powers and other fantasy elements, I think this release will be a highlight of the fall season. Miles, the main character is relatable and likable, while also having realistic flaws and fears. The plot was well thought out and complex, while also being easy to follow. Overall, I would recommend this book because it was enjoyable, and I hope to see a sequel in the future!

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4.5 ⭐️
Ooooh I so enjoyed this.
Though I didn’t realise it was a stand-alone!!! How could you leave me on that ending?
Was getting near the end and desperate for a HEA and then bam, cliffhanger. Don’t know if I’m annoyed, or if it’s genius? 🤔
Either way ill be picking up the next book 🤣

I’m such a sucker for a ghosty young adult read. Love a bit of creepiness, but not so much that it’ll give me nightmares. This hit that spot perfectly.
A few ghosts, a mystery, family dynamics and a slow burn queer romance! I’m here for it.

Adored Miles and Gabriel. I really enjoy an enemies, to friends to lovers type situation and this one was so good and so slow burn. Lots of long looks, flushes and uncertainty. Just how a teen romance should play out in my opinion! Gotta love an earnest kind-hearted boy chipping away at the cold exterior of a troubled, grumpy one.

I perhaps would have liked a little bit more about Miles’ family business, as well as the main mystery. Loved the first chapter following Miles doing a job for the family business. I’d have liked maybe one or two more direct examples of their family work. I can see why there wasn’t room for that, but it was so fun and one of the creepiest bits! Give me more!

Found this such an enjoyable and compelling read with great characters. Will very much look forward to more and be keeping my fingers crossed that it won’t be too long of a wait!

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For whatever reason. I had a hard time getting into this book. But I kept pushing through for whatever reason. And thank god I did.

The banter/bickering between Miles and Gabriel was so damn good.
The paranormal system and how both families are different was interesting.
and I loved going on this "adventure" to get answers. Who kills Gabriel and why? Why do the two families hate each other? And everything in-between.
Definitely glad I kept reading.

I was given a copy of this book from Netgalley for an honest review.

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Many thanks to Titan Books and NetGalley for a complimentary eARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

Miles Warren is your typical teenager, dealing with your typical teenage problems: math class, parental expectations, sleep deprivation...only he can conjure the dead. The Warrens are a family of psychics and Miles's gifts keep him busy helping with the family business on weekends and in the evenings. His toughest challenge is how he will come out to his parents (who seem intent on setting him up with every teenaged girl in town) until he has a sudden and shocking vision -- a death premonition -- of the son of a rival psychic family, Gabriel Hawthorne. Putting the family feud aside, Miles seeks to help avert Gabriel's death, despite Gabriel's aloofness and moodiness. Dark family secrets come to light during this mission and an unlikely bond forms between the two would-be enemies.

The Hollow and the Haunted is an atmospheric fantasy novel with a lot of heart. Miles and Gabriel's growing connection is full of tension and twists and the two overcome family animosity to work together. The background cast, particularly Charlee, is well-characterised. Enemies-to-lovers is not an uncommon trope these days but Camilla Raines still manages to give a fresh take on the trope. I couldn't help but be reminded of Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas whilst reading this novel so if you enjoyed that novel, you might like this one too! I found Miles's difficulty in dealing with his parents' expectations while trying to be true to himself to be very relatable. The novel ends on an absolutely nail-biting cliffhanger which left me screaming! This is the perfect read going into spooky season and I highly recommend it.

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In a town steeped in dark magic and old rivalries, Miles Warren’s life takes a sharp turn when he starts having visions of Gabriel Hawthorne’s murder—his sworn enemy from a family with a deep, bitter history against his own. What begins as a mission to prevent Gabriel's death slowly becomes something more as the two teens uncover secrets that challenge everything they’ve been told. The dynamic between Miles and Gabriel is electric, filled with tension, wit, and a surprising depth that makes their reluctant alliance compelling. The rich atmosphere and sharp dialogue keep you hooked until the very last page, where the story leaves you hanging on a cliff edge, eagerly anticipating what comes next.

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As a fan of both The Raven Cycle and Cemetery Boys, this was exactly up my alley. The Hollow and The Haunted is the perfect spooky paranormal mystery with a rich atmospheric setting and intriguing family secrets. Miles as a narrator is engaging and funny and it was lovely following how his dynamic changes with the colder, solitary Gabriel as they reluctantly try to prevent Gabriel’s untimely end. The enmity between their families and uncovering the sordid history that begun it was incredibly absorbing. My only negative for the book is that the ending is absolutely diabolical—I can’t wait for book two.

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This was such an interesting read. Miles is a socially awkward high schooler who has a large secret from his classmates, well...more than one secret. He is supernatural as well as the rest of his family. When he gets a death premonition of a member of his rival supernatural family in town he tries to do the right thing and warn him of the danger he is in. Gabriel Hawthorne may seem as bad as the rest of his family, however, once we get to know him it is clear that he needs someone to have his back. Miles and Gabriel's friendship may turn to more. However, they need to take care of his imminent death first.

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that ending….rtc


whew!!! i had to take a month off and come back to review this one! buckle up because i usually don’t believe blurbs that say “perfect for fan who enjoy….” but this book? this book right here? they aren’t lying in the blurbs.

i must confess, i’m a little bitter by the ending. i’m still am. which just makes me 10x more excited to (hopefully) continue reading miles & gabriel’s adventures in another book!

one thing i personally loved about this book is the differences in miles & gabriel’s family—not just economically, but the way their families treat them. family themes are ones i adore and relate too, so i especially enjoy reading them in books.

the mystery and plot itself is super compelling, and it’s definitely a spooky book to read while warming yourself up new a fireplace this october. super excited to grab this book for myself this spooky season!

<b>👻 5 stars!!!! 👻</b>

★ ★ ★ ★ ★/☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

<b><i>thank you netgalley & titan books for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!!!</b></i>

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On rare occasions, we find books where the author has an engaging style, writes endearing and charming characters with a fun and entertaining plot... and Camilla Raines has managed it with The Hollow and the Haunted.

Sixteen-year-old empath Miles is struggling to juggle school, the family business (which often includes gravedigging and being assaulted by the odd ghost) and being a closeted gay teen, when his life is complicated further when he has a premonition of the murder of Gabriel Hawthorne. Miles is of course the type of person who wants to step up and help someone in trouble, but what happens when that someone just happens to be the son of his family's enemy? When a feud goes back decades, how do you manage to save a life?

Miles is a thoroughly likeable protagonist, and it really made reading the book a pleasure. He was adorable and charismatic, and he was popped perfectly into engaging narrative.

I really loved the relationships in the books, especially between Miles and Gabriel, and Miles and his cousin. Miles and Gabriel are obviously heading towards enemies to lovers, but it was actually more rewarding seeing their friendship blossom and seeing the effects it has on them as people. Importantly, conversations seemed very natural and felt realistic. The supporting characters were also interesting and likeable, which really helped strengthen the novel overall.

There's a really lovely mix of humour and adventure, and reading it was just a lot of fun. Raines has clearly managed to balance realistic characters with a paranormal plot, and it really works without anything feeling forced at all.

The only thing that upset me was the cliffhanger ending because I need book two now, please!

What a cracking read this was.

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An atmospheric and haunting debut, The Hollow And The Haunted is a queer dark fantasy with a romantic core perfect for fans of the Raven Cycle or Cemetery Boys.

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““You don’t have to be so rude all the time,” he snapped, trying to will away the heat creeping up his neck. “I know, but I find insulting you rather therapeutic, if I’m being honest.”

The Hollow and the Haunted is a bundle of fun; full of witty banter, an engaging cast and fulfilling relationships. Book 1 in a duology, this is a melting pot of awkward teen shenanigans and spooky paranormalities, Miles making for an endearing protagonist you can’t help but root for, and Gabe his endearing narrative foil. Strong Stranger Things vibes from this one - the atmosphere in this ghostly queer romance is absolutely to die for ;D Oh, and that cliffhanger!!! So excited for a sequel!

Thank you to Titan Books for providing me with a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review :)

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Thank you Titan Books and Netgalley for this eARC, these opinions are my own. A thrilling take on magic! Miles family is gifted, or so they believe. Miles would rather be able to pursue art then go into the family business of working with ghosts and spirits. But with his empathy gifts he’s always felt everything so strongly that he just wants to make his parents proud. He’s also keeping the fact that he’s gay to himself, he’s just not ready to tell anyone (except his cousin Charlee). Then he starts seeing a gentleman in the mirror, he has blood dripping down his face and tells Miles to find him. To Miles surprise his visitor is non other then Gabriel Hawthorne. The Hawthorne’s do not get along with Miles’s family. They are a cold bunch who everyone knows has unnatural gifts. Miles warns Gabriel thinking that will be the end of it. But then Gabriel shows up at his school. This time Miles has a premonition of Gabriel dying. Miles shouldn’t see premonitions, he’s not a Seer, and they are supposed to only have one gift. Together the two will work, secretly, on stopping Gabriel’s death. But the Hawthorne’s have a darker history then even Gabriel knew. Also the two are getting closer but with their families hating each other things become even more complicated. Can they save Gabriel? Or with the darkness win? I enjoyed this so much! I was captivated from start to finish! I loved the magic gifts and the darkness, I cannot wait to see what happens next! It does end it a crazy cliffhanger! Exciting, mysterious, and magical! Highly recommend!

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The Hollow and the Haunted

In this darkly magical fantasy debut set in Washington State, a closeted teenage psychic foresees the death of his sworn enemy, and is forced to work with him to save his life. Sparks fly, but some ghosts don't want to stay buried...

I loved this book it was like being swept up in a big scary blanket. I always enjoy characters that start off cold and then thaw out. My only complaint is now I have to wait for the next instalment.

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